The Acorn-Planter

Chapter 5

{Sun Man} Then am I Adam, the first man and your brother.

_(Glancing about.)_ And this is Eden, to look upon it.

{Red Cloud} My father was the Coyote.

{Sun Man} My father was Jehovah.

{Red Cloud} I am the Fire-Bringer. I stole the fire from the ground squirrel and hid it in the heart of the wood.

{Sun Man} Then am I Prometheus, your brother. I stole the fire from heaven and hid it in the heart of the wood.

{Red Cloud} I am the Acorn-Planter. I am the Food- Bringer, the Life-Maker. I make food for more life, ever more life.

{Sun Man} Then am I truly your brother. Life-Maker am I, tilling the soil in the sweat of my brow from the beginning of time, planting all manner of good seeds for the harvest.

_(Looking sharply at Red Cloud"s skin garments.)_ Also am I the Weaver and Cloth-Maker.

_(Holding out arm so that Red Cloud may examine the cloth of the coat)_ From the hair of the goat and the wool of the sheep, and from beaten and spun, do I make the cloth to keep man warm.

{Shaman} _(Breaking in boastfully.)_ I am the Shaman. I know all secret things.

{Sun Man} I know my pathway under the sun over all the seas, and I know the secrets of the stars that show me my path where no path is. I know when the Wolf of Darkness shall eat the moon.

_(Pointing toward moon.)_ On this night shall the Wolf of Darkness eat the moon.

_(He turns suddenly to Red Cloud, drawing sheath-knife and pa.s.sing it to him.)_

More, O First Man and Acorn-Planter. I am the Iron-Maker. Behold!

_(Red Cloud examines knife, understands immediately its virtue, cuts easily a strip of skin from his skin garment, and is overcome with the wonder of the knife.)_

{War Chief} _(Exhibiting a long bow.)_ I am the War Chief. No man, save me, has strength to bend this bow. I can slay farther than any man.

_(A huge bear has come out among the bushes far up the hillside)_

{Sun Man} I, too, am War Chief over men, and I can slay farther than you.

{War Chief} Hoh! Hoh!

{Sun Man} _(Pointing to bear)_ Can you slay that with your strong bow?

{War Chief} _(Dubiously)_ It is a far shot. Too far. No man can slay a great bear so far.

_(Sun Man, shaking off from his arms the hands of Deer Foot and Elk Man, aims musket and fires. The bear falls, and the Nishinam betray astonishment and awe)_

_(At a quick signal from War Chief, Sun Man is again seized. War Chief takes away musket and examines it.)_

{Shaman} There is a sign.

{People} There is a sign.

He carries the thunder in his hand.

He slays with the thunder in his hand.

He is the enemy of the Nishinam.

He will destroy the Nishinam.

{Shaman} There is a sign.

{People} There is a sign.

In the day the Sun Man comes, The waters from the spring will no longer flow, And in that day will he destroy the Nishinam.

{War Chief} _(Exhibiting musket.)_ Hoh! Hoh! I have taken the Sun Man"s thunder.

{Shaman} Now shall the Sun Man die that the Nishinam may live.

{Red Cloud} He is our brother. He, too, is an acorn- planter. He has spoken.

{Shaman} He is the Sun Man, and he is our eternal enemy. He shall die.

{War Chief} In war I command.

_(To Hunters.)_ Tie their feet with stout thongs that they may not run. And then make ready with bow and arrow to do the deed.

_(Hunters obey, urging and thrusting the Sea Cunies into a compact group behind the Sun Man.)_

{Red Cloud} Shaman I am not.

I know not the secret things.

I say the things I know.

When you plant kindness you harvest kindness.

When you plant blood you harvest blood.

He who plants one acorn makes way for life.

He who slays one man slays the planter of a thousand acorns.

{Shaman} Shaman I am.

I see the dark future.

I see the Sun Man"s death, The journey he must take Through thick and endless forest Where lost souls wander howling A thousand moons of moons.

{People} Through thick and endless forest Where lost souls wander howling A thousand moons of moons.

_(War Chief arranges Hunters with their bows and arrows for the killing.)_

{Sun Man} _(To Red Cloud.)_ You will slay us?

{Red Cloud} _(Indicating War Chief.)_ In war he commands.

{Sun Man} _(Addressing the Nishinam)_ Nor am I a Shaman. But I will tell you true things to be. Our brothers are acorn-planters, cloth-weavers, iron-workers. Our brothers are life-makers and masters of life. Many are our brothers and strong. They will come after us.

Your First Man has spoken true words. When you plant blood you harvest blood. Our brothers will come to the harvest with the thunder in their hands. There is a sign. This night, and soon, will the Wolf of Darkness eat the moon. And by that sign will our brothers come on the trail we have broken.

_(As final preparation for the killing is completed, and as Hunters are arranged with their bows and arrows, Sun Man sings.)_