The Adonis Next Door: 100 Days of Forced Love

Chapter 65: A dream of 8 years that’s all about him (5)

Chapter 65: A dream of 8 years that’s all about him (5)

As Gu Yu Sheng’s words settled, he turned his attention towards the night sky and a.s.sumed a serious demeanour. After which, with a clear and moderate tone pumped full of power, he added, “I have a dream about fighting for the greatness of my country (山河梦 Shan Hé Mèng).”

He raised the cigarette to his lips and slowly took a puff, blowing out a messy ring of smoke. Then, with a determined expression, he repeated, “a paradise that can only be achieved with blood, sweat, and tears.”

Pausing, as though afraid she did not understand, he further explained, “It’s those kinds of dream where you give your all to protect your country.”

When Gu Yu Sheng asked Qin Zhi Ai if she knew what his dream was, numerous dreams had flashed by in her mind.

Attending Havard, being a n.o.ble scientist, becoming the youngest business mogul… But little did she thought that his dream is to bring greatness to his land even if it meant having to sacrifice himself.

Probably because he had not received a reply from the lady beside him despite saying so much, Gu Yu Sheng turned his head to look at Qin Zhi Ai. However, he was immediately stunned by the intent eyes that were focused on him. Almost instantly, he was drawn into those eyes, unable to break free. It was only until the ashes from the cigarette he was holding between his lips fell on his face that he was finally pulled back into reality. He distractedly raised his hand to dust off the ashes from his face and turned his gaze away from her. Subsequently, he cleared his throat and continued his story, “My aspiration is to become a soldier at the national borders and protect our great land, just like those anti-terrorism doc.u.mentary scenes we saw on our school field trip.”

Qin Zhi Ai had an impression on the doc.u.mentary film Gu Yu Sheng was referring to.

Diffusing a bomb in thirty seconds, engaging armed terrorists in a heated battle, patrol guards who died after getting slashed by terrorist suspects… Every single word left behind by the people featured in that doc.u.mentary were their final testaments… because the person who was just still alive, smiling at you, this moment, could be dead in the next second during a mission.

They were literally using their lives to protect their treasured land.

After that, Gu Yu Sheng went on to share lot of details bout his dream with her.

He said, he wanted to protect this piece of land and make sure no aggressors would ever dare invade this treasured land of theirs, not even a single inch.

He even said, the peace in this paradise will surely require some sacrifices, and that the sacrifice is life. Nonetheless, he is willing to sacrifice his life for this land that he loves.

At that moment, Qin Zhi Ai could feel her blood boil with pa.s.sion as she looked upon Gu Yu Sheng sharing his dream with such vigor and certainty.

Never once had she thought that this boy with such a pure appearance, dirty mouth, had a tinge of ruffian att.i.tude, and walked off casually after being abused by his father, had such a pa.s.sionate and n.o.ble dream hidden in his heart.

As Gu Yu Sheng’s words settled, he turned his attention towards the night sky and a.s.sumed a serious demeanour. After which, with a clear and moderate tone pumped full of power, he added, “I have a dream about fighting for the greatness of my country (山河梦 Shan Hé Mèng).”

He raised the cigarette to his lips and slowly took a puff, blowing out a messy ring of smoke. Then, with a determined expression, he repeated, “a paradise that can only be achieved with blood, sweat, and tears.”

Pausing, as though afraid she did not understand, he further explained, “It’s those kinds of dream where you give your all to protect your country.”

When Gu Yu Sheng asked Qin Zhi Ai if she knew what his dream was, numerous dreams had flashed by in her mind.

Attending Havard, being a n.o.ble scientist, becoming the youngest business mogul… But little did she thought that his dream is to bring greatness to his land even if it meant having to sacrifice himself.

Probably because he had not received a reply from the lady beside him despite saying so much, Gu Yu Sheng turned his head to look at Qin Zhi Ai. However, he was immediately stunned by the intent eyes that were focused on him. Almost instantly, he was drawn into those eyes, unable to break free. It was only until the ashes from the cigarette he was holding between his lips fell on his face that he was finally pulled back into reality. He distractedly raised his hand to dust off the ashes from his face and turned his gaze away from her. Subsequently, he cleared his throat and continued his story, “My aspiration is to become a soldier at the national borders and protect our great land, just like those anti-terrorism doc.u.mentary scenes we saw on our school field trip.”

Qin Zhi Ai had an impression on the doc.u.mentary film Gu Yu Sheng was referring to.

Diffusing a bomb in thirty seconds, engaging armed terrorists in a heated battle, patrol guards who died after getting slashed by terrorist suspects… Every single word left behind by the people featured in that doc.u.mentary were their final testaments… because the person who was just still alive, smiling at you, this moment, could be dead in the next second during a mission.

They were literally using their lives to protect their treasured land.

After that, Gu Yu Sheng went on to share a lot of details bout his dream with her.

He said he wanted to protect this piece of land and make sure no aggressors would ever dare invade this treasured land of theirs, not even a single inch.

He even said the peace in this paradise will surely require some sacrifices, and that the sacrifice is life. Nonetheless, he is willing to sacrifice his life for this land that he loves.

At that moment, Qin Zhi Ai could feel her blood boil with pa.s.sion as she looked upon Gu Yu Sheng sharing his dream with such vigor and certainty.

Never once had she thought that this boy with such a pure appearance, dirty mouth, had a tinge of ruffian att.i.tude, and walked off casually after being abused by his father, had such a pa.s.sionate and n.o.ble dream hidden in his heart.