Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 234: Eye For Eye, Tooth For Rump

Chapter 234: Eye For Eye, Tooth For Rump

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Li Ruoer"s swift revenge had caught w.a.n.g Tong off guard.

Li Ruoer closed in onto w.a.n.g Tong and patted w.a.n.g Tong"s face like patting a dog, "Aren"t you mad at me? Aren"t you mad that the girl who you just saved is doing this to you? Please don"t. Because a piece of sh*t like you doesn"t deserve to get mad at me. DON"T YOU KNOW WHO I AM? I can end your life with a FLICK!"

The more she talked, the better w.a.n.g Tong understood what she was going through. w.a.n.g Tong reasoned that she must feel ashamed after being rescued by a no-account. It made her look weak and therefore had hurt her fragile self-esteem.

As w.a.n.g Tong thought about his situation, Li Ruoer"s baton landed on him again. This time, w.a.n.g Tong exaggerated the pain on his face.

"You still look down on me, don"t you? Why don"t you use your GN force as protection?" Li Ruoer narrowed her eyes as she spoke. She squeezed her eyelids as if she could squeeze some truth out from it.

w.a.n.g Tong remained silent, staring at his tormenter indifferently. He figured that if he had used GN force to protect himself, Li Ruoer would also fuse her attack with more GN force. The fact that she had not done so seemed to suggest that there was still some reason left in her.

"You think I wouldn"t kill you, don"t you?"

"You crazy b*tch, come at me!" w.a.n.g Tong said coldly. He had studied his bondage. Although he couldn"t tell what kind of material it was, it was fastened securely. He reasoned that he might be able to break the bondage using his GN force, but he had only one shot, so he waited for the perfect moment.

w.a.n.g Tong watched as Li Ruoer kicked delivered a kick squarely at his belly. She had used her GN force, so the kick sent him flying until he smashed into the wall.

"You have a dirty mouth. Well, we will see how long you could do this. To put it simply, you will die here today, unless..."

w.a.n.g Tong leaned against the wall and slowly, stood up back onto his feet. "If you want to kill me then just do it."

w.a.n.g Tong"s bone ached. He counted himself lucky that Li Feng didn"t leave his Tactics of the Blade to his heirs. Otherwise, they would be even more corrupt and degenerative. It occurred to w.a.n.g Tong that it was time to re-introduce some basic housekeeping rules for the Li family for the sake of their glorious ancestors.

"Haha… How many kicks do you think you have in you? BUT, if you are willing to kowtow trice while barking like a dog, I might consider letting you live." A sardonic smile etched onto Li Ruoer"s face.

w.a.n.g Tong heaved a sigh of relief and then grinned," That"s it? Kowtow and bark? Why didn"t you say so? I can do it hundred times if you have the time."

Surprise flashed in Li Ruoer"s eyes, "...What? You...you are willing to do it?"

"You bet I do. I don"t want to die so young."

Li Ruoer rolled her eyes and said," I know you want me to release you. I"m not dumb. Even if I did, you"d be dead before you could touch me."

"Li Ruoer the Enchantress… Yes, of course, I have heard of your name and methods. It"s fine if you kept me as is, I"ll still do as you command." w.a.n.g Tong pleaded earnestly.

"Haha, well, you are smarter than I thought. Here." Li Ruoer pointed at the s.p.a.ce in front of her and gestured w.a.n.g Tong to kowtow at that spot.

Restricted by his bondage, w.a.n.g Tong lowered his body slowly, but halfway down to his knees, w.a.n.g Tong"s body sprinted forward at Li Ruoer like a cannonball.

w.a.n.g Tong"s head strike squarely at Li Ruoer"s chest. Before Li Ruoer had gotten up from her chair, w.a.n.g Tong channeled his GN force into his wrist, twisted his arms and shattered the bondage. w.a.n.g Tong had been preparing for this moment since he got kicked in the belly. While Li Ruoer wasn"t paying attention, w.a.n.g Tong took the opportunity and froze the bondage with his icy soul energy. That was the reason why the bondage could be broken with ease at the right moment.

w.a.n.g Tong didn"t hesitate and delivered a furious punch at Li Ruoer, who was still trying to regain balance. w.a.n.g Tong had fused the power of his tactics into this blow, considering the strength of his opponent.

