Tall, Silent And Lethal

Chapter 38.

"So, then what are you doing?" she asked, stroking him as she pressed down, forcing the length of his c.o.c.k between her wet folds.

"Nothing," he managed hoa.r.s.ely, his eyes glued to the small tan hand wrapped around him.

"Nothing?" she murmured, watching him as she moved to grip him just beneath the head of his c.o.c.k.

"Changed my mind," he lied, licking his lips as he watched her tilt her hips, the move pressing her core and swollen c.l.i.t right against him.

"You just changed your mind?" she repeated, sounding amused as she looked pointedly down at the large erection in her hands.

"Yes!" he hissed out when she rocked her hips, rubbing her wet slit over him.

"I see," she said softly, her attention fixed on his c.o.c.k as her grip tightened around him. She slowly canted her hips back and forth, riding the length of his c.o.c.k as she moaned softly.

His fangs shot down before he could stop them. Glad that her attention was elsewhere, he ran his tongue over the tips of his fangs and willed them to retreat, but they wouldn"t listen, not with Cloe coating his c.o.c.k in her juices. His breaths came short and choppy as he desperately tried sending his fangs back, praying that he was able to do it before she saw them and started screaming. He felt the tingle of his eyes just before their surroundings took on shades of red again, but with a thought he had them shifting back to blue.

"So, you"d be okay if I stopped?" she asked, continuing to play with his c.o.c.k as she shot him a questioning look.

Clamping his jaw tightly shut, he nodded, his c.o.c.k jerking in her hands in protest.

Cloe sighed, long and loud as she reluctantly nodded. "If that"s what you want."

It wasn"t what he wanted, but he didn"t have a choice. Never had. He could handle fingering a woman, licking her out and kissing her without losing control, but every time he slid inside a woman his grip on his control faltered, leaving him struggling to hide what he was. The few times that he"d allowed himself to take a chance he"d ended up scrambling for the door and running off like a coward, but the last time.....

That last time should have been enough.

He could still hear her screams for help....

It sure as h.e.l.l wasn"t something that he wanted to go through with Cloe. She made him lose control with a smile. He was a f.u.c.king moron for thinking that he had a chance of retaining control with her because of a pair of handcuffs. He should have........

"f.u.c.king h.e.l.l!" he roared as Cloe took him by surprise.

"Much better," Cloe said, sounding pleased with herself as she slowly slid down his c.o.c.k until he was buried inside her to the hilt. "Now, where were we?"

He opened his mouth to beg her to have mercy on him, but the sensation of his fangs shooting down had him clamping his mouth shut. His control over his eyes was tenuous, but for the moment he had them under his control. He used his eyes to convey the message that she needed to get off him, now. When she ignored his glare, he reached up to remove her with trembling hands only to have her intercept his hands and place them on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"I believe you were explaining to me the reason why you"ve been s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g with my head," she said, covering his hands with hers and forcing them to squeeze her large pouty b.r.e.a.s.t.s as she shifted on his lap, drawing a strangled groan from him.

"Haven"t been s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g with your head," he managed to bite out between clenched teeth, praying that she didn"t see his fangs and realize just how close he was to losing it.

"Really?" she asked in a disbelieving tone as she slowly rode him, her wet core hugging his shaft tightly and stroking it with every motion.


"I see," she said, releasing her hold over his hands.

The second that her hands dropped to her sides, he forced himself to drop his hands as well, ignoring the impulse to squeeze them, run his hands over them, play with the pretty nipples begging for his attention and...



Lick his lips hungrily as he watched Cloe reach between her legs and trace her wet slit with the tips of her fingers. Enthralled, he watched as she rode him, his c.o.c.k disappearing inside her with increasing urgency as she played with her swollen c.l.i.t for his viewing pleasure. Everything took on shades of red, but he was too lost to care or realize what that meant. A small moan dragged his attention north to find a similar pair of shimmering red eyes watching him.

He felt his body go still and swore that his heart stopped beating as he waited for her to scream, to yell at him, call him a monster, hit him, to look at him with terror and disgust as she realized that the man that was making love to her was the same man that had attacked her and destroyed her life. It was what he deserved, what he expected, but this was Cloe that he was dealing with here. Why he still expected her to act like a normal woman would was beyond him.

"You feel so good," she said, licking her lips hungrily as she continued to ride him.

For a moment he watched her, looking for any signs that she was frightened, but he could only sense her arousal. He hadn"t lied to her when he"d told her that he"d never lost control when he was with a woman. He"d never wanted one badly enough to lose the kind of control that would put a woman"s life in danger, not since the lab. He"d always had a problem with hiding what he was, which was why he usually settled for pleasuring a woman to get what he wanted.

