That Stick

Chapter 12

"There"s about four or five miles of them," responded Herbert; "and these grouse are awfully shy."

"Ah, the Earl of Blackwing owns full twenty miles of heather," said the ex-butler.

"Barren stuff!" growled the skipper; "breeding nothing worth setting one"s teeth into!"

"There are seven farms besides," put in Mrs. Morton. "My brother is going to have an audit-day next week."

"You should have seen the Earl"s audits," said Mr. Rollstone.

"Five-and-twenty substantial tenant-farmers, besides artisans, and all the family plate on the sideboard!"

"Ah, you should see the Northmoor plate!" said Mrs. Morton. "There are racing cups, four of them--not that any one could drink out of them, for they are just centre-pieces for the table. There"s a man in armour galloping off headlong with a girl behind him-- Who did your uncle say it was, Conny?"

"The Templar and Rowena, mamma," said Constance.

"Yes, that was the best--all frosted. I liked that better than the one where the girl with no clothes to speak of was running like mad after a golden ball. They said that was an heirloom, worth five hundred--"

"Lord Burnside"s yachting cups are valued at five thousand," said Mr.

Rollstone. "I should know, for I had the care of them, and it was a responsibility as weighed on my mind."

So whatever Mrs. Morton described as to the dignities and splendours of Northmoor, Mr. Rollstone continued to cap with more magnificent experiences, so that, though he never pretended to view himself in the light of a partic.i.p.ator in the grandeur he described, he continued, quite unintentionally, so to depreciate the glories of Northmoor, that Mrs.

Morton began to recollect how far above him her sphere had become, and to decide against his future admission to her parties.

The young ladies, as soon as tea was over, retired into corners in pairs, having on their side much to communicate. Rose Rollstone was at home for a holiday, after having begun to work at an establishment for art and ecclesiastical needlework, and it was no small treat to her and Constance to meet and compare their new experiences. Rose, always well brought up by her father, was in a situation carefully trained by a lady head, and watched over by those who deepened and cultivated her religious feeling; and Constance had to tell of the new facilities of education offered to them. Ida was too delicate for school, their mother said, and was only to have music lessons at Brighton, or in London whenever the present house could be parted with; but Herbert had already begun to work with a tutor for the army, and Constance was to go to the High School at Colbeam and spend her Sundays at Northmoor, where a prettily-furnished room was set apart for her. She described it with so much zest that Rose was seized with a sort of alarm. "You will live there like all the lords and ladies that papa talks of, and grow worldly and fashionable."

"Oh no, no," cried Constance, and there was a girlish kissing match, but Rose seemed to think worldliness inevitable.

"The Earl my papa lived with used to bet and gamble, and come home dreadfully late at night, and so did my lady and her daughters, and their poor maid had to sit up for them till four o"clock in the morning. Then their bills! They never told his lordship, but they sold their diamonds and wore paste. His lordship did not know, but their maid did, and told papa."

Constance opened her eyes and declared that Uncle Frank and Aunt Mary never could do such things. Moreover, she averred that Lady Adela was always going about among the cottages, and that Miss Morton had not a bit of pride, and was going to live in London to teach the dust-pickers and match-box makers. "Indeed, I don"t think they are half as worldly in themselves," she said, "as Ida is growing with thinking about them."

"Ah, don"t you remember the sermon that said worldliness didn"t depend on what one has, but what one is?"

"Talking of nothing better than sermons!" said Herbert, coming on them.

"Have you caught it of the governor, Con? I believe he thinks of nothing but sermons."

And Constance exclaimed, "I am sure he doesn"t preach!"

"Oh no, nothing comes out of his mouth that he can help; trust him for that."

"Then how do you know?"

"By the stodgy look of him. He would be the awfullest of prosers if he had the gift of the gab."

"You are an ungrateful boy," said Rose. "I am sure he must be very kind to you."

"Can"t help it," said Herbert. "The old fellow would be well enough if he had any go in him."

"I am sure he took you out hunting," exclaimed Constance indignantly, "the day they took us to the meet. And he leapt all the ditches when you--"

He broke in, "Well, what was I to do when I"ve never had the chance to learn to sit a horse? You"ll see next winter."

"Did you hurt yourself?" asked Rose, rather mischievously.

To which Herbert turned a deaf ear and began to expatiate upon the game of Northmoor, till other sounds led him away to fall upon the other _tete-a-tete_ between Ida and Sibyl Grover. In Ida"s mind the honours of Northmoor were dearly purchased by the dulness and strictness of the life there.

"My uncle was as cross as two sticks if ever Herbert or I were too late for prayers, and he said it was nonsense of Herbert to say that kneeling at church spoilt his trousers--kneeling just like a school child! It made me so faint!"

"And it looks so!"

"I tried, because Lady Adela and Miss Bertha and all do," said Ida, "and they looked at me! But it made me faint, as I knew it would," and she put her head on one side.

"Poor dear! So they were so very religious! Did that spoil it all?"

"Well, we had pretty things off the Christmas-tree, and we lived quite as ladies, and drove out in the carriage."

"No parties nor dances? Or were they too religious?"

"Ma says it is their meanness; but my aunt, Lady Northmoor, did say perhaps it would be livelier another year, and then we should have had some dancing and deportment lessons. I up and told her I could dance fast enough now, but she said it would not be becoming or right to Lady Adela"s and Miss Morton"s feelings."

"Do they live there?"

"Not in the house. Lady Adela has a cottage of her own, and Miss Morton stops with her. Lady Adela is as high and standoffish as the monument,"

said Ida, pausing for a comparison.

"High and haughty," said Sibyl, impressed. "And the other lady?"

"Oh, she is much more good-natured. We call her Bertha; at least, she told us that we might call her anything but that horrid Cousin Bertha, as she said. But she"s old, thirty-six years old, and not a bit pretty, and she says such odd things, one doesn"t know what to do. She thought I made myself useful and could wash and iron," said Ida, as if this were the greatest possible insult, in which Sibyl acquiesced.

"And she thought I should know the factory girls, just the hands," added Ida, greatly disgusted. "As if I should! But ma says low tastes are in the family, for she is going to live in London, and go and sit with the shop-girls in the evening. Still I like her better than Lady Adela, who keeps herself to herself. Mamma says it is pride and spite that her plain little sickly girl hasn"t come to be my Lady."

"What, doesn"t she speak to them?" said Sibyl, quite excited.

"Oh yes, she calls, and shakes hands, and all that, but one never seems to get on with her. And Emily Trotman, she"s the doctor"s daughter, such a darling, told me _such_ a history--so interesting!"

"Tell me, Ida, there"s a dear."

"She says they were all frightfully dissipated" (Ida said it quite with a relish)--"the old Lord and Mr. Morton, Lady Adela"s husband, you know, and Miss Bertha--always racing and hunting and gambling and in debt.

Then there came a Captain Alder, who was ever so much in love with Miss Bertha, but most awfully in debt to her brother, and very pa.s.sionate besides. So he took him out in his dog-cart with a fiery horse that was sure to run away."

"Who did?"

"Captain Alder took Mr. Morton, though they begged and prayed him not, and the horse ran away and Mr. Morton was thrown out and killed."

"Oh!" with extreme zest. "On purpose?"

"Miss Bertha was sure it was, so that she might have all the fortune, and so she told him, and flung the betrothal ring in his face, and he went right off, and never has been heard of since."

"Well, that _is_ interesting. Do you think he shot himself?"