The Annals of the Flame kingdom (LN)

Chapter 7

Finally finished!

My finals are close so the next upload will take even longer than this, but if its short maybe i can squeeze it out next week or so.

Enjoy!! xD

Lotte・ Baumgarten is the first prime minister of Flame that is of commoner origin.

Coming from a poor farmer family of 5, graduating from university after years of hard work and finally getting a job in the royal palace …
— Reality is not like such a heart-warming fairy tale.

Even though it can be categorised as 「commoner」, but the Baumgarten family is still one of the wealthiest merchant families in the whole of Flame, and Lotte himself has never had any problems regarding 「money」. While undergoing his studies in the best academic inst.i.tution — the Royal University, he was the top scorer for all political subjects, and was then appointed to be a palace official.

When Lotte reminisced about the past, he thought that he truly was naïve, and worked hard to cover his mistakes … However, even if time flowed backwards and he was brought back to the past, he most likely wouldn"t have done things differently.

Superiors that are useless, but remained above him due to 「age」.

Superiors that are useless, but remained above him due to 「relations」.

Honestly speaking, he became a palace official not due to patriotism. Lotte"s family is one of the most famous merchant families in the Kingdom, and also does business with multiple trade unions from other countries. Although he was also a 「commoner」, he felt closer to「other countries」than the common folk of Flame. As such, the idea 「it"s not like Flame is the only country in the world」burned strongly in his heart. His superiors also felt the same way, though no one dared to say it out loud.

From Lotte"s point of view, there was no one in the palace that had a shred of 「patriotism」, and thus, he followed suit.

「You bring up some very good points.」

The one that acknowledged Lotte"s work was the previous king of Flame, King George. At that time, Flame had experienced the worst harvests in history, and Lotte" policies had attracted his attention. Lotte"s path to success started here.
King George could not be considered 「wise」, nor was he a narrow-minded「foolish king.」

At the very least, he was able to look the n.o.bles straight in the eye and declare — the royal house has given Lotte the right to act under my name, I shall bear the responsibilities of his actions.

Maybe, this was one of the criteria to be called 「wise ?」
Then, Lotte who had been elected as the Royal Policy Auditor began introducing new policies left and right. His line of work was very interesting to him. Although not to the level of 「a man should work his life in politics」, but the fact that his thoughts, knowledge, and views were reflected in the nation"s policies, and that he could see the progress of the country, made him really happy. Lotte worked through day and night, not even bothering to sleep …

George took in all of this, and his evaluation of him was raised. Lotte"s position was raised along with his superior"s evaluation of him, and within the blink of an eye, he was in the highest position in the kingdom"s politics.

Like a child that one brought up with his own hands. Lotte could not help but start to regard Flame as 「cute」.

「Lotte! What are you talking about! 」

「Did you mishear what I said, your majesty?」

As such … a b.a.s.t.a.r.d that would cause chaos in this country, should just get lost.

「I didn"t mishear anything, did I? Did you just tell Matsushiro-san to get lost?!」

「There"s nothing wrong with your hearing, your highness. That was indeed what I said.」


Lotte ignored the agitated Liz, and looked at Kouta with a sincere expression.

「What do you think, Matsushiro-dono? Would you leave the royal capital Rarkia? 」

「To immediately reply 『sure, why not』 in this situation is a little hard. May I inquire the reason? 」

He did not get angry, but instead asked for a reason. This person is quite smart — Lotte knew that his earlier evaluation was not too far off and continued …

「The current situation is such that this country and the neighboring country - the Westlia Kingdom, may go into war at any moment. Although we are trying hard to maintain good diplomatic relations with Westlia, it is just a very dangerous balancing act. About the combat power of both countries, although I wished I could say it"s 50/50, the reality is that our army is slightly weaker than theirs. But it"s not till the point where even our capital will be invaded. If there was a war, we might have to cede a few plots of land to them.」

Lotte spoke about the topic of 「war」as if it was nothing to worry about.
「Under these circ.u.mstances, what do you think would happen if the rumours of 『the Flame Kingdom has successfully summoned a hero』 began to spread beyond our borders?」

「… … What you mean is, to the other countries, the threat that they will be facing will be equal to that of a 『demon lord』? 」

「But however you see it, he is still a 『hero』, no?」

「Wouldn"t they suspect the validity of the rumours?」

「That may be true. However, the fact remains that you really were summoned, and we won"t be able to keep this matter secret for long. Furthermore, it is not impossible for the enemy to get the idea of 『Let"s attack them first before the Hero gets accustomed to this world! 』 and attack us head on.」

