Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 92 Teaching

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 92 Teaching

Now seeing Tianci, Jian Mo’s eyes reveal satisfaction. Didn’t think Tianci just left her for a few months time, he broke through to the peak of the refining meridians period, he should be ready to break through to the sensing period.

As the Master of Wuzong Temple, naturally she knows the importance of the sensing period, there is a great difference between not igniting the fire of the soul and igniting the fire of the soul. As the greatest force on the Martial continent, Wuzong Temple has naturally mastered the way of igniting the fire of the soul. Previously, Tianci did not reach the point of breaking through to the sensing period, and Jian Mo thought it was unlikely for him to breakthrough. So she did not teach Tianci, now Jian Mo finally sees hope, she will naturally choose a great cultivation law.

Looking at Tianci’s honest appearance, and clear eyes, the more Jian Mo looks the more joyful she is. She turned her head to Li Shan and said:

“Li Shan, you go back first.”


Li Shan responded, turned out, and closed the door. Then he picked up Lai Jiu’s body and left with Zhou Miao. After Li Shan left, Jian Mo patted Tianci on the shoulder:

“Tianci,” She said.

“Yes, Lord of the Temple!”

Tianci stood up, sat aside, and looked at Jian Mo carefully. Jian Mo internally said:

“Tianci, I will now pa.s.s on the complete Profound Earth method to you. You step back.”


Tianci is somewhat nervous, before Jian Mo only gave him a part of the Profound Earth refining method, letting him remember the parts for several days.

Jian Mo reprimanded him several times. He was really afraid that he couldn’t remember this time, and make Jian Mo angry.

But with Jian Mo’s soft narrative, he found himself able to remember most of it, and when Jian Mo finished, she habitually asked:

“How much do you remember?”

“More than half!” Tianci said with modesty.

Jian Mo was surprised when she heard: “You repeat it again, I’ll listen!”

“Yes, Lord of the Temple! The earth sustains all living things, knows its thickness, keeps its weight…”

Tianci recited word by word back, his face plainly revealed a look of shame, he bowed his head:

“Forget it!”

There he was ashamed, but Jian Mo was overjoyed. Just listening once, he remembers more than half. The memory of Tianci does not lose out to those geniuses, but slightly inferior to the world’s most talented. She excitedly said:

“Tianci,” She said. “I’ll repeat it again.”

“Yes, Lord of the Temple!”

When Jian Mo finished, Tianci recited it in his heart again, and this time he completely remembered. Jian Mo is still not at ease, and let him recite it again, then she was at ease. She began to explain the Profound Earth to Tianci. Whether or not Tianci understands, force Tianci to explain it to her.

So three days pa.s.sed, in these three days Jian Mo spends almost all her time explaining to Tianci, while checking whether Tianci can remember it all down.

The fourth day.

Jian Mo has pa.s.sed on all her understanding of the Profound Earth to Tianci, and has repeatedly examined Tianci’s recitation three times, finally making sure that Tianci has completely remembered her explanation.

Looking at the present Tianci, her face showed a look of relief.

“Tianci, now your qualifications and understanding are in the middle, so you will go further on the road of cultivation. In order to go further on the road of cultivation, you need to do three things. First of all, you need a good cultivation law, of course, in the future you may encounter an opportunity and get a better technique and specialize in it. But your foundation is cast in the early stages. Even if you get a better cultivation law later, your promotion is limited. So when a martial artist is laying down his foundation, his cultivation law is very important. And our Wuzong Temple holds the most advanced cultivation laws on the Martial continent.

This Profound Earth method is the prefect middle level of merit, and it has the method of igniting the fire of the soul that most martial artist on the mainland do not possess. Of course, there are more advanced methods in the Temple of Wuzong, but I can’t possess it. But don’t worry, Profound Earth is enough to lay down your foundation very solidly and go very far.

Second, you must master powerful martial arts, although the ultimate goal of cultivating martial arts is to increase life, with heaven and earth. But martial arts cannot increase your life. But powerful martial arts can protect you. Accidents can occur at any time in this world, and only by mastering powerful martial arts can you survive.

I’ve given you both.

The Profound Earth martial arts is Shrinking Inch Earth Steps, Reverse Heaven & Earth Palm, and Great Sword Skill.

But this last point, it is up to you to solve. To go further on the road of martial arts, it is not enough to work hard, you also need insight. This insight requires your own understanding!

What do you know?

Not only to understand cultivation and martial arts, but to understand how to combine cultivation and martial arts together. Cultivation is like a person’s body, and martial arts are a person’s limbs, once the two are perfectly integrated, it is the genuine state of being.

How to understand?

There is an understanding called epiphany, some people just look at ordinary people selling fruit and can have an epiphany, but the vast majority of martial artist may not have an epiphany in their entire lifetime. Epiphany is something you can’t ask for.

So we have to choose another kind of understanding. This understanding should be cultivated from your usual practice. Cultivating for a long time period, with no interruptions, cultivating and pondering, slowly you will have a little insight, although only a trace, but with a trace of increase, you will eventually have some achievements.”

Tianci nodded, other things he cannot do, but let him persist in cultivating and thinking, with his honest, simple and pure heart, he can definitely accomplish. For this, Jian Mo is very relieved.

“Shrinking Inch Earth steps, Reverse Heaven & Earth Palms and Great Sword Skill I will first teach you. You will remember the skills, with your current cultivation Shrinking Inch Earth Steps cannot be practiced, you need to reach the opening period to be able to practice. Reverse Heaven & Earth Palms and Great Sword Skill can be practiced now. You stay here for another ten days, and I will teach you my understanding of the sword.”

“Thank you Lord!” Tianci’s eyes looked brightly at Jian Mo.

“Good, you come with me, and now I’ll start teaching you the martial skills!”

Tianci followed Jian Mo to the martial arts field. Jian Mo began to teach him Shrinking Inch Earth Steps and Reverse Heaven & Earth Palms.

“No! Although your sword grip posture is not wrong, but the wrist is too stiff, the sword needs not only hand strength, but also wrist strength, arm strength, waist strength and leg strength. The waist follows the legs, turning the arms follow the waist, and raising the sword follows the wrist….”

“Wrong! Let you practice the sword, not letting you learn the pattern, but let you understand the meaning of the sword. Great Sword Skill pays particular attention to strength, the idea is to be heavy, sword-style is flexible and vigorous, the momentum should be expansive and imposing. Your sword-style is too loose, too rigid, resulting in a powerless momentum, the scope of the sword is too small…..”

I am not sure about the martial art skill terms, so take it with a grain of salt. If you happen to know the correct terms, feel free to let me know!