Tall, Silent And Lethal

Chapter 16.

Maybe she should- "s.h.i.t!" Christofer snapped as her cellphone rang loud and clear right above her head.

Smiling in triumph, Cloe stood up, making sure to put one foot on his stomach and one on his thigh in the process, loving the little pained grunt he made as she put all of her weight on the leg currently getting its support from his stomach. "Looks like someone forgot to shut the ringer off," she pointed out with a relieved sigh as she reached up and pushed the aged ceiling tile aside. She spotted her purse hanging just over the edge and grabbed it before the b.a.s.t.a.r.d seething beneath her could knock her on her a.s.s and take it away from her.

Making sure to earn another one of those pained grunts that she was beginning to love, she ground her foot in his stomach one last time as she stepped off him and jumped off the bed. As she pulled her phone out of her purse, she ignored the glare that he was sending her way. She didn"t know him well, but she knew by the expression on his face that he was already thinking up another bulls.h.i.t plan to keep her here. Knowing that it was probably best to leave before he had a chance to stop her, she headed for the door as she looked down at her phone and nearly sagged with relief.

It was Marta calling, most likely looking for a ride home. Perfect timing. This phone call provided her with the opportunity that she needed to say goodbye and put this nightmare, and the overbearing b.a.s.t.a.r.d coming after her, behind her once and for all. Then she could- Let out an embarra.s.singly high squeal as the b.a.s.t.a.r.d that she was going to kill with her bare hands took her by surprise and swept her off her feet.

Chapter 16.

Williams Mansion "Please tell me that you"re f.u.c.king kidding me," Kale said, sounding frustrated as he rubbed his hands down his face.

If she"d been anyone else delivering the bad news to the shifter, she knew that he would have probably sent her screaming from the room. Instead, he was forcing himself to stand where he was and take a deep breath. It was something that she definitely appreciated about their close friendship, she mused as she opened the bag of peanut b.u.t.ter cups she kept hidden in her desk where her overbearing mate couldn"t find them.

She wasn"t too surprised when the bag was suddenly s.n.a.t.c.hed away from her or when she looked up to find Kale tearing into the bag, sending her a look that dared her to b.i.t.c.h. Normally she would have s.n.a.t.c.hed the bag back from him, but she just didn"t have the energy today.

For the last week she"d been working day and night on Tattletale, teaching it how to decipher the Sentinel blood supply system. It had broken into the system and grabbed all the information that she"d requested, quickly fitting it into categories within the first hour, which was what she"d expected it to do. What she hadn"t expected, and she really should have, was that all the information was fake.

Well, the drop off locations, the amount of blood ordered and delivered, and the deposits made to cover the blood delivery orders were real, but that wasn"t really helpful when the rest of the information was fake. Not only that, but it seemed that once a customer moved out of an area they apparently would set up a new account with a new fake name and contact information.

Was the Council surprised when she"d informed them of the problem? Not at all. They"d set it up like this. They wanted to make sure that vampires, demons and all the lovely creatures that relied on human blood had easy access to bagged blood to keep them from attacking humans. It was something that she understood and normally would have fully supported, but not now, not when she was depending on their information to weed out the Pytes.

"Are there any descriptions? Notes? Anything to clue us in on the ident.i.ty of the customers?" Kale demanded as he unwrapped a peanut b.u.t.ter cup and shoved it in his mouth.

Izzy shook her head, biting back a wince when the movement sent sharp pain shooting through her throbbing hip. Ignoring it, because it was either that or break down and cry, she focused on the large monitor in front of her. "No, there aren"t any notes. No clue into their species, nothing."

Kale growled out something unintelligible as he shoved another peanut b.u.t.ter cup in his mouth. He"d been on edge all week, eager to start this job only to discover that it wasn"t going to be that easy. Every attempt they"d made to hunt down Pytes had been met with roadblocks. First, he"d been denied access to the files that the Vatican held on suspected Pytes, because the Council refused to agree on just how much information Kale should have access to.

