Swallowed Star

Chapter 1339

Publishedat 15th of April 2019 09:46:32 PMChapter 1339
Luo Feng was truly thrilled .

He wasn"t sure whether the human figure was a being who was dead or in a state of slumber or just a human-shaped valuable . Based on what he knew about the ancient civilization, there existed valuables in human form—especially machine type-valuables .
"Universe Boat is a boat-shaped valuable of the machine type . That human figure might be a valuable of the machine type . "
Luo Feng was more excited than ever . After all, he felt fortunate just to be able to take a look at it .
"If, instead of a valuable, it"s a great being…"
Luo Feng"s excitement intensified as he considered that possibility . Incredible! Only the ancient civilization had great beings at that level .
Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua!
The thousands of great beings in Universe Ocean started to teleport at the same time . They flew to a point ahead of the human-shaped object but remained to the side, as they didn"t dare to fly right in the middle of its path .
The universe supreme masters transmitted their voices again .
"Hit it again!"
All the top great beings from Universe Ocean held their power, and soon, the giant being showed up within their sights .
Actually, it wasn"t accurate to say that they showed up within their "sights," as light speed in Universe Ocean was actually 100 times faster than light speed in the original universe! If they had merely used their eyes to see, it would have been impossible to see the human-shaped object clearly . Rather, Luo Feng and the others all used vibration waves to determine its shape and speed via their control over time and s.p.a.ce .
If they only used their eyes to see, by the time the light from the human-shaped object had reached their eyes, it would already have been gone!
They had to use vibration waves to sense the state and position of the human shape, and they could only feel the waves when they were within close proximity . They could only sense the waves for an instant, after which, the human-shaped object would fly past them, producing incredible shock waves .
The shock wave was so strong that even universe supreme masters would be severely injured if they got close .

Following the orders of universe supreme masters, all the thousands of great beings, including Luo Feng, attacked from the side at the same time .
Hong! Long! Long!
All the attacks combined were enough to kill any universe supreme master . The attacks flew 100 times faster than light speed . The combined attacks flew for a long time before they hit the giant object .
The human-shaped object was 160 million light years tall, and its feet were 30 million light years long . Although its flying speed could hit 120 million times faster than light speed, it would take the feet around three months to completely change its position! Unfortunately, it moved too fast . Even though it was right beside him, Luo Feng couldn"t see or sense it . Only when the group moved to the side of the front of the human-shaped object could he sense the shock waves for just an instant! In reality, the fact that they could sense a giant object flying 120 million times faster than light speed was worth celebrating .

They all teleported at the same time . They teleported 1,000 light years away, which was nothing compared to the length of the object"s feet . Fortunately, it was 120 million times faster than light speed—less than 4 light years per second . They could easily catch up with it by using teleportation, so they could accurately sense the position .
All the thousands of top great beings in Universe Ocean tried together and thought of nothing else . They teleported and attacked again and again .
Luo Feng and the other great beings stayed beside that giant human-shaped object for 3,200 years .

Luo Feng flew out of Universe Boat immediately, so he was much slower . Before he arrived, the powers already decided that they needed to keep changing the direction of the human-shaped object and made it hit Universe Boat! Redirecting it to Universe Boat required the minimum amount of change out of all the three Lands of Extremis, yet it still required an angle of 15 degrees .
All those great beings had struck the giant object for more than 3,000 years just to gain those 15 degrees . That was why First True Master and Demon Beast Ancestor chose to publicize the news, as the first seven powers who found the human-shaped object couldn"t do it at all, and before they could redirect it 15 degrees, it would have already flown away .
"The direction is correct . "
"The direction is correct . "
"The direction is correct . "
Universe supreme masters and universe masters could all tell the direction using the vibration waves . And then they used its relative position of Universe Boat to determine the location .
Luo Feng checked also and nodded . "It will arrive at Universe Boat in around 30,000 years!"
