Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 188

Qin Shuang guessed that one of the two doors should be a cla.s.sroom, and the other is Zhen Zining"s workshop. At this time, the girl is already sitting in a chair behind the table and she quietly says:

“I"m Teacher Zhen"s teaching a.s.sistant. We charge tuition on a monthly basis. Five points per day, a total of 150 credits.”

After Qin Shuang had the paper man copy books, she didn"t have to worry about points. Now she has nearly two hundred points, so she takes out the card and gives one hundred and fifty points to the girl.

The girl collects the points, then stands up and whispers, “Please come with me.”

Then she walks with Qin Shuang to the left door, gently pushing open the door, they enter. Once inside Qin Shuang looks around. There are not many students inside, there are sixteen people, nine of whom are men, and seven women. They are all wearing Confucian robes, and now they are all drawing on the spirit- paper with a spirit brush in their hands.

Qin Shuang is taken to an empty seat by the girl, she signals to Qin Shuang that this will be her seat. Qin Shuang nods, and the girl quietly retreats, walking in front of Zhen Zining, she whispers a few words, and then backs out lightly.

In front of her, Qin Shuang looks at her seat, the table is very flat, perfect for painting.

The cla.s.sroom is very quiet, occasionally a few students whisper, their communication time is very short, and then its quiet.

Painting belongs to the side arts, there is no big cla.s.sroom, students have to pay points to come and learn. Half of the points earned by the teachers will be turned over to the Confucian Academy, and the other half the teachers can keep, so to say teachers can earn quite a bit. Depending on how many students they have, and if they want to receive more students, they need to have more fame. Now that Qin Shuang has understood all of this, she understands why Bao Ziqing is so petty to Zhen Zining. It turned out to be because of fame.

Once a year in the Lucheng City Confucian Academy, there is a grand celebration, a series of performances by the four inst.i.tutes, guqin, chess, painting, and calligraphy. This performance is very important to improving your reputation. It"s conceivable why Bao Ziqing acted the way that he did.

However, its precisely because of this mode of teaching that its not known when older students will leave. There will be new students coming, resulting in a great difference in the degree of students, there is no way to teach uniformly, only by a one-to-one form of teaching. At this moment, Zhen Zining walks in front of a student and stays in front of each student for a while, giving pointers.

Seeing Zhen Zining a short distance from her, Qin Shuang opens the small bundle on her shoulder, taking the spirit paper out, and spreading it on the desk. Then she puts the spirit brush and cinnabar on the table with a small cup of water and an ink slab, and finally she sits there waiting for Zhen Zining.

It"s been about a quarter of an hour. Zhen Zining comes in front of Qin Shuang, asking in a low voice:

“What"s your name?”

“Qin Shuang!” She hurriedly stands up, and answers softly.

“Do you have a foundation for painting?”

Qin Shuang can naturally paint, as a Princess from the age of three she not only learned martial arts, but also learned the four arts, chess, painting, guqin, and calligraphy although she did not become a great expert, but her painting foundation is still very good, after all, she learned from three years old to seven years old, studying for a few years. But at seven years old, when realized that she wouldn"t be able to learn martial arts, she gave up.

So, Qin Shuang immediately nods and says: “I"ve learned for a few years.”

The eyes of Zhen Zining brighten, teaching those with a foundation is a lot better than teaching those without a foundation. However, she still looks at Qin Shuang strangely. At first she just saw Qin Shuang"s head bandaged. This is nothing. Maybe Qin Shuang accidentally fell when she was walking, but if you look carefully, Qin Shuang"s face still has a palm print, she was obviously beaten. Beaten like this, but she still insisted on coming to learn from her, which makes Zhen Zining"s heart proud.

“To what extent?”

Qin Shuang looks embarra.s.sed and says, “It"s just the foundation.”

At this time, the surrounding Confucian students also secretly stare at Qin Shuang. The sixteen people are also divided into circles. Five of them formed a small circle. The style and behavior of these five people have a habitual elegance. There is also a hint of pride. As long as people with a bit of social experience see, these five people should have some kind of background. At worst they should be aristocrats of small origins.

There are seven people who don"t have that kind of elegance, but there is a hint of pride in their manner. These seven people should have no n.o.ble background, they"re probably from rich families. There is no pride among the remaining four people, but there is a trace of stubbornness, mixed with a bit of humbleness. These four people should come from poor and humble origins.

Of course, these people also saw the bandaged head of Qin Shuang, and some people even saw the palm prints on Qin Shuang"s face, one by one, they could not help but secretly say in their minds:

“Painting is an elegant thing, this wild fighting woman also wants to learn the art of painting?”

The thoughts in their minds naturally revealed themselves. One by one, they could not help but show a surprised look, they didn"t think that a fighting woman would want to learn the art of painting.

Confucians originally had a saying “A gentleman uses his mouth and not his fist.” they are still better off learning the art of painting.

Disgust appears in the eyes of the five n.o.ble students, and then they stop paying attention to Qin Shuang and continue to paint. The seven students from wealthy families even show disdain and contempt in their eyes and stop paying attention to Qin Shuang. The four poor and humble students didn"t show disgust and disdain on their faces, instead their eyes were full of curiosity.

But they were just curious, then they stopped paying attention to Qin Shuang and lowered their heads to continue painting.

At this moment Qin Shuang didn"t see those Confucians expressions, because Zhen Zinning is whispering to her.

“Do you understand spirit patterns?”

When hearing Zhen Zining ask her this, Qin Shuang knew that Zhen Zining had no impression of her at all, she had long forgotten the person who had cleaned up her garbage, she whispers:

“Eighth-level spirit pattern teacher.”

When Zhen Zining hears this, her eyes brighten, her face is joyful she says: “Then you don"t have to work on spirit patterns, but you need to put more effort in painting. However, you don"t need to worry. People who understand spirit patterns are very fast at learning painting. You should have been painting for a long time?”

“Yes! But haven"t painted since I was seven.”

“It doesn"t matter!” Zhen Zhining"s smile is like the spring breeze, she says: “You wait a minute.”