Swallowed Star

Chapter 1004

Chapter 1004
Chapter 1004: Change after 500 Years
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Remote Ocean body would be a great combat power if he could practice the Nine Volume Manual . If he couldn"t, then he could only focus on training and G.o.dly power support .

"It worked!" Remote Ocean body suddenly laughed . "My life gene level was improved after practicing the Nine Volume Manual . How magical it is! No wonder Zuo Shan Ke is one of the universe supreme masters . "

Luo Feng admired his mysterious teacher more . He felt intimidated by the top-tier beings of the universe . If Zuo Shan Ke was able to create the Nine Volume Manual, what about other supreme masters?

I"m nothing compared to them, thought Luo Feng . I must train myself and catch up to them . As for any other issues, I"ll wait until I become their rival .

Luo Feng stopped thinking and went back to practice . He only knew that he was not powerful enough yet! He was indeed lucky to have figured out a way to expand the b.l.o.o.d.y Sea created by Remote Ocean body—and luckier still that Remote Ocean body was able to practice the Nine Volume Manual .

Although Remote Ocean body could practice the Nine Volume Manual, it would take him a long time to finish the first five volumes . He was even bigger than Golden Horned Beast body, meaning it would take a longer time for him to evolve . Even though Luo Feng was fully experienced, it would take the new body 100 years to finish the first volume .


While Remote Ocean body practiced the Nine Volume Manual, the other bodies studied into s.p.a.ce law, Star Map, and Moon Policy . 100 years pa.s.sed like the blink of an eye .

Remote Ocean body opened his eyes gradually after sitting there like a sculpture, and whispered, "I"ve finished the first volume . My life gene level is now 900 times stronger!"

From 300 times to 900 times… The first volume had improved his life gene level threefold! And all that from only the first volume!

Luo Feng was further amazed . No wonder this technique was restricted by the universe law so that Zuo Shan Ke couldn"t pa.s.s it on to any other life forms . He could only pa.s.s it on to one living being with the help of Heavenly Soul Crystals .

"I can"t wait!" said Luo Feng . "If I can improve the life gene level from 300 times to 900 times so easily, then next time it"ll be 1,800 times . Continue!"

Remote Ocean body closed his eyes and started the second volume .


It was magnificent to feel his improvement every second . After the second volume was finished, Remote Ocean body"s life gene level hit 1,800 times, as expected . And when the third volume was finished, he reached 3,600 times .

All the best-case scenarios were coming true .


In the primal region, among the Thousand Treasure River, in the palace at the apex .

Six universe knights sat with their legs crossed, listening to Primal Chaos City Leader"s teaching .

"Luo Feng told me that it would take him around 600 years to finish breeding his third body and that he would become undying after finis.h.i.+ng the third body," said Primal Chaos City Leader . "But it"s been almost 1,000 years… Why isn"t anything happening?"

Primal Chaos City Leader looked afar and saw a palace in the distance . Inside the palace, the original earthling body sat cross-legged with Tian Chen Emperor guarding him .

"Luo Feng is incredibly lucky that he"s got several true treasures," said Primal Chaos City Leader . "Maybe something special happened to him again, and that"s why there"s a delay . I"ll leave him alone to fix it . "

Primal Chaos City Leader kept teaching the six universe knights sitting in the palace . He decided to put the problem out of his mind . He was quite satisfied with Luo Feng . And after all, Luo Feng was full of surprises .


Time pa.s.sed . It had been over 1,000 years since Luo Feng had first started to breed his third body, and he had spent that time studying s.p.a.ce law and creating secret techniques . He had made satisfactory accomplishments on both ends, and he had been advancing slowly and steadily on the Nine Volume Manual . He finished one volume about every century .

After practicing it for 400 years, Remote Ocean body finished the fourth volume . His life gene level doubled again, hitting 7,200 times stronger!

"A life gene level of 7,200 times!"

Remote Ocean body sat with his legs crossed . His eyes gleamed like stars . He felt the power rus.h.i.+ng through his entire body . His life gene level had been only 300 times before—nothing but mediocre . Now, his life level was already 7,200 times stronger, which was far superior to Zhu Chong Emperor .

"Perhaps this is the life gene level of Nine Remoteness Master," Remote Ocean body murmured . "Go on! The fifth volume!"

The original earthling body, Mosha body, and Golden Horned Beast body all opened their eyes and looked forward to the crucial fifth volume .


Remote Ocean body"s life gene level gradually improved .

7,200 times…

7,300, 7,400…

8,000, 8100…

9,000, 9100…

"I"ve already pa.s.sed 9000 times!" said Luo Feng in astonishment .

He even stopped comprehending s.p.a.ce law, dedicating the majority of his mind to Remote Ocean body, as he didn"t dare to be careless in this matter . After his life gene level pa.s.sed 9,000 times, his rate of evolution slowed down considerably .

9,500 times…


Remote Ocean body"s life gene level had already surpa.s.sed that of many extraordinary special life forms . Even many unique life forms couldn"t improve themselves past 9,000 times .

At 9,600 times, it became exceedingly difficult to advance any further . It appeared that his life gene level could only be enhanced a bit more . Finally, he was nearing the threshold .


And with that, its life gene level had reached the final stage .

"My life gene level is 10,000 times now!" Remote Ocean body exclaimed, feeling the power flowing inside of him . But as he continued practicing, he realized this wasn"t the final stage after all . "It seems I haven"t reached my limit yet . I can improve even further . "

After surpa.s.sing 10,000 times, his life gene level could still be enhanced, but it was a slow, grueling process . Finally, the life gene level stopped improving altogether .

Luo Feng gazed upon the fruits of his labor . Each inch of Remote Ocean body"s skin, muscles, and bones were as immaculate as the universe itself . Its life gene level had attained the height of perfection . As incredible as the Nine Volume Manual was, not even it could improve such a flawless life gene level . Luo Feng could see the const.i.tution of each individual cell . Even on a microscopic level, Remote Ocean body was perfect in every way .

"Perfect… Sheer perfection!" said Luo Feng . "Remote Ocean body"s life gene level surpa.s.sed 10,000 times . It"s now slightly over 10,000 times…!"

Remote Ocean began absorbing the surrounding world energy .

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

As Remote Ocean body was absorbed the energy, it kept growing taller, multiplying in size .

Luo Feng was exhilarated . Neither the Golden Horned Beast body nor his original earthling body had increased in size from practicing the Nine Volume Manual . However, just as Remote Ocean body had achieved perfection… he started to grow!

Remote Ocean body devoured the surrounding world energy . Although he had perfect life genes, he was only at the sector lord level; Luo Feng could support the world energies he required to grow .

He grew from 6,000 miles tall to 12,000 miles tall .

Then 18,000 miles tall .

Then 25,000 miles tall… And he just kept getting larger . Only after Remote Ocean body reached a height of 55,000 miles did he stop growing .

"Perfect," said Luo Feng . For some reason, he felt certain that this was Remote Ocean body"s ideal state .

Just when Remote Ocean body stopped growing…


The entire internal world was frozen .

Mosha body was dazed . Golden Horned Beast body kept his head lifted up . The weeds were flattened by the wind, and the sea stopped churning . The water drops were floating . The Bug Clan Queen and her bug army all froze .

The original earthling body stood still . The core—the most important part of Luo Feng—was injected with a most mysterious power . Breeding the third body had caused his core to start to morph, but when this mystical power entered the core, it changed sharply .

The color was changing . Red, green, blue, yellow, and gold… In the end, it turned blurry . This seemingly ordinary core now contained endless enigmas . This mysterious force penetrated the internal world when infusing the core . The force was irresistible . It was as warm and inviting as a mother"s hug—appeasing all the living beings of the universe . It was not overbearing, but it was much stronger than that of Primal Chaos City Leader and even Zuo Shan Ke!

When the energy poured into Luo Feng"s body, entering the core and the internal world, neither Chaos City Leader nor the universe knights being taught noticed it . It was the time and s.p.a.ce protected by Thousand Treasure River and controlled by Primal Chaos City Leader! Yet, in this time and s.p.a.ce, even the Primal Chaos City Leader couldn"t feel that force .

That mysterious and inconceivable force changed Luo Feng"s core while enveloping Remote Ocean body .


Gradually, Luo Feng opened his eyes .

"Where am I?" Luo Feng said .

He looked around, confused . A mult.i.tude of lights floated around him . Each one contained extraordinary power . Every one of them was more terrifying than Master of Sky Wolf .

