The Almighty Asura

Chapter 54

Publishedat 3rd of January 2020 02:22:04 PM
Chapter 54

Translated by: Minx Calypso

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Edited by: cdewsx77

Chapter 54: A Lucrative Job

After that, Mu Feng and Mu Zhong left the family mansion and walked towards Wan Bao Ju .

“Little Lord, just wh-when did you become a chiseler?”

Mu Zhong asked in surprise while walking .

There was a chiseler in the Mu family, but that person was an elder who was hired by the family for a hefty sum . The elder was a level two chiseler .

“Hehe, that’s a secret . By the way, Uncle Zhong, your knife is a middle-ranked Yuan Item, right? When I learn how to carve level three Weapon Runes, I’ll gift you an upper-ranked Yuan Item . It’s a pity that I only know how to carve level one Weapon Runes for the time being . ”

Mu Feng smiled and changed the topic .

“Haha, I’ll be sure to wait until that day . If Little Lord Feng really becomes a level three chiseler in the future, I’m sure that Nan Hao will have to think twice before acting rashly . ”

Mu Zhong said with a laugh .

The jobs of a chiseler included weapon refinery, crafting spells, and even creating medicinal pills! A chiseler held a very high social status in the country . Moreover, there was a very powerful organization in each country known as the Temple of Chiselers!

This organisation held an even higher social status than the royal family . Why? This was because the pills you eat and the weapons and spells you use must all pa.s.s through the hands of a chiseler .

You could become a member of the organization as long as you were a chiseler . However, the organization only had a branch in the capital, and not in any small cities like An Nan .

There were a few types of runes, namely the Weapons Runes, Medicinal Runes, Spell Runes, Tally Runes, etc . Most chiselers specialized in one type .

In the midst of talking, both of them had reached Wan Bao Ju . They stepped inside and were immediately greeted by a servant lady . Since the last time Mu Feng was here he had sold many valuable goods, all the servant ladies on the first floor made sure to remember him .

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“Young master, what brings you here today? Are you here to sell or purchase?”

The servant lady asked him with a sweet smile on her face .

“I’m here to sell . Is your shop interested in buying this?”

The ring on Mu Feng’s finger lit up, and a stack of tally paper instantly appeared on the counter . He then gave one to the servant lady . She frowned and looked at it for a while, then exclaimed: “This is a Tally Rune!”

“That’s right . ”

Mu Feng nodded .

Upon hearing his words, the servant lady treated Mu Feng with even more respect and said: “Young master, are you a chiseler?!”

“No . These were carved by my shifu . I’m just selling them on my shifu’s behalf . ”

Mu Feng shook his head and replied . He didn’t want anybody else to know that he knew how to carve runes yet .

“I will have to ask my shopkeeper about this matter . Young master, please wait for a short while . Xiu, escort young master to a private room . ”

The servant lady said, ordering another servant lady to serve him . Soon, both of them were escorted to a private room and where they were served fine tea .

The servant lady dressed in yellow quickly went upstairs into another private room where she found Shopkeeper Lee discussing something with an elder .

The elder was dressed in a long black robe that had two red-colored clouds st.i.tched on both sleeves . This robe was a chiseler’s robe, and the two red clouds indicated that he was a level two chiseler .

“Shopkeeper Lee, I’m sorry to interrupt, but that young master is here again . This time, he even brought us this . ”

The servant lady said with utmost respect, handing him the piece of tally paper .

“This is a Tally Rune!”

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A trace of excitement flashed across their faces when they saw the piece of tally paper .

“Elder Qian, please have a look . ”

Shopkeeper Lee pa.s.sed the tally to the elder, as he didn’t know much about runes .

The elder scrutinized the tally, and his eyes lit up in excitement . He said: “This is an upper-rank level one Tally Rune . Who carved this? This type of rune is very complex, and I’ve never seen it before either . The person who carved this must be at least a level two chiseler, maybe even a level three chiseler . ”

He then looked at the rest of the tally papers and said with a frown: “Hmm, this is weird . Although these are all Tally Runes, why do I feel that this one is slightly different from the others?”

“Where is Young Master Mu? Bring me to him now . ”

Shopkeeper Lee said after confirming that the Tally Runes were genuine .

“He’s in the private room downstairs . ”

The servant lady dressed in yellow quickly showed them the way .

