Swallowed Star

Chapter 985

Chapter 985
Chapter 985: Breed the Third Body!
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Last time, the most powerful World Tree had intervened, but it was not the case this time . Apparently, he wanted his child to suffer losses and learn some lessons . Besides, his G.o.dly power already surrounded the trunk of the sector-lord-level World Tree, which guaranteed his child"s survival . In that case, he would rather his child fight for itself and gain some experience .

The pinnacle emperor slave burned its G.o.dly power like a star . The mighty, burning, G.o.dly power deterred all the twigs and leaves around him .


With a crisp snap, like a jade being broken, a twig with a diameter of more than 1,000 feet was cut off by the pinnacle-emperor slave .

"Go!" The pinnacle emperor slave was ready to teleport and leave .

Following Luo Feng"s order, he had thrown a flame origin crystal . With his burning pinnacle-emperor undying body, he had easily cut off a branch of that World Tree . Then he"d grabbed a twig and fled .


The most powerful World Tree, observing from a distance, intervened . An invisible force penetrated the pinnacle-emperor slave holding the offshoot . He trembled violently, then turned to dust that floated away on the breeze .

Dead! Barely half a second had pa.s.sed between from the appearance of the pinnacle emperor slave and its death .

He was still killed, Mosha body thought from within the seed cl.u.s.ter . I a.s.sumed the pinnacle emperor slave throwing the flame G.o.d crystal would draw the universe knight World Tree"s attention . I knew it would kill him . I just didn"t expect it to give him a chance to break a twig first .

Mosha body was perplexed . The most powerful World Tree could have easily killed the slave the moment it detected him . Instead, it had waited . Luo Feng didn"t know what was going on between these World Trees .

Weng, weng, weng!

Countless broken twigs and leaves had been blasted into the sky and scattered everywhere . The shockwave caused some plants" seeds to fly around, and some of the twigs and leaves fell to where Mosha body"s seed cl.u.s.ter lay .

"It"s coming!" Mosha body was expecting this, but he didn"t dare react . Instead, he allowed himself to float along with the shockwave like an ordinary seed cl.u.s.ter .


There was only one leaf on one of the broken twigs, and it came toward Mosha body .

"This is the moment," he realized . "Go!"

Mosha body hit a twig .


Silently, he teleported 50 light years away, instantly leaving Nine Remoteness s.p.a.ce .


At the center of Tree Island, within the domain of World Trees, the sector lord World Tree was trembling and roaring . "Me! It was me again! Why? d.a.m.n it!"

"Haha, poor Seven," taunted its siblings .

"Seven, you told me to stay out of this," said its father . "But if I had, your attacker would"ve gotten away . "

"I told you to stay out of this," snarled the sector lord World Tree . "I"d rather my twigs be stolen . Why did you meddle, father?"

"Don"t kid yourself," echoed the gentle voice of the strongest World Tree . He can breed a Life Tree with that offshoot . I won"t let another race steal a World Tree offshoot . "

"Humph . "

The sector lord World Tree started to recover, and the broken leaves and twigs were flying back to its crown . It didn"t even realize that a small twig was gone . The most powerful World Tree sensed this with its dominance over the time and s.p.a.ce, but by the time it realized what had happened, Mosha body had already escaped Nine Remoteness s.p.a.ce .

It wasn"t strange for the sector-lord-level World Tree not to realize its missing twig . There were fundamental differences between sector lords and undying fighters . Once the tree became undying, each leaf would merge into its soul imprint, meaning it could distinctly sense them . However, for sector lord World Trees, they were still, in a way, mostly botanical; this one had no life imprint on any of its leaves . It couldn"t feel them at all .

The same rule applied to humans . If a human undying fighter lost his arm, and it was taken tens of light years away, he could sense the arm"s location . This was not the case for sector lords .

With so much of its surroundings in ruins after the explosion, the sector lord World Tree had no way of knowing that one of its twigs had been taken away .

Teleportation? thought the most powerful World Tree . Universe knight-level teleportation? He concealed his aura so well that even I didn"t notice it . It must be his talent technique . A universe knight who knows how to change his aura only stole a twig?

The most powerful World Tree was perplexed, but it didn"t dig into it, as its child losing a leaf was like a human losing some dandruff .


