The Almighty Asura

Chapter 38

Publishedat 5th of October 2019 11:03:58 AMChapter 38

Translated by: Minx Calypso

Edited by: cdewsx77

Chapter 38: The Eggs of the Jiao Python

After Mu Feng finished his cultivation, he and Mu Kuang dug a pit to bury the corpse of the middle-aged man . They didn’t leave the corpse out in the wilderness .

Only then did Mu Feng and Mu Kuang open up the leather backpack of the middle-aged man .

Inside the backpack were three beast eggs that were slightly larger than a human fist . Two of them were green in color while the other one was jade white .

Besides these three eggs, there were also some bottles, cans, and a golden colored token .

The three eggs were the eggs of the Jiao Python . As for the bottles and cans, those were some healing medicines, hemostatic drugs, and antidotes .

As for the gold-colored token, it was about the size of a palm and was engraved with the words ‘Tong Bao’ .

The token is a transaction card issued by the China Nan Ling Chamber of Commerce and Banking Union . It was similar to a credit card that had a Yuan Wen engraved on it . It could record the amount of money that you deposited in the bank, and it could also be used in transactions .

As long as there were more than a thousand gold coins in your bank account, you would get one of these tokens .

Mu Feng also had one of these gold-colored Tong Bao cards .

Apart from these things, there was also a sword inside .

The sword was one palm wide and five feet long . It emitted a cold and icy light, and a beam of light circulated around it . It weighed around 50 kilograms .

Mu Feng’s eyes shone in excitement when he saw the sword . He picked up the sword and realized that he could actually channel his Vitality into it . The sword emitted a white-colored light .


“It’s a Yuan Item!”

Mu Feng was delighted . Only a Yuan Item could channel Vitality and metpower, so this sword was obviously a Yuan Item .

However, this sword was only a lower cla.s.s Yuan Item . Even if it was only a lower cla.s.s Yuan Item, it was still worth more than a thousand gold coins .

On the other hand, Mu Feng’s knife was only a normal steel knife and not a Yuan Item .

However, the true power of a Yuan Item could only be displayed by cultivators who had reached the Zi Fu level . In the hands of a Tong Mai level cultivator, it was only a sharp sword .

“Haha, no wonder some people are willing to take the risk to become thieves . Brother Feng, we received a windfall this time . ”

Knowing that there were so many valuable items, Mu Kuang couldn’t help but smile widely . He didn’t care much about his murder anymore .

“People get rich because of side income . ” This saying is very true .

Mu Feng said with a laugh . He took out the beast eggs and started to observe them carefully .

These must be the Jiao Python’s eggs .

Mu Feng said to himself . The beast egg was cold in his hands and it felt smooth and glossy when he touched it .

“Brother Feng, these are the eggs of the Jiao Python, right?”

Mu Kuang asked while he took out one as well .

“Yeah, I think so . He must have stolen the eggs, that’s why he was being chased after by the Jiao Python . ”

“What’s so amazing about these eggs? Why did he want them so desperately?”

Mu Kuang wasn’t aware of how much they were worth .

“The Jiao Python is a Ning Gang level Xiong Beast . Its eggs are rich in Yuan essence, which can be cultivated into valuable medicines by a medicinal pract.i.tioner . If these eggs hatch, one can also breed their own war beast . ”

Mu Feng explained . His level of knowledge was obviously higher than Mu Kuang’s .

“Oh, I see . What should we do about these three beast eggs then?”

“Well, we could sell them and get some money to buy some medicine that’s useful for our cultivation . ”

Mu Feng picked up the white-colored egg while talking .

The color of this beast egg was more beautiful than that of the two green ones . The color of the eggsh.e.l.l was jade white and it emitted a white-colored light .


A woman’s voice rang out in Mu Feng’s mind .

“Yue Er, what’s wrong?”

Mu Feng asked curiously .

“Who gave you permission to call me Yue Er?!”

Xi Yue didn’t reply but was bothered by this matter instead . Her voice sounded a bit strange .

