The Arcane Emperor

Chapter 143: The End of the First Stage

Chapter 143: The End of the First Stage

A party with a teleporter wasn’t an uncommon thing. Which meant not everyone on the [Leaderboard] could be easily hunted, nor were groups often so unbalanced like that party of Mages they faced.

Which meant Rainer’s plan to gather as many dragon-related resources as possible was one he’d have to do the usual way. Of course, that didn’t count his plans for when the Dungeon was over. For however long it existed after the compet.i.tion ended, it sounded like the perfect place to send his 2nd Avatar.

He moved about, occasionally checking the [Leaderboard]. Though Aurora handled most of that. In fact, gathering resources was far easier with her on his side. She could grab any hidden treasures while he distracted and dealt with a powerful monster.

Not every beast chose to stupidly throw their power against [Blade of the Void].

Rainer continued on, earning points for his party. While there were plenty of parties Rainer decided weren’t worth the risk to attack, he still found plenty that couldn’t gather in time to steal from. The disparity in points on the [Leaderboard] only grew further and further.


[1. Luna’s Party 17,421]

[2. Varur’s Riders 2,467]

[3. The Dawn 2,141]


He smiled a bit, looking at the score, before returning to his task. While there were certainly other teleporters, there were three main issues as to why no one could even compare to his regular gathering. Whether it was his efficient teleportation method, [Arcane Revelation], or that he felt confident to travel with just himself, Luna, and Aurora. That, and most of the time the teleporters on the teams weren’t anywhere near their strongest combatant, usually just the one with the greatest survivability.

Rainer’s eyes lit up as he found yet another Draconic-related resource. With the addition of [Draconic Anatomy], it became easier to identify them just by looking at the magic.

Time pa.s.sed as more and more parties were added to the [Leaderboard], pa.s.sing up the ones that had everything stolen from them. When it came to gathered parties, there were already 30 that would be next to impossible to steal from without great risk, [Luna’s Party] included.

“I’ve found one,” Aurora said with a bit excitement from the side, “the highest point scorer of [Nature’s Walkers].”

Rainer vanished moments later after checking it himself only to suddenly freeze. A group of Magi appeared from nowhere alongside several armed people.

Rainer quickly realized he had walked into a trap. It seemed his hunting of the [Leaderboard]s and slowly gaining an inordinate amount of points hadn’t gone unnoticed. He had targeted what seemed like a lone, but strangely dressed, warrior and found himself quickly trapped in a bubble of s.p.a.ce.

He glanced at the spatial-magic sphere surrounding him and reaching deep into the ground. It eerily reminded him of the formation that Amer had sacrificed his left arm to use and trap Aurora so long ago; he could feel the Void, but only within this sphere. The greater majesty of the endless darkness that touched all existence temporarily fell out of his reach.

But he felt no anger. No trepidation nor any fear. He stared deeply with [Arcane Revelation], taking in the magic around him with the greatest focus he could muster. How long had it been since he truly sought magic for magic itself? Witnessing ultimate power in the form of that black light had shocked him in more ways than one. Was that what he was seeking with magic? Perhaps. But it was not power for power itself, not any longer. Rather the magic that could harness such power.

It was a distinction he had at times, more and more so recently, put to the side. Focusing on skills, and whatever advantages his [Archon] granted them. In fact, it wasn’t until now that he truly realized how useful Amer’s spell would be for the combining of Arcane and Void. Even a far lesser version that wouldn’t require a permanent sacrifice.

Even as just a crutch in [Sleep Learning]. If he couldn’t force [Arcanium Descent] and [Void Descent] together for more than brief moments, why not just limit the amount of the Arcanium and the Void he was drawing from? Or create an even smaller barrier in which they could be forced together far easier, and perhaps with more explosive results even if they didn’t create the strange energies he sought.

He smiled like a child and just watched the magic around him, created by a group of nine mages; each mage dressed stranger than the last. The only thing that gave them any normalcy was their Human race. At least to him, that is.

Looking over towards the three warriors and single mage surrounding him within the sphere with him he sent them a cheerful wave before looking back towards the magic. No doubt his casualness made them rethink their plans and hopefully that was enough so Rainer would have time to study this magic. He could escape easily enough with a [Blade of the Void] or even an [Arcane Blade]. The barrier didn’t seem to be too strong physically. So he was as casual as he looked.

And unlike the raw power of a ritual, this was a complicated spell. Arcane excelled in breaking apart such things.

“I’ve never seen people enter a Dungeon like this just for fun,” one of the women surrounding him spoke first, perhaps having her own advantage in delaying combat. She had a long b.a.s.t.a.r.d sword resting against her shoulder. Though weirdly enough the sword looked red and organic in nature and even seemed to pulse like a heartbeat. The rest of her attire was as weird as the rest of them, a combination of metal, cloth, and plants it seemed.

“Incredible, Incredible,” Rainer said mostly to himself as his [Arcane Awakening] flashed on and his voice tinted with Arcane. The barrier shook and all the hunting members viewed him in utter shock. Arcane started pouring into the air.

“Arcanist, please wait!” Her eyes suddenly widened as she felt death itself twist s.p.a.ce and time next to her. She rapidly retreated, only to realize it had been a feint.

“I’m afraid me waiting will require a price,” Rainer countered, instantly seeing a chance to abuse the reputation of Arcanists, and his voice filled with Arcane might, shaking the Group Spell much more. One of the Mages collapsed backwards, blood dripping from his nose as he sat on the ground stunned.

He inwardly chuckled. Despite being quite annoyed at the trap, he had no plans to kill these people. And the occasional person’s ability to sense the danger of [Void Call], especially in the case of strong warriors, made feinting its use an excellent scare tactic.

The later it got in the Dungeon the more a simple Duel could turn into a match of life and death. And Rainer felt far too joyous to stain this beautiful place with death. For the very first time since he entered the Dungeon he truly looked around him.

No doubt a place that would grow such resources would be beautiful. The trees were taller than anything he’d ever seen and the gra.s.s would likely be fought over by the rich of his own world to plant in their lawns. The species of bushes and flowers grew as strange as the clothes of the people around him, he realized. Perhaps they came from a place that would be interesting to visit? No matter, he’d get just the spell for now.

More and more Arcane filled the air with his every breath. It would take only a single thought to shatter the spell at this point.

“What is it you wish?” she asked with a cramped face. Would they have ever tried to trap with him with magic if they knew he was an Arcanist? They’d have to be braindead to do so. That he appeared as a Human was quite strange but she didn’t question his proclivities. They clearly hadn’t meant to catch something like him.

From the people they captured and questioned, Rainer Nvos had only been an extremely skilled teleporter with a magic sword holding onto a life-changing amount of Points. Who knew what kind of reward over-accomplishing such a challenge would give from the Dungeon?

Besides, perhaps this surrender could pay dividends in future levels of this Dungeon. Making an enemy of this Arcanist, even if they by some cosmic miracle managed to kill him, seemed ill-advised when considering his party as a whole and the future challenges. They doubted he had lost a single life. It would just earn them a swift revenge with his whole party involved.

“This spell you captured me with,” Rainer said, surprised at seeing how quickly they gave up.

To his utter surprise, she didn’t even argue, seemingly having no attachment to their magic.

“So it shall be. Thank you for your mercy, Arcanist,” she said and sighed with relief. A few of them were on their last lives due to their strength being in their group, rather than singular. Giving up the Tier 6 Group Spell’s formula wouldn’t be a large issue, seeing as it was partially based on their own unique humanity and connection to the natural world. She only hoped that didn’t anger him too much.

Rainer continued plodding on, the trap from last time reminding him to take greater care. The [Leaderboard] quickly filled with more and more parties that couldn"t be fought easily. And given several agreements from the party that lives might carry over, he only went after the easiest of targets pointed out by Aurora.

Both Tiamat, and now also Delilah, were sleeping off having consumed too many resources. The [Ice Wolf Queen] would not become even partially Draconic, but having the strength of such a powerful monster enhancing her might, there was a high chance her own nature would improve.

She could very well surpa.s.s [Ice Wolf Queen] in the future, something she never imagined given the relatively ordinary origins of her bloodline.

Seeing Fai’Etah’s party enter the [Leaderboard], he quickly headed to her and helped gather her party.

“Thank you, Rainer, your help and bringing us somewhere safe is much appreciated.”

“Don’t be so stiff.”

“I am in good health.”

“What?” he questioned.

“What?” she returned.

Rainer shook his head, blaming the translation.

They soon got settled in easily enough, though her party seemed to keep to themselves, not trusting them as Fai’Etah did. He supposed it was for the best. There wasn’t much trust in either direction.

Realizing it had been several days since he last slept, Rainer stopped at 20,000 points, hoping to use the likely last few hours, as the number of parties with more than 1,000 points reached 90, to rest his mind a bit. There was no guarantee they had a rest area waiting for them given already how strange the Dungeon was.

Rainer awoke to an excited Fairy poking him in the cheek. And then loudly complaining that her finger hurts even though his cheek was soft.

“Hurry, hurry, what skills and items does Rainer have to choose from?”

While absentmindedly trying to swat the shrunken fairy, he glanced at the messages now in front of him.

[The Gathering has been completed. 10% Static Experience Gained for the first time having cleared it.]

[Reached (1st) place in The Gathering. 10% Static Experience Gained for having reached (1st). All 2nd Tier below level 22 receive 300% Static Experience. t.i.tle already held: Dungeon Pioneer. 30% bonus experience gained added to t.i.tle. 5% General Improvement to all Attributes while inside a Dungeon added to t.i.tle.]

[Harbinger has leveled up to lvl 17/25. Standard Attributes have been distributed. 2 Attribute and skill points have been rewarded.]

[Harbinger has leveled up to lvl 18/25. Standard Attributes have been distributed. 2 Attribute and skill points have been rewarded.]

[Harbinger has leveled up to lvl 19/25. Standard Attributes have been distributed. 2 Attribute and skill points have been rewarded.]

[Calculating Bonus rewards.]

[Bonus Added for Party Total Lives exceeding 30.]

[Calculating Bonus rewards.]

[Bonus Added for being in (1st) place.]

[Calculating Bonus rewards.]

[Bonus Added for reaching 2,000 Points]

[Bonus Added for reaching 5,000 Points]

[Bonus Added for reaching 10,000 Points]

[Bonus Added for reaching 20,000 Points]

[Calculating Bonus rewards.]

Before Rainer could see the rewards, he vanished with a Dungeon-aided teleportation alongside the rest of his party.