In the s.p.a.ce outside Nine Remoteness s.p.a.ce .


Luo Feng appeared dressed in black, holding the emerald leaf .

"Haha! Finally, I"ve got it . " He stared at the leaf on his hand and was extremely enlivened . "My third body! If I"m lucky, I can breed a World Tree body with it . It"ll be planted in my G.o.d Country, which will be stabilized and strengthened by it . Given its size, it will be larger than the G.o.dly body of Teacher Zuo Shan Ke and Teacher Primal Chaos City Leader . Even if my other bodies" G.o.dly power was exhausted, they could be supplemented by the World Tree body . "

G.o.dly power in the law ocean was the purest, and once it merged with a life imprint, it was G.o.dly power with a master . His original earthling body, Mosha body, Golden Horned Beast body, and the World Tree body would all be a.s.sembled by Luo Feng"s soul imprint . Even if the Golden Horned Beast body lost 80 percent of its G.o.dly body, it could draw from the World Tree body, as 80 percent of a Golden Horned Beast was less than 1/10,000 of that of a World Tree!

"It can manipulate time and s.p.a.ce too . If I can make it . " He grew nervous .


Emerald light flashed through the area, and an ordinary undying servant walked out of the light . This slave had been sent by Golden Horned Beast in the Primal Secret Region .

"Master of my Master . " The slave saluted Mosha body .

"Go . "

Mosha body took the slave and cast G.o.d Country Transportation . He used that slave as the center of G.o.d Country Transportation and arrived at the Primal Secret Region .


In the towering palace of the Primal Secret Region .

Tian Chen Emperor stood in the palace, waiting .

When Tian Chen Emperor saw Mosha body and the undying slave walking out of the emerald light, he bowed . "Master . "

Mosha body nodded, but he couldn"t concern himself with anything else at the moment . He commanded, "From now on, n.o.body is allowed in my palace . "

"Yes, master," Tian Chen Emperor said reverently .


Mosha body disappeared .


In the core of his internal world .

Golden Horned Beast body and Mosha body stood on a boundless plain .

Golden Horned Beast"s mountainous head was drooping to look at the World Tree"s leaf which Mosha body carried .

"The final obstacle," Mosha body muttered . "There"s a limit to my internal-world breeding, and it"s almost 100 times the life level of golden-horned beasts . The World Tree barely falls within the limit of my internal-world breeding . Will I succeed? Or fail…?"

He was nervous . After so much effort and suffering, and with his original earthling body trapped in the Nine Remoteness World, Luo Feng didn"t regret everything he had gone through—as long as he could have the third body! After all, it was difficult for him to have a powerful body suitable for him .

"One last plunge!" Luo Feng"s eyes were bloodshot . He had never felt so anxious before .

All his three bodies were looking forward to the result—the result that determined their fate!


A green light flew up in the sky, s.h.i.+ning like an aurora . Both Mosha body and Golden Horned Beast body looked up . That leaf of the World Tree flew higher and higher . The internal world had a diameter of more than 60 million miles, and the leaf didn"t stop until it flew to the very core of the internal world .

Talent technique—clone, Luo Feng gave an order through his mind .

He had three clone opportunities . One bred the earthling original body, one bred Mosha body, and this was the final one .

Hong, long, long!

The entire internal world trembled, and endless world energies began to gather… All of a sudden, his internal world seemed to have met with the apocalypse . Meanwhile, a colossal golden sphere showed up in the sky .

"The critical moment . "

Mosha body, Golden Horned Beast body, and Luo Feng, trapped in Nine Remoteness World, were all high-strung .


The golden sphere trembled, which frightened Luo Feng and his bodies .


The golden sphere trembled again . It was as if flame G.o.d crystals were exploding inside .

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng!

The golden sphere reverberated with incessant, powerful blasts . Luo Feng could feel the great pressure from the World Tree"s life imprint inside the golden sphere, and his internal world found it difficult to withstand it .


Cracks appeared on that golden sphere . More of them gradually came into view .

"No!" Luo Feng was shaken with fright .


After one last quiver, the golden sphere exploded, turning into scattered world energies . The leaf of the World Tree was annihilated .

Luo Feng and the Golden Horned Beast watched quietly . In the aftermath of the explosion, the internal world was silent .


