The Arcane Emperor

Chapter 72 Another Gift from The Divine

Chapter 72 Another Gift from The Divine

An unconscious Rainer lay on a bed. His head rested on Luna"s lap as she operated her flame to gently soothe his pain, her abilities finding little purchase in healing whatever had happened to him. Thankfully, sensing his state through her familiar bond let the Fairy know that he was fine, if utterly exhausted.

Kara sat beside the fairy in meditation, but most of her mind dwelled upon what had just happened. She had felt a pressure that sought to consume the entire world around her and bring death with it. Then just as quickly as she felt it, it was replaced with Rainer"s power.

And as quickly as that presence came, so too, did it disappear.

The wolfkin glanced over at the humming Fairy, seemingly unbothered by the situation. Luna had told them all that Rainer was in no danger despite the blood seeping from his ears, eyes, and nose at the conclusion of Sasha"s healing.

It certainly didn"t make it any easier to believe.

Kara had previously let herself be distracted by the happiness shared between the couple and the rest of the party"s discussions on how to best raid the Blood Soul Guild after Maya shared even more information. But soon, Kara had headed back upstairs once more by Rainer"s side.

"Do you know when he"ll wake up?"


Kara sighed as she leaned into the smaller fairy"s side. Bored and worried, she opted to blow a bit of air into Luna"s pointed and elongated ears, getting a small giggle from the Fairy. She turned to look at Kara and found her lips stolen.

As if sensing the event that occurred above him, Rainer chose this moment to wake up. With his head still pounding, he still managed to appreciate the situation happening just above his head properly.

"I should suffer catastrophic brain damage more often," He joked.

Kara pulled back before realizing his tone was far more joking than reprimanding. Part of her even wondered why she felt guilty being caught after what had happened after the festival and every night after.

"Don"t think you"ll get out of this one with a simple explanation," She said pointedly. Seeing how Rainer dealt with the vile pressure, it meant he was familiar with it in some way. After all, no matter how much she enjoyed Rainer"s power she knew how huge the gap was between the interloper and her [Archon]. And yet he had removed the being of pure darkness and death with a single use of his own power.

Rainer grew a bit sheepish. He had kept his theories on Divine interference, along with what happened after retrieving the Mana-Well a secret. Kara had proven to worrying, and he saw no reason to increase that.

He guessed it wasn"t fair to make that decision for her, especially as she now asked him directly. And so, he told the story. From the ring he created, which could only help gain a resistance that wasn"t physical, mental, or magical.

How he fought against the ma.s.sive power to retrieve not only Gunthar but finally the Mana-Well.

How slