Sword God

Chapter 7

Proofread by Peter Gong

On September 9, 394 in Zhenwu calendar, the sun rises and the light shines on the earth.

On the martial field of Chen"s family, from the head of the family to the sweeper, as long as they can move, nearly all of them a.s.semble here, because this is the annual event of the family: the warrior contest.

The center of the training ground is built with a contest platform, one meter high, five meters long and five meters wide. It is made of hard wood as thick as three fingers. It is very strong.

"Ladies and gentlemen..." Chen Wuxiong, the owner of the family, jumps onto the platform and looks around. All the people were quiet and their eyes were focused on Chen Wuxiong. His voice was loud: "This is the annual event of the Chen family..."

The content of the words is the same as that of the previous years, and there is no change, but Chen Wuxiong"s steady and powerful momentum, and pa.s.sionate eloquence greatly excite, especially the young people, who are about to partic.i.p.ate in the martial arts battle, eager to show their martial arts immediately.

"According to the previous rules, the first three candidates will be chosen."

As Chen Wuxiong"s voice falls, a delicate voice begins to sound. People see a graceful figure leap up from the platform, gracefully as a red b.u.t.terfly flying, then falling behind Chen Wuxiong. A pair of round legs look slenderer against the backdrop of deerskin shoes.

"Miss Yuyao is so beautiful."

"She"s so beautiful. If only she could smile at me."

Under the stage, the children of each family are amazed.

She is a beautiful, powerful, n.o.ble and worthy G.o.ddess.

With the sound of the wind, a figure like a wolf rushes out, leaps forward and falls gently on the rolling platform. This person is thin, his eyes being cold, and a scar on his cheek makes him look fiercer.

"It"s Chen Yidao."

"I know he must be one of the top three internally chosen."

Chen Yidao doesn"t seem to hear the people"s talk. His cold eyes look straight ahead and his whole body emits a wolf-like breath.

"Go aside." Shouts continue. Then Chen Zhongjie and Chen Dalei push the crowd hard, causing a lot of anger. Chen Zhigang walks by, jumps lightly onto the platform, goes to the center, looks around, and has a smile on his face. He a.s.sumes that if he was second, no one would dare claim to be first.

"Chen Zhigang!"

"It"s Gang."


Under the stage are extremely excited people.

Chen Zhigang is praised as the first warrior under the age of fifteen in Chen"s family. He is also admired by many girls in other families. His father is also the first warrior in his family. His every move attracts much attention.

"Chen Zhigang, Chen Yidao and Chen Yuyao were internally chosen. n.o.body objects to that." Chen Wuxiong said loudly with his eyes sweeping quickly.

"No arguments."

"These three persons are the strongest and most powerful under the age of fifteen, of course."

Many people echoe.

"Three people were determined internally, but that doesn"t mean that other people don"t have a chance." Chen Wuxiong nods satisfactorily: "All the other children under fifteen who want to compete for the top three can partic.i.p.ate in the contest of warriors, and the winner can challenge one of the three people, and then wins, he can go to the clan hall to practice."

With Chen Wuxiong"s voice falling, the young people who want to partic.i.p.ate in the warrior contest are breathing fast one by one.

"I suggest adding another rule." A man sitting at a high position rises, and he wears a sleeveless military uniform, and his exposed arms bulge up like steel muscles. His body emits a strong and astonishing breath. His eyes seem to be charged and brilliant. It is Chen Zhigang"s father Chen Huzhan and he says, "Those who are below the third layer of Qi and Blood are not allowed to partic.i.p.ate in the contest of warriors."


"How can this?"

"It"s unfair."

As soon as Chen Huzhan"s words are uttered, someone is upset.

According to the original rules, as long as the children under 15 years old are eligible to partic.i.p.ate in warrior contest. But now Chen Huzhan"s statement that most people should be disqualified is unacceptable.

"Do you think that the second layer of Qi and Blood can defeat the third layer of Qi and blood?" Chen Huzhan smiles coldly and asks with a compelling look, " Is there anyone who can"t reach the third layer of Qi and Blood but feels that he can overcome the third layer of Qi and Blood? Stand up and let me see."

n.o.body can say a word.

