Taming Master

Chapter 512: The Ultimate Magical Beast Trans.m.u.tation 3

Chapter 512: The Ultimate Magical Beast Trans.m.u.tation 3

Ultimate Magical Beast Trans.m.u.tation 3

Ian’s discovery of the ‘secret’ was the result of his great deal of devotion and constant hunting.

This was what had happened in the past when Ian was roaming around the Devildom with his loyal person no 2, Kanoel.

* * *

“Yah, Noel-ah.”

“Yah, hyung!”

“I heard it from Hoonie.”

“What… did you hear?”

Kanoel’s eyes were shaking a little.

As soon as he heard Ian say it, he felt something instinctively.

‘Maybe this hyung, has heard that I had obtained an exclusive legendary rank summoner belt?’

Kanoel was feeling anxious as Ian was looking at him.

When Ian had asked the question, he wanted to be thorough.

In fact, if the belt was sold, the gold that would come wasn’t that bad either.

And for Kanoel, the 3rd conglomerates’ son, money was nothing but infinite.

However, this time, the belt that Kanoel had obtained wasn’t an item that could be bought with money, it was rare.

Kanoel was nervous.

However, not sensing it, Ian’s words went casually.

“Noel-ah, you, you got an infinite hunt quest this time?”

“Ah, right, hyung. L’Operin quest, I finally got it. ”

Kanoel’s expression slightly lightened.

‘Huh, this is great, Ian hyung doesn’t know the news about it yet. Since Hoonie isn’t such a guy who lacks loyalty.’

It was because he felt that the reason for Ian to find him wasn’t the rare belt that he had.

Ian’s words went on,

“That quest was probably a quest to capture Hippos and L’Operin?”

“Oh, right hyung. Hyung, did you clear this quest too?”


Listening to Ian’s answer, Kanoel’s face lightened.

‘Isn’t Ian hyung going to come and help me in my quest? Maybe this hyung is a much kinder person than I imagined.’

Kanoel’s current quest was one of the best quests that could be received for a summoner in the Devildom.

However, at the same time, it was also a quest that most summoners had to do.

The quest rewards were rather great to look at.

It was a fact that anyone would have realized while looking at the quest window.

-Betting Intermediate Asmodian L’Opern (Hidden)-

As a middle-aged asmodian and summoner, L’Opern is a proud asmodian.

L’Opern, who didn’t like to lose to anything, loved to bet.

Then one day, L’Opern made a mistake.

He told his summoner friend Martel that he could capture a hundred Hippos and Rafions within a week.

And L’Opern who just ended up in a quarrel with Martel eventually made a bet.

L’Opern’s capacities were actually very poor.

But it was his self-esteem that he didn’t want to lose.

L’Opern wants you to capture three hundred Hippos and Rafions.

Capture a total of six hundred beasts in a week so that L’Opern can win the bet.

If you show six hundred beasts on the date, L’Opern will end up winning the bet.

Quest Difficulty: AAA

Quest Condition:

70 or more affinity with L’Opern

Summoner Level 300 or higher.

Limited time: One week

*The quest will be completed if the captured 300 Hippos and Rafions are released in the ‘100th division Devildom farm’.


Leaders.h.i.+p + 150

Acquire the t.i.tle ‘Master of Capture’.

A rare hunting quest that required one to capture intermediate beasts like Hippos and Rafions.

It took quite a bit of effort to capture those magical beasts, so the quest could be considered a bit extreme to be completed in a week’s time.

Nevertheless, the clearing would give a whopping +150 leaders.h.i.+p stats.

With a twinkle in his eyes, Kanoel asked him.

“Hyung, are you going to help me with my quest?”

Kanoel’s eyes were bright.

And the answer of Ian met those eyes with expectation.

“Surely. This hyung has come to help you with your quest.”

“Oh, oho!”

Kanoel was really thrilled.

If anyone had more skill in the capture skills, then Ian could be called as the master of it, and the quest could probably be cleared in a day.

“Yo, hyung!”

Kanoel was so moved that he wasn’t able to speak.

