That Stick

Chapter 18

Now and then an English traveller appeared, and Lord Northmoor was persuaded to join in expeditions for his niece"s sake, that took them away for a night or two. Thus they saw Caprile Cadore, St. Ulrich, that town of toys, full of dolls of every tone, spotted wooden horses, carts, and the like. They beheld the tall points of Monte Serrata, and the wonderful "Horse Teeth," with many more such marvels; and many were the curiosities they brought back, and the stories they had to tell, with regrets that Aunt Mary had not been there to enjoy and add to their enjoyment.

So the days went on, and the end of Constance"s holidays was in view, the limit that had been intended for the Kur at Ratzes; but Aunt Mary had not been out of doors since their arrival, and seemed fit for nothing save lying by the window.

Constance had begun to wonder what would be done, when she was told that a good-natured pair of English travellers, like herself bound to school terms, would escort her safely to London and see her into the train for Colbeam, just in time for the High School term.

"This will be the best way," said her aunt, kissing her. "You have been a dear good girl, Conny, and a great pleasure and comfort to us both."

"Oh, auntie, I have not done anything, Mrs. Bury has done it all."

"Mrs. Bury is most kind, unspeakably kind, but, my dear dear girl, your companionship has been so much to your dear uncle that I have been most thankful to you. Always recollect, dearest Conny, you can be more comfort to your uncle than anybody else, whatever may come. You _will_ always be a good girl and keep up your tone, and make him your great consideration--after higher things; promise me."

"Oh yes, indeed, auntie dear," said the girl, somewhat frightened and bewildered as the last kisses and good-byes were exchanged. Since the travellers were to start very early the next morning on their mules for Botzen, whither Mrs. Bury meant to accompany them in order to make some purchases, Lord Northmoor went with the party to the limits of his walking powers, and on the slope of the Alp, amid the fir-woods, took his leave, Mrs. Bury telling him cheerfully that she should return the next day, while he said that he could not thank her enough. He bade farewell to his niece, telling her that he hoped she would by and by be spending her holidays at Northmoor if all went well.

Constance had begun to grow alarmed, and watched for an opportunity of imploring Mrs. Bury to tell her whether Aunt Mary were really very ill.

Mrs. Bury laughed, and confided to her a secret, which made her at once glad, alarmed, and important.

"Oh, and is no one to know?" said little Constance, with rosy cheeks.

"Not till leave is given," said Mrs. Bury. "You see there is still so much risk of things going wrong, that they both wish nothing to be said at present. I thought they had spoken to you."

"Oh no. But--but--" and Constance could not go on, as her eyes filled with tears.

"Is there special cause for anxiety, you mean, my dear? Hardly for _her_, though it was unlucky that she was as unknowing as you, and I don"t see how she is to be taken over these roads into a more civilised place. But I shall stay on and see them through with it, and I daresay we shall do very well. I am used enough to looking after my own daughters, and n.o.body particularly wants me at home."

"That"s what Aunt Mary meant by saying you were _so_ very good!"

"Well, it would be sheer inhumanity to leave them to themselves, and the mercies of Ratzes, and there seems to be no one else that could come."

"I"m glad I know!" said Constance, with a long breath. "Only what shall I do if any one asks me about her?"

"Say she had a nasty fall, which makes it undesirable to move her just yet. It is the simple truth, and what you would have naturally said but for this little communication of mine."

"I suppose," said Constance, in a tone Mrs. Bury did not understand, "it will be all known before my Christmas holidays?"

"Oh yes, my dear, long before that. I"ll write to you when I have anything to tell."

For which Constance thanked her heartily, and thenceforth felt a great deal older for the confidence, which delighted as well as made her anxious, for she was too fond of her uncle and aunt, as well as too young and simple, for it to have occurred to her how the matter might affect her brother.

After seeing much more on her road than she had done before, and won golden opinions from her escort for intelligence and obligingness, she was safely deposited in the train for Colbeam, without having gone home.

She had made up her mind to pa.s.s Sunday at her boarding-house, and was greatly surprised when Lady Adela called on to take her to Northmoor for the Sunday.

"Now tell me about your uncle and aunt," the good lady began, when Constance was seated beside her. "Yes, I have heard from Mrs. Bury, but I want to know whether the place is tolerably comfortable."

"Mrs. Bury has made it much better," said Constance. "And it is so beautiful, no one would care for comfort who was quite well."

"And is your uncle well? Has he got over his headaches?" she asked solicitously.

In fact, the absence of Lord and Lady Northmoor had done more than their presence to make Lady Adela feel their value. She was astonished to find how much she missed the power of referring to him and leaning on his support in all questions, small or great, that cropped up; and she had begun to feel that the stick might be a staff; besides which, having imbibed more than an inkling of the cause of detention, she was anxious to gather what she could of the circ.u.mstances.

She was agreeably surprised in Constance, to whom the journey had been a time of development from the mere school girl, and who could talk pleasantly, showing plenty of intelligence and observation in a modest ladylike way. Moreover, she had a game in the garden which little Amice enjoyed extremely, and she and her little Sunday cla.s.s were delighted to see one another again. It resulted in her Sundays being spent at Northmoor as regularly as before, and in Amice, a companionless child, thinking brought the white afternoon of the week.