"We"re finally going to succeed after all this time . "
"That giant object is definitely going to hit Universe Boat . "
The top-tier great beings in the s.p.a.ce were all relieved . After all, they had been concentrating on this task for more than 3,000 years, and they had been attacking it all this time . Although they didn"t attack it very often (they needed to recover their G.o.dly power), the pressure still tortured everyone"s nerves .
They only relaxed after they knew that they had succeeded .
In the outer area of Universe Boat, one of the three Lands of Extremis .
Thousands of great beings stood in the outer area, looking at Universe Boat in the distance .
"Can Universe Boat stop it?"
"Universe Boat is tens of millions of light years wide and tall, and over 100 million light years long . It"s barely the same size as that giant object . It is terrifically fast . Will Universe Boat be blasted away if it was. .h.i.t?"
"I hope it can stop the giant object . "
All those thousands of great beings arrived in advance, waiting for the giant object to hit Universe Boat . However, they were all worried that even if Universe Boat could slow that object down . It wouldn"t change much if the giant object only slowed down a little bit instead of stopping . From 120 million times faster than light speed to 30 million times faster than light speed; it was no different from those powers .
"I hope we can succeed . "
"If we fail, we have to change its direction again . "
"We have to succeed . "
Everyone was looking forward to it .
Luo Feng was in the strike force of the Hong Alliance . He looked at Universe Boat in the distance . It was a giant machine boat that was already wrecked . It kept absorbing the endless chaos air around it, and there were circles of flames around the damaged boat, permeating incredible power . Wind whirlpools and endless electric snakes… There was even one-third of a miniature universe under Universe Boat .
Though Universe Boat is already damaged, it"s still swallowing the energies from the outside—even some damaged miniature universes, Luo Feng thought . Apparently, some important parts in Universe Boat are still operating . As a machine-type valuable that"s constantly operating, it"s very stable . Even though it"s. .h.i.t, it can resist it .
Although Luo Feng thought this way, the human-shaped object was too large and fast!
Time pa.s.sed . All the thousands of top-tier beings in Universe Ocean were waiting .
"It"s coming!"
"It"s coming!"
"The giant object is coming!"
They sensed the vibration waves and were excited . Luo Feng, Primal Chaos City Leader and the other great beings from the Hong Alliance were excited as well . They all stayed as far away as possible and hid themselves . They didn"t want to be killed by the horrifying shock wave .
"Although we can sense the shock wave, it might take a few years before that giant object hits Universe Boat . "
The strike team from the Hong Alliance was in Boat of Mausoleum, and they were all looking forward to it .
A period of several years was nothing to supreme beings . The human-shaped object was too fast for them to see it, and if they missed the area where vibration waves spread, they couldn"t sense it . They could only wait until the impact, when the vibration waves would spread everywhere . Then they would be able to sense them .
Palace true treasures floated . Supreme true treasures, pinnacle true treasures, and Boat of Mausoleum . They were all waiting for it .
Everyone was silent . There were no great beings in Universe Boat .
After a long time—
Invisible vibration waves were transmitted in all directions, following the time and s.p.a.ce . Those great beings who were hiding in the distance all felt the horrifying vibrations, followed by destructive shock waves . Endless chaos air was torn .
All the great beings felt the waves at the same time and immediately reversed time and tried to watch the scene .
A giant, human-shaped object was flying fast… A gigantic, damaged s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p didn"t move at all . The human-shaped object collided with Universe Boat .
Peng! Peng! Peng!
Some of the fragments around the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p were blasted away . The fire, the electric snakes, and the light around the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p were also annihilated . Then the human-shaped object struck the ancient s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p . Its upper half hit the ancient s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p head-first .
The instant the two objects collided, the s.p.a.ce and time around them were crushed, exerting horrifying shock waves and vibration waves . The weakest vibration waves at the periphery were transmitted first, followed by the destructive shock waves . The central area of the crash was like a nightmare . The collision was so powerful that even universe supreme masters or supreme true treasures would have been annihilated!
