Sword Art Online Alternative – Gun Gale Online

Chapter 24

WEDNESDAY, 3 AUGUST 2016[GGOV2] SECT.8 - Their Respective Strategies

Well, f.u.ka had a rough start, so it"s time to give her some time to shine... or more like blow people up. Boss also gets a nice scene that cracked me up. Anyway, the next chapter is going to be the final one in this volume (SECT.10+ will be in volume 3) and just to get everyone hyped up... I"d like to remind those who have finished this chapter that the next one is called "Ten Minute Ma.s.sacre". 

Full-width text (Like this) is emphasising that the original text is written using the Latin alphabet. Note that most abbreviations that are not in italics are written using the Latin alphabet as well. Italic text is Engrish (English written in katakana). Abbreviations in italics means that the j.a.panese version used some shorter form of an English word, but in katakana. Comic sans font is used to indicate words written in an unusual way (English in hiragana or j.a.panese in katakana). In cases when I needed to emphasise that the word is j.a.panese (or when the text specifically commented about it being j.a.panese), I added the j.a.panese version as furigana.

Any feedback is appreciated.


Translation: Gsimenas






SECT.8 - Their Respective Strategies


The grenade that landed in the centre of the rotary, 30 metres away from the six men, made a loud sound and scattered metal fragments in all directions.

Several of the fragments that had lost their power hit the man who was peeking through his binoculars. Naturally, the man did not suffer any damage at all, but, even so, he went into a panic and shouted while pulling his head back.

“Uhya! That’s a grenade! This is bad!”

“Calm down. It’s really far away. They just saw the results of the scan and are shooting randomly. Just like the amazons firing their machine guns in the videos of the previous tournament. They’re trying to bring us out into the open. Don’t panic. A separate, detached force should be approaching us. Do not dare to shoot until you see the enemy. We’re currently in an overwhelmingly advantageous position. There’s no need to go out ourselves.”

The leader-like, camouflage-wearing man said in a calm town while holding a machine gun-typegun in a p.r.o.ne position.


“Relax. We won’t lose at a place like this. Believe in yourself. Believe in your comrades. Believe in victory. Believe that we will survive the fight in this decayed world and bring glo──”

Thanks to the pa.s.sionate speech, and the fact that everyone had their eyes on the surroundings, none of them noticed.

That a curved Bullet Line was aiming right towards them.


A dry sound was made.

And as the Line disappeared, the incoming grenade exploded right behind one of them.

f.u.kaziroh’s proposed plan was simple.

‘I’ll settle in here and use curved grenade attacks on the enemy in the station.’

‘There are plenty of houses in the way, so neither I nor they can see each other at all.’

‘Instead, LLENN, you go view the station from a safe place, and give me 〝bombardment〟 instructions.’

‘I’ll fire an initial grenade, so just tell me how far away it is from the target.’

“Can you…… hit them… like this?”

In response to the somewhat dubious LLENN,

“Hahhaa, how much overtime do ya think I spent practicing this?”

“A lot……”

“Battles aren’t all about facing an enemy head-on. I realised that such a tactic was better for my weapon. So, I undertook practice to guess the distance based on intuition. Right now, I can fire away grenades with my eyes closed if only I know the distance, ya know? But, only if I have accurate guidance.”

“Alright…… Let’s do it. But, f.u.ka, won’t you be defenseless and unable to move?”

“Just like how I had died last time. Don’t worry about a zombie!”


Boss and the other SHINC members had entered a forest in the wide field area and had taken up a defensive position to completely observe their surroundings. Only Boss was looking at the terminal screen.

Beyond the trees towered a huge and mysterious white dome, giving off a sense of intimidation.

The third scan began from the northwest.

The eye in s.p.a.ce conveyed information equally to all the surviving characters.

Speaking of the teams that had recently died, one was, of course, blown away by f.u.kaziroh, so a dot was displayed on the station.

As for the others, there were two more in the hilly area in the northern sector of the map. The name of the surviving team in the area was MMTM. They were genuinely strong, thus, looking at it honestly, they must have annihilated the two teams in 10 minutes.

Three annihilated teams were shown in the eastern section of the city, where various houses were lined up.

It seemed that the teams that had run away from Boss’s group, as well as the teams that began SJ2 from the centre of the town, had all unfortunately swarmed up there.

The downtown had small alleys, so they certainly had to end up in a fierce, short-ranged battle. No survivor could be seen in the vicinity, thus it was highly likely that the battle ended with them wiping each other out.

And so, the scan reached the south-eastern sector, the vicinity of the mountains where M’s group was lurking.

As they looked at the screen, LLENN, Boss, MMTM’s leader and M──



“What the h.e.l.l.”


Exclaimed at exactly the same moment.

“What’s up with this? LLENN. There’s seven of them at the same place? Ain’t that impossible?”

f.u.kaziroh enquired,

“Son of a……”

The moment LLENN understood the situation, she made a more grim expression than she ever had.

MMTM’s leader’s reaction was but one phrase.


He gave a disdainful laugh.


There were no enemies that seemed to be in the way along LLENN’s route to the dome.

There were two teams in the dome, but it seemed that LLENN could ignore them for now, thus she continued running.

Just like before, LLENN first dashed at full speed into the shadow of a cover. Then, while keeping a watch on her surroundings, she waited for f.u.kaziroh and, once she caught up, began running again.

While doing so, she explained the grave situation that they had discovered during the scan.

“Those seven teams! They’re conspiring!”

“Ha? What do you mean?”

“That is to say, they’ve formed a temporary truce! That was probably the leaders gathered up and discussing! I believe some eloquent guy is holding negotiations and trying to persuade theteams in the vicinity. It seems he’s planning to group up with them and drive away M’s group, who are secluding themselves in the mountains!”

“Aah! ──The mystery has been solved!”

“Well, speaking of strategies, this is a strategy too, I guess…… What nerve to wheedle them.”

Expressing some understanding, MMTM’s leader,

“They should have brought this to us.”

Uttered these words. The HK21 machine gun-wielding Jake,

“Wha? So you would have joined them? Leader.”

Replied with complete surprise,

“Of course not.”

And the leader answered immediately.

“I would have pretended to be listening, and ma.s.sacred them at the first opportunity. This is abattle royale, you know? There’s no such thing as allied teams here.”




1. ^ A makigari (巻き狩り) is a type of hunt where the hunting area is surrounded on four sides by hunters