"You have no doubt ceased from your exertions in the way of finding nurses, since the telegram has told you that the son and heir has considerately saved trouble and expense by making his appearance on Michaelmas morning. It was before there was time to fetch anybody but the ancient village Bettina. Everything is most prosperous, and I am almost as proud as the parents--and to see them gloat over the morsel is a caution. They look at him as if such a being had never been known on the earth before; and he really is a very fine healthy creature, most ridiculously like the portrait of the original old Michael Morton Northmoor in the full-bottomed wig. He seems to be almost equally marvellous to the Ratzes population, being the first infant seen there unswaddled--or washed. Bettina"s horror at the idea of washing him is worth seeing. Her brown old face was almost convulsed, and she and our Frau-wirthin concurred in a.s.suring me that it would be fatal to _der kleine baron_ if he were washed, except with white wine and milk at a fortnight old; nor would they accept my a.s.surance that my three daughters and seven grandchildren had survived the process. I have to do it myself, and dress him as I can, for his wardrobe as made here is not complete, and whatever you can send us will be highly acceptable. It is lucky that Northmoor is a born nurse, for the women"s fear of breaking the child is really justifiable, as they never handled anything not made up into a mummy; moreover, they wish to let all the world up into Mary"s room to behold the curiosity, I met the priest upon his way and turned him back! So we have pretty well all the nursing on our hands, and happily it is of the most satisfactory kind, with the one drawback that we have to call in the services of a "valia"; but on the other hand we have all been so much interested in a poor little widow, Hedwig Grantzen, whose husband was lost last spring in a snow-storm, that it is pleasant to have some employment for her. Such a creature as came over on chance and speculation--a great coa.r.s.e handsome girl, in exaggerated costume, all new, with lacy ribbons down her back; but I rode over to Botzen, and interviewed her parish priest about her, and that was enough to settle her. Every one is asleep except myself, and Mary"s face is one smile as she sleeps.

"This is going to be posted by the last of the tourists, luckily a clergyman, whom we begged to baptize the boy, as there is a possibility that snows may close us in before we can get away.

"So he is named Michael Kenton, partly after my own dear brother as well as the old founder, partly in honour of the day and of Sir Edward Kenton, who, they say, has been their very kind friend. It really is a feast to see people so wonderingly happy and thankful.

The little creature has all the zest of novelty to them, and they coo and marvel over it in perfect felicity. When you will be introduced to the hero, I cannot guess, for though he has been an earlier arrival than his mother"s inexperience expected, I much doubt her being able to get out of this place while the way to Botzen is pa.s.sable according to the prognostics of the sages. What splendid studies of ice peaks I shall have! Your affectionate cousin,

"L. BURY."

A telegram had preceded the letter. One soon followed by Mrs. Bury"s promised note had filled Constance"s honest little heart with rapture, another had set all the bells in Northmoor Church ringing and Best rejoicing that "that there Harbut"s nose was put out of joint," a feeling wherein Lady Adela could not but partic.i.p.ate, though, of course, she showed no sign of it to Constance. A sharply-worded letter to the girl soon came from her mother, demanding what she had known beforehand. Mrs.

Morton had plainly been quite unprepared for what was a severe blow to her, and it was quite possible to understand how, in his shyness, Lord Northmoor had put off writing of the hope and expectation from day to day till all had been fulfilled sooner than had been expected.

It was the first thing that brought home to Constance that the event was scarcely as delightful to her family as to herself. She wrote what she knew and heard no more, for none of her home family were apt to favour her with much correspondence. Miss Morton, however, had written to her sister-in-law.

"Poor Herbert! I am sorry for him, though you won"t be. He takes it very well, he really is a very good sort at bottom, and it really is the very best thing for him, as I have been trying to persuade him."

Bulletins came with tolerable frequency from Ratzes, with all good accounts of mother and child, and a particular description of little Michael"s beauties; but it was only too soon announced that snow was falling, and this was soon followed by another letter saying that consultation with the best authorities within reach had decided that unless the weather were extraordinarily mild, the journey, after November set in, was not to be ventured by Lady Northmoor or so young a child.

There would be perils for any one, even the postmen and the guides, and if it were mild in one valley it might only render it more dangerous over the next Alp. Still Mrs. Bury, a practised and enterprising mountaineer, might have attempted it; but though Mary was rapidly recovering and the language was no longer utterly impracticable, the good lady could not bear to desert her charges, or to think what might happen to them, if left alone, in case of illness or accident, so she devoted herself to them and to her studies of ice and snow, and wrote word to her family that they were to think of her as hibernating till Easter, if not Whitsuntide.


Constance had, of course, to spend her Christmas holidays at home, where she had not been for nine months.

Her brother met her at the London terminus to go down with her, and there, to her great joy, she also saw Rose Rollstone on the platform.

Herbert, whose dignity had first prompted him to seek a smoking carriage apart from his sister, thereupon decided to lay it aside and enter with them, looking rather scornful at the girls" mutual endearments.

"Come, Conny, Miss Rollstone has had enough of that," he said, "and here are a lot going to get in. Oh my, the cads! I shall have to get into the smoking carriage after all."

"No, don"t. Sit opposite and we shall do very well."

Then came the exchange of news, and--"You"ve heard, of course, Rosie?"

"I should think I had," then an anxious glance at Herbert, who answered--