“Hehe, don’t you think that me calling you Yue Er makes us feel closer? You are in my body anyway . ”

Mu Feng smiled and asked: “Is there anything wrong?”

“No-nothing . Fine, just call me what you like . I feel that this white-colored egg is slightly different from the other two . ”

Xi Yue said softly .

“Different? There’s nothing different except the color, no?”

Mu Feng didn’t feel the difference .

“You aren’t able to feel it . The essence in this egg is much purer and richer than that of the other two eggs . Although it’s a Jiao Python egg as well, it’s different in terms of its color and the amount of essence it contains . It may be a mutant egg . You shouldn’t sell this egg, you should try hatching it instead . Maybe you will hatch something interesting . ”

Xi Yue expressed her interest in this egg .

“Hatching it? How do I hatch it? I’m not a beast trainer, I don’t know how to hatch it . ”

Mu Feng said helplessly .

This beast egg was different than that of a chicken egg . Just like there was a specific temperature to hatch chicken eggs, there was also a specific method to hatch beast eggs .

Normal people who do not know the method can’t hatch it . Only beast trainers who specialized in this field knew about all the various methods to hatch and train a beast .

“It’s easy . The Asura Blood Qi nourishes all living things, and Xiong Beast are originally bloodthirsty animals . All you have to do is to channel some Blood Qi into the egg when you cultivate . By doing this, you can alter its const.i.tution beforehand . If you are lucky, you will stimulate the hidden Jiao Long blood in the egg and may be able to breed a Ling Jiao in the future . ”

Xi Yue said telepathically . Upon hearing her explanation, Mu Feng was slightly amazed and nodded slightly . He decided not to sell it, but to hatch it himself instead .

Mu Feng stored all these items in his Qian Kun ring, which was much convenient than carrying around a big backpack .

“By the way, Yue Er, since you are a magical spirit of the Asura jade pendant, are there any cultivation methods recorded inside it? Such as some powerful Wudo Forms?”

Mu Feng smiled and asked hopefully .

“Yes there are, but with your current cultivation skills, you won’t be able to practice these Wudo Forms . Hmm, let me see, for now, you can only cultivate Huang Level Wudo Forms…”

Xi Yue was silent for a moment . Soon, her voice rang out again: “Aha, there are two knife skills, one fingering technique, one boxing technique, and one sword skill . All these skills are cla.s.sified as the higher rank of the Huang level . Which one do you want to cultivate?”

“What are the names of the knife skills?”

Mu Feng asked . He majored in two kinds of weapons, knives and spears!

The knife was his preferred weapon for close combat, whereas the spear was used in combat while he was riding on a horse .

However, for general combat, he preferred to use the knife as it’s more flexible . The knife is also known as the king of weapons .

“One of the skills is known as the ‘Tyrant Tiger Knife skill’ . This is an explosive knife skill . One strike of the knife is very powerful as cultivators need to channel all of their Vitality into the knife . It consumes a lot of Vitality . The other skill is known as the ‘Wave Breaker Nine Knives skill’ . It’s a middle-ranked knife skill, and its explosive force isn’t that strong . However, it doesn’t consume that much of Vitality . ”

“I suggest that you cultivate the Tyrant Tiger Knife Skill, as your Vitality is purer and you have more than the others . It’s an explosive skill which can be used to your advantage . The Tyrant Tiger Knife Skill can maximize this advantage of yours . ”

Xi Yue said .

“Okay then, I will cultivate the Tyrant Tiger Knife Skill . By the way, what’s the fingering technique about?”

 Mu Feng asked curiously .

“The fingering technique is a Concentric Fingering Technique that trains one’s fingers . One can cultivate one’s fingers until they’re as tough as iron and steel . When you cultivate it to perfection, you could even exert a powerful finger force instead of using a sword . ”

Mu Feng’s eyes shone with excitement upon hearing those words . This fingering technique is definitely the best method to launch a surprise attack .