Tempest of the Stellar War

Chapter 498: The Princess’ tough front

Chapter 498: The Princess’ tough front

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

w.a.n.g Zheng piloted the mech and was leading the way as they rushed out of Lan Kao City. The 6 giants together with Lan Ling were following behind closely. After exiting the city, everyone could see the soaring black smoke amidst a sea of red.

Rara Durai and the rest clenched their fists tightly. However, w.a.n.g Zheng knew that this wasn’t the time for them to charge in. What year did they live in now? How could these people be so undaunted and reckless? It seemed that this world still belonged to those with power and money. It had reached the stage where it seemed they were free to do as they wished.

“w.a.n.g Zheng, what should we do now?” Lan Ling was a little fl.u.s.tered.

“Let’s returned to the Pool Tribe first. The a.s.sault by the combat robots shouldn’t have reached the Pool Tribe so quickly. We would need to come up with a countermeasure.” w.a.n.g Zheng said.

The reason why he had to bring Lan Ling along was because he did not want the people of t.i.ta to lose complete confidence in humans. The Lan Family had some responsibilities in it. However, it was the decision by Lan Jiang. When people got older, they became more timid. One could only say that he had underestimated the strength of the people of t.i.ta.

No one knew this better than w.a.n.g Zheng. The number of people of t.i.ta hidden within the vast and dense forests was immense. There were close to 100 thousands giants if one only considered the few large tribes in the surrounding area. They weren’t made of paper.

Moreover, Rara Durai had said that there were many giants living in caves on t.i.ta Star. They weren’t alone. It was just that they were mountaineer giants. There was not much communication within the different races. This was mainly because of the difficulty in locating them. However, under the leaders.h.i.+p of the Elders, there would be some contact once every few years. This was also the point of the existence of the Wise ones.

If there was a full blown war, the final result would be the destruction of the people of t.i.ta. The Commerce Organisation would make use of the power from the Milky Way Alliance to dodge all fallout. t.i.ta Star would eventually be destroyed in the end. If one was to think further, if the Milky Way Alliance’s Const.i.tution was to lose its effect, how would the external races like Atlantis and Mayans think?

The current peaceful system of the Milky Way Alliance could collapse. What the Commerce Organisation claimed to be a blitzkrieg would only be a dream if they could hold out!

The group took a shortcut and headed towards the Pool Tribe quickly. At the same time, the people of t.i.ta had started to make their response.However, the faraway skies were full of transport s.h.i.+ps and bombers. w.a.n.g Zheng had also taken glances from the side of his eyes. Since the war had started, he could clearly feel that the surrounding Yuan Qi was disappearing at a rapid pace.

Rara Durai and the rest had been controlling their emotions because of w.a.n.g Zheng’s existence. One could tell that they had considered w.a.n.g Zheng as a reliable person.

The destructive attacks by the humans had caused strong reactions within the people of t.i.ta. At the same time, they were also in awe of the terrifying strength of the humans. They weren’t afraid of dying. Dying in battle was a form of glory. However, what kind of war was this? It was completely destructive. Their home had been destroyed completely. This was something that the people of t.i.ta, who believed in the G.o.d of nature, couldn’t tolerate at all.

The people of t.i.ta from various places had started to retaliate. They had rushed into the crowd of combat robots.

“Look at these dumb giants. Charging in? It’s too fun!”

“Trying to block bullets with their bare body? Did they think that their bodies were immune to knives and bullets?”

Every combat robot group came with a small section of Mercenary Corps. The combat robots were bought to be disposed of. Even if they exchanged one combat robot for the life of one giant, they would have made a gain. The people of t.i.ta were using primitive weapons to battle with machines made of steel. They weren’t of the same grade.

The t.i.ta giants were truly fierce and brave. The valiant giants might be able to destroy a combat robot with a swing of their weapon. However, they wouldn’t be able to escape death. However, the transport s.h.i.+ps in the skies were still arriving constantly.

