Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 19 Death Valley

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 19 Death Valley

The heart of Qin Shuang became a mess. For Tianqin City, she dare not take risks easily, but in any case, she must first leave here, leave Tianqin Town, reach Tianqin City again.

At this time she did not know that w.a.n.g Youcai has taken ten martial artist, to the direction of Tianqin City, the only road sealed dead, is waiting for her to throw herself into the net.

The sound of crickets chirped, and the three martial artist were coming to the big tree that she was hiding in. She held her breath and curled herself into a clump, looking down through the gap in the leaves.


The three martial artist below, two of them moving slowly, while the third jumped on a tree from time to time to check, leaving no gaps.

The heart of Qin Shuang is tight, she hides away. Holding a short sword in her hand, her eyes slightly raised, staring at the three men closer and closer to the tree where she was hiding.


The martial artist went up to the big tree, holding a long knife in his hand, full of alertness.


His body had not yet fallen on top of the branches, a cold light penetrated the layers of leaves and burst into him.


The slit sound of the throat in his ear, the martial arts man did not even have time to make a sound, the eyes will be like a dead fish protruding, body fell down. At the same time, the shape of Qin Shuang to the two martial artist below dive down.

The following two martial artist have been maintaining a state of vigilance, Qin Shuang’s appearance was discovered by two people. A martial-artist with a long knife in his hand greeted her, while the other lit a signal bomb.


A ray of light burst in the air, and at the same time a roar sounded. At the moment of the signal bomb explosion, the sword tip of Qin Shuang had pierced the throat of the second man, and the figure flew toward the last like a cloud.

The martial artist eyes appear panic, just raised hands to throw out the signal, has not yet made preparations for the fight, his own cultivation is not as good as Qin Shuang, how to resist the Floating Clouds 18 sword style?

Even the long knife in his hand did not move, then the neck broke and fell to the ground.

From all directions came the sound of whistling and clothing rustling sound, the heart of Qin Shuang is tight, body flashing up, to the depths of Tianqin Mountain rushed away.

In the distance came a long whistling, that is w.a.n.g Tianning’s voice, a figure very quickly to Qin Shuang to escape the direction flying, toe in a tree top gently tapped, then quickly close to Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang heard w.a.n.g Tianning’s whistling sound in the rapid approach, the face will appear a little pale, her physical strength has consumed most. At this time desperately to the depths of Tianqin Mountain flying, has some reserve power.

This chase escape, on the past half an hour of time, Qin Shuang has been panting, footsteps are beginning to become sloppy, behind her has appeared w.a.n.g Tianning’s figure.

"Qin Shuang, you can’t escape, today is your death day!” w.a.n.g Tianning’s fierce voice came from behind.

Qin Shuang’s teeth clenched, ran silently forward, and a valley appeared in front of her, foggy at the entrance of the valley, unable to see what was going on inside. In the heart is a joy, as long as she rushed into the valley, she can use the fog to hide, restore physical strength.


In one straight move, the shape of Qin Shuang sprang into the direction of the valley. Behind her w.a.n.g Tianning gaze contracted, his mouth to yell:

“Qin Shuang, that is the Valley of Death, if you go in, you will die no doubt.”


The shape of Qin Shuang fell on edge of the valley, but the footsteps were a pause. Eyes looked into the valley, simply cannot reach out to see five fingers, lost. Sounded just now w.a.n.g Tianning’s warning, the heart is hesitating, turned to w.a.n.g Tianning look.

At this time w.a.n.g Tianning has stopped at a place ten meters away, smiling and looking at her, said:

"Seventh princess, do you know what the valley behind is called?”

Eyes slightly moved, but did not make a sound, just holding the sword, watching w.a.n.g Tianning on guard. w.a.n.g Tianning’s face with a proud sneer said:

“The name of the valley behind you is Death Valley, do you know why it’s Dead Valley? Because from the discovery of this valley, all the people who enter the Valley of Death have not come out again.”

Qin shuang still no words, since this is the Valley of Death, that w.a.n.g Tianning wants to kill her, why will he remind her? This is not in line with common sense, so her eyes locked opposite w.a.n.g Tianning, a face of caution.

"Seventh Princess, I see your footwork, boxing and sword are extraordinary. In the end is born in the palace, even garbage can learn good skills, as long as you will hand over these skills, I can spare your life, or even clear your debt, so that you can live in the princess house safely.”

Qin Shuang’s heart suddenly realized, no wonder w.a.n.g Tianning will remind her behind is the Valley of Death, the original is to get her own skills. As for w.a.n.g Tianning’s promise looks like fart, completely unbelievable. Believe w.a.n.g Tianning, it is better to enter the Valley of Death.

The heart is quickly thinking, but only in an instant her mind will appear helpless. At this time her only way is to enter this valley of death, otherwise there will only be a dead end. Now she is exhausted, definitely not w.a.n.g Tianning’s opponent. And once in the hands of w.a.n.g Tianning, w.a.n.g Tianning will definitely kill her.

However, if she enters the Valley of Death, then w.a.n.g Tianning will certainly think that she died in the Valley of Death, go back will certainly kill Qinying, Qin Yunxia and Qinbo, and then their death to the beast’s body.

"Seventh princess, have you thought about it?” w.a.n.g Tianning took a step forward: “Give up your skills, I will let you live in peace. Otherwise, die!”

A hint of ridicule appears on the face of Qin Shuang, “w.a.n.g Tianning, you underestimate the royal family’s heritage..”

w.a.n.g Tianning’s footsteps are a pause, the eyes appear a hint of fear. He can’t help but be afraid, when he got the news that Qin shuang is a stupid pig-like person, low-qualifications, low-strength, and good-for nothing, lazy to do. But where does today’s Qin Shuang match that?

Although not as good as him, but has strong martial arts, and is not as stupid as a pig. Now heard Qin Shuang say that he looked down on the royal family’s heritage, then thought that Qin Shuang also brought from the royal family a hidden under card, then stopped, eyes full of vigilance.

Qin shuang at this time in the heart has been very clear, she has been forced to the brink. And w.a.n.g Tianning duel, only one way to die, into the mysterious valley she may still have a ray of hope, looking at w.a.n.g Tianning in the look of vigilance, coldly said:

“w.a.n.g Tianning, within a year, I will ask you for this account, and take care of my wet nurse and them, as long as they have a trace of damage, I will definitely destroy your family.”

Words fall, Qin Shuang stepped back, into the fog, the body will quickly disappear into the mysterious valley.