Sword God

Chapter 5

Proofreader: Gong Yubo (宫玉波)

Every day Chen zong repeatedly practices boxing and sword, going into the forest and looking at pictures.

The more he watches the picture of the tiger descending from the mountain, the more he feels his power is acc.u.mulating. However, it seems that he lacks an opportunity, just like scattering sand, which could not be a.s.sembled all the time. This worries Chen Zong a lot.

"It"s about to catch that feeling. What else is it that I don"t understand?" Along the lake walks Chen Zong with his head down. The more anxious he feels, the more difficult it is for him to grasp the clue. Thus, a vicious circle has been formed.

Suddenly, the tip of the sword in the s.p.a.ce between his eyebrows quivers slightly, the silver dragon walks away, and the cool and refreshing breath fills the air, making his mind calm down.

"I can"t rush. It"s only a matter of time before reaching this point." Breathing out a long breath, Chen Zong says secretly.

The body leans forward and falls low, and presents the starting-up style of the eight types of real sword--the prostrate sword type.

He stays still, allowing himself to enter a unique state.

The sword comes out of the scabbard, and under the obscure friction sound, the sword body cuts across the front, pa.s.sing through a semicircle arc, meanwhile, his body undulates like a wave in the back. With the right arm of the sword being pulled back and his power being aroused, the sword suddenly rushes forward and shoots out.

Draw sword type, rush sword type, ring sword type, cut sword type, disorderly sword type, rapid sword type, explosive sword type!

The last one is also the most powerful, with a sword through the air as if breaking everything.

The eight types of real sword start with prostrate type and end with explosive sword type, one after one with serial swords. The former style will have extra power transmitted to the next style, making the latter style even more powerful, especially the last explosive sword type, which fully mobilizes all body strength throughout the sword body. It is a kind of explosive sword style with its power unmatched.

Besides prostrate type, other 7 types can be put to use alone again, whose power is not common, either.

After practicing the eight types of real sword, Chen Zong retreats into the wind-howling forest again, but every time he will not go too deep, so as not to encounter the danger that he cannot cope with.

Continuous entry into the wind-howling forest starts with his strangeness to present familiarity, and it can be said that the periphery of the forest is just like going home, but unfortunately, Chen Zong has not found any herbal medicine except a few hunted rabbits.

He steps into the woods again, and it is dim and silent.

"Maybe this time, I can go a little deeper." Chen Zong says secretly.

Deeper into the woods, Chen Zong catches a big fat rabbit, but he does not meet such beasts as wolves, tigers and leopards.

Maybe there were many beasts before, but after many hunts by the martial artists in Lake Town, beasts gradually decrease in number and move deeper into the woods, making hunting them more difficult.

"That"s all for today." Carrying the rabbits of ten catties, Chen Zong turns in the direction of the forest, "This rabbit is enough for me and dad to eat for two days, and just put some dried camelina and red berries and stew it for three hours. It"s delicious and nourishing for the body."

After he leaves dozens of meters, a tall figure is striding forward.

"It"s true that you dare to challenge Young Master Gang (Chen Zhigang) and you dare to go so far into the wind-howling forest." The visitor grinned, in an unfriendly tone.

"Chen Dazhong... " Chen Zong"s heart burst, feeling bad, and quickly retreated.

Chen Dazhong is Chen Dalei"s eldest brother, twenty years old this year, and has achieved the fourth level of Qi and Blood realm. His talent is hard for Chen Zong to evaluate, after all, his vision is not enough, but he is very clear that a large gap exists concerning Qi and Blood realm between the fourth level and third level. First of all, as for the strength of the body, the fourth level of Qi and Blood realm can produce a force of one thousand pounds in a single arm, and promote force of Qi and Blood to exert a more powerful force.

This is the martial artist.

The strength of Qi and Blood is of vital importance for the martial artists of Qi and Blood realm, which makes an obvious difference from that of the martial apprentice.

Even with the sword in hand, the gap between the two sides is too big. Maybe, there"s even no chance to draw the sword.

"Quick response." Chen Dazhong stares at Chen Zong as if looking at a prey, striding towards him. Compared with Chen Zong, he not only outweighs Chen Zong in terms of quality and power, but also he has much experience of fighting against the fierce beasts in the forest.

Without any hesitation, Chen Zong throws the rabbit in his hands at Chen Dazhong with all his strength, turns quickly and runs with all his might into the deeper part of the wind-howling forest.

Chen Dazhong flings the rabbit like a fly for tens of meters, and accelerates just like the wind whistles with a burst of speed.

"Chen Zong, I won"t kill you. Stop and let me teach you a lesson. Otherwise, if you go deeper into the wind-howling forest, there will be a blind alley only." Chen Dazhong shouts as he chases.

Chen Zong musters all his strength and runs wildly. He dares not speak, because even the opening of his mouth will affect the speed.

Dash! Dash! Dash! He continues his rush forward with blood surging unceasingly and the heart beating as if rushing out of the chest. With his strong will all his potential strength in his body is being squeezed out, and has been transformed into speed instantly.


Hurry up!


But Chen Dazhong keeps approaching, and his speed is faster than Chen Zong"s.

Feeling the pressure coming from behind, Chen Zong almost bits his teeth. Once he is caught up, he will definitely be injured. That is not what he wants.

The eyebrow s.p.a.ce, as if aware of Chen Zong"s deep crisis, lightly trembles at the tip of the sword and makes Chen Zong"s five senses being enhanced to the extreme.

