Taming Master

Chapter 559: The Minimum Qualifications 2

Chapter 559: The Minimum Qualifications 2

Ian’s terrifying question about them having a good night’s sleep; all the heads of the guild members shook automatically.

It wasn’t like they were feeling sleepy right away, but they knew that h.e.l.l was going to unfold for them if they nodded their heads.

‘This Devil isn’t going to rest nor let us rest until the day of the update.’

‘Even if I won’t be feeling sleepy, I should just do it even 1 minute. Need to sleep before coming here.’

‘Okay well. After exactly half a day I’ll be fine to come.’

‘No. I need a whole day to rest and do some maintenance. We have been hunting in the Ulphir mountain until the very morning.’

‘Nice. I’ll rest exactly until tomorrow morning!’

The eyes of the guild members were desperately looking for answers.

It was a very important issue for their survival.

And the negotiation…

“Nice, since it is exactly 6 o’clock in the evening now, let’s get together exactly twelve hours later.”

The Lotus Guild members were able to get a very valuable break of 12 hours.

“Okay, Ian. After 12 hours, we will all meet here at 6 in the morning?”

At the words of Fiolan, the faces of the guild members turned sad.

“Kuk, 6 in the morning…”

“Ian hyung isn’t early morning 6 a bit too much? Shouldn’t we start the game once the sun rises?”

At the thoughtless words from Honnie…

“Then, how about 5 am? The sun comes out at 5 these days.”

“Sor, sorry, hyung. No matter what anyone says, 6 is awesome.”

At the question from Ian, Honnie was overwhelmed and shook his head violently.

“Kay let’s all get some rest and then meet here! There is no time to rest until all of you reach the level of 10. Do you understand?”

* * *

All the guild members closed for getting rest, but Ian didn’t.

‘If I want to reach the transcendence level of 10 within 20 days, wasting 1 second is like wasting 1 minute.’

Normally, until one day of the hunting schedule, no matter how much elated he felt, Ian would take rest to save up stamina.

But he wasn’t in such a situation now.

The update that Ian had been waiting for was right around the corner.

‘I need to get back to the spirit sanctuary to complete the quest, and hunt till 12.’

Ian was humming to a recent song as he took steps towards the sanctuary.

After completing the quest of ‘Contaminated Mine’ which Syarlon had given, he was thinking about going back to the spirit mine.

“Pin, I request you!”


It had been a long time since Ian had summoned Pin, touching him on the head, Ian climbed onto him and sat.

With a slight gesture indicating Pin to move, Ian went in the direction of the Spirit Sanctuary.

Was it around 10 minutes that had pa.s.sed?

Ian went to the cabin of Syarlon.


He climbed onto the tree and called for Syarlon in a sweet voice,

“I have come, Syarlon.”

Ian was currently in a situation where he felt nothing but happiness.

After completing the high-level quest, before getting the rewards, it was the happiest time for all the users of the Kailan.

He was feeling much happier thinking about the things he might get.

Ian was thrilled with the idea of getting rewards from Syarlon.

‘I got a spirit pickaxe from 77, will I get a Guardian Orb from Syarlon?’

Ian wasn’t sure what a Guardian Orb was, but because he was unaware of it, it was exciting for him.

In addition, there was an unknown reward marked as ‘???’, and Ian wanted to know what it was.


The wooden door of the cabin opened with a disturbing creaking sound.

Syarlon who opened the door welcomed Ian.

“Oh, you came back fine, Ian. Are you back after exploring the Contaminated mine?”

At the question of Syarlon, Ian smiled and answered,

“Yes, Syarlon. I found the machine workshop inside the mine and stopped it.”

“Oh oh!”

“The machine monsters from the contaminated mine, they will no longer be hurting the younger spirits.”

“I knew it! Thank you, my friend! I knew you were trustworthy!”

And Ian’s eyes had been waiting for the system messages…


[You have successfully completed the quest ‘Contaminated Mine in the Spirit Mountain (Epic) (Hidden)’!]

[Earned transcendence experience of 1,550.]

[Acquired fame of 100,000.]

[Special conditions have been met.]

[The clear tier raises one level.]

[Clear Grade: S+]

[Completed with S or higher grade.]

[Spirit Magic (Transcendence) of 120 has been obtained.]

[Summon Magic (Transcendence) of 80 has been obtained.]

The eyes of Ian which had been reading the system messages s.h.i.+ned a lot more.

It was because of the message which said ‘special conditions’ being satisfied and a clear grade of S and higher has been achieved.

‘I thought that getting that grade would be hard, but… it seems good.’

When clearing the quests of the human system, the quest clear rank had a very important value.

It was because the experience and reputation earned by the quest depended hugely on the quest clear.

However, it wasn’t related to the grade.

It would have been very depressing to get the lowest level of clear grades such as C or D, and it wouldn’t be so bad to get grades of A or higher.

However, in the Spirit Dimension, there was a reason for getting an S grade.

‘Gathering the Spirit magic and the summon magic is much more important than fame and experience…’

Great spirit magic and summon magic stats could be obtained only when the quest got cleared with an S grade or higher rank.

That, Ian thought was much valuable than any reward.

‘If the clear tier had gone up one level higher, was it because of the request that 77 had?’

Syarlon opened his mouth towards Ian who was closely a.n.a.lyzing the rewards he had obtained.

“You have worked really hard, Ian. Because of you, the children here can sleep in peace once again.”

“That was nothing. Magbi here has worked way more than me.”

“Ho ho.”

Syarlon who was laughing turned towards Magbi who was floating next to Ian.

As he noticed the change, his eyes went wide.

“You, you will be a very great summoner.”


“You have already made the seed of the king into a medium spirit in just a few days’ time.”

“Haha, it was because I had luck on my side.”