Then they"d discovered that all those files that the Council were protecting were hand written, kept in an underground tomb where they were protected by a security system. Tattletale could have shut it down, but that wouldn"t have helped since there was no record of the location of the tombs in the files. Until the Council could come to an agreement over the files, they had to use what they had, which wasn"t a h.e.l.l of a lot.

"Vampires can"t smell Pytes," Kale suddenly announced, sounding thoughtful.

"True, but they also can"t smell most demons," she felt the need to point out, wondering where he was going with this.

"We need the delivery personnel to start identifying the species of every customer," Kale said, dropping the now-empty bag of peanut b.u.t.ter cups on the desk. He grabbed a chair and pulled it up to her workstation and settled in.

"What are you thinking?" she asked, even as she hacked into the Sentinel blood supply system and added a new column in the database and labeled it, "Species."

"If we can start eliminating vampires off our list, we can narrow it down," Kale said, opening the mini-fridge that she kept beneath her workstation.

"Vampires can"t distinguish between most demons and Pytes," she pointed out, again.

"It doesn"t matter," Kale said, pulling out two bottles of orange juice and handed her one. "If we can manage to shorten the list, we"ll have something that we can work with."

Izzy pursed her lips up in thought as she looked back at the database. After a moment, she added another category, "Special Notes."

"What"s that for?" Kale asked, taking her orange juice back so that he could open it for her.

"We might be able to cut the list down further if we get clues that will help us sort through the rest of the list."

"Good idea," Kale agreed with an approving nod.

"I"m going to break into the message center and send out a general message requesting the deliverers to identify the species of their customers and take note of anything unusual about the customer," she explained even as she did it.

"We don"t want them cluing anyone in on our plans," Kale warned.

She shook her head. "I"m going to make sure that they know that this is observation only, no questions asked."

"What if they don"t comply?" Kale asked, but she could tell by his tone that he already had an idea or two to make sure that they complied.

"I"m going to give them some bulls.h.i.t administrative excuse to get the job done. If I offer them information, an incentive or make a big deal out of this in any way, it will tip them off and make them curious."

"Curious is bad," Kale agreed with a nod.


"Are you going to be able to filter out Pyte abilities?" he asked, getting to his feet.

"I should be able to as long as I get decent information," she said, wondering if perhaps she should set up a form for the deliverers to check off for each customer, something mixed with Pyte and demon abilities so that the deliverers were kept in the dark about their real intentions.

"Let me know when you have something concrete," he said, heading to the door.

"Where are you going?" she asked, keeping her attention on her monitor as she readjusted the database.

"To get my team together."

Orlando, Florida "She"s definitely left the state," Brock, his beta, said in way of greeting as he stepped into the office and shut the door behind him, blocking out the noise from the busy kitchen.

"Where is she?" Aidan asked, not bothering to look away from his computer as he double-checked last night"s figures.

"We"re not sure yet," Brock admitted on a heavy sigh as he walked around the large mahogany desk that they shared. "Did your balance match mine?" Brock asked, nodding towards the computer screen.

"Yes, but we"ll handle that in a minute," Aidan said, pushing back from the desk and turning the chair around so that he could face his beta. "Were you able to cut off her support?"

Brock nodded, not looking particularly happy about it. Then again, none of his pack was happy about this, but he didn"t care. He wanted his property back and until he got it, they would continue to do whatever was necessary to ensure that happened.

Of course this time he wasn"t demanding that his pack uproot their lives again and move across country. This time he was done chasing after his property, watching her from afar, especially after he"d so freely been allowed to taste her. This would be the very last time that she would run away from him.

"We"ve hacked into her bank accounts and froze them. We also have someone trying to get information from the nursing company that she works for. We should have something within the week if not sooner," Brock explained, making Aidan smile for the first time in a week since he"d discovered that the b.i.t.c.h that he"d claimed as his own had taken off sometime during the night.

"Good," Aidan said, nodding approvingly as he looked back at the computer screen and the small problem that needed his attention. "Are you keeping track of her bank and credit card activity?" he asked as he opened up the file for last week"s sales figures.

