The Almighty Asura

Chapter 36

Publishedat 30th of September 2019 02:53:47 PMChapter 36

Chapter 36: A Cruel World

There was a flash of ruthlessness in the middle-aged man’s eyes . The lean man was stunned, and before he even responded, the middle-aged man gave him a strong slap on the back .


The lean man never expected that the middle-aged man would suddenly take action against him . He was sent flying several meters away .

“No… Ma Quan, you mean little man!”

The lean man fell on the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood, and shouted furiously at the middle-aged man .


The smell of blood attracted the Jiao Python, and soon, the giant green-colored Jiao Python was dashing towards the man, biting down on him .



The Jiao Python bit down hard on the man’s neck, instantly beheading him . Blood spurted up several meters from the headless corpse .

This scene was b.l.o.o.d.y and terrifying . Right after that, the Jiao Python swallowed the man whole . In the meantime, the middle-aged man managed to escape another twenty to thirty meters away, clearly portraying the spirit of “I would rather ditch my friend than die myself . ”

This is the ugliness of human nature . In the face of death, one could do anything in order to survive .  


“That b.a.s.t.a.r.d! How could he be so cruel?”

This scene sparked a fire of anger in Mu Kuang’s heart, whereas Mu Feng had a calm expression on his face, as he was somebody who had experienced matters of life and death on the battlefield .

The selfishness of an ordinary cultivator could kill a person and a zealous man who held power could kill tens of thousands of people because of a conspicuous desire . He knew about this since the beginning, and that was why he was so persistent in becoming one of the powerful ones . He didn’t want his own fate to be that of a chess piece in the control of others .

After running for quite a distance, the middle-aged man tiptoed, jumped up seven or eight meters high, and grabbed hold of a tree that was on the cliff .  

The cliff that he was climbing was none other than the cliff in front of Mu Feng and Mu Kuang, which was a few hundred meters away from them .

The middle-aged man grabbed hold of the tree branches and climbed up to the tree . With the help of a tree branch, he jumped up another several meter high and grabbed hold of a bulging rock . With a few more leaps, he could climb out of the canyon .

However, at the same time, the Jiao Python was right under him . It looked at the middle-aged man who was about to jump out of the canyon and hissed angrily .

There was a flash of green light from its mouth, and two blasts of two meter long green light blades fired from its mouth, aiming at the middle-aged man who was about to escape from the canyon .

The expression of the middle-aged man changed as he used his sword to block the attack . He wasn’t able to dodge the attack as he was in mid-air .


One of the strikes was blocked by his sword, creating a clashing sound of metals .

Fortunately, his sword was a lower cla.s.s Yuan Item . It took him years to save up the money for it . If it was just an ordinary sword made of iron and steel, he wouldn’t be able to block the attack .

A good weapon is able to save one’s life during a critical moment .

The explosive force of that strike sent the middle-aged man flying all way up to the top of the canyon . He was overwhelmed with joy as he was able to make use of the attack to escape instead .

However, it was still too early to be happy as there was still another strike .



The green colored light blade hit the middle-aged man’s left shoulder . His left arm was directly chopped off and fell off the cliff .

However, he landed on the top of the cliff that was about 60 or 70 meters high, so it could be said that he managed to escape death’s door .

The Jiao Python hissed continuously, as though it was unwilling to let the man escape . Its body was too large to slither up the steep cliff, so all it could do was to stare at the thief that stole its eggs .



The middle-aged man fell onto the ground, held his arm, and screamed painfully . He lost an arm for several snake eggs . He wasn’t sure whether he actually gained or lost something out of this business trip . Fortunately, the arm that he lost wasn’t the arm that he used to wield his sword, or else his cultivation training would be as good as none .

The man endured the pain and stood up . He stumbled for another hundred meters or so away from the cliff and sat down again . Blood was still gushing out from where his arm used to be .

He opened up the leather backpack that contained three fist-sized eggs, two of which were green, while the other one was white .

These three eggs were the eggs of the Jiao Python . Each of them was worth at least several thousand gold coins . Selling all three of them would make him very rich for the next few years and he wouldn’t have to live his current pitiful life anymore .

The man took out a bottle of medicine from the backpack and poured it on his wound while he trembled and gritted his teeth in pain .

After applying the medicine, the wound stopped bleeding immediately . The middle-aged man laid on the ground and breathed heavily . His face was still pale and a trace of shock remained in his eyes .

The strength of that Jiao Python was at least comparable to that of a cultivator who had reached Ning Gang Fourth Sky . It was impossible for him to win the fight as he had only reached Zi Fu Sixth Sky . If he hadn’t sacrificed his comrade to buy some time, he might have ended up in the snake’s belly .

“d.a.m.n it! After this, I will definitely go to the Qing Hua Tower to enjoy myself for a month . ”

The middle-aged man said furiously . After that, he sat cross-legged and started to replenish the Vitality that had been used up in battle just now while enduring the pain .

At the edge of the cliff that wasn’t that far away, Mu Feng and Mu Kuang were still hiding in the bushes . Both of them watched as the Jiao Python retreated back to the canyon reluctantly .

“That old geezer is so lucky to escape . He should have been eaten by the Jiao Python instead . ”

Mu Kuang sneered coldly . He felt greatly disgusted by the actions of the middle-aged man that ditched his comrades in order to live .

“Hehe, he managed to escape from the Jiao Python, but he may not necessarily manage to escape from us…”

Mu Feng said and smiled coldly . He had a bold idea .

“What do you mean? Brother Feng, don’t tell me that you plan to be a villain who does the dirty work?”

Mu Kuang seemed to understand what did Mu Feng meant .

“Yes . That man was badly injured and he used up quite a lot of Vitality in the previous battle . He wouldn’t be able to put up a good fight anymore . Plus, there must be something valuable in his backpack . ”

Mu Feng squinted his eyes and said .

“Haha, let’s do it then . I never liked that guy anyway . Killing this kind of sc.u.m would be the best option!”

Mu Kuang said excitedly . All he feared was that the world was too boring for him, as he had the guts to do anything .

“No matter what, that man is a Zi Fu level master . I wouldn’t be scared if I picked a fight with him in the past, but now we are quite weak . We can’t confront him head-on . We should…”

Mu Feng whispered to Mu Kuang and told Mu Kuang about his plan . Upon hearing it, Mu Kuang nodded and both of them quietly fled towards the direction where the middle-aged man went .

The middle-aged man was absorbing the Qi of Heaven and Earth and converting it to Vitality to recover his strength . However, suddenly, a cry of pain came from afar .

“Help, ouch… Somebody help me! My leg is broken, help me…”

The middle-aged man opened his eyes, grabbed his sword, and stood up immediately .

The scream for help seemed to come from nearby . Judging by the voice, it seemed that someone was in danger .

The middle-aged man frowned . He hesitated whether to go and have a look or not as he was injured .

However, the voice he heard was quite childish, as though it was a young teenage boy who was screaming for help . In the end, the middle-aged man decided to check it out . He took his sword and headed towards the source of the scream .

After walking about two hundred meters, he saw a fifteen or sixteen-year old long-haired boy lying under a rock . He held his legs and had a painful expression on his face . It seemed that his leg was broken .