"You"re really not scared?" he found himself asking, curious about her reaction.

"Is that what was bothering you?" she asked, sounding just as curious.


"Afraid that I"d see the real you and make a run for it?" she teased, her lips twitching with amus.e.m.e.nt as her hand suddenly stilled between her legs.

"Something like that," he admitted, slowly sitting up and wrapping his arms loosely around her as she continued to slowly ride him. "You have more than enough reason to," he admitted as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

"Yes," she easily agreed as she leaned in and brushed her lips against his, "I do."

"Then why don"t you?"

"Because," she said with a shy smile and a blush that took him by surprise, "I know that it wasn"t you. You"d never hurt me, Christofer."

"No," he said, shaking his head as his hold on her tightened, "I wouldn"t."

"Because you live in fear of my new mighty skills," she teased as she leaned in and playfully nipped at his lower lip, surprising a chuckle out of him.

"Yes, I do," he said, terrified of the power that she had over him, but craving it more than anything.

"Since we have that little matter straightened out........." she said huskily, letting her words trail off as her hips rolled with a little more force, reminding him that he was inside the woman that drove him out of his f.u.c.king mind and he was wasting time, something that he would never be able to forgive himself for.

He took her mouth roughly, careful not to nick her tongue with his fangs, uncaring if he cut his tongue on hers. She kissed him, meeting him stroke for stroke as he turned with her in his arms and laid her back on the bed. Before her back hit the bed he was thrusting inside her. There was no finesse or skill to his movements, something that he prayed that she wouldn"t notice. He took her with everything that he had, opening his senses and focusing on the way that her nipples were pressed against his chest, the feel of her warm skin against his, the feel of her beautiful mouth, the way her hot sheath gripped him tightly with every stroke and the desperate way that she pulled at his a.s.s, demanding that he f.u.c.k her harder.

Immense pleasure rode up his shaft and this time he didn"t try fighting it, because he knew that he was beyond stopping with the way that she whimpered his name against his lips, dug her nails in his a.s.s and worked her hips so that she could meet every one of his strokes. When the need to bite her took hold of him, he thrust against her harder, driving his c.o.c.k into her wet core over and over again until it become too much.

Pressing one last desperate kiss against her lips, he turned his head and offered his neck, giving Cloe the pleasure that he could never allow himself.

"Cloe...mein Schatz..........f.u.c.k!" he growled incoherently as Cloe struck, burying her fangs inside his neck as her sheath clamped down around him, her walls pulsing uncontrollably as she ripped the o.r.g.a.s.m from him, giving him what no other woman could.


Chapter 38.

"What"s our plan?" she asked, trying to focus on what they needed to do instead of the fact that she"d just had the most amazing s.e.x of her life with a man that she refused to allow herself to fall for.

She didn"t fall in love, she reminded herself as she barely resisted the urge to reach out and run her hand over his bare shoulder. It would only send the wrong message and right now she needed to remember that this wasn"t permanent. While it was true that she would never have to worry about Christofer dying one day, she wasn"t foolish enough to believe that this was going to last for eternity.

One day he"d grow tired of her or find someone new and then it would be over and she would be on her own. So, for now she was going to just enjoy the time they had together, have more of that amazing s.e.x and learn as much as she could from Christofer before he walked away.

"I don"t have a plan," Christofer admitted as he finished tying his shoe.

"You don"t have a plan?" she repeated back slowly, sure that she"d misheard him.

"No," he answered as he stood up and pulled a grey tee shirt on, covering that incredible chest and torso that she hadn"t fully appreciated yet, giving her a chance to stay focused on the fact that the man that she was trusting her a.s.s with just admitted that he planned on escaping what came down to a military compound without a plan.


"Then how exactly did you plan on escaping without getting caught?" she demanded, for the first time regretting turning down her social worker when he"d strongly suggested that joining the military was the best way for someone like her to pay for college.

"I figured we"d just wing it," he said with a shrug that she really didn"t appreciate, not one bit.

"You figured we"d just wing it?" she repeated, truly at a loss for words.

Wow, just....wow.......

"Unless you have a better plan," he offered, moving over to her backpack and double-checking that they hadn"t forgotten anything.

"We could give it another day," she suggested, sounding hopeful and for good reason.

She was not looking forward to this. Not at all. They had no weapons and apparently they didn"t even have a plan. She really didn"t see this working, but she didn"t say anything, mostly because she didn"t feel like putting up with him scowling at her for the next ten minutes.

