The Annals of the Flame kingdom (LN)

Chapter 18

「Thank you all for coming today. My name is Matsushiro Kouta, advisor to the d.u.c.h.ess of Rond de Terra, Erica Aurenfert Fan Flame. Nice to meet you. 」

Kouta elegantly greeted them while observing the expressions of the 43 guests. Some of them, who seemed like it was their first time in the d.u.c.h.ess" Mansion, showed expressions of doubt, fear and confusion on their faces. The others showed expressions of discontent and impatience, as if they wish to leave as soon as possible. However, there was one thing in common between all of them- a sense of anxiety.

「Please calm down and listen to what I have to say. This is my first job and I wish to show a good performance in front of my examiner. If you all can cooperate, it will be great news. 」

Hearing Kouta"s joking tone, some light laughter can be heard from the crowd. In contrast, Emily"s expression became even scarier. Kouta regarded that as a necessary sacrifice and tried his best to pay it no heed.

「… … Good. We have called you here today to ask something from you all. From today onwards, Rond de Terra will undergo a large-scale reformation. This reformation is aimed to improve the territory by streamlining our workforce and raising the efficiency of utilization of material and monetary resources. 」

Question marks began to appear above the heads of the attendants. Seeing their puzzled expressions, Kouta understood that they didn"t understand what he said and nodded.

「… … In short, we will make your lives easier. 」

Hearing Kouta"s explanation, the people in the room began to whisper among themselves.

「Umm… … Sir? 」

「You can call me Kouta. Matsushiro is also fine. Of course, there"s no need to add "sir" to my name. If there"s anything on your mind, please do not hesitate to speak up. 」

After a moment, a man among the crowd reluctantly stood up. He appeared to be 40 years of age and had a dark suntanned skin, with arms as thick as a tree. However, his att.i.tude was the exact opposite of his build. He seemed a bit fearful.

「And you are? 」

「Y-yes. I am Thomas. 」

「Then, Mr. Thomas, please speak up what"s on your mind. 」

「T-then, Mr. Kouta, about that… … what you said just now… … Is it true? Will our lives really become easier? 」

「Mr. Thomas, what are you currently working as? 」

「… … I am a farmer. 」

「Being a farmer in a place with strong sea breeze? 」

「Y-yes… … I do not know anything apart from farming. 」

「So… … Your living conditions are less than stellar? 」

「Y-yes. 」

Thomas fearfully glanced at Emily. Her expression remained unchanged.

「We plan to convince chambers of commerce to set up branches in Terra. We hope that those who are currently living along the coast are able to work in those chambers of commerce. 」

「Working in the chambers of commerce? B-but… … I have never gone to school before… … 」

「Do not worry. We will provide all necessary training and facilities such as schools to teach you all the necessary knowledge to work in a chamber of commerce. 」

「S-school? You want me to go to school? But, I don"t have any money. 」

「Free of charge. For those whose results are above a certain level, we will give them a certificate of completion. The chambers of commerce will then prioritise those who have the acquired the certificate of completion when hiring employees. 」

「B-but… … Umm… … Even if the school fees are free, then what about our work? 」

「The study period is designated to be half a year. Then for Mr. Thomas… … Not only Mr. Thomas, but for all of you here right now, we will provide reimburs.e.m.e.nts for the entire study period of half a year. 」

「Eh? S-sorry… … I don"t quite understand what you mean. 」

「In simple terms, we will pay you to study. 」

The people in the crowd listened intently and a commotion began to spread throughout the crowd. Not only will they give the opportunity to get a better paying job, they will also provide all necessary training, and even money too.  This seemed to good to be true.

「Of course, we have a time limit of six months. In this period, those whose results are below par are unable to acquire the certificate of completion will have to study for another six months. Although the tuition fees are still free, there will not be reimburs.e.m.e.nts for that period. In other words, please work hard in the first six months of studying. So? What do you think? 」

The people all nodded seriously. Kouta took their response as them agreeing to his proposal and nodded in return.

「… … Next, I want to discuss with you all the terms and conditions. 」

Once he said that, the people in the room stiffened.

「Terms and conditions… … What are do you want us to do? 」

「As I have mentioned before, we are planning to convince chambers of commerce to set up branches in Rond de Terra. However, the location where they will set up shop is the coastal area where you are currently living at. In other words- 」

「Please evacuate your residences. 」

Kouta delivered his line solemnly. Silence befell the room.

After a few moments of silence, Thomas nervously raised his hand.

「T-that"s… … Y-you want us to leave our homes? 」

Kouta replied while smiling, 「there"s no way I would do that. You are all residents of Terra. For the sake developing Terra, all we need is the piece of land you are currently living on. Are you all aware of the vacant plot of land at the north side of this mansion? 」

「Y-yes. 」

「We will construct new homes for you there. The houses and the land it is on will be larger what you have. Plus, we will also include furniture that is of the finest quality. 」

「Houses and land? And even furniture? 」

「You surely will have bitter sweet memories of your homes and will be reluctant to move. To be honest, you can say that all of this is just a form of compensation for all those years of memories. Please take your time and think it through. 」

After saying that, Kouta bowed respectfully.

「So, for the sake of the future of Terra and the future of all of us… … Please lend us a hand. 」

Silence befell the room once again.

For the entire time, Kouta"s head remained lowered.

「… … Umm… … Mr. Kouta. Please raise your head. 」

For how long has he remained in this pose?

「… … Mr. Thomas? 」

Kouta slowly raised his head and was greeted by a wide smile on Thomas" face.

「Umm… Although it was quite a shock at first… … After some consideration, I don"t feel like it"s a bad proposal. 」

「… … I think so too. 」

「I agree. Our crops won"t even grow well anyways. 」

「Now that I think about it, if it was another territory, they would just simply us kick out without giving us anything in return.  In contrast, this is amazing! 」

About ten more voices chimed in and agreed with Thomas" words. Seeing their reactions, Kouta resisted the urge to produce any noise and lowered his head.

Then he smiled.

「Thank you for all your support! We will surely make Terra into better place for all of you! Those who agree with our proposal, please head over there. We have some doc.u.ments that we need you to fill in. For those who disagree, we understand your decision. However, this proposal will truly make your lives better in the future. What about this… … 7 days. I hope that we can gather here once more in 7 days. Of course, if you want to change your mind within these 7 days, please do not hesitate to contact me or Miss Emily! 」

D-d-d-d-d-double release!!!