Tempest of the Stellar War

Chapter 598: This is a Real Man

Chapter 598: This is a Real Man

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Bonehead said before that there was such an emotion in mankind, and this only happened when one was in danger


Snow Li was flung aside. w.a.n.g Zheng launched his wind ability and drew back rapidly. “I promised you that I would definitely let you pa.s.s this trial!”

There was no need to worry about her as w.a.n.g Zheng’s hostility was sufficient for the Zerg to ignore Snow Li completely. At this moment, the abyss Zerg was no difference from the ordinary insects. It had gone completely crazy, and was charging over brainlessly.

However, even such an attack was also unfathomable. w.a.n.g Zheng could no longer use his Windflame wheels again, and there was no time for him to prepare at all. And even if he did prepare an attack, there was also no guarantee that he would be able to kill this monster.

The weird thing was that even w.a.n.g Zheng also seemed to have given up on resisting, he was staring blankly at the insect that was charging over. Even though the spider Zerg was only left with six legs and that had affected its speed a little, but this type of craziness made it looked even more terrifying.

But what Snow Li saw at this moment was nevertheless the smile of confidence on w.a.n.g Zheng’s face.

w.a.n.g Zheng spread out his both hands. When he had came into contact with his hybrid ability, he had already wanted to try it. However, that Windflame wheel had almost caused his hostel room to be completely destroyed. So if he had attempted this move, he would probably had blown up the whole building with him along with it.

But over here, there was this huge opportunity for him to try it.

Whoosh… whoosh…

There was a ball of icy flames in his left hand, and a ball of fiery flames in his right hand.

Snow Li was stunned. What was w.a.n.g Zheng trying to do?

Could it be???

That the so-called hybrid abilities had came about based on the theory of the five elements interacting with one another.

But as a physics genius, w.a.n.g Zheng wanted to try fusing elements that inherently opposed each other. This was the difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. On the surface, combining them seemed to be able to amplify their power, but if they were in conflict, they would only counteract one another, and could even cause a disaster.

However, w.a.n.g Zheng was a madman in this aspect. The first time he heard of hybrid ability X, he had already thinking of ways to execute it. However, even though he had problems with controlling the ability itself, his body was at least able to emit the Ability X’s at the same time. Regardless of whether they originated from the Primordial Regression Technique or the Blade Technique, he could always control both at the same time, and his body was just a medium.

However, when it came to fusion, w.a.n.g Zheng was really not sure as the most possible outcome of fusing conflicting abilities was dissipation or disorder.

w.a.n.g Zheng had thought of countless of possibilities, but he had never tried them before, so why not try it at this crucial moment of life and death!

The Zerg was already charging over, but w.a.n.g Zheng did not move. He was waiting. He had to wait till the final moment, the moment when it was the most dangerous.

The Zerg did not use its claws, but instead it opened its mouth big. It was going to swallow up the prey before its eyes!

w.a.n.g Zheng gave a faint smile, this was the moment!

He clasped his hands together suddenly…

Instantly, glaring rays of lights suddenly appeared in the temple’s main hall. Snow Li lost her line of sight all of a sudden, and she only remembered w.a.n.g Zheng’s smile, and his words of: I promised you…

There was a loud sound that shook heaven and earth.

The three persons who were waiting were anxious and the anxiousness was driving them crazy. The three of them all had bad feelings, especially for Redington. What was that scoundrel w.a.n.g Zheng trying to do, don’t tell me that he wanted to…

Under a certain kind of circ.u.mstance men would always have weird thoughts. Once it came to his mind that w.a.n.g Zheng might have been rude to Snow Li, Redington almost went mad. That guy was a new student at the academy. D*mn it, I must kill him!

While Ai Xiaolu and De Fulei were thinking of something else. Could it be that there was still some mysterious level in the Ice Territory and the two of them had managed to escape?

But no matter what, there should be an end to it, what was going on?

“Could it be… that they had already left the World of Saints?”