Ian patted Kanoel on his shoulders and smiled.

“Kay then, Noel-ah, let’s start moving.”

“Kay, hyung, what of section 75 and 78 should I do?”

The section of 75 was a Hippos nest dungeon and the area 78 on the map was the cave dungeon of Rafions.

Therefore, it was Kanoel’s thought to go to different maps and do the work.

Ian nodded and responded to it,

“I’ll catch the Rafions so you can go get the Hippos.”

“That, you sure it is okay?”


Although the beasts were the same, the level of Rafion was much higher than that of Hippos.

And the higher the level of Rafion, the more difficult the capture was going to be.

Kanoel was more than thrilled.

‘Ah, awesome Ian hyung! To do such things for his juniors… I will be at my utmost loyalty for you in the future!’

However, the expression of Kanoel soon turned into contemplation.

“But Noel, there is a condition.”


Noel was nervous and gulped.

And Ian’s words followed.

“After the quest, I get to take all the captured beasts. Okay?”

The end of the L’Opern quest was done once Martel confirmed the collected beasts.

And due to the end, the captured beasts would be able to get back.

What Ian wanted were those six hundred beasts.

“Ha ha ha, hyung, where will you take those beasts and use them?”

In fact, Kanoel knew the answer.

On where Ian was planning to use those six hundred magical beasts.

‘Since you have a hidden cla.s.s, you’ll use them to trans.m.u.tate the beast.’

Kanoel was actually planning to go to the lab of Cervian with the captured beasts at the end of the quest.

If he used the six hundred, then one high-level magical beast could be rescued.

And Ian’s answer was exactly what Kanoel expected.

“What would I do with six hundred beasts? Magical beast trans.m.u.tation. So deal?”

Kanoel nodded, realizing that there was nothing he could do.

* * *

The L’Opern quest was cleared in less than a day.

After the quest, the reward from L’Opern was taken and he disappeared somewhere, and Ian along with Kanoel were the only ones left in the farm in the 100th district of Devildom.

“Now, let’s start the experiment, kay?”

Ian looked around at those six hundred beasts.

And Kanoel. Who was right next to him, almost wanted to collapse onto the ground.

“Hyung, hyung aren’t you tired? No, not tired, the time is almost 4 in the morning… aren’t you feeling sleepy?”

“Huh. I can’t sleep now, yah.”


After hearing those words, Kanoel just decided to sit on the ground.

It was because he thought that he might log out by falling asleep.

Of course, the quest was done, it wouldn’t even matter to log out, but Kanoel didn’t want to do that.

‘I’m curious what this hyung is up to…’

His hyung had taken a six hundred beast, he was overflowing with wonder.

And while Kanoel was in those thoughts, Ian’s show began.



Loud resonance was going around everywhere due to the constant alchemy.

Kanoel began to look at Ian much closely and concentrated on his mouth.

‘Hmm, this is already the fifth trans.m.u.tation. And three of the five of them were successful… magical beast trans.m.u.tation cla.s.s, this is a scam.’

Kanoel lifted his heavy eyelids and began to a.n.a.lyze the work of Ian.

‘What are you going to do with them hyung? You have already made more than ten of them… you didn’t even change the recipe?’

When the summoners do the trans.m.u.tation, it was natural for the recipe to be changed after a success.

Ian continued to say the same recipe and the same beast was being made.

And Ian didn’t change the recipe until five of the same kind of magical beasts were made.

‘What are you doing…?’

For Kanoel, who knew Ian wasn’t a normal man and yet understood him, it was tough to even guess.

But then, the recipe of Ian changed.

Ian had replaced the base Rafion into a secondary magical beast and had done the same to the Hippos too.

Kanoel who noticed that couldn’t help but feel confused.

‘Hyung, did he check the official community? Going backward in cla.s.ses is the wrong recipe…’

Hippos and Rafions were the magical beasts which were referred to as ‘Reicas’.

And the beast trans.m.u.tation based on the Rafion was a fairly well-known one to all the users.

And to put the Hippos as the base, and to add in the Rafion as an additional was the ‘wrong recipe’ as no one had ever succeeded in doing it.