The Commerce Organisation was known to be meticulous when handling matters. They had mustered efforts to eliminate the people of t.i.ta in one fell swoop.

The first wave of air bombardment was targeting the surroundings of the cities. The second wave was executed towards the 4 living areas where the people of t.i.ta had congregated. If it wasn’t because of the tall forest, the people of t.i.ta would have died even more quickly. These giants could only mourn in the sea of flames.

The mercenary corps was drinking as they piloted their mecha. The revolving guns felt more visceral and exciting compared to lasers. This was a ma.s.sacre.

On the other hand, w.a.n.g Zheng received another piece of surprising news on the road. The so-called armour that the Lan Family had provided was only merely a hundred pieces. What could this do?

Looking at Lan Ling, w.a.n.g Zheng could only sigh. In fact, he could understand. The people of t.i.ta and humans were two different races after all. Although w.a.n.g Zheng was just a small soldier, from his perspective, the best choice for t.i.ta Star was to enter the Milky Way Alliance and obtain a seat in the Milky Way Alliance.

w.a.n.g Zheng’s two p.r.o.nged approach would include him finding a way to convince the people of t.i.ta to delay the Commerce Organisation team. On the other hand, he hoped to contact the Milky Way Alliance through the Earth. The key was to disseminate the news and it would be disseminated further by other relevant organisations. He did not believe that the Commerce Organisation could single-handedly hide the truth from the public. The reasoning that he could come out with would probably have proponents within the Milky Way Alliance. There was also another more ruthless move. That would be for w.a.n.g Zheng to contact Huiyin through Zisu. As for what Huiyin would do, it would be hard to determine. The princess’ sense of justice had always been overflowing. However, the Royal Family of Aslan would likely not agree to it easily.

Doing all he could and wis.h.i.+ng for the best. This was w.a.n.g Zheng.

No matter what, the first thing would be to contact Elder Mu Sen.

In the faraway Atlantis, everything seemed so serene. They hadn’t been a war in this place for a very long period of time. During the aggressive period of expansion by the Milky Way Alliance, the Milky Way Alliance had chosen to adopt a more peaceful method after facing the Atlantis.

The Sacred Temple, Hall of Light.

The endless light was just like the ocean and had dyed the entire hall. The light was just like water and was turning and moving slowly. In the middle of all the light, there was a fair-skin girl. She was lowering her head and bathing in the light. Her flawless crystal-liked skin seemed to be becoming one with the light.


The sound of the bell had propagated from outside. Within the pleasant noise, the endless light seemed to had received a shock and receded rapidly. In the open hall, only the young girl was left behind and there weren’t any other things.

The young girl raised her head. Her gaze was clear and had a faint expression. It was Aina.

The door creaked and the main doors of the Sacred Temple were opened from the outside.

An ancient Atlantis language was sang in a soft voice and reverberated within the hall endlessly.

“The ceremony has ended.”

The queen of Atlantis entered with a set of splendid attire. On her face, she revealed a faint admiration smile. “Congratulations. Even for the people of Atlantis, this was a n.o.ble achievement that would be engraved in one’s soul and will never be erased. It was also enough to please the G.o.ds. You are also the first human to complete this magnificent feat.”

Aina got up and saluted. After hearing what the Queen had said, she saluted again. “It was my greatest honour to be able to receive the recognition of Your Highness.”

The charisma and radiance of the Queen was something that even Aina was envious of. “Cleanse thoroughly and awaken. After going through the baptism by light, you can start learning our mental engraving.”

“Your Highness, I can’t understand. Why would you do this?” Aina asked calmly. Although the relations.h.i.+p between Aslan and Atlantis was great, it shouldn’t be at this level. Moreover, she was supposed to be grounded and punished.

The Queen of Atlantis was taken aback. Looking into Aina’s eyes, the eyes were sagacious. The Queen smiled faintly and said,” We were brought together by fate.”

Aina was stunned. This was a reason that she couldn’t refute. Fate?