The shock wave spread everywhere—10,000 light years, a million light years, ten million light years . The longer it traveled, the weaker it became . When it spread to the great beings several hundred million light years away, the great beings in the palace true treasures couldn"t be harmed anymore . However, the palace true treasures, including supreme true treasures, were still blasted away .
Luo Feng was truly thrilled He wasnt sure whether the human figure was a being who was dead or in a state of slumber or just a human-shaped valuable . Based on what he knew about the ancient civilization, there existed valuables in human form—especially machine type-valuables Universe Boat is a boat-shaped valuable of the machine type . That human figure might be a valuable of the machine type . . Luo Feng was more excited than ever . After all, he felt fortunate just to be able to take a look at it If, instead of a valuable, its a great being…. Luo Fengs excitement intensified as he considered that possibility . Incredible! Only the ancient civilization had great beings at that level Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua! . The thousands of great beings in Universe Ocean started to teleport at the same time . They flew to a point ahead of the human-shaped object but remained to the side, as they didnt dare to fly right in the middle of its path The universe supreme masters transmitted their voices again Prepare!. Hit it again! . All the top great beings from Universe Ocean held their power, and soon, the giant being showed up within their sights Actually, it wasnt accurate to say that they showed up within their sights, as light speed in Universe Ocean was actually 100 times faster than light speed in the original universe! If they had merely used their eyes to see, it would have been impossible to see the human-shaped object clearly . Rather, Luo Feng and the others all used vibration waves to determine its shape and speed via their control over time and s.p.a.ce If they only used their eyes to see, by the time the light from the human-shaped object had reached their eyes, it would already have been gone!. They had to use vibration waves to sense the state and position of the human shape, and they could only feel the waves when they were within close proximity . They could only sense the waves for an instant, after which, the human-shaped object would fly past them, producing incredible shock waves The shock wave was so strong that even universe supreme masters would be severely injured if they got close Attack!. Attack!. Attack!. Following the orders of universe supreme masters, all the thousands of great beings, including Luo Feng, attacked from the side at the same time Hong! Long! Long!. All the attacks combined were enough to kill any universe supreme master . The attacks flew 100 times faster than light speed . The combined attacks flew for a long time before they hit the giant object The human-shaped object was 160 million light years tall, and its feet were 30 million light years long . Although its flying speed could hit 120 million times faster than light speed, it would take the feet around three months to completely change its position! Unfortunately, it moved too fast . Even though it was right beside him, Luo Feng couldnt see or sense it . Only when the group moved to the side of the front of the human-shaped object could he sense the shock waves for just an instant! In reality, the fact that they could sense a giant object flying 120 million times faster than light speed was worth celebrating . Teleportation!. They all teleported at the same time . They teleported 1,000 light years away, which was nothing compared to the length of the objects feet . Fortunately, it was 120 million times faster than light speed—less than 4 light years per second . They could easily catch up with it by using teleportation, so they could accurately sense the position Attack!. Hong!. All the thousands of top great beings in Universe Ocean tried together and thought of nothing else . They teleported and attacked again and again ******. Luo Feng and the other great beings stayed beside that giant human-shaped object for 3,200 years Luo Feng flew out of Universe Boat immediately, so he was much slower . Before he arrived, the powers already decided that they needed to keep changing the direction of the human-shaped object and made it hit Universe Boat! Redirecting it to Universe Boat required the minimum amount of change out of all the three Lands of Extremis, yet it still required an angle of 15 degrees All those great beings had struck the giant object for more than 3,000 years just to gain those 15 degrees . That was why First True Master and Demon Beast Ancestor chose to publicize the news, as the first seven powers who found the human-shaped object couldnt do it at all, and before they could redirect it 15 degrees, it would have already flown away The direction is correct . . The direction is correct . . The direction is correct . . Universe supreme masters and universe masters could all tell the direction using the vibration waves . And then they used its relative position of Universe Boat to determine the location Luo Feng checked also and nodded . It will arrive at Universe Boat in around 30,000 years!. Hahaha…. Were finally going to succeed after