Taming Master

Chapter 537: Getting a New Spirit 4

Chapter 537: Getting a New Spirit 4

In the Ulphir mountains in the central continent, the northern part of the s.h.i.+kar desert.

A new area had been created where the former Lich King lived.

The dreary landscape where the ice capes were piled up had now turned into a beautiful meadow and forest where vegetation could grow.

And of course, the field which was completely filled in with undead monsters were also replaced with the kind of guys who matched the current map.

It truly was a beautiful landscape.

But there could never be such a peaceful story in Kailan.

“Remir, please give a slow!”

“Yu s.h.i.+n, shut off the rear!”

“Fiolan, finish it up!”


With a little less than a 20 guild party, the Lotus was hunting a huge golem.

And above the head of the golem was a simple information.

[Giant Forest Golem: Lv 500]

“A little bit more! I almost got it!”

“Noel-ah! Is Breath not ready yet?”

“It just came out now!”

“Herz hyung, get some cover!”

A huge golem that gave a tremendously overwhelming sense to the group.

The hunt wasn’t so hard for the Lotus Guild members though.


[The party member ‘KanjiHoonie’ inflicted fatal damage to the Giant Forest Golem!]

[The vitality of the ‘Giant Forest Golem’ has been reduced by 1,598,039.]

[The Giant Forest Golem’s vitality has been exhausted.]

[You have successfully defeated the Giant Forest Golem.]

“Nice, Hoonie!”

“Keu, Herz hyung, the cover in the end was great.”

“Not at all.”

Since the end of the Lich King episode, the Ulphir mountains have been very quiet.

The dead domain had disappeared, but ironically, the users’ movements were far less.

And surely, the place wasn’t that great even before.

Immediately after the disappearance of the Lich King’s army, many users had gone to the mountains for expeditions.

But it took less than a week before the crowd disappeared.

The reason was because of the monsters which were appearing in the field.

“Phew, The Ulphir mountains too will one day get filled with users like other hunting grounds, right?”

At the question from Hoonie, Canoel responded, “Well, wouldn’t it take at least a year?”

“Maybe. It would take over a year since the average level is around 450.”

The average level of the field monsters in the Ulphir mountains was 500.

All the monsters that were appearing in the Ulphir mountains were of level 500.

Therefore, the party that could hunt in the grounds of Ulphir mountains in the Korean server could be counted with one’s fingers.

Even the Lotus Guild, which had been considered having the strongest powers, could only make two parties for the expedition on the Ulphir mountains.

The recommended level for hunting in the Ulphir mountains was listed at 450 in the official Kailan community.

Now, the average level of the Lotus party where all the rankers were gathered was about 430, so one could guess the difficulty.

“Let’s take a short break here! Let’s fix our things up and start hunting again in five minutes.”

At the order from Herz, Fiolan nodded and said, “Yeah. We have been running for an hour without a break; my spirit is low.”

Canoel who was right beside her also said, “Right. I can feel pain on my back.”

Hoonie ran over to Harin and asked, “Harin noona, please open the lunches!”

At the corner of the map, the Lotus party began to open their lunch boxes, forgetting the stress.

In fact, Harin’s level wasn’t enough to come to the Ulphir mountains, but she was brought in for the sake of the party.

The sweet snack time during the hunts. The stats increase due to the added effect of the cuisine was a bonus for the hunt.

“By the way, noona…”


“When will that hyung come out of the spirit dimension?”

At the question from Hoonie, Harin shook her head and responded, “I’m not so sure. Was it yesterday? He was feeling good for finding a mechanical summon blueprint.”

At the words from Harin, Remir opened her mouth with a questionable expression.

“Hold on, Harin. Aren’t you living with Ian?”


“Then how can you not know about his plans.”

Harin scratched the back of her neck and replied, “We promised not to talk about the game when we’re out of the Capsule.”


“He spends 20 hours out of 24 hours in the game. It’s too hard to talk about the game in that short period of time left.”


At those sad sounding words from Harin, the others nodded and said, “Yeah, now that you mention it, it makes sense.”

“Keu, I have nothing to take his side.”

“Cheer up noona, fighting.”

After a while, Remir shook her head and opened her mouth again.

“Actually, when I heard that Ian was in a relations.h.i.+p, I thought that I might have misheard it.”


“What do you mean why? His average playtime is more than the hours a human is supposed to be awake, so there was no time for him to have a relations.h.i.+p.”


“If it wasn’t for Harin noona, Ian would have been solo forever.”


“I too agree.”

“Same here.”


With such a friendly atmosphere, the break time of the Lotus Guild party had pa.s.sed.

Before the hunting began again, Canoel mumbled something under his breath.

“If Ian hyung was here, we wouldn’t have a break like this, right?”

Hoonie who heard that shouted at Noel, “Don’t you dare go around saying scary stuff like that, Noel hyung.”

Harin also said, “When Jinsung comes back to the party, can I leave the party?”


At that very moment, a voice entered the ears of all the party members.

“Yo, are you hunting well?”

Everyone’s eyes moved in unison to where the sound was coming from and surprisingly, there stood Ian.

The reason why Ian had come to the human dimension wasn’t so difficult to guess.