"I… I just trained Remote Ocean body to a perfect state, and its size surged nine times," said Luo Feng . "And now, my mind came here…?"

Chapter 1004 Change after 500 YearsTranslator Nyoi Bo Studio Editor Nyoi Bo StudioRemote Ocean body would be a great combat power if he could practice the Nine Volume Manual . If he couldn t, then he could only focus on training and G.o.dly power support . It worked Remote Ocean body suddenly laughed . My life gene level was improved after practicing the Nine Volume Manual . How magical it is No wonder Zuo Shan Ke is one of the universe supreme masters . Luo Feng admired his mysterious teacher more . He felt intimidated by the top tier beings of the universe . If Zuo Shan Ke was able to create the Nine Volume Manual, what about other supreme masters I m nothing compared to them, thought Luo Feng . I must train myself and catch up to them . As for any other issues, I ll wait until I become their rival . Luo Feng stopped thinking and went back to practice . He only knew that he was not powerful enough yet He was indeed lucky to have figured out a way to expand the b.l.o.o.d.y Sea created by Remote Ocean body and luckier still that Remote Ocean body was able to practice the Nine Volume Manual . Although Remote Ocean body could practice the Nine Volume Manual, it would take him a long time to finish the first five volumes . He was even bigger than Golden Horned Beast body, meaning it would take a longer time for him to evolve . Even though Luo Feng was fully experienced, it would take the new body 100 years to finish the first volume . While Remote Ocean body practiced the Nine Volume Manual, the other bodies studied into s.p.a.ce law, Star Map, and Moon Policy . 100 years pa.s.sed like the blink of an eye . Remote Ocean body opened his eyes gradually after sitting there like a sculpture, and whispered, I ve finished the first volume . My life gene level is now 900 times stronger From 300 times to 900 times The first volume had improved his life gene level threefold And all that from only the first volume Luo Feng was further amazed . No wonder this technique was restricted by the universe law so that Zuo Shan Ke couldn t pa.s.s it on to any other life forms . He could only pa.s.s it on to one living being with the help of Heavenly Soul Crystals . I can t wait said Luo Feng . If I can improve the life gene level from 300 times to 900 times so easily, then next time it ll be 1,800 times . Continue Remote Ocean body closed his eyes and started the second volume . It was magnificent to feel his improvement every second . After the second volume was finished, Remote Ocean body s life gene level hit 1,800 times, as expected . And when the third volume was finished, he reached 3,600 times . All the best case scenarios were coming true . In the primal region, among the Thousand Treasure River, in the palace at the apex . Six universe knights sat with their legs crossed, listening to Primal Chaos City Leader s teaching . Luo Feng told me that it would take him around 600 years to finish breeding his third body and that he would become undying after finis.h.i.+ng the third body, said Primal Chaos City Leader . But it s been almost 1,000 years Why isn t anything happening Primal Chaos City Leader looked afar and saw a palace in the distance . Inside the palace, the original earthling body sat cross legged with Tian Chen Emperor guarding him . Luo Feng is incredibly lucky that he s got several true treasures, said Primal Chaos City Leader . Maybe something special happened to him again, and that s why there s a delay . I ll leave him alone to fix it . Primal Chaos City Leader kept teaching the six universe knights sitting in the palace . He decided to put the problem out of his mind . He was quite satisfied with Luo Feng . And after all, Luo Feng was full of surprises . Time pa.s.sed . It had been over 1,000 years since Luo Feng had first started to breed his third body, and he had spent that time studying s.p.a.ce law and creating secret techniques . He had made satisfactory accomplishments on both ends, and he had been advancing slowly and steadily on the Nine Volume Manual . He finished one volume about every century . After practicing it for 400 years, Remote Ocean body finished the fourth volume . His life gene level doubled again, hitting 7,200 times stronger A life gene level of 7,200 times Remote Ocean body sat with his legs crossed . His eyes gleamed like stars . He felt the power rus.h.i.+ng through his entire body . His life gene level had been only 300 times before nothing but mediocre . Now, his life level was already 7,200 times stronger, which was far superior to Zhu Chong Emperor . Perhaps this is the life gene level of Nine Remoteness Master, Remote Ocean body murmured . Go on The fifth volume The original earthling body, Mosha body, and Golden Horned Beast body all opened their eyes and looked forward to the crucial fifth volume . Remote Ocean body s life gene level gradually improved . 