Sword God

Chapter 11

Proofread by Peter Gong

"Four hundred and fifty pounds in a single arm."

Chen Zong lays down the heavy force-testing iron chain and a.n.a.lyzes.  

"Five energy pills help me to increase my force by twenty pounds. The three swordsmanship styles strengthens blood and spirits, with an increase of thirty pounds. Efficiency of swordsmanship is better than Tiger Fist"s at the same level.

"Therefore, Initial Achievement of the three swordsmanship styles together certainly helps me to reach the peak of level three Qi and Blood stage."

Drawing his weapon, Chen Zong practices the Eight Styles of Real Sword.

Chen Zong does not know the reason why the secret sword tip between his eyebrows is less helpful to Eight Types of Real Sword than it does to other Basic Martial Arts. The Eight Types of Real Sword is much tougher comparing to Tiger Fist or Eagle Striking Style. Initial success has not been reached because of slow progress, let alone Great Achievement.

But the power of Eight Types of Real Sword is beyond all doubt. Even initial achievement can easily win against perfect Tiger Fist style. 

Finishing the Eight Styles of the Real Sword, Chen Zong starts practicing Broken Shadow Style. Willow Flicking Style follows and finally the Eagle Striking Style.

Swordsmanship has different styles. But something in common is still found by Chen Zong. Being mutually complementary brings more progress. 

On the fourth evening, there are fewer people in the martial arts practicing field where Chen Zong chooses a corner to practice swordsmanship.

In the movement of the Broken Shadow Swordsmanship, a sword slash is followed by a broken shadow.

For the Broken Shadow Swordsmanship, a symbol of crossing the threshold is having a broken shadow. Continuous practice brings a second shadow that faintly appears after a slight quiver of sword tip after the first clear one.

Ten times later, the second broken shadow turns clear.

Chen Zong feels weak and numb. Inner Qi and Blood gently vibrate as if his potential were being motivated, which strengthens them inside, feeding back his body and building it up.

"Two broken shadows mark initial success." Chen Zong smiles knowingly without excitement for it is naturally in his view. He tried several more times to reinforce it and then he poses the start-style of the Willow Flicking Swordsmanship.  

His figure moving with an iron sword bathed in the moonlight looks like a swaying withy. 

His body feels a little bit numb again with practicing. Qi and Blood shook and improved once more.

It is the Initial Achievement of the Willow Flicking Swordsmanship.

Finally, it"s time for the Eagle Striking Swordsmanship.

Chen Zong waves the sword, like the wing of an eagle sweeping cross the dimly-lit night sky. He turns his wrist down and suddenly strikes, and the sword flashed, which looks like a sharp claw of an eagle.

He leaps up like a flying eagle. Accompanied by a whoosh, he stabs towards the ground like an eagle strikes its prey.

As the moon climbed to the sky, a figure leaps, and a sound like an eagle roaring comes from an striking iron sword. Another shock comes to Qi and Blood.  

Chen Zong has gotten Initial Achievement of the Eagle Striking Swordsmanship.

Continuous Initial Achievement of the three wordsmanship style shocks and improves Qi and Blood three times. Chen Zong has a feeling of slight fever as if he was being soaked in hot water. It is very comfortable and he is getting stronger little by little.  

"It is late and time to sleep." Looking up at the bright moon and then sheathing the sword, Chen Zong walks towards the dwelling area. 

The treatment for clan apprentices is not bad. Every room has considerable s.p.a.ce, about five meters long and four meters wide. A room has only one dweller, no sharing.

Two days later, Chen Zong goes to the testing area. He holds a heavy iron chain weighing five hundred pounds in a single arm and exerts his power to lift it. The iron chain is lifted up over his head. He does not put it down until he keeps it three times.

"A force of five hundred pounds! Level three of Qi and Blood Condition is at length peaked.

Some people are born with stronger strength like Chen Zhigang, but not Chen Zong. Before acquiring the secret sword tip, all aspects of him has been mediocrity. The arrival of the secret sword tip greatly speeds up his progress on martial arts, and nothing has been changed in his body.

Most of apprentices are training in the practicing field, and they practice fist, palm, leg, knife and sword. Chen Zong finds a corner filled with fewer people to practice sword as usual.

"Chen Zong, I hear you practice three different swordsmanship styles at the same time. Well, my Eagle Striking Swordsmanship has reached the peak of Great Achievement. Do you need my instruction?" Chen Zuoyi and Chen Shuiqing walk shoulder to shoulder. Chen Zuoyi twists the corner of his mouth with half smile. A trace of contempt in his eyes shows the att.i.tude clan apprentices feel towards branch offspring: disdain.  

"No need." Chen Zong"s keen vision catches a feeling of scorn overflowing from Chen Zuoyi"s eyes, so he is aware that his proposition is not sincere, probably with evil intention.

"Chen Zong, it is a honor if brother Zuoyi wishes to teach your swordsmanship. You fail to appreciate his kindness." Chen Shuiqing curls his lips and scolds.

"Shuiqing, he is just a b.u.mpkin from the branch. I don"t really want to teach him something even he agrees with my proposal." Chen Zuoyi sneers without pretending.

It is just a distraction. It lets Chen Zong further realize the status of branch offspring in the clan hall.

But, if his power is strong enough, clan or branch, does it really matter?

Chen Zong practices each swordsmanship style more than thirty times. He goes back to the dwelling area after lunch.

"It"s time for Tiger-Roar Style."

No disturbing is ideal for Tiger-Roar Style.