Looking at Ian who was rubbing his neck, Syarlon spoke again,

“You sure are a good summoner, it wouldn’t be a bad thing for me to entrust these things to you.”

When he said that, he showed something of his palm.

A bit red light to deep purple, the marbles were brightly colored and changed from time to time.

Ian who looked at them was able to find out what they were.

‘Guardian Orbs?’

The Guardian Orbs were the rewards for the quest.

Syarlon handed them to Ian, and at the same moment, system messages started to pop up.


[Obtained the item ‘Guardian Orb’.]

Ian immediately checked for the information of the item.

-Guardian Orb

Cla.s.sification: Summon Beads

Rank: Rare (transcendence)

Wear limitations: Summoner, ‘Spirit spell user’ mastery.

Attack: 567- 825 (The spirit magic is increased in proportion to the damage caused by the weapon.)

Durability: 950/950

Options: +35 all battle abilities

Leaders.h.i.+p +5 (transcendence)

Affinity +5 (transcendence)

Spirit Magic +350 (Transcendence)

Summon Magic +100 (transcendence)

The vitality of all the summoned spirits will be given an increase of 25% vitality and a 35% attack.

*Magic Charging

-Basic Pa.s.sive effect

When performing lethal damage to an enemy with normal attacks, it restores the summoning magic proportional to the damage dealt.

-Usage effect

After 80% of the vitality is left remaining, it restores the summoning magic. (60 second cooldown time)

*Guardian’s Protection

When the enemy attacks, the spirit s.h.i.+eld is triggered.

The generated s.h.i.+eld will absorb 5% to 95% of the damage and heals the caster after 1 second of the damage.

The more accurately it is activated for the time of hit, the higher will be the damage absorption rate, and if the time has been misplaced, no s.h.i.+eld will be created (Even if the s.h.i.+eld hasn’t been generated, the skill will be considered used.)

(Reuse Cooldown Time: 30 seconds)

*This item belongs to the user ‘Ian’.

This cannot be transferred or sold to other users, and wouldn’t drop even if the character dies.

*This is a growth item. If the conditions are met, it can be evolved to a higher level.

It was used by the guardians of the ‘Pneuma’ village.

It was lost and sealed, it still hasn’t found its strength yet.

The quest of the Contaminated Mine was one of the most difficult quests which Ian had acquired after entering the Middle-Earth.

Which was why Ian had been looking forward to the reward item ‘Guardian Orb’.

‘But this is… much more than expected?’

Ian’s eyes which had read the information of the item were s.h.i.+ning like lanterns.

Surely it might look like a much lower item when compared to the Judgement of the Spirit King at a glance, Ian knows that this was a good thing which meant not to be judged.

‘Evolvable followed by spirit magic… this is so great!’

The damage options of the Orb were surely much lower than the Judgement of the Spirit King.

Not just the low damage it gave, but it had just two unique abilities attached to it.

However, the advantages of the orb were far more than the offsets it had.

‘The Spirit magic increasing as much as the weapon damage… this surely is an item for the Element spell users.’

After all, for the spirit spell users, it didn’t matter how great the weapon was.

It was because the normal attack or the magic attack had nothing to do with the spirit magic.

And this...o...b..was different.

In the beginning, the weapon damage was greatly influenced by the spirit magic, and the ‘magic charge’ was a unique option that gave the option of summon magic.

‘In addition, the Guardian Orb’s Guardian protection option was a very unexpected one.’

The cost of using the spirit magic and summoning a spirit was the need for the ‘Summon Magic’.

And for Ian to summon a fire spirit, Ian was in need of the summon magic.

Thus, the ‘magic charge’ unique ability was enough to make the orb feel worthy enough.

Easy supply of the summon magic meant that he had a faster chance to grow the spirit ‘Magbi’.

‘Uhuh, I will be able to grow Magbi to a Spirit King.’

As a medium spirit, Magbi was surely playing an enormous role in the group.

And if such one gets to be a spirit king, Ian himself wasn’t sure what kind of a monster he would turn out to be.

‘Adding another goal before hunting! Let’s fill up the spirit power that Magbi needs!’

Ian who got a better item than he was expecting was feeling much more motivated.

This could be once seen as a content pre-emption, and so his motivation hadn’t died.

Syarlon told something,

“And Ian.”

“Hu, Syarlon.”

“If it is you, I think that it will be possible…”

“Go on.”

As Syarlon put his arms out, he pulled out an old plaque.

And he pa.s.sed it to Ian and opened his mouth again,

“Have you ever been to the place called ‘Spirit Dojo’ in Pneuma Village?”

“Spirit dojo in…”

Ian stopped halfway.

He had surely heard the name Spirit dojo somewhere.

And it wasn’t so hard to bring it from his memory.

‘Ah, the one that I didn’t enter because I was asked to pay for an admission fee… that old building?!’

As he remembered, system messages came into Ian’s sight.


[Obtained ‘Unknown Nameplate’ item.]

Syarlon continued,

“This Necklace can take this there to the Spirit Dojo?”

At the request of Syarlon, Ian nodded.

“Uh, well… this isn’t such a difficult task.”

However, as the words of Syarlon continued, Ian’s expression began to change.

“If you can go up to the 15th floor of it, give it to my younger sibling ‘Syarlion’.”

“It looked so small… it has 15 floors?”

“Not 15 floors, it has 100 floors.”


“That isn’t the important one.”

After that, Syarlon said,

“If you give this to my younger sibling, you will get another Guardian gear. And maybe if you are good enough… try doing it.”


“How’s that, will you try?”

Without even thinking, Ian nodded.

If he could get the same item as a Guardian orb, then he wouldn’t mind doing any quest.

For Ian, Syarlon had one last request.

“However, be careful. The Spirit Dojo is much harder than you think.”