all this time . . That giant object is definitely going to hit Universe Boat . . The top-tier great beings in the s.p.a.ce were all relieved . After all, they had been concentrating on this task for more than 3,000 years, and they had been attacking it all this time . Although they didnt attack it very often (they needed to recover their G.o.dly power), the pressure still tortured everyones nerves They only relaxed after they knew that they had succeeded ******. In the outer area of Universe Boat, one of the three Lands of Extremis Thousands of great beings stood in the outer area, looking at Universe Boat in the distance Can Universe Boat stop it?. Universe Boat is tens of millions of light years wide and tall, and over 100 million light years long . Its barely the same size as that giant object . It is terrifically fast . Will Universe Boat be blasted away if it was. .h.i.t?. I hope it can stop the giant object . . All those thousands of great beings arrived in advance, waiting for the giant object to hit Universe Boat . However, they were all worried that even if Universe Boat could slow that object down . It wouldnt change much if the giant object only slowed down a little bit instead of stopping . From 120 million times faster than light speed to 30 million times faster than light speed; it was no different from those powers I hope we can succeed . . If we fail, we have to change its direction again . . We have to succeed . . Everyone was looking forward to it Luo Feng was in the strike force of the Hong Alliance . He looked at Universe Boat in the distance . It was a giant machine boat that was already wrecked . It kept absorbing the endless chaos air around it, and there were circles of flames around the damaged boat, permeating incredible power . Wind whirlpools and endless electric snakes… There was even one-third of a miniature universe under Universe Boat Though Universe Boat is already damaged, its still swallowing the energies from the outside—even some damaged miniature universes, Luo Feng thought . Apparently, some important parts in Universe Boat are still operating . As a machine-type valuable thats constantly operating, its very stable . Even though its. .h.i.t, it can resist it Although Luo Feng thought this way, the human-shaped object was too large and fast!. Time pa.s.sed . All the thousands of top-tier beings in Universe Ocean were waiting Its coming!. Its coming!. The giant object is coming!. They sensed the vibration waves and were excited . Luo Feng, Primal Chaos City Leader and the other great beings from the Hong Alliance were excited as well . They all stayed as far away as possible and hid themselves . They didnt want to be killed by the horrifying shock wave Although we can sense the shock wave, it might take a few years before that giant object hits Universe Boat . . The strike team from the Hong Alliance was in Boat of Mausoleum, and they were all looking forward to it A period of several years was nothing to supreme beings . The human-shaped object was too fast for them to see it, and if they missed the area where vibration waves spread, they couldnt sense it . They could only wait until the impact, when the vibration waves would spread everywhere . Then they would be able to sense them Palace true treasures floated . Supreme true treasures, pinnacle true treasures, and Boat of Mausoleum . They were all waiting for it Everyone was silent . There were no great beings in Universe Boat After a long time—. Weng!. Invisible vibration waves were transmitted in all directions, following the time and s.p.a.ce . Those great beings who were hiding in the distance all felt the horrifying vibrations, followed by destructive shock waves . Endless chaos air was torn All the great beings felt the waves at the same time and immediately reversed time and tried to watch the scene A giant, human-shaped object was flying fast… A gigantic, damaged s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p didnt move at all . The human-shaped object collided with Universe Boat Peng! Peng! Peng!. Some of the fragments around the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p were blasted away . The fire, the electric snakes, and the light around the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p were also annihilated . Then the human-shaped object struck the ancient s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p . Its upper half hit the ancient s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p head-first Hong!. The instant the two objects collided, the s.p.a.ce and time around them were crushed, exerting horrifying shock waves and vibration waves . The weakest vibration waves at the periphery were transmitted first, followed by the destructive shock waves . The central area of the crash was like a nightmare . The collision was so powerful that even universe supreme masters or supreme true treasures would have been annihilated!. The shock wave spread everywhere—10,000 light years, a million light years, ten million light years . The longer it traveled, the weaker it became . When it spread to the great beings several hundred million light years away, the great beings in the palace true treasures couldnt be harmed anymore . However, the palace true treasures, including supreme true treasures, were still blasted away