The Almighty Asura

Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

Translated by: Minx Calypso

Edited by: cdewsx77

Chapter 50: Selling Beast Eggs

While waiting for the lady to get the shopkeeper, Mu Feng browsed through the goods that were sold on this floor . The shelves on this floor were mostly filled with various herbs . Mu Feng started looking for the Hu Gu Gra.s.s that he needed for the cultivation of the Concentric Fingering Technique .

“Get me some Hu Gu Gra.s.s . ”

Mu Feng pointed at a shelf and said .

The other lady hurried over and took out a wooden box . In the box, there were three stalks of yellow-spotted herbs–Hu Gu Gra.s.s .

At the same time, three men walked into the shop . Among them, a young man who was around 17 or 18 years old walked right up to the counter and said: “Get me three stalks of Hu Gu Gra.s.s . ”

“Little Lord w.a.n.g, I’m so sorry, but the last three stalks of Hu Gu Gra.s.s were sold to this young man over here . ”

As soon as the lady saw the young man, a trace of fear flashed across her eyes and she apologized immediately .

Upon hearing her words, the young man looked towards Mu Feng and saw the wooden box with three stalks of Hu Gu Gra.s.s in it .  

The young man walked towards him, gave Mu Feng’s shoulder a light pat, and said: “Kiddo, I’ll pay twice the price of these Hu Gu Gra.s.s . Give it to me instead . ”

Mu Feng glanced at this young man . He was normal-looking, with a squarish nose, triangular eyes, and was dressed in white robes . One could even say that he looked ugly . However, there was a hint of superiority around him .   

Mu Feng shot him a look and said: “Sorry, but I need them too . ”

Upon hearing his reply, a trace of anger flashed across the young man’s eyes . He then said: “Hey, I already told you that I’m willing to pay twice the price . Do you even know who I am?”

“I don’t care who you are . First come first serve . ”

Mu Feng said coldly .

“Young master, why don’t you give it to Little Lord w.a.n.g? He’s the Little Lord of the w.a.n.g family…”


The lady tried to persuade Mu Feng as well . She then said: “Our shop stocks-up on Hu Gu Gra.s.s every half a month . We can save some for you when you drop by our shop next time . ”

Upon hearing her words, Mu Feng laughed and said coldly: “Wow, it seems that Wan Bao Ju isn’t a shop that abides by that saying as well . I’ve never heard of the w.a.n.g family before, and I need the Hu Gu Gra.s.s right now . ”

Mu Feng obviously didn’t back down, as he wasn’t someone who would be afraid of bullies .

“Hey, kiddo, are you even aware of the situation right now?!”

The young man dressed in white robes flew into a rage and tried to grab Mu Feng by the collar . However, Mu Feng grabbed hold of his arm and twisted it instead .

“O-ouch! That hurts! Let me go!”

The young man howled in pain while Mu Feng twisted his arm .

Just as his two men were about to attack Mu Feng, a middle-aged man walked out slowly and shouted: “Stop it this instant!”

Both sides stopped attacking immediately when they heard the loud voice . Mu Feng let go of the young man, and the two men stopped abruptly in their tracks as well .

The guy who shouted was a middle-aged man dressed in blue . He had a kind face, but his eyes gleamed with a trace of Vitality . One could see that he was a cultivator, maybe even one of the powerful ones .

“Shopkeeper Lee!”

The servants around him immediately greeted him and bowed on sight .

Shopkeeper Lee looked around, clasped hands and said with a smile: “I’m sorry, but fighting is prohibited in our shop . ”

“What took you so long, Shopkeeper Lee? I want this box of Hu Gu Gra.s.s . ”

The young man said furiously .

“Oh, it’s Little Lord w.a.n.g Yue! Xiu, why are you standing there? Hurry up and give him the Hu Gu Gra.s.s!”

Shopkeeper Lee shouted at one of the servant ladies .

“Shopkeeper, this young man wants the Hu Gu Gra.s.s too! He doesn’t want to give in . ”

The servant lady said helplessly .

Only then did Shopkeeper Lee looked at Mu Feng . He had never seen him before, so he clasped hands and said with a frown: “Young master, can you please give Little Lord w.a.n.g this box of Hu Gu Gra.s.s? There will be another batch of stock half a month later . If you’re willing to give this batch to him, I’ll save up some for you and sell it to you at half the price . What do you think?”

“Huh, I didn’t know that Wan Bao Ju is a shop that bends for the powerful . Never mind, I don’t want it anymore . ”

Mu Feng laughed coldly and returned the box to the servant lady . He then kept his two Beast Eggs and Beast Crystals back into his Qian Kun ring and was about to leave .