In Nine Remoteness World, Luo Feng"s heart skipped a beat . He clenched his fist as bitterness flashed in his eyes . The breeding… had failed!

Chapter 985 Breed the Third Body Translator Nyoi Bo Studio Editor Nyoi Bo StudioLast time, the most powerful World Tree had intervened, but it was not the case this time . Apparently, he wanted his child to suffer losses and learn some lessons . Besides, his G.o.dly power already surrounded the trunk of the sector lord level World Tree, which guaranteed his child s survival . In that case, he would rather his child fight for itself and gain some experience . The pinnacle emperor slave burned its G.o.dly power like a star . The mighty, burning, G.o.dly power deterred all the twigs and leaves around him . Snap With a crisp snap, like a jade being broken, a twig with a diameter of more than 1,000 feet was cut off by the pinnacle emperor slave . Go The pinnacle emperor slave was ready to teleport and leave . Following Luo Feng s order, he had thrown a flame origin crystal . With his burning pinnacle emperor undying body, he had easily cut off a branch of that World Tree . Then he d grabbed a twig and fled . Halt The most powerful World Tree, observing from a distance, intervened . An invisible force penetrated the pinnacle emperor slave holding the offshoot . He trembled violently, then turned to dust that floated away on the breeze . Dead Barely half a second had pa.s.sed between from the appearance of the pinnacle emperor slave and its death . He was still killed, Mosha body thought from within the seed cl.u.s.ter . I a.s.sumed the pinnacle emperor slave throwing the flame G.o.d crystal would draw the universe knight World Tree s attention . I knew it would kill him . I just didn t expect it to give him a chance to break a twig first . Mosha body was perplexed . The most powerful World Tree could have easily killed the slave the moment it detected him . Instead, it had waited . Luo Feng didn t know what was going on between these World Trees . Weng, weng, weng Countless broken twigs and leaves had been blasted into the sky and scattered everywhere . The shockwave caused some plants seeds to fly around, and some of the twigs and leaves fell to where Mosha body s seed cl.u.s.ter lay . It s coming Mosha body was expecting this, but he didn t dare react . Instead, he allowed himself to float along with the shockwave like an ordinary seed cl.u.s.ter . Hu There was only one leaf on one of the broken twigs, and it came toward Mosha body . This is the moment, he realized . Go Mosha body hit a twig . Zoom Silently, he teleported 50 light years away, instantly leaving Nine Remoteness s.p.a.ce . At the center of Tree Island, within the domain of World Trees, the sector lord World Tree was trembling and roaring . Me It was me again Why d.a.m.n it Haha, poor Seven, taunted its siblings . Seven, you told me to stay out of this, said its father . But if I had, your attacker would ve gotten away . I told you to stay out of this, snarled the sector lord World Tree . I d rather my twigs be stolen . Why did you meddle, father Don t kid yourself, echoed the gentle voice of the strongest World Tree . He can breed a Life Tree with that offshoot . I won t let another race steal a World Tree offshoot . Humph . The sector lord World Tree started to recover, and the broken leaves and twigs were flying back to its crown . It didn t even realize that a small twig was gone . The most powerful World Tree sensed this with its dominance over the time and s.p.a.ce, but by the time it realized what had happened, Mosha body had already escaped Nine Remoteness s.p.a.ce . It wasn t strange for the sector lord level World Tree not to realize its missing twig . There were fundamental differences between sector lords and undying fighters . Once the tree became undying, each leaf would merge into its soul imprint, meaning it could distinctly sense them . However, for sector lord World Trees, they were still, in a way, mostly botanical this one had no life imprint on any of its leaves . It couldn t feel them at all . The same rule applied to humans . If a human undying fighter lost his arm, and it was taken tens of light years away, he could sense the arm s location . This was not the case for sector lords . With so much of its surroundings in ruins after the explosion, the sector lord World Tree had no way of knowing that one of its twigs had been taken away . Teleportation thought the most powerful World Tree . Universe knight level teleportation He concealed his aura so well that even I didn t notice it . It must be his talent technique . A universe knight who knows how to change his aura only stole a twig The most powerful World Tree was perplexed, but it didn t dig into it, as its child losing a leaf was like a human losing some dandruff . In the s.p.a.ce outside Nine Remoteness s.p.a.ce . Sou Luo Feng appeared dressed in black, holding the emerald leaf . Haha Finally, I ve got it . He stared at the leaf on his hand and was extremely enlivened . My third body If I m lucky, I can breed a World Tree body with it . It ll be planted in my G.o.d Country, which will be stabilized and strengthened by it . Given its size, it will be larger than the G.o.dly body of Teacher Zuo Shan Ke and Teacher Primal Chaos City Leader . Even if my other bodies G.o.dly power was exhausted, they could be supplemented by the World Tree body . G.o.dly power in the law ocean was the purest, and once it merged with a life imprint, it was G.o.dly power with a master . His original earthling body, Mosha body, Golden Horned Beast body, and the World Tree body would all be a.s.sembled by Luo Feng s soul imprint . Even if the Golden Horned Beast body lost 80 percent of its G.o.dly body, it could draw from the World Tree body, as 80 percent of a Golden Horned Beast was less than 1 10,000 of that of a World Tree It can manipulate time and s.p.a.ce too . If I can make it . He grew nervous . Weng Emerald light flashed through the area, and an ordinary undying servant walked out of the light . This slave had been sent by Golden Horned Beast in the Primal Secret Region . Master of my Master . The slave saluted Mosha body . Go . Mosha body took the slave and cast G.o.d Country Transportation . He used that slave as the center of G.o.d Country Transportation and arrived at the Primal Secret Region . In the towering palace of the Primal Secret Region . Tian Chen Emperor stood in the palace, waiting . When Tian Chen Emperor saw Mosha body and the undying slave walking out of the emerald light, he bowed . Master . Mosha body nodded, but he couldn t concern himself with anything else at the moment . He commanded, From now on, n.o.body is allowed in my palace . Yes, master, Tian Chen Emperor said reverently . Sou Mosha body disappeared . In the core of his internal world . Golden Horned Beast body and Mosha body stood on a boundless plain . Golden Horned Beast s mountainous head was drooping to look at the World Tree s leaf which Mosha body carried . The final obstacle, Mosha body muttered . There s a limit to my internal world breeding, and it s almost 100 times the life level of golden horned beasts . The World Tree barely falls within the limit of my internal world breeding . Will I succeed Or fail He was nervous . After so much effort and suffering, and with his original earthling body trapped in the Nine Remoteness World, Luo Feng didn t regret everything he had gone through as long as he could have the third body After all, it was difficult for him to have a powerful body suitable for him . One last plunge Luo Feng s eyes were bloodshot . He had never felt so anxious before . All his three bodies were looking forward to the result the result that determined their fate Zoom A green light flew up in the sky, s.h.i.+ning like an aurora . Both Mosha body and Golden Horned Beast body looked up . That leaf of the World Tree flew higher and higher . The internal world had a diameter of more than 60 million miles, and the leaf didn t stop until it flew to the very core of the internal world . Talent technique clone, Luo Feng gave an order through his mind . He had three clone opportunities . One bred the earthling original body, one bred Mosha body, and this was the final one . Hong, long, long The entire internal world trembled, and endless world energies began to gather All of a sudden, his internal world seemed to have met with the apocalypse . Meanwhile, a colossal golden sphere showed up in the sky . The critical moment . Mosha body, Golden Horned Beast body, and Luo Feng, trapped in Nine Remoteness World, were all high strung . Peng The golden sphere trembled, which frightened Luo Feng and his bodies . Peng The golden sphere trembled again . It was as if flame G.o.d crystals were exploding inside . Peng Peng Peng Peng Peng Peng The golden sphere reverberated with incessant, powerful blasts . Luo Feng could feel the great pressure from the World Tree s life imprint inside the golden sphere, and his internal world found it difficult to withstand it . Bang Cracks appeared on that golden sphere . More of them gradually came into view . No Luo Feng was shaken with fright . Peng After one last quiver, the golden sphere exploded, turning into scattered world energies . The leaf of the World Tree was annihilated . Luo Feng and the Golden Horned Beast watched quietly . In the aftermath of the explosion, the internal world was silent . In Nine Remoteness World, Luo Feng s heart skipped a beat . He clenched his fist as bitterness flashed in his eyes . The breeding had failed