"So far she hasn"t tried to use her ATM card or credit cards. According to her bank records, she took out a thousand dollars the morning that she left. So-"

"It"s only a matter of time before she tries to use her bankcard," Aidan finished for him as he headed towards the thick black door that he"d had specially installed two years ago when he bought the restaurant.

"What if she calls someone to ask for money or a place to stay?" Brock asked as he waited for Aidan to unlock the door and open it.

Aidan, smiling more than he had in years, simply shook his head. "She cuts everyone out of her life as soon as she moves on. When she realizes that she has no income or money in the bank, she"ll have no choice but to accept what I"m willing to offer her."

Her place in his Pack and in his bed.

His c.o.c.k hardened painfully at the memory of the last time that he"d had her. Her wet, willing p.u.s.s.y clenching tightly around him as he took her from behind while he"d licked the marks that he"d left on her all those years ago. He"d waited a long time for her to ripen and it had been worth it.

The only thing that he regretted was not being the one who"d taken her virginity, but he"d known then that if he had, he wouldn"t have been able to hold back. He would have marked her again as he forced his blood down her throat, forcing her into his Pack and making her able to take him without the risk of breaking her fragile human body before she was ready. She"d been too young then and would have fought him, and as much as he loved a good fight, he didn"t want to take the risk of ruining that beautiful body of hers any more than was necessary.

Soon she"d be able to take him, all of him, and he would finally be able to let go and enjoy her without holding back, he promised himself as he opened the door and headed down the dimly lit staircase, absently adjusting the tent in his pants as he went. The sounds of muttered whimpering met his ears as he stepped into the large room that he"d had specially made for those nights when his Pack couldn"t get out of the city and away from the watchful eyes of the Sentinels.

"Please!" the young woman he"d had his men chain to the wall only a few hours ago pleaded around her gag.

Sighing in annoyance, Aidan reached over and yanked the gag out the woman"s mouth since the muttered noises would only irritate him. True, his men could have removed the gag and allowed the woman to scream her head off without worry that she would alert the customers dining above them, but then they would have chanced her screaming until her throat was raw and she was unable to answer his questions.

Not that he had many, not after he"d gone through his records for the past three weeks since she"d been hired to wait tables. The only thing that he didn"t know, and cared about, was where his money was. He wasn"t poor, far from it, but that didn"t mean that he was willing to look the other way when someone stole from him.

He couldn"t afford to show weakness, not with his Pack watching his every move, looking for a sign of weakness. Like most Alphas, he was very strict with his Pack. He didn"t tolerate defiance on any level, because that would only lead to chaos among his Pack. It would give them ideas that they didn"t need him, could ignore his commands, or worse, that they should get rid of him and welcome another Alpha to lead his Pack.

Since he had a low tolerance for bulls.h.i.t and had no intentions of allowing another shifter to take over his Pack, he ruled with an iron fist. He had a three-strike system, one that his Pack understood and followed. Unless they severely p.i.s.sed him off, he gave them three chances to stay on his good side.

The first time they f.u.c.ked up, he forced them to spend the three nights of the full moon in a small metal box, just big enough for them to shift. It was pure h.e.l.l for any shifter not to be able to run and hunt on the nights of the full moon, but not being able to do anything more than breathe was a form of h.e.l.l that he made d.a.m.n sure that all of his Pack experienced at least once.

The second time they f.u.c.ked up, he had them placed in a box, much smaller than the first so that when they shifted, their bones would dislocate and as they continued to expand, they would break, one by one, leaving the shifter in agonizing pain. They"d suffer the same torment for three nights until the third morning when they shifted back to human for the last time.

Then he, still in shifted form, would drag the offender out by using his fangs. While the rest of the pack was still experiencing the high of a shift, he would teach them a new lesson that they would never forget. If they earned a third strike.....

Well, not many earned a third strike and those that did never lived to regret it.

"Please let me go!" the young woman pleaded between choked sobs as she yanked at her chains.