He shook his head as he picked up the bag and headed for the door. "We can"t wait another day," he said tightly, making her frown as she hurried after him.

"Why not?" she asked, catching up to him by the time he made it to the living room. "What difference will one more day make?"

He didn"t look at her as he answered, "A world of difference."

"And why exactly is that?" she asked, struggling to keep up.

He paused at the penthouse door with his hand on the handle, his back to her as he gave her the answer that she"d really wished he"d kept to himself.

"Because I"m having a h.e.l.l of a time keeping my hands off you right now. All I can think about is taking you back to bed, licking you clean, sliding my fingers deep inside you, taking you against every surface until you squeeze my c.o.c.k dry, but I know that if I touch you right now that I won"t be able to stop myself from sliding my fangs inside you and draining you dry the next time I hear you scream my name."

"Oh," was her lame reply as she tried to think about anything other than the visual that he"d just created in her mind and failed, a few times.

Was it wrong that she was actually thinking about saying the h.e.l.l with it and tackling him?

Probably, she thought, absently frowning as she heard something like a motor and- "The elevator," Christofer growled out viciously as he tore open the door and stormed out of the penthouse, leaving her standing there, debating her options.

After only a few seconds she came to the depressing realization that she really didn"t have any other options.

Orlando, Florida "We found her," came the announcement that he"d been waiting for.

"Where is she?" he asked his Beta, not bothering with any pleasantries as he abruptly hung up the phone on one of his suppliers.

His beta stood in front of his desk, his hands clenched tightly by his sides, his gaze downcast in submission as he admitted, "She"s gone."

"Gone?" Aidan repeated with disgust.

Brock opened his mouth to explain further only to abruptly shut his mouth, nod and tense up as he risked a quick glance at his Alpha.

"How can she be gone if you found her?" Aidan asked, leaning back in his chair as he studied his beta, waiting for an answer that would satisfy him.

Licking his lips, his beta rushed to explain, "We were able to convince a human working at the agency that employed her to help us. She gave us an address in Ma.s.sachusetts. I sent a team to retrieve her this morning."

"Then why isn"t she here now?" he wondered out loud, his fingers drumming against his desk as he waited, patiently in his opinion, for his Beta to explain why his property wasn"t at this moment quivering at his feet and begging for his forgiveness.

He saw his Beta hesitate for a moment and knew that he wasn"t going to like what was coming. His Beta apparently sensed that as well since he started to take a step back only to remember how Aidan felt about cowards.

"Sentinels," his Beta said, keeping his gaze locked on the floor.

"Sentinels?" he repeated, the word leaving a sour taste in his mouth.

Brock nodded firmly, once. "It appears as though they"re cleaning out the house."

"She was working at a Sentinel home?" he asked, wondering what kind of Sentinel would be stupid enough to harbor a b.i.t.c.h.

She was clearly marked and even though the Sentinels did everything they could to stop the practice of marking humans as property, once a human was marked, they couldn"t do s.h.i.t about it. That is, unless the human asked for help, but even then most Sentinels were forbidden to interfere, because of the potential for war. Knowing the Sentinels were involved, he couldn"t help but wonder if she knew what he was and what that made her.

He"d rather keep her in the dark until he could claim her as his. He wanted to see the terror on her face when she realized what he was, her master. If the Sentinels had let that particular secret slip he may have to pay a visit to this Sentinel home in Ma.s.sachusetts.

"I don"t think it was a Sentinel home before," Brock said, his jaw clenched tightly as he forced himself to stand there.

"And now?"

A muscle ticked in Brock"s jaw as he nodded, igniting his curiosity even further.

"And the family that lived there?" he asked in a deceptively calm tone as he waited for the bad news that he knew was coming. He could smell the spike of adrenaline coursing through his Beta"s body, demanding that his beta make an escape or defend himself, but Brock would do neither. Not if he wanted to live.

"They"re gone. No one in town has seen them in over a week," Brock rushed to explain.

"Does anyone know where they"ve gone?" he asked, relishing in the feel of his fingernails shifting to claws as he continued to drum his fingers against the desk, waiting for an answer that would lead him to his property.

"No," Brock reluctantly said as he continued to force himself to stand there, averting his gaze as Aidan digested his answer and when he did.....

"You lost my property?" he snarled in his Beta"s face seconds later as he wrapped his hand around his Beta"s neck, allowing his claws to dig into the vulnerable skin protecting his throat.

"It"s complicated," Brock said, swallowing hard.