It is a unique method created by predecessor of Chen Family to build foundation, based on experiences of more than ten years. It is fit for disciples who peaks level three of Qi and Blood, which helps them further to refine Qi and Blood and prepare a better base for level four. 

A learner can enhance himself in all aspects by actively moving inner Qi and Blood after refining just one time. Force is the most obvious one.

The Tiger-Roar Style has two parts, mobile and immobile. There are seven types detailed imitation of a tiger in order to move Qi and Blood through the whole body. The secret of success is silence. A learner should chant silently in a comfortable position and feel the Qi and Blood through meditation for refinement.

According to the words of teacher Chen Chuyun, since the founding of clan hall, a man is one out of a hundred if he is able to master initial Tiger-Roar Style and refine Qi and Blood in one month. The best one spent half a month.

"Can I extract my Qi and Blood in one month?" Chen Zong talks to himself before starting of Tiger-Roar Style.

Firstly, feel.

Secondly, move.

Thirdly, refine.

It is said that the genius who began to refine in half a month spent three days on the first step.

Having warmed up his body, Chen Zong takes a deep breath. He sweeps away any thoughts and concentrates with his mind. The shake of his back is like a wave, following by motions of hands and legs, which makes him look like a tiger stretching to loosen up.

Perhaps because he completed Tiger Fist Style, seven types of Tiger-Roar Style is not difficult for Chen Zong at all. Plus, with the help of the secret sword tip, he carries out it very easily for the first time. It seems that he has exercised it over hundreds of times.

The first practice softly warms his body. The second and third time, he feels hotter and hotter, little by little. The tenth time, a vague feeling of Qi and Blood appears, as if a misty red river enters his eyesight and streams down.

"Have I finished the first step?" Chen Zong feels amazed.

It takes three full days for the fastest learner in clan hall to finish the first step. I just practiced ten times, which only took about a quarter in total. Is it an illusion?

He practices the eleventh time and really feels his Qi and Blood.

"It seems my talent is better." Chen Zong murmurs and then strikes while the iron is hot.

One time after another, Chen Zong"s body temperature rises increasingly and gradually turns his skin red. The feeling of Qi and Blood in his whole body is clearer and clearer.

After thirty times, Chen Zong unconsciously poses Tiger Squat, the starting-up style of Tiger Fist. He feels very good reaching the complete level.   

Inner Qi and Blood accelerated like a stream. Chen Zong silently chants, concentrates entirely on controlling and tries to move them with his will.

Feeling Qi and Blood is the first big barrier. To move them is the second one, much harder.

Chen Zong temporarily stops practicing swordsmanship and pays undivided attention to Tiger-Roar Style: one day, two days, three days, four days. 

After practicing Tiger-Roar Style ten times, Chen Zong poses Tiger Squat. He has a very clear feeling of Qi and Blood in his whole body so that he tries his best to control via willpower and spell. Consequently, their running speed is improved little by little. 

Fitful roaring like a tiger in a distance whispering around him indicates the running speed of inner Qi and Blood has reached a certain level, exerting force through alternating rhythm, fast or slow, which realizes the purpose of refinement. The sound is the core of the Tiger-Roar Style.

Half an hour later, Chen Zong reluctantly stops refinement due to severe hunger.  

The aim of refinement is to remove impurities and condense essentials, which means quant.i.ty goes down while quality goes up. Continuous practice requires supplement or it will damage to the person"s own body.

How to make up for the exhausted Qi and Blood?

A man of course gets hungry if supplement is provided by his own body.

Energy pills are very good supplement sources. Unfortunately, he only gets three in one month which runs out in several days. In most cases, to eat is the only way to make up for consumption.

Chen Zong feels he can finish a beef cattle. He leaves his room for the canteen after swiftly tidying up.

Regular meals are available as well as desserts in the canteen. A large bowl of ox bone soup, ten palm-size beef buns with thin skin and plump stuffing, which tasted delicious. Meanwhile, he listens to the conversation of the three people around him.

"The compet.i.tion for the first seat will arrive twenty days later, a chance in a month. Probably, I feel hopeless." 

 "I am hopeless too."

"Who might be the winner of the first seat in every group in your opinion?"

"I think Chen Baiqi will tower above the rest in fist group, because his Water Snake Hand is in Great Achievement and his Angry Python Fist is beyond Great Achievement, reaching the peak. Moreover, it is said that he studied Tiger-Roar Style before entering clan hall and at present his Qi and Blood have been refined once.

"Apprentices of the clan make people jealous. They can practice more compet.i.tive basic martial arts, and also enjoy better learning resources. I hear that every year the first place is almost taken by them who break through level four Qi and Blood stage earlier.

"This year may be different. As I know, Chen Guzhan, a branch descendent in our fist group, is born with great force. His single arm can carry eight hundred pounds. His Heavy Fist has reached Great Achievement. Chen Baiqi has no certain victory over him."

"Eight hundred pounds!" The other two disciples gasped. Chen Zong is astonished as well. Eight hundred pounds equals the force that is broken out after three refinement cycles of his own Qi and Blood.

 "Palm group, Chen Yong……"

"Leg group, Chen Ying……"

 "Saber group, Chen Fenghua……"

"Sword group, Chen Zuoyi……"

These people they mention are clan all apprentices. They have studied the Tiger-Roar Style in advance. Plus, they have refined their Qi and Blood for one time.

"I hear there is a man practicing three different swordsmanship styles together. Maybe he is a genius."

 "He is a joke."

Three apprentices from the branch laugh. Chen Zong keeps his silence.