"Since there is no such thing, there is no need to waste time." Chen Huzhan laughs and looks at Chen Wuxiong. "Home owner, my opinion is good. That"s the decision."

"I oppose."

Chen Wuxiong is somewhat helpless. Before he speaks, a voice that is not loud or even hoa.r.s.e sounds and attracts people"s attention.

"Oh, who do I think it is? It"s you, Chen Zhengtang." Chen Huzhan is shocked at first, and immediately scorns: "Once the family"s first fighter, unfortunately that was a thing of the past, and now you are just a disused person, are you qualified to oppose?"

"As a member of the Chen family, I am ent.i.tled to raise objections." Chen Zhengtang"s face remains unchanged. He says loudly: "The rules of warrior contest were originally set to provide a collective exchange and consultation opportunity for the younger children of all families, which is tantamount to a training. For most people, victory or defeat is second. Your practice is not good for the family."

"Is your approach beneficial to the family?" Chen Huzhan smiles coldly: "For your son, the Chen family was almost oppressed by the other families in town because of the exhaustion of Qi and Blood. If it hadn"t been for me to break through in time, now the Chen family would not know what it would be like to be defeated. What qualifications do you have to say that?"

Chen Zhengtang"s face becomes heavy.

"Of course, I can give you a chance, you come up, as long as you can beat me, you can set rules." Chen Huzhan points at Chen Zhengtang and sneers, "If you dare not, you can go as far as you can."

Chen Zhengtang"s face gets much heavier.

"All right." Chen Wuxiong shouts loudly and looks at the other man sitting at a high position. "What do you think, supervisor?"

This man looks in his forties, wearing a blue military uniform with an air of superiority. The Chen family look at him with awe, because he comes from the clan and is a warrior sent by the clan to supervise the contest.

"You can arrange it yourself. I have no objection." The supervisor, with a sad look, said unhappily and slowly, "I just need to bring the strongest three into the clan hall."

"Who else has any objection?" Chen Huzhan is aggressive: "Come up and defeat me if you have any opinions."

"My dad is right. Those who are not in the third layer of Qi and Blood do not have to attend in order to avoid wasting time." Chen Zhigang takes a step forward, goes to Chen Huzhan and shouts, "In fact, from my point of view, warrior contest can also be omitted, because no one is my opponent."

"This father and his son are so annoying." Chen Yiming says in a low voice, clenching his fist.

Chen Zhengtang also retires into the crowd, looking anxious, because he has not seen Chen Zong"s figure.

"Well, there"s no need to say more. This year"s Warrior Contest begins." Chen Huzhan annouces. He makes a decision for Chen Wuxiong, jumping up high and landing in his seat.

Chen Wuxiong has no choice but to leave the stage. Chen Zhigang along with two other people also jump down from the stage.

Without Chen Zhigang, Chen Yidao and Chen Yuyao, and those who can not reach the third layer of Qi and Blood, only eight can partic.i.p.ate in the warrior contest.

"I"ll come first. Who"s going to fight with me?" Chen Zhongjie jumps onto the platform, and his practice is not long after he has just broken through the third layer of Qi and Blood.

"I, Chen Yang." A slim figure jumps up and falls down gently, and immediately puts on the Wolf Fist, facing Chen Zhongjie directly.

"Wolf Protrusion!" Chen Zhongjie starts with his starting type, and makes a rapid advance with a punch like a tusk.

"Wolf dodge!" Chen Yang"s figure was low, his footsteps hurried to the ground and flew away. As he approachs Chen Zhongjie, he uses a Wolf Dodge to prevent Chen Zhongjie"s blow and appears beside him. His left fist is like a wolf"s kiss.

Wolf bite type!

Chen Zhongjie can"t respond to being hit. He rolls over to one side. Chen Yang rushs up immediately and hits his face with fist like a tusk.

"I admit defeat!" Chen Zhongjie hurriedly shouts, and Chen Yang"s wolf protrusion suddenly stops in front of him, blowing the hair on his forehead.

"This guy"s response is rapid, and his combat experience is rich." The supervisor nods and gives an evaluation.

"Who"s going to fight?" Chen Yang defeats Chen Zhongjie with the fastest speed and does not consume much strength.

"Chen Chongxing will teach you a lesson." A figure jumps up, and landing it rushes to Chen Yang, one leg like a long knife out of sheath, splitting at high speed, which stirs up a light wind towards his face.

Chen Yang lowers his body and again performs wolf dodge.

The Wolf Fist and the Knife-wind Leg method start the confrontation.

Avoidance, attack, collision, both of them bring out their best to defeat each other

Eventually, Chen Yang seizes the opportunity to attack Chen Chongxing"s ribs directly with sudden wolf protrusion. The terrible force makes Chen Chongxing"s face change and he retreat again and again. Chen Yang seizes the opportunity to advance again, knocks down Chen Chongxing and wins again.

"I apply for a rest." Before the third contest begins, Chen Yang raises his hand and says that the contest with Chen Chongxing has consumed a lot of strength.

"OK, Chen Yang has a rest under the stage." Chen Wuxiong agrees: "Others can continue to fight."

In this way, it avoids people fighting all the time and overuse of power in case the weaker win.

"I"ll come first." Chen Dalei jumps onto the contest platform who ever ate tiger bone glue and tiger broth. His blood and spirit grow stronger, and his strength improves significantly.

His opponent also practices Tiger Fist. The two persons launch a positive bombardment. Chen Dalei, with more powerful force, fights back the opponent, and then strides out with a gust of wind, and another punch full of bombardment like a tiger roaring.

Hit, the opponent flies back and falls down.

"Frontal rolling, his strength is OK." The supervisor nods again.

"Who dares to fight with me?" Chen Dalei roars

"Don"t be too arrogant. I"ll meet you." Another man rushs onto the stage and launches a knife-wind leg method.

After several collisions, the man is thrown down by Chen Dalei.

"Dalei did a good job." Chen Zhigang nods satisfactorily.

Chen Dalei doesn"t ask for a rest until he defeats three opponents.

In this way, only Chen Yang, Chen Dalei and the last person are left.

Chen Dalei takes a rest, and it is Chen Yang who fights with the last man.

"Chen Yang, you are not my opponent." The last one is a woman named Chen Li, who practices knife-wind leg method.

"How do you know without fighting?" Chen Yang gives a low cry, exercising wolf attack, wolf dodge, and wolf protrusion, to the full.

Chen Li cries charmingly, and her long legs sweep away like a knife, whirling with a strong wind.

Knife roll type, knife strike type.

The two ways are coherent, directly hit and repulse Chen Yang. Chen Li"s legs are like a long knife, cutting out in a series, and forcing Chen Yang down the stage.

"Chen Dalei, come up and fight with me." Chen Li shouts aggressively.

"You lose." Chen Dalei jumps onto the stage, bursting into force with a kick, like tigers rushing out, and with a punch bombardment, which is strong to the extreme.

Tiger Rage!

"Knife-chop type!" Chen Li also launches the strongest blow.

When the collision happens, Chen Dalei"s figure shakes, while Chen Li steps back and her right leg trembles.

"I admit defeat." Chen Li is reluctant, but her right leg is numb.

"Congratulations to Chen Dalei"s victory on the warrior contest. Go on, you can challenge one of them. Who are you going to challenge?" Chen Wuxiong asks.

"Dalei, go down." Chen Zhigang suddenly speaks.

"I give up." Chen Dalei immediately says and jumps off the platform. He gives up the qualification to challenge, which surprises others.

"Chen Dalei gives up the challenge and Chen Zhigang, Chen Yidao and Chen Yuyao are qualified to go to the clan hall for practice." Chen Wuxiong can only announce, and symbolically asks, "Who has any objection?"

"I disagree." A clear voice sounds, tearing silence like a sword, and Chen Zhengtang"s face and Chen Yiming"s face change at the same time.