The punch sent Li Ruoer flying. Her body thudded heavily onto the ground at the corner of the room. Her resistance was nearly nonexistent, a telltale sign that she was still recovering from the ordeal in the blizzard.

w.a.n.g Tong didn"t feel any remorse for punching a girl. He wouldn"t hurt her if she didn"t threaten to kill him earlier. Although w.a.n.g Tong never expected grat.i.tude for saving her, neither did he expect vengeance.

w.a.n.g Tong walked to Li Ruoer and picked her up with a cold and indifferent expression on his face. He was surprised to see the crazed laugh on Li Ruoer"s face. "Do it! Kill me, you coward! DO IT!" Li Ruoer taunted at w.a.n.g Tong, knowing he wouldn"t have to heart actually to kill her.

Li Ruoer suddenly heard a loud and crisp snap and then a burning sensation on one side of her face. She heard w.a.n.g Tong"s voice, "You made me break my gentlemen"s rules."

"w.a.n.g Tong! You...You dare SLAP ME?" Li Ruoer"s voice broke at the end of her desperate shriek.

Li Ruoer finally tasted bile in her mouth, No one ever touched her as she grew up, much less slapping her in the face. Even her brother Li s.h.i.+ming had reduced his methods to c.o.xing as one would do to a child.

Li Ruoer heard another snap, and the other side of her face was burning, while her ear started to ring.

w.a.n.g Tong cracked a smile and then said, "The first slap was to teach you the importance of saying "Thank you" when someone saves you’re a*s. The second one was to teach you not ever again to break the law and kidnap anyone. Think about what you have done, for the sake of General Li."

"w.a.n.g Tong, why don"t you just kill me already! I swear I will hunt you down as long as I am still breathing."

"Kill you?" w.a.n.g Tong regarded Li Ruoer from head to toe, and then said, "Too dirty for my hands. I could if I wanted to, I could squish you dead like a bug. G.o.d, you are so pathetic! Is that all you learned from General Li?"

Blood rushed into Li Ruoer"s head as she took the insults. She wished she was not injured so she could let w.a.n.g Tong have a real taste of the enchantress right then.

Finding it impossible to channel her soul energy, Li Ruoer resorted to a more primitive strategy as she lashed her teeth onto w.a.n.g Tong"s hand.

The pain stole w.a.n.g Tong"s breath. Despite the pain, w.a.n.g Tong shook his hand violently and said, "Let go! I will knock your pretty little teeth off if you don"t !"

Li Ruoer didn"t mind the threat. She registered w.a.n.g Tong"s pain, so she clenched her jaw even harder.

w.a.n.g Tong refrained from hitting her face. He was certain that if he did, he and all of his friends might as well find a way to befriend the Zergs quickly.

"Let go... Let go you... are you a dog? Is that why you are so b*tchy? Ahh..."

Seeing w.a.n.g Tong didn"t have the heart to actually knock her teeth out as he claimed, she became emboldened. Out of utter desperation, w.a.n.g Tong raised his hand and spanked her with all he got.


The pain made Li Ruoer bit even harder. w.a.n.g Tong didn"t give in, and he continued his punishment until Li Ruoer"s lower rump started to become swollen.

w.a.n.g Tong felt a slight hesitation in Li Ruoer"s bite, so he jerked his hand and finally pulled it out of the trap. The motion threw Li Ruoer off balance as she stumbled back a few steps.

w.a.n.g Tong held his bleeding hand, trying to cope with the excruciating pain.

"She is nuts! She is completely nuts! WTF is wrong with the Li?"

Li Ruoer thudded on the ground and started crying loudly.

"Cry your eyes out!" w.a.n.g Tong muttered. He studied the room and discovered that there was no apparent exit. Then he tested the wall with his punch, but it too wouldn"t give in.

w.a.n.g Tong"s eyes found the crying nut case on the ground, and considered that he would have to put up with her until he knew how to get out of here.

"Stop crying now. STOP!" w.a.n.g Tong howled out at Li Ruoer, and the latter suddenly became quieter.

w.a.n.g Tong noticed a pair of watery eyes gaze indignantly at him and it suddenly occurred to him that Li Ruoer was rather attractive looking when she was quiet. Her innocent face then was marled by patches of dirt and sod which made her look particularly pitiful. w.a.n.g Tong"s callous heart softened. Suddenly, the frail body on the ground sprinted towards w.a.n.g Tong. w.a.n.g Tong ducked, and he heard a distinctive sound of two rows of teeth clasping, locking down on each other.

Li Ruoer"s boldness had rattled w.a.n.g Tong again.

He picked up Li Ruoer and without saying a word, beat her on the rump furiously. He no longer cared about the consequences of his action. First and foremost, he thought that he needed to show her the consequences of her actions.

After a while, Li Ruoer stopped making any sound altogether. w.a.n.g Tong paused, fearing that he had beaten the girl to death. But upon closer look, instead of a dead girl, he had found a pair of bloodshot vengeful eyes, filled with the promise of madness.