Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 87

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 87

However, the intention of unity requires cultivation. In fact, there is a bias in saying this, the intention of unity requires not the spirit teachers repair, but the control of spirit force.

It is the most basic requirement that the hand of the spirit teacher needs to be steady. But not a motionless depiction, but dynamic stability. For example, drawing an arc, hand stability is needed, but one may not be able to achieve perfection. This is the difficulty of a spirit teacher.

And to achieve the state of perfection, one must reach the realm of fine control.

Fine control.

This is a kind of martial skill, a measured rhythm. A fine and detailed control, the eyes are able to see the minutiae discrepancies, and let their bodies flow with fine control. Between square inches, one is capable of moving freely. This is the realm martial artist constantly cultivate, and constantly experience in life and death, and finally attain this state of control. Don’t mention a spirit teacher, for a martial artist it is also difficult to achieve this realm. All who reach this state, whether in cultivation and martial skill, which one isn’t of a higher level? In life and death experience to comprehend this kind of fine state?

Just ask!

Will such a state appear in such a young woman? Will it appear on such a person whose cultivation is low?

In the present-day Martial Continent, the youngest person who can reach the fine-state is also one who is repaired to the Martial King realm, and what is Qin Shuang’s repair?

In any case, she’s not a Martial King!

Not bad!

Qin Shuang is not a Martial King, but she is a Martial G.o.d. In her former life, she experienced life and death. As a Martial G.o.d constantly wandering on the edge of life and death allowed her comprehend the Fine realm.

Her soul is not dead, this kind of Fine realm will naturally follow her to this life.

Even if the soul of Qin Shuang is strong, her control has reached the Fine state, as a spirit teacher entering the intention of unity also took a lot of time. Her experience as a former Martial G.o.d played a crucial role.

But all this Luan Feng doesn’t know ah!

He’s completely shocked at this moment! Just in his heart he is not sure if Qin Shuang has reached the intention of unity.


He is completely unable to believe it!

Finally he determined that Qin Shuang should not have reached the intention of unity, but is close to that state. It’s just that his judgment has already made him ecstatic. Its important to know that now the Crescent Moon Spirit Compet.i.tion is not a short time away, perhaps Qin Shuang can break through to the realm of Spirit Master! Coupled with that Fine control, she may be able to get a relatively good ranking. He can take this as a chance to leave this bird does not s.h.i.t place.

Including Luan Feng, all people feel that time is only a short moment. Qin Shuang has put down the knife in her hands. In fact, its already been two quarters of a hour, its only because they are completely intoxicated within Qin Shuang’s intention of unity.

“Pa, pa, pa…”

Suddenly a burst of applause sounded, Qin Shuang looked over with a smile, and saw Liu Fei’er excitedly clapping her hands.

“Pa, pa, pa…”

Jie Du also clapped his hands, the eyes with a hint of fighting spirit. He began to see Qin Shuang, although he thinks that there is still a distance between Qin Shuang and him, but in the spirit pattern road the biggest rival is Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang leaned her body to one side, and made a gesture to Luan Feng. Luan Feng quickly came to the operating table, the sword held in his hands, finely observing, trembling. In his view, the skill of Qin Shuang has exceeded the level of spirit apprentice, and has reached the realm of spirit-teacher. The only difference is that she has not carved the spirit teacher pattern. The more he looks, the more excited he becomes in his heart. He put the sword down on the operating table, looking excitedly at Qin Shuang:

“Seventh Princess, have you tried to carve the spirit teacher pattern?”

Qin Shuang gently nodded: “Try, but I have not systematically studied it.”

“Good! That’s great!” Two eyes light up and he said: “Seventh princess, a year from now is the kingdom’s Great Spirit compet.i.tion. Originally to view the books of the Spirit a.s.sociation points are required, but I can temporarily open the library to you in advance, and afterwards you can slowly return the points. Be sure to become a true spirit teacher before the Great Spirit Compet.i.tion.”

Qin Shuang is overjoyed in her heart. The spirit pattern method from that mysterious Merit Monument, is not understood on the Martial Continent, now this is an opportunity to understand. Although in Tianqin City this border town will not have any high-level spirit books, but for the current realm of Qin Shuang it should be enough. She immediately thanked Luan Feng:

“Many thanks Sir Luan Feng!”

“Not at all!” Luan Feng beamed with joy and asked: “When is the seventh princess ready to begin studying?”

Qin Shuang thought for a moment: “Right now!”


Once Luan Feng heard that Qin Shuang wants to start studying spirit art now, his heart is even happier. At this point he is completely unconvinced about the rumors of Qin Shuang. Can such a diligent person be the lazy one in the rumors? Such a state of spirit art, how can she be stupid?

He felt his good fortune coming and the opportunity to leave this place. He turned his head to four youths and said:

“You go back, go back and study the spirit. You can always come here to view the spirit books.”

Luan Feng also promised the four people that they can temporarily return points to read the books in the Spirit Pattern a.s.sociation. These four people used to spend points often to read, so they were not in a hurry to immediately read. Hearing the words of Luan Feng, they bowed and said their goodbyes, and then also bowed to Qin Shuang, revealing their intention of making friends. Qin Shuang is naturally happy to make friends with these talented youth and bowed in return. Finally, the four people took another look at the carved sword of Qin Shuang’s on the operating table, before leaving the Spirit a.s.sociation. And Qin Shuang followed Luan Feng to the library.

Jie Du and the others, walked out of the Spirit a.s.sociation and walked down the street ahead. There was a hint of admiration in Dian Jun’s eyes:

“The Seventh Princess is not like the rumors, her carved spirit pattern is stronger than me and not by just a little bit.”

Hearing the words of Dian Jun, Zhao Chuan and Liu Fei’er looked at Jie Du for understanding because only Jie Du is a spirit teacher. Jie Du nodded:

“Yes, the seventh princess’s ability has reached the realm of the spirit teacher, I am afraid it won’t be long before she can become a genuine spirit teacher.”

Zhao Chuan heard, and a hint of dismay couldn’t help but appear on his face: “Haven’t the two of you taken two places aready?There’s only one place left for me and Dian Jun to fight for?”

Dian Jun has not opened his mouth, on the side Liu Fei’er is not happy, toward Zhao Chuan:

“What are you saying, you and Dian Jun fighting for a place? Are you looking down on me?”