“How would that be possible? We have been keeping watch over here!” Redington was already fuming with rage between gritted teeth and had lost his usual gentlemanliness. “That d.a.m.n scoundrel, Huang grade right? Don’t ever let me find him, otherwise…”

At this moment, a ray of light appeared. w.a.n.g Zheng had come out. The faces of the three of them all looked ghastly, they were glaring at w.a.n.g Zheng tenaciously, like they wished that they could destroy w.a.n.g Zheng.

w.a.n.g Zheng laughed helplessly, and logged out immediately.

The mission was accomplished, and he was not interested about the things that were going to happen next. The things that had happened during this trial was unexpected. The loophole of his psychological world had nevertheless showed up, but that was nothing for w.a.n.g Zheng to grumble about. The trainings of Bone were meticulous and there was not one loose thread. However, he was a robot, while w.a.n.g Zheng did not think of himself as a robot.

The feeling of being injured was actually… pretty good.

After a round of battle, he was still left with some energy to return back to his bed. w.a.n.g Zheng’s face was still a little pale when he got back to the hostel, but he had a little smile on his face from the beginning to the end.

Redington and the rest were totally furious. How could that d.a.m.n idiot still carry a smile, he was like a spoilt piece of meat ruining a whole pot of soup. What was this!

“We must be cautious when it comes to making friends!” Redington said.

While Ai Xiaolu and De Fulei did not think too much, where was Snow Li?

In just a moment, a ray of light flashed and Snow Li appeared.

Now, there was a question.

Everyone else came out because they died, while Snow Li came out alive.

“Snow Li, you are finally out! We were so worried!” Ai Xiaolu immediately walked up to her. Usually the World of Saints would not have much danger, but those who somewhat had experiences all knew that it could bring about a little psychological harm over here. And they were afraid that there would be some mishaps.

Snow Li smiled and shook her head. “I’m alright.”

“What alright, Snow, next time it would still be better for you to keep a distance from such people. Most of the people from small regions are all greedy, lecherous, and have great ambition but little talent.”

Redington finally found a chance, but hitting a person who was down at this moment was absolutely not a trait of a Mr. Perfect.

Snow Li just laughed, and De Fulei only noticed now that something was not quite right. She stared blankly at Snow Li. “… How was this possible, that you came out alive?”

“Ah, look guys, the trial was actually completed! Ai Xiaolu also discovered a new world, her face was full of disbelief.

Redington looked at his own trial status, it had indeed been completed. But how was this possible, that Zerg…

“G.o.d, what exactly happened? Don’t tell me that there was some hidden secret inside there?” De Fulei asked curiously.

Snow Li smiled and shook her head. “The trial is completed, this would definitely be unforgettable in my lifetime.”

“Don’t tell me that… it was w.a.n.g Zheng?” Ai Xiaolu was stammering a little. “That is not possible, his ability X was at best a C rank. And under a situation with no mech, even if he was exceptionally talented it would also be impossible for him to defeat a second transformation abyss insect!”

He was unconvincing at the front, but he became resolute and decisive at the back. They were all students of the xuan grade and had already started to understand the fighting strength of these abyss insects and they were very clear about the disparity between mankind and them.

“Xiaolu, remember what I told you before? That he is a guy that is capable of doing anything.”

Snow Li’s expression was full of splendor. This battle had left on her a very deep impression, and this type of shock was incomparable to IG. That man possessed an unparalleled and overbearing confidence, and he was definitely a responsible person.

This was a real man!

Redington’s face looked pretty bad. He simply could not believe how that could be possible. Even he himself was rapidly dispatched by the opponent, there was definitely another side of the story to it!

But Snow Li did not intend to say much. w.a.n.g Zheng really trusted her, and she would not easily expose the abilities of another person.

Actually, even if the last attempt was a failure, it was still considered as a victory in the World of Saints, as it ended in mutual destruction. w.a.n.g Zheng’s own strength and controlling ability was still not sufficient to reach that stage, however, having this first attempt at taking a risk, w.a.n.g Zheng was also tempted. It was evident that fusing conflicting abilities was not impossible.