The Adonis Next Door: 100 Days of Forced Love

Chapter 90

Chapter 90
Best Dead, Lest Be A Hindrance (90)

Gu Yu Sheng lifted his eyelids slightly, and wordlessly swept his eyes over Lu Ban Cheng. He took a deep puff of his cigarette, and after blowing out a perfect smoke ring, he picked up his phone and glanced at the screen. It was completely clean, without a single message or call notifications.

At the end of the previous game, he had withdrawn her from his phone’s blacklist, but after such a long time, he still hadn’t received any text in relation to her……

The expression in Gu Yu Sheng’s eyes flickered. He opened up the blacklist. It contained a list of numerous intercepted texts messages and incoming calls. He quickly scrolled through the list with one hand. Besides the message she had sent him three months ago which said “Grandpa has come back from Hainan. He’s told us to come over to the main mansion tomorrow for a meal,” there were no other messages or notifications related to her.

Which is to say, even though she was stranded in the outskirts this afternoon with no way of getting back to town, she didn’t even think of calling him for help?

Suddenly, the scene of her sitting in the car yesterday afternoon eating flitted across Gu Yu Sheng mind, as well as her sleeping in the sunroom last night and the conversation she had with the housekeeper in the morning…..

From the looks of it, she really was keeping her word and staying as far away from him as possible…… But when did she become so obedient?

Why was it that in the past, even though he told her get lost many times, she never truly took a hike even once?

That irritation he had felt in the morning when he left the house came surging out once again. Suddenly, Gu Yu Sheng violently took a puff of his cigarette, and gnas.h.i.+ng his teeth, returned two words, “No need!”

Right after he finished those words, lightning flashed across the window again. The white light forcibly split the dark night sky into two. That sight was so ghastly; it was like a scene in a blockbuster science fiction movie.

Lu Ban Cheng has always had a pretty good relations.h.i.+p with Liang Dou Kou and after another peal of ear-piercing thunder rumbled past, the anxiety in his eyes deepened even further. He repeatedly turned his head to look at Gu Yu Sheng but would only see that man leaning against his chair, expression indifferent, one hand touching the tiles, the other hand holding a cigarette between its fingers, occasionally flicking the cigarette ash; his posture couldn’t be more leisurely.

When it was Gu Yu Sheng’s turn to draw a tile, the sound of the rain had become even louder. Lu Ban Cheng tilted his head to look at the exceptionally terrible sky. After a moment of hesitation, he moved to Gu Yu Sheng’s front, and said in a lowered voice. “Even if you don’t like her, she is still the wife you married. You can’t always be this cold-blooded and turn a blind eye, right?”

Gu Yu Sheng’s movement faltered slightly. His eyes swept a glance at the phone screen on the side. There were still no alerts. His gaze turned colder by a few degrees and he quickly re-organised his tiles. He drew one out and threw it down. And, as if he hadn’t heard Lu Ban Cheng’s words, he said, “Three bamboos.”

“Sheng-ge, if you would just make a phone call, if she’s arrived back home without any mishap, then we’ll all be at ease. If you take the risk, and she really isn’t back, it might really end up costing a life……”

“Best if she dies, at least it’ll stop her from being a hindrance![1]” Before Lu Ban Cheng had even finished his sentence, Gu Yu Sheng suddenly cut him off with a dark, unfeeling voice.

[1] As you might have noticed, the t.i.tles of the chapters are a sentence in the chapters. 死了最好,省得碍事 is the t.i.tle of this chapter and means “Best that she dies, so that she will not be a hindrance/in the way. “Best if she’s dead, to avoid/avert/prevent/so as to save her from being a hindrance.”