7,200 times 7,300, 7,400 8,000, 8100 9,000, 9100 I ve already pa.s.sed 9000 times said Luo Feng in astonishment . He even stopped comprehending s.p.a.ce law, dedicating the majority of his mind to Remote Ocean body, as he didn t dare to be careless in this matter . After his life gene level pa.s.sed 9,000 times, his rate of evolution slowed down considerably . 9,500 times 9,600 Remote Ocean body s life gene level had already surpa.s.sed that of many extraordinary special life forms . Even many unique life forms couldn t improve themselves past 9,000 times . At 9,600 times, it became exceedingly difficult to advance any further . It appeared that his life gene level could only be enhanced a bit more . Finally, he was nearing the threshold . 10,000 And with that, its life gene level had reached the final stage . My life gene level is 10,000 times now Remote Ocean body exclaimed, feeling the power flowing inside of him . But as he continued practicing, he realized this wasn t the final stage after all . It seems I haven t reached my limit yet . I can improve even further . After surpa.s.sing 10,000 times, his life gene level could still be enhanced, but it was a slow, grueling process . Finally, the life gene level stopped improving altogether . Luo Feng gazed upon the fruits of his labor . Each inch of Remote Ocean body s skin, muscles, and bones were as immaculate as the universe itself . Its life gene level had attained the height of perfection . As incredible as the Nine Volume Manual was, not even it could improve such a flawless life gene level . Luo Feng could see the const.i.tution of each individual cell . Even on a microscopic level, Remote Ocean body was perfect in every way . Perfect Sheer perfection said Luo Feng . Remote Ocean body s life gene level surpa.s.sed 10,000 times . It s now slightly over 10,000 times Remote Ocean began absorbing the surrounding world energy . Pa Pa Pa Pa As Remote Ocean body was absorbed the energy, it kept growing taller, multiplying in size . Luo Feng was exhilarated . Neither the Golden Horned Beast body nor his original earthling body had increased in size from practicing the Nine Volume Manual . However, just as Remote Ocean body had achieved perfection he started to grow Remote Ocean body devoured the surrounding world energy . Although he had perfect life genes, he was only at the sector lord level Luo Feng could support the world energies he required to grow . He grew from 6,000 miles tall to 12,000 miles tall . Then 18,000 miles tall . Then 25,000 miles tall And he just kept getting larger . Only after Remote Ocean body reached a height of 55,000 miles did he stop growing . Perfect, said Luo Feng . For some reason, he felt certain that this was Remote Ocean body s ideal state . Just when Remote Ocean body stopped growing Hong The entire internal world was frozen . Mosha body was dazed . Golden Horned Beast body kept his head lifted up . The weeds were flattened by the wind, and the sea stopped churning . The water drops were floating . The Bug Clan Queen and her bug army all froze . The original earthling body stood still . The core the most important part of Luo Feng was injected with a most mysterious power . Breeding the third body had caused his core to start to morph, but when this mystical power entered the core, it changed sharply . The color was changing . Red, green, blue, yellow, and gold In the end, it turned blurry . This seemingly ordinary core now contained endless enigmas . This mysterious force penetrated the internal world when infusing the core . The force was irresistible . It was as warm and inviting as a mother s hug appeasing all the living beings of the universe . It was not overbearing, but it was much stronger than that of Primal Chaos City Leader and even Zuo Shan Ke When the energy poured into Luo Feng s body, entering the core and the internal world, neither Chaos City Leader nor the universe knights being taught noticed it . It was the time and s.p.a.ce protected by Thousand Treasure River and controlled by Primal Chaos City Leader Yet, in this time and s.p.a.ce, even the Primal Chaos City Leader couldn t feel that force . That mysterious and inconceivable force changed Luo Feng s core while enveloping Remote Ocean body . Gradually, Luo Feng opened his eyes . Where am I Luo Feng said . He looked around, confused . A mult.i.tude of lights floated around him . Each one contained extraordinary power . Every one of them was more terrifying than Master of Sky Wolf . I I just trained Remote Ocean body to a perfect state, and its size surged nine times, said Luo Feng . And now, my mind came here