Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 167 Zhen Zhining

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 167 Zhen Zhining

Needless to say, Qin Shuang"s soul is extremely powerful and she has cultivated her Sea of Knowledge, her memory is amazing, and she has an ability to never forget. And because she has a wealth of experience, and has entered the foundation, her understanding of Confucianism is becoming more and more profound.

Ten days pa.s.s quickly, Qin Shuang seems to have forgotten the past, forgotten her ident.i.ty as a Princess, forgotten the matters in her fiefdom, and all her previous troubles. She is completely immersed in this closed off world, this closed off Confucian Academy.

Everyday is extremely fulfilling, Confucianism, martial arts, and spirit pattern art are steadily improving. It"s just that Confucianism and spirit pattern art are slow to ascend. This is because Qin Shuang only has her morning time to study and think about Confucianism, and her time to study spirit patterns is also pushed out by the work of earning points. But on the contrary, because she has a fixed time to cultivate her martial arts, she has broken through to the seventh layer of the sensing period, as long as she cultivates to the peak, she can gather the fire of the seven spirits, and form the soul flame of life, and enter the Qi-Intake realm. In fact, her body and strength have already reached the seventh layer of the Qi-Intake period.

Qin Shuang achieved a breakthrough last night, so even though she is pushing garbage now, her face still has a cheerful smile.

"Qin Shuang!"

Suddenly she hears someone calling her, and then hurriedly stops, turning around, she sees a person coming from the lawn on the left, full of elegance. It is Lu Shenghui, the President of Lucheng Confucian Academy.

Qin Shuang hurriedly releases the garbage cart and slightly bows to Lu Shenghui: "This student has met the President."

President Lu looks at Qin Shuang with satisfaction in his eyes, these days he has been secretly paying attention to Qin Shuang, seeing Qin Shuang insisting on taking out the garbage everyday, he understands that Qin Shuang is definitely not being idle here for three months then leaving when the points are demanded, she truly wants to study here, so she acc.u.mulates points like this.

A princess can do this, a situation he has never seen in other princes and princesses.

What a change!

He sighs in his heart. A kind smile appears on his face: "Qin Shuang, don"t do this job tomorrow. After dumping the garbage today, go to the cafeteria and quit this job."


"I"ll introduce you to another job." Lu Shenghui says with a smile.

Qin Shuang"s eyes brighten, the work the President introduces must not be bad! Immediately facing Lu Shenghui she bows, saying:

"Thank you, President!"

"En!" Lu Shenghui nods with a smile on his face: "Since you have to partic.i.p.ate in the Spirit Pattern Compet.i.tion, your spirit pattern realm should not be bad, right?"

"Level 6 spirit pattern teacher!" Qin Shuang immediately replies.

"En, this realm should be enough! Qin Shuang, tomorrow you will go to Teacher Zhen Zhining in the Western Art Building. Help her empty the trash once a day and she"ll give you ten points."

Qin Shuang"s eyes light up, and she hurriedly thanks Lu Shenghui again:

"Thank you President!"

Lu Shenghui then waves his hand and leaves.

The Western District of the Confucian Academy is the Painting Inst.i.tute. Lucheng Confucian Academy is not just a place to study, they also teach the four arts, the guqin, chess, calligraphy and painting. And the Western District Painting Inst.i.tute teaches the art of painting.

After lunch, Qin Shuang and Qin Yunxia push a cart towards the Western District. As soon as they walk into the Western District, it"s like walking into a gallery world.

The surrounding walls, the style of the buildings, even the lawn and the trees are cut out by the teachers and students here, full of exaggerated beauty, art.

Qin Shuang is pushing the cart on the side. Admiring the art around her, she suddenly hears a slightly sharp voice:

"What are you doing here? You"re here to work, not to appreciate art, quickly come here."

Qin Shuang can"t help looking in the direction of the sharp voice, she sees a thin middle-aged man beckoning impatiently to her. Then she realizes that this person should be the supervisor of the Painting Inst.i.tute, then she quickly walks a few steps towards him, releasing the cart, she bows, greeting him:

"I"ve seen the supervisor!"

A hint of anxiety appears on the supervisors face: "Teacher Zhen has discarded a lot of paintings again, the servants have already piled up all those things in the hall. Its blocked the teachers walking s.p.a.ce, and there are some complaints from the teachers."

Naturally Qin Shuang doesn"t say anything, with Qin Yunxia she follows the supervisor inside. Pushing open the door, they see a very wide hall. The surrounding walls are painted with frescoes and the floor is wooden.

Walking on the wooden floor, it makes a distinctive wooden sound. The wide hall, with few people, makes it seem even wider.

But there is a pile of rubbish in this large hall, which is extremely eye-catching.

The supervisor leads Qin Shuang in front of the pile of garbage: "This is the pile of garbage. But before you take this garbage out, you need to deal with it, because these are spirit paintings that Teacher Zhen painted with spirit, and if its thrown out like this, its likely that a person unaware of what spirit painting is will accidentally touch it. These paintings are Teacher Zhen"s failed works, so the spirit is not very stable, who knows whether it will explode, so you need to break down the possibly explosive spirit paintings, and then it can be thrown out. "

"I understand!" Qin Shuang nods.

"Now that you understand, hurry up and do it. After you"ve finished, go to the first room on the left hand side to pick up your points."

Qin Shuang nods, and the supervisor leaves in a hurry, going up the stairs. Qin Shuang"s gaze falls on the pile of garbage, a curious look appears in her eyes.

This garbage is paper, which makes Qin Shuang a little confused. Isn"t it the worst material for spirit patterns to be engraved on, shouldn"t it be jade pieces? What"s going on with the paper? Is there a spirit pattern on top of it?

"Good afternoon, Ms. Chen!"

Qin Shuang has just crouched down to look at the garbage, when she hears from the stairway the voice of the supervisor, looking up at the stairs, a middle-aged woman wearing a green robe rushes down the stairs, with tired look, but her eyes exude a deep feeling.

Qin Shuang hears the supervisor"s address to that person and thinks in her mind, "This person should be Zhen Zining, right?"

Immediately withdrawing her eyes, she takes out a piece of paper from the pile of garbage. This piece of paper is very large, and its a light golden color, don"t know what material its made out of. On top, it does have a rich spirit, but this spirit is not carved with a knife, but painted on with a brush. The ink used is not black, but a kind of red color.

Zhen Zining has already walked down the stairs, glancing at Qin Shuang squatting in front of the pile of garbage, and then retracting her eyes, she hurriedly pushes the door out.