"Where"s my money?" he simply asked as he reached down and pulled off one shoe.

"I-I d-don"t know what you"re talking about!" she cried, but the way that she yanked at her chains and her tone became panicked said otherwise.

"Where"s my money?" he asked again as he reached down and pulled off the other shoe. He scented the air, noting the scent of adrenaline pouring into her bloodstream. It awakened the beast inside of him, making him hunger for a taste.

"I-I don"t have it!" she cried, the scent of her fear tripling as he pulled off his socks and pants.

"Where is it?" he asked, taking his shirt off and leaving him in a pair of boxer shorts that encased the evidence of his thoughts about Cloe.

The young woman"s eyes landed on his drawers and stayed there only to shift to his erection when he yanked the boxers down low enough so that he could kick them off.

"I-I spent it all, but I can pay you back! I swear that I"ll pay you back! Please just let me go!" she begged, sobbing hysterically.

Aidan gave her a small smile as he walked over to where she sat on the metal floor. He crouched down in front of her, tilting his head to the side as he reached out and ran a finger down her jaw. She flinched back as though he"d struck her, which was pretty f.u.c.king insulting since he"d never hit a woman in his life. Tearing one apart with his fangs and claws.....

Well, that was an entirely different story altogether.

"Now, what kind of message would that send to my Pack if I let you go?" he asked with a tsk as he allowed his eyes to shift silver and his fangs to descend.

She opened her mouth, probably to beg him for another chance only to release a blood chilling scream as the finger that he was tracing down her jaw suddenly sprouted a claw, leaving a trail of blood behind as he moved his hand down to her throat.

"Now," he said, pausing as his hand shifted into something out of a horror movie, "you were telling me where my money was?"

Chapter 17.

"Oh my G.o.d, you"re insane," Cloe said, sounding frustrated as she rubbed her hands down her face.

"Most likely," he agreed, not because he really thought that he was insane, but because arguing with her right now wasn"t possible, not with her straddling his lap.

He"d be the first one to admit that this hadn"t been one of his best ideas, but he hadn"t been left with much of a choice, not with the d.a.m.n woman trying to leave every other second. When he"d picked her up to stop her from leaving, he"d considered tossing her in his closet or in his bathroom. He"d planned on keeping her there until he was able to talk some d.a.m.n sense into her, but the reminder that she didn"t like enclosed s.p.a.ces or feeling trapped had him making a last second adjustment to his plan.

"Let me go," she demanded.

"I"m not holding you," he pointed out, technically not lying since he wasn"t holding her.

Granted, he did have his arms resting along her thighs and his hands on her hips, ready to stop her if she tried to climb off his lap, again, but he really didn"t think that counted as holding her. She"d be flipping out a h.e.l.l of a lot more if she really thought that he was holding her in place. So, since she was only straddling his lap and glaring at him, she clearly didn"t feel trapped.

"Really?" she asked, c.o.c.king a brow in disbelief as she tried to move off his lap only to have his hold tighten on her hips, keeping her in place before she could do more than lift her a.s.s.

"Really," he said, settling back on the love seat, relaxing even as he tightened his grip on her hips.

"You do realize that this is considered kidnapping in most states," she pointed out, crossing her arms over her chest as she narrowed her eyes to slits on him, no doubt trying to come up with a way to escape his hold and get out of the house before he found another way to stop her.

"You"re the one that has me trapped on this couch," he explained innocently with a shrug, knowing that it would p.i.s.s her off.

So, when she closed her eyes and took several deep breaths in an obvious attempt to calm down, he couldn"t help but smile. She definitely made his normally tedious life interesting, he thought as he leaned in and f.u.c.ked up his plans to convince her to stay without having to resort to chaining her to the house.

He kissed her stubborn little chin and nearly groaned from the contact. It was such a simple, innocent kiss, but it had him wanting more, wanting her. She felt so good in his arms, too d.a.m.n good. Christ, he wanted her, he realized with a pained groan. He"d do anything to have her, to touch her, to hold her, to have her in his life.....