The one which he left for the training could be taken.

Finally, he was ready to level up.

‘The skill creation took longer than expected.’

Ian had been going back and forth to the training centers several times even from the Spirit dimension while performing quests.

Whenever the potential went to a hundred, Ian went to use the skill.

After seven attempts, a nice skill had been obtained.

-Dark Magic Bomb

Cla.s.sification: Basic Magic Attack

Cooldown: None.

Casting time: 1 second

Creates a dark sphere of magic and fires fast to the front.

The magic bomb will explode as soon as they hit the enemy, deals dark attribute damage proportional to the intellect against the enemies within 2 yards.

*The damage is reduced if an enemy is far away from the explosion.

*The damage of the Dark Magic Bomb reduces the resistance of the dark attributes by 3. (No resist)

‘I wish it had a shorter casting time. This is still good though.’

Unique ability with the ‘Basic magic attack’ cla.s.sification was similar to a wizard’s regular attacks.

Power was much lower than the other attacks of magic, but the cooldown and the magic consumption were little or none.

Because of that, the ‘basic magic attack’ was important to have a very little casting time as possible.

Casting meant the attack speed. And a 1 second casting time was fast enough for the basic attack magic.

‘In order to use Blackie in the Middle-Earth, it must be at least level 350 right?’

The transcendental level would be applied in the Middle-Earth, but that didn’t mean that the level up of the human was meaningless.

The level 1 of transcendence was similar to that in the human dimension.

Ian went to the Spirit sanctuary and then came down to the human world.

Hoonie who saw Ian ran down to him and asked, “Hyung, how long have you been in the spirit dimension? Did you get blocked in a quest? Do you need me?”

Hoonie wasn’t able to see Ian for a long time, so he couldn’t stop himself from blasting him with questions. Ian shook his head and answered while smiling,

“Have you ever saw me get blocked in a quest?”

At those words from Ian, Hoonie couldn’t respond.


Subsequently, the Lotus guild members all gathered around Ian and began asking him questions as well.

It was because they were curious about the recent appearance of Ian from the Spirit dimension.

“How difficult is the spirit world? Can you proceed?”

“Have you found any clues about the high spirits, hyung?”

“How difficult is it compared to the human one?”

After some time, Ian replied after the party was done questioning him.

Ian took a huge sigh and then said, “Phew, everyone seems very curious.”

Hoonie and Remir grumbled at the same time.

“You should have taken us with you.”

“Right! Trying to poison all the content by yourself? Tch.”

Ian smiled and opened his mouth.

“Once we become level 500, we’ll all go together, kay? What are your levels now?”

“I’m 439.”


“What is this, you haven’t caught up with my level yet?”

“Is… is that so?”


Ian’s level was 447.

Although he had been in the Middle-Earth, Ian was still at the top of the ranking list.

Of course, that was only possible because all the rankers like Shakran who were following the ranks were also in Middle-Earth just like Ian.

When Hoonie and Remir went quiet, Ian started to do calculations in his head.

‘At this rate, the others will get ahead of me.’

At present, the top rankers of Kailan South Korean server entered the Underworld.

As the new content had been found, all eyes were on it.

But the Lotus Guild, on the other hand, was dedicated to leveling up in the human world. Even Ian’s retainers were dedicated to leveling up.

h.e.l.liem, who was level 470 when he was taken in, was already looking to cross over level 490, and Kaizer too was going over the level of 470. And that was the instruction given all throughout the Lotus Guild by Ian.

‘If we take over the human dimension quickly, it will turn efficient in many ways.’

The reason why Ian was under that impression was as followed.

First, it wasn’t of any significance to raise the level of transcendence until they find a clue about the ‘Warrior village’.

Once they got to the Warrior Village and then take the test to get the mark, most of the Middle-Earth content would be released.

Even without a mark, as it was impossible to level up after 10, there was no need to rush.

Second, most of the top rankers were inclined to level up their transcendence levels, and the hunting grounds in the human dimension would be left open.

Especially in the case of Ulphir mountain, the Lotus Guild had charted it all.

The hunting environment was very comfortable.

Third, it was very advantageous in many ways if they went to the Middle-Earth fields with a high level of human levels.

The higher the level of a human dimension user, the higher would be the stats of the first level of transcendence, and the less time it would take for it to level up.

On the other hand, no matter how high the transcendence level was, it didn’t affect the human stats.

If so, then why did Ian enter the Spirit Dimension?

The reason was simple.

‘I must know the content one after the other to move the guild members as efficiently as possible.’

All of Ian’s movements had been calculated as always.

Unlike the other guild members, Herz was quietly listening on their conversation and then opened his mouth after he carefully thought things through.

“But why are you here all of a sudden? It would take another month or two to get your ground.”

At the question from Herz, Ian looked rather irritated.

“Ah, I forgot it the moment I saw you guys. I came down here because of one thing.”

Ian looked around as if he was looking for someone and then called Celia who was in the corner.


“Yes, your majesty.”

“I’ll leave this guy to you. Please raise him well. He is someone I care for very much.”

Ian summoned his black magical beast.

On the head of that beast came a simple window.

[Blackie (Black Unicorn)/ Lv 1]