The terrible roar comes from behind, and without hesitation, Chen Zong rushes forward, rolls around quickly and continues to run, narrowly missing Chen Dazhong"s one-punch bombardment.

Chen Dazhong feels somewhat surprised that Chen Zong is able to avoid a blow from him at the second levels of Qi and Blood realm. But he does decrease his speed at all, and further approaches Chen Zong.

"Chen Zong, I warn you once again, stop right now, or the next time I do it, it"s not as easy as being hurt." Chen Dazhong is angry as well.

Another punch comes like a tiger roaring, and the terrible momentum makes Chen Zong"s scalp numb. He subconsciously rolls aside, while the strong wind whistles, brushing his cheeks, painful. His balance has been affected, and he is unable to get up immediately. Chen Dazhong steps closer, blocking Chen Zong"s way, grinning hideously.

"Chen Dazhong, there are rules in the clan. The martial artists are not allowed to attack the martial apprentice. Are you going to violate the rules of the clan?" Chen Zong gets up quickly, staring at Chen Dazhong with great vigilance and questioning him severely.

"Who knows?" Chen Dazhong says murderously. "Besides, you have already angered me. Do you think you can leave here alive?"

Chen Zong"s heart sinks and his whole body is getting cold. Chen Dazhong wants to kill him.

"Don"t try to procrastinate. Give your life."

As soon as the voice falls, Chen Dazhong makes a leap forward like a rushing tiger. He punches in and out as if blowing up the air, and with the terrible momentum pounding in, Chen Zong"s hair stands upside down. If hit, he is sure to be killed.

"Howl..." Vigorous and simple, a kind of hegemony over others is followed by a tall and strong figure leaping out from the huge gra.s.s.

The black and golden stripes on the forehead are like the word "king". They are arrogant and awe-inspiring. His eyes are like electricity, shining in the darkness of the forest. They are cold and domineering. At first glance, Chen Zong shivers uncontrollably, and cold air runs straight through his tail vertebra and his whole body becomes numb.

Chen Dazhong changes his complexion and turns around in an instant. The punch which originally aims at Chen Zong has become more ferocious and violent, accompanied by dull roaring, hurtling towards the leaping tiger.

Fist and claw collide, and terrible momentum surges. The tiger lands back, and Chen Dazhong also retreats a few steps, with arm slightly trembling.

Chen Zong is sober and does not hesitate to run aside. This is his only chance to leave. This direction does not lead him out of the forest. Chen Zong knows that although the tiger is fierce, it is not a monster. He does not know whether he can beat Chen Dazhong. In case that it can"t beat Chen Dazhong, Chen Dazhong will continue to chase him. This is quite a distance from the outside of the forest. It takes at least half an hour to rush out at his own speed. Otherwise, once caught, he is doomed to death.

"Well, a beast dares to destroy what I am going to do." Chen Dazhong becomes furious, his eyes twinkling fiercely. His face is grim, and he puts on a tiger-like pose, "Let me kill you, boil tiger bones into glue, stew tiger meat into soup, and make tiger skins into clothes to improve Master Gang"s and my brother"s quality."

The tiger lies low on the ground. The tiger"s eyes are fierce, and Chen Dazhong is locked in. This bipedal animal is full of vigor and blood. It is absolutely delicious food. Intuition tells that eating it will be of great benefit.

The two sides break out and rush towards each other, launching fierce battles.

Chen Zong runs hundreds of meters away and dodges behind a big tree. He can barely see one man, one tiger, fighting fiercely with an astonishing momentum. He sees Chen Dazhong gaining the upper hand and making the tiger roar furiously.

"The martial artists on the fourth levels of Qi and Blood realm are terrible indeed. It seems that there is no chance to kill Chen Dazhong." In a secret way, Chen Zong looks at the fight for a little while again and decides that the tiger is in no way Chen Dazhong"s opponent. After he has running forward again for a while, the voice that comes through is getting smaller and smaller until it disappears.

After a while, Chen Zong hears the sound of a rippling stream. An open scene comes into view. A clear stream about one meter wide and half meter deep stretches far away. It seems that the forest is separated. Fish swim freely in the stream. Near the stream lies a ruined shack.

"Somebody is here?" Chen Zong approaches with caution. No one is in the cabin. An old wooden bed, mossy iron pot and mushrooms in the corner indicate that no one has lived here for a long time.

"Maybe I can stay here for a while." Chen Zong"s eyes are shining.

After this, he understands that Chen Zhigang is narrow-minded. If he appears again, it is likely that Chen Dazhong or others are sure to come and continue to make troubles, which will be very harmful to his practice.

If injured, he will not only be unable to practice, but also brings Papa lot of troubles. It is better to leave for the time being and concentrate on practice, waiting for the beginning of the compet.i.tion of martial apprentices. That"s the time he will return to the clan and win the top three.

"That"s the decision." Chen Zong thinks carefully for a moment, "I have to go back first, or daddy will worry about me, well, just use the old man as an excuse before."

"Just say that the elder is going to guide me to practice, so that my father shouldn"t worry about it."

So Chen Zong has made such a pleasant decision. He tours around for a moment, carefully observes various footprints, and finally confirms that there are no large animals in the area and he is further rea.s.sured. He goes to the place where he stays at about the same time to see how Chen Dazhong fights against the tiger. If Chen Dazhong is injured deeply or even exerts too much effort, it is time that he fights back by himself.