Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 162 Such a Young Face!

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 162 Such a Young Face!


A drop of sweat falls on the white stone-paved ground, and Qin Shuang"s face shows a slight look of pain. She felt the original clear voice becoming indistinct, and the veil that could have been lifted layer by layer became heavy, as if there is a great power trying to eject her out of the Confucian world.


Qin Shuang exhales a long breath out, and her figure takes a step backward. She was ejected from the Confucian world. She understands in her heart, this is because her Confucian realm is insufficient, unable to comprehend, so she was rebounded out. She sighed, don"t know whether this chance can be obtained again, the next time if she gets the opportunity, she will fully understand the Confucianism in that plaque. Don"t know what the secret will be when she fully understands it.

But even so, Qin Shuang is very satisfied and glad. She knew what she had got, and now she has a relatively good understanding of Confucianism. At this time she feels that her understanding of Confucianism has gone from a glimpse into the doorway to entering the room.


When Qin Yunxia sees Qin Shuang wake up, she hurries forward and holds up Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang gently breaks free of Qin Yunxia and faces the plaque, she respectfully bows deeply towards the plaque.

At this time, the gate of Lucheng Confucian Academy slowly opens, and inside the gate stands President Lu, who appears respectful. He just wants to greet the person outside the gate, he looks at the person facing the plaque, at this moment Qin Shuang raises her head.

A face so young!

"How is this possible?"

President Lu looks at Qin Shuang opposite, at this moment he can feel the great vital energy in the air has dissipated, and there are two people surrounded by a crowd, a scholar and her book girl.

Hesitation appears on his face.

At this time, Qin Shuang also notices the old man on the opposite side. At the same time, she sees a group of scholars standing behind the white haired old man. Everyone looks at her with curiosity.

Behind came whispering, Qin Shuang can"t help but look back, and she sees a group of onlookers staring at her. She can"t help asking Qin Yunxia in a low voice:

"What"s going on?"

Qin Yunxia hurriedly whispers: "Miss, you have stood here for over a day and a night!"

Qin Shuang immediately understands. It must be that her actions have shocked these people. She can"t help but give a wry smile, was she too high-profile?

Only now, there is no time to think about this, as long as she looks at the temperament of the old man opposite, she knows that he is not a normal person, then she steps forward, coming before President Lu she greets him, asking:

"Who is this predecessor?"

President Lu looks up and down at Qin Shuang, a hint of a smile finally appears on his face. Whether or not the girl in front of him has grasped the secret on the plaque above, now is not the time to ask.

"This old man is Lucheng Confucian Academy"s President Lu Shenghui, this Young Miss is?"

Qin Shuang"s face shows joy, and she hurriedly takes Zhou Haoran"s letter out from her arms, handing it over to President Lu:

"This student has met President Lu, and this is a letter from Master Zhou to you."

"Oh?" President Lu"s eyes brighten, but he did not immediately open the letter, smiling instead:


Qin Shuang hurriedly cups her hands, saying, "President Lu please!"

Lu Shenghui nods, and is not polite. He turns to the Confucian Academy, walking. Qin Shuang and Qin Yunxia follow closely behind. The Confucian students on both sides hurriedly step aside, looking curiously at Qin Shuang, and the gate behind closes again.

In Lu Shenghui"s study.

Lu Shenghui is sitting at his writing desk and reading the letter brought by Qin Shuang. After reading Zhou Haoran"s letter, he looks curiously at Qin Shuang.

In Zhou Haoran"s letter, his evaluation on Qin Shuang is not high, and his words are perfunctory. Lu Shenghui is also aware of Qin Shuang"s past, but now he looks down at the letter in surprise.

It"s not that he hasn"t seen Qin Shuang. Its just that Qin Shuang has not spoken with him before so she doesn"t remember him. In his impression, Qin Shuang is fat, but now the present Qin Shuang, where are the shadows of the past?

This is clearly a beautiful woman!

And she reveals a kind of n.o.ble, and elegant temperament!

Is this still the Seventh Princess in his memory?

The most important point is that Qin Shuang has triggered the secret on the plaque. Is this still the Seventh Princess who is ignorant and incompetent?


Since the Seventh Princess has changed so much, why is Zhou Haoran"s evaluation of her so perfunctory?

Slowly putting the letter down, he looks up at Qin Shuang:

"Are you the Seventh Princess?"

"Yes!" There is a hint of bitterness in Qin Shuang"s mouth, she can clearly hear from his words. Lu Shenghui should have seen her before, and she must"ve been fat like a pig.

"You…It"s changed a lot!"

The bitterness in Qin Shuang"s mouth is expanding: "I was sent by Mother Queen to Tianqin Town!"

Qin Shuang just said such a sentence, Lu Shenghui understands, if one is used to living a rich life in the capital, and then is suddenly a.s.signed to a small town, their mood would not be so good, so its not surprising that Qin Shuang has lost weight.

It"s just that……

If this is the case, then Qin Shuang should have a wan and withered look, but Qin Shuang does not have a trace of that appearance?

Lu Shenghui"s heart moves, recalling Qin Shuang triggering the secret.

When Qin Shuang went to Tianqin Town, did she begin to study???

It"s entirely possible!

The matter of Qin Shuang"s meridians being blocked is a public matter, naturally Lu Shenghui also knows about it. A person unable to learn martial arts, turning to learn the literary arts is a very normal thing, so in his heart he believes Qin Shuang, he now understands why the appearance of Qin Shuang is not half a little wan and withered. At present, his heart is happy. For Zhou Haoran"s letter, he has reservations.

"Seventh Princess, are you beginning to study?"

"Of course!" There is a smile on her face: "My situation, President Lu should know."

"En!" Lu Shenghui gently nods.

"So I began to study, originally thinking of worshipping Master Zhou, but Master Zhou introduced me here. I think, since this is the holy mecca of Confucianism in this kingdom, it should also be able to meet my yearning for seeking knowledge, so I came here."

"Seventh Princess…" Lu Shenghui hesitates, but finally he can"t help asking, "What did you comprehend outside the gate?"

"You mean the words on that plaque?" Qin Shuang raises an eyebrow in excitement.

"Yes!" There is a touch of excitement on Lu Shenghui"s face.

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