Watching Ian’s work, Kanoel couldn’t stop his yawn and wiped away the tears forming from his eyes.

Without realizing, the drowsiness had begun to come again.

Ian who succeeded in three out of five times had already consecutively failed for ten successive beast trans.m.u.tation.

‘Since the recipe is wrong, even if it is this hyung, nothing can be done…’

And the drowsiness began to take over.

Right then, just then, the moment Kanoel had given up on the curiosity and began to fall into sleep.

“Did it!”

The hands of Ian which had been failing till now rose to the sky with a shout.

With the so-called ‘wrong recipe’ that he was trying to do, he succeeded in making a magical beast trans.m.u.tation.


Once again, Kanoel who was seated beside him woke up and went to Ian.

It was all because he was curious about the magical beast that was made out of the wrong recipe.

But before he could get past the sleepiness, a sigh came out of Kanoel’s mouth.

“Ah, what is this hyung? It is Raicas after all.”

The beast which was barely made with the wrong recipe was the same one that would’ve come with the correct one.

But unlike Kanoel, who was rather disappointed, Ian wasn’t feeling that down.

Rather, he had an expression of joy and happiness on his face.

“Huhu, yes, my thoughts were correct!”

Kanoel couldn’t help but feel that Ian was ridiculous seeing him like that.

Ian had really found a very important matter, by going on a trip that really didn’t matter to him.

“The stats of the Magical Beast Trans.m.u.tation is based on the distribution of the Magical beasts ability that goes in as the material 1.”

And in front of Ian’s eyes, two Raicas stats were floating.

Both of them had been made with the magical beasts trans.m.u.tation, but the recipe for one of them was rather unusual.

But what was most interesting about the two magical beasts with the same names and the same level was that they had completely different combat abilities.

And it was possible in Kailan for the same individuals at the same level to have different stats.

But the scope for the difference wasn’t that huge.

Especially if it was level 1, no matter how huge, it could go past a minus or plus 10 difference.

But the Raicas that were in front of Ian, made no sense at all.

If the combat stats were looked closely, the two of them…

Raicas: Attack: 17; Defense: 19; Agility: 8; Intellect 5

Raicas: Attack: 18; Defense: 9; Agility: 16; Intellect: 4

Despite the fact that the sum of all the abilities were going to be similar, the distribution of the stats had been completely different.

And of course, it was all strange due to the order of the trans.m.u.tation.

‘The first one was Rafion with base and the Hippos as the sub. And if the stats distribution is looked at, it follows the Hippos stats configuration.’

Rafion was a slender magical beast specialized in attack and agility, like a lion.

The Hippos, on the other hand, was a damage dealer type beast which looked a lot like the Hippo.

‘And Raicas, which is made by the combination of these two is a bear-like guy, with a huge damage deal.’

On the other hand, was the second Raicas which had the attack stats configuration of the Rafions.

The dull appearance still remained the same, but the stats configuration followed that of the slender Rafions.

And the magical beast that was used as the material for the trans.m.u.tation was Rafion and not the usual Hippos.

‘It is done! If I use this system properly, I will be able to really make the strongest magical beast…!’

Thanks to the exploitation of Kanoel, Ian was finally able to find out the structure of the trans.m.u.tation system.

And in them, there were two most important secrets.

1. The total number of combat abilities of the trans.m.u.tated magical beast was set based on the base beast.

2. The combined ability of the magical beast was set according to the stats of the magical beast that was used as the first material.

If the two above mentioned facts could be put to good use, Ian could make the perfect magical beast that would suit him.

The magical beast to be used as the base needs to be of high stats—with the possibility of being the highest and first magical beast that would enter as the material needs to have the most efficient stat ratio.

And the low ranked magical beasts could be added to the trans.m.u.tation.

And at least, the base magical beast had to be a ‘legend’.

Only then will a myth magical beast be born.

“The theory is all perfect now… all I need is to get the right ingredients.”

This was why Ian had invested two precious Behemoths to form a giant behemoth.

The reason was right there.