After a while, Shopkeeper Lee and Elder Qian entered the room . Shopkeeper Lee clasped hands and said with a laugh: “Young Master Mu, it’s been a few days since our last meeting . ”

Mu Feng frowned, stood up, and clasped hands as well: “Shopkeeper Lee, it seems that you’ve sent somebody to check out my background?”

He had never told them that his surname was Mu . Since Shopkeeper Lee greeted him by his name, it was obvious that they had sent somebody to find out his ident.i.ty .

However, Shopkeeper Lee only knew that he was from the Mu family, but nothing more detailed . This was because an order was pa.s.sed down in the Mu family to not disclose anything about Mu Feng .

“Hehe, well… By the way, are you here to sell all of these Tally Runes?”

Shopkeeper Lee smiled awkwardly . He picked up a Tally Rune and changed the topic .

“That’s right . How much are you willing to offer?”

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Mu Feng dropped the question and said .

“Young Master Mu, if I may ask another question, were you the one who… carved these Tally Runes?”

Shopkeeper Lee asked . The elder seemed to be curious about this as well .

“Shopkeeper Lee, I’m afraid you’re asking too many questions . If you don’t want to buy them, I could go to another shop instead . ”

Mu Feng said in a slightly angered tone .

“Oh, please don’t go to another shop . Please don’t get angry with me, I’m just asking with no specific intent . Of course we’re willing to buy them from you . As long as it’s valuable, our shop, Wan Bao Ju, will buy it! Well, let’s see . Hmm, how about this, I’m willing to offer you 200 gold coins per Tally Rune . What do you say?”

Shopkeeper Lee asked .

Mu Feng was extremely pleased to hear his offer, as the price offered was way beyond his expectations . After all, the cost of a piece of tally paper was no more than 20 gold coins . He didn’t expect to sell them at such a good price after carving runes on them .

However, he remained cool, nodded and said: “That sounds great to me . Get me another five dozen pieces of tally paper . ”

“Sure . There are 12 Tally Runes here, so it’ll be 2,400 gold coins in total, and five dozen pieces of tally paper cost 1,000 gold coins total . Please scan your Tong Bao gold card with mine . ”

Shopkeeper Lee took out his Tong Bao gold card, and Mu Feng took his out as well . Then they placed the cards together, and, in just a moment, the transaction was complete .

“Oh, by the way, you can have these 12 tally papers for free . Young master, if you carve any other Tally Runes in the future, do visit us again . I guarantee that we will offer you the best price available in the market . ”

Shopkeeper Lee chuckled and said .

Mu Feng smiled lightly and said: “You really know how to do business, Shopkeeper Lee . I’ll be sure to stop by your shop next time . Well, I’ll take my leave now . ”

Mu Feng clasped hands, took the 12 extra pieces of tally paper from the servant lady, and walked out of the shop with Mu Zhong .

“Elder Qian, do you think he’s a chiseler?”

Shopkeeper Lee looked at Mu Feng’s back and asked .

Elder Qian shook his head and said: “There are no visible calluses on his hand . If he was a chiseler, he would have calluses from gripping a chisel for a long period of time . However, I’m sure that he is being guided by a talented shifu . We must establish a good relationship with him and find out who actually carved the runes . I also suggest that we pay a visit to the Mu family one of these days . ”

Shopkeeper Lee nodded with a solemn look on his face, as he was aware of the consequences that he might face if he offended a chiseler .

“Being a chiseler is such a lucrative job . It’s extremely difficult for a cultivator to earn that much money . ”

Mu Zhong exclaimed .  

Mu Feng agreed with him . Now, he doesn’t have to worry about money anymore .

Meanwhile, the pile of Yuan Items that Mu Feng had carved were delivered to the weapons shop right away . All of the weapons were sold on the same day they arrived . The weapon molds needed by Mu Feng were also delivered to his courtyard . After carving the specific Weapon Runes on the molds, the Mu family was able to deliver all of their customer’s orders on time . The family’s economic crisis was finally settled .

The news soon spread to the Huang family .

“What?! The Mu family actually managed to deliver all the orders?!”

After hearing the report from a Huang family disciple, Huang Tai stood up and asked in shock .

“Yes, that’s right . I saw the customers leaving the weapons shop with their Yuan Items with my own eyes . ”

The disciple said respectfully .

“Father, what should we do now?”

Huang Yi frowned and asked his father .

Huang Tai narrowed his eyes and said coldly: “Don’t worry, there’s still another way . This time, I’ll make sure that the Mu family is doomed!”

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