If the 『Hero』 from fairy tales that could beat demon lords and dragons really came to this continent from another world, and to make it worse, appeared in the country that they do not have good relations with … … Not knowing what kind of power, what type of magic and how much knowledge the enemy possess, the possibility of them coming to the conclusion of 「the one who strikes first wins」and attacking is not nil.」
「Is this the reason?」

「There"s another reason. It"s related to her majesty … …」

「Jut for such a reason, you decide to kick Matsushiro-dono out- Eh? Me?」

Liz tilted her head sideways in confusion. Seeing her action that is unlike that of the Queen of the great historical Kingdom of Flame, Kouta could not help but to chuckle.

「You see, in Flame, all of us hope that our brides are still virgins.」

「… … … … … … … … … Ah? 」

Kouta"s laugh stopped halfway. For some reason, the topic of the conversation suddenly ran off into a weird direction.
「L-l-l-l-l-l-Lotte! Y-y-y-y-you! W-w-w-w-w-w-w-what are you talking about!」

Liz seems to be more embarra.s.sed than Kouta. What"s with that shy yet embarra.s.sed yet angry expression of hers?
「From what I see, Kouta-dono"s age should have exceeded 20 already … … but probably still haven"t reached 30?」

「… … That"s correct. I am 26 this year.」

「Her highness Liz"s is 16 this year, the period where a girl is most delicate. If the word about a healthy young man and a young girl in the prime of her youth living together under the same roof were to spread … … 」
「… … It would become a huge scandal, right? 」

「That is so. Moreover, stories like this would spread even further than rumours.」

「Lotte! E-even if we were to live under the same roof, that doesn"t mean we will sleep in the same bed! That"s — 」

「Your highness is too naïve. Even sweeter than the milk sugar sundaes from Beatrotti.」(T/N the j.a.panese word for both「naïve and 「sweet is the same, which is 「甘い.)
「— not a problem … … Eh? N-naïve? Me? What do you mean I"m naïve! 」

「The matter here is not about 『what has happened』, but instead 『what may happen』. These types of rumours cannot be controlled by law. And if the rumours spread throughout the Kingdom, even to the neighbouring countries, new rumours may spread about —

— how the Queen of the Flame Kingdom is … … used goods.」

「W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-what do you mean 『used goods』! This is discrimination!」

Lotte bowed apologetically towards Liz with practiced movements. Clearly, this scene portrays the senior-junior relationship between those two.
「Matsushiro-dono, do you understand?」

「… … … … Although what you said was a bit unnerving … … This is it, isn"t it? 『It would be bad if a young unmarried girl"s reputation is stained』— that"s what you meant, right?」

「Correct. That is the gist of it.」

「If that"s the case … … … … How about I leave the palace and just live in the capital? 」

「Yes, doing so would resolve the second problem … … … … But the first problem, about you being the 『hero』is hard to resolve.」

「… … … … That may be so. Then what do you think I should do instead? To clarify, you won"t suddenly say things like 『go and die!』 , right? 」

Facing Kouta"s question, Lotte silently nods his head.
「Of course I won"t state demands like 『please die for us』, however the fact remains that it indeed is the fastest way to resolve this problem.」


「I was only joking, your highness.」

「There is a time and place for jokes!」

The red faced Liz loudly scolded Lotte, this scene was apparently not rare. Seeing how Lotte just casually replied to Liz"s scolding, it"s as if it was some kind of comedy show.

「As such, Matsushiro-dono, please leave the royal palace … …No, leave the royal capital. Of course, I will entrust a trusted person to look after your wellbeing.」

「If that"s the case, then … … sure.」

「Matsushiro-san! It"s good that you reject — what did you say?!」

「So … … … … If I have any problems, I can just complain to that 『trusted person』, right? 」

「Slow down! Stop talking for a second!」

「… … … … What is it, your highness? 」

「What do you mean, 『what is it』! Lotte! Do you understand what you"re saying? Summoning him without permission to another world and then chasing him out? Do you think I would allow such twisted acts to happen? 」

「But Matsushiro-dono did agree to it?」

「That"s the problem!」

「Is there a problem?」

「Matsushiro-san, you too! Do you understand the position you"re in? 」

「My position? … … That"s 『being a bother to others』, right?」

「How did you get to that conclusion! You are the victim! The victim! Even if you were to haughtily say 『Take responsibility! 』,it"s acceptable! 」

「Your highness, even if Matsushiro-dono told us to take responsibility, we have no way to do so.」

「It was a metaphor! Anyway! You keep saying 『Yes, yes』! Don"t you have any convictions or opinions or ideas! 」

「 … … … … I"m sorry.」

「That"s the problem! Why do you always apologise so quickly! Listen well, were my previous words so baffling to you! Isn"t this the time for you to be angry?!」

「So you were also self-conscious about how your words were baffling?」

「Lotte, do not interrupt! Matsushiro-dono, be angry now!」

「Umm … … … … I"m sorry? 」

「Like. I. Said — Why did you apologise again?!」

「I sorry … … … … However, your highness, in your perspective, isn"t this a good thing?」

「Yes! It is a very good thing! I can"t ask for more! But hearing you agree to everything so easily makes me really guilty! 」

「Shouldn"t you feel guilty right from the moment the summoning succeeds?」

「Lotte, shut up! Quick, Matsushiro-dono! If you have any dissatisfactions, say them now!」

Liz angrily closed in on Kouta, causing him to avert his gaze. That cute face of hers, at that moment, became that of a Yaksha"s … … … … To be frank, it was a bit horrifying.
「… … Your highness, I really don"t have any objections.」

「What did you say!」

「What if … … just as a hypothesis … … what if, I were to stay in the palace … … Even if the problems that Mr. Lotte said didn"t exist, wouldn"t my position get even more awkward ?」

「T-that"s … … That"s right!」

「Of course, being not able to go in and out of the palace whenever I want with excuses like 『I"ll go to the market to buy some groceries!』, and being cooped up in the palace, it would make me feel bored … … Since that"s the case, wouldn"t it be more relaxing if I could live somewhere where I can enjoy freedom?」

So that was the reason, it was perfectly reasonable. Even though it was reasonable … … it still felt wrong to the ears.
「That"s … … Does this mean that you don"t want to live with me?! 」

「How did you come to that conclusion! Please wait a moment, your highness! This somehow feels wrong! Anyway, did you want me to stay with you?」

「That"s not what I meant, but hearing you say 『Ok, I understand』 so easily … …」

— Didn"t you just say that I was an exceptional beauty?!
The young girl screamed internally.

「It feels like you are denying my feminine charm! It makes me really unhappy! Correct your words!」

「This is the most unreasonable thing your highness said! Your highness! I didn"t mean that I will leave the palace because you don"t have any feminine charm! I was just thinking about the country—」

「Tsk~ tsk~」

「— Wait, not you too, Mr. Lotte!」

「Do you hate me? Please tell me, Matsushiro-san!」

「What are you saying, your highness! P-please calm down!」

「Now, your highness! Push him down!」

「Lotte ——— !」

… … Their gossiping stopped.

「… … I"m sorry.」

「Same here.」

「You two really made my day.」

「… … Lotte.」

「Yes, I will now shut up.」

After making a fool of themselves, they sat exasperated on the chairs (with the exception of Lotte who was beaming). It truly was a mess.
「… … Even if you shut up, we can"t continue the conversation. Since Matsushiro-san already gave his opinion, we might as well accept it. So, Lotte? Who is that 『trusted person』that you were talking about?」

After Liz asked the question, silence ensued for a few seconds.

「I was referring to Erica-sama.」

The atmosphere in the entire room froze.
「Lotte … … You!」

「If it"s Erica-sama, if she were to know that Matsushiro-dono was the 『hero』, it would be fine, plus, the land under her control is far from the royal capital. Furthermore, since she"s cheerful and gentle, surely Matsushiro-dono could live there peacefully.」

「… … You have a point! But!」

「Umm … …」

「What is it, Matsushiro-dono? 」

「Umm, 『Erica-sama』, right? So you"re telling me to stay with that person instead?」

「Yes, she is a very gentle, and … … Umm … very 『interesting』 person.」

「Although you said 『interesting』, it does make me feel a bit uneasy, but … … This 『Erica-sama』, what kind of person is she? Judging from the name, she"s female?」

「Yes, she is female. Erica・Aurenfert・Fan ・Flame. She is the previous king, George・Aurenfert・Flame"s daughter … … 」

Lotte paused for a while.

「And is also her highness" elder sister.」