The Queen smiled gently. “Rest is equally important. Through the light baptism, your mental strength would have gone through sublimation. What you would need most now would be to consolidate your experiences. This kid, Hao Lin, was fond of humans. I could sense that he wanted to become a real human. I sincerely hope that you can help him.”Aina nodded her head slightly with respect and left the main hall. When she came to the outside, a tall Aslan female officer walked towards her.

“Your Highness, Aina, congratulations for undergoing the light baptism and achieved sublimation of your mental strength. Your Highness and the Prime Minster would definitely…


“Yes.” The female officer immediately stood upright. Her upright posture was perfect as for a female officer. She was resolute. On her beautiful face, she had an unwavering gaze. The tightly close lips were sign of her determination and pride and were extremely attractive.

“Bring me to Prince Hao Lin.”


The female officer turned around with her upright posture and was leading the way. She respected the princess. However, her mission was truly about supervising the princess until the princess could recognise her “mistake”.

After pa.s.sing through the solemn ancient hall, it was a garden. In this place, one wouldn’t be able to see anything related to technology. No matter if it belonged to the humans or Atlantis, ancient and natural would be the only unique characteristics in this place.

Hao Lin was right here… playing baseball. The humans’ game would be the best way to understand the human culture. He loved to experience every human activity.

“Sister Aina, congratulation.”

When Hao Lin saw Aina, he threw the baseball bat in his hands aside and was revealing a joyous face.

Such baptism was completed only by a few people of Atlantis. Moreover, not everyone would have such an opportunity. In fact, he was curious why Her Highness would grant Aina this opportunity. However, he was sincerely happy. To share and and seek truth together was the true way to happiness.

“I would need to thank you for it. If you hadn’t fought for me, I wouldn’t have had such an opportunity.

There were controversies at that time. However, Hao Lin had voted yes resolutely.

Time had pa.s.sed very quickly.

The evening sun was hanging in the horizon. The setting sun shone on the garden and everything was in a magical golden yellow.

Hao Lin raised his head and took a look at the leaves that had turned golden red. “The so-called spiritual engraving is done like this. However, to truly master it would be troublesome. Furthermore, I feel that humans should find their own path.”

Aina smiled faintly and replied, “One must be able to draw inferences.”

Hao Lin smiled and looked at Aina. “I have a question. The truth was that I had always wanted to ask you.”

“Oh, please say whats on your mind.”

Aina knew that Hao Lin was just like a curious baby.”Have you ever regreted your love?”

Looking at the prince with the small stature, Aina laughed instead. Her smile triumphed over everything and it meant more than the answer.

Hao Lin couldn’t understand. The relations.h.i.+p of humans was truly complicated. If it was him, he would definitely not be able to bear such separation. This was equivalent to forcefully transforming the two of them into two intersecting lines, never to meet again after that one encounter. One could expect that the distance between them would increase more and more because of this. The things that had happened in the past would become just an intersection point in their memories.

“It seemed that there were still a lot for me to learn with regard to humans.”

Hao Lin could only sigh. The emotions of the people of Atlantis and the humans were very similar. However, it seemed that there was something within them that had disappeared permanently.

“Your Highness, it is time for your dinner.”

Nelly had disrupted the casual conversation between the two of them. She took a glance at Hao Lin. The name “w.a.n.g Zheng” had solemnly become a restricted phrase in the Royal Family of Aslan.

Aina smiled and was getting ready to leave after standing up. Prince Hao Lin also sent her off using the formalities of humans.

It was a beautiful night and Aina had been leading a fulfilling life. Learning, preparing for lessons, revision. She was doing what a princess of Aslan should have done and was doing it in the best way. It was only till the designated bed time and with Nelly’s reminder that she went for a bath. After which, she tucked her body into the soft mattress and closed her eyes gently.

The night of Atlantis was extremely quiet…

The fatigue that had acc.u.mulated during the day had all rushed out in this instance.

Why didn’t she ask about the situation with w.a.n.g Zheng?

It was because she was afraid!

She had never worried about herself. However, what about w.a.n.g Zheng?

No news might be the best news for her.