“Hmph, how dare a poor kid like you defy me . ”

w.a.n.g Yue sneered coldly .

However, when Shopkeeper Lee got a glimpse of his Beast Eggs, he immediately said: “Wait!”

Mu Feng stopped without turning over to face him . He then asked calmly: “Is there anything else?”

Shopkeeper Lee walked right up to him, clasped his hands, and said: “Young master, were you planning to sell your Beast Eggs?”

“That’s right . However, because of your shoddy service, I’ve decided not to sell it anymore . Besides, I’m sure that there’s another shop in An Nan city that would be happy to buy them from me . ”

Mu Feng said with a cold laugh .

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! I-I didn’t know that young master actually wanted to sell those Beast Eggs . Xiu, hurry up and give this young master the box of Hu Gu Gra.s.s!”

Upon hearing his words, there was a 180-degree change in Shopkeeper Lee’s att.i.tude . He immediately ordered the servant lady to bring over the Hu Gu Gra.s.s and the servant lady did exactly as she was told .

Meanwhile, a hint of displeasure flashed across w.a.n.g Yue and he said: “Shopkeeper Lee, what do you mean by this?”

“Little Lord w.a.n.g, I’m so sorry, but you’ll have to take the next batch of Hu Gu Gra.s.s . I’ll deliver it to you directly when it arrives . ”

Shopkeeper Lee said apologetically .


w.a.n.g Yue was furious, but he gave it some more thought . By waiting another half a month, he would only have to pay half the price . Since he didn’t lose anything, he nodded and sat down in the waiting area with his men . He glared at Mu Feng again .

He didn’t want to let Mu Feng off the hook that easily .

“Young master, they’re all yours . About the Beast Eggs…”

Shopkeeper Lee said with a laugh .

Mu Feng remained silent . A glow lit up on his Qian Kun ring, and all of a sudden, two Beast Eggs and three Beast Crystals appeared on the counter .

Shopkeeper Lee’s eyes immediately gleamed in excitement . He picked up a Beast Egg and channeled his Metpower into it . After a short while, a wide smile appeared on his face and he said in delight: “It’s a Ning Gang level Jiao Python egg!”

“So, what do you think? How much are you willing to offer for these Beast Eggs?”

Mu Feng asked calmly .

“Well, these two Jiao Python eggs are indeed very rare . How about this, young master, I’m willing to offer you 5,000 gold coins per egg . What do you say?”

Shopkeeper Lee asked cautiously .

“5,000 gold coins?!”

Upon hearing the shopkeeper’s words, a trace of greediness flashed across w.a.n.g Yue’s eyes and he stared at the two Beast Eggs greedily .

I didn’t expect a kid like him to have such valuable things!

Upon hearing the shopkeeper’s words, Mu Feng directly started keeping his Beast Eggs back into his Qian Kun ring . Shopkeeper Lee panicked and immediately said: “6,000! Young master, this is the highest price that I could possibly offer . We won’t get any profit if I offer you a price higher than this . ”

“This sounds more like it . I would like to sell these three Beast Crystals as well . ”

Mu Feng was pleased with his reply .

“Hmm, these Beast Crystals are only normal Zi Fu level Beast Crystals . How about this, I’ll pay you 1,000 gold coins for one . ”

Shopkeeper Lee said .

“Sure . Deal! As for the price of the Hu Gu Gra.s.s, let’s just deduct it from here . ”

Mu Feng nodded and said: “Give me another 5 dozen of Beast leather tally papers and a bottle of ink as well . The price for those shall be deducted from here as well . ”

“Okay . Young master, are you a chiseler as well?”

Shopkeeper Lee said in surprise . The items that Mu Feng wanted were only used by a chiseler, or someone who was planning to become a chiseler .

Mu Feng didn’t reply to him . Shopkeeper Lee dropped the question and ordered his servants to take out five wooden boxes and a jade bottle . Each box contained 12 sheets of Beast leather tally paper .

The jade bottle contained sanguine ink . This type of ink was also known as Jing Ink, which was produced from the cultivation of Blood Seeds in beasts . The ink contained a special type of energy that was very useful for chiseling .

“Two Beast Eggs and three Beat Crystals cost 15,000 gold coins in total . After deducting the cost of tally papers, Jing Ink, and Hu Gu Gra.s.s, the final sum is 13,500 gold coins . Do you have a Tong Bao gold card?”

“Yeah, I have one . Oh yeah, get me another four bottles of Pei Yuan Pills . ”

Mu Feng said . After deducting the cost of the Pei Yuan Pills, the final sum was 12,000 gold coins .

Mu Feng paid the remaining amount with his Tong Bao gold card and left the shop with his goods . w.a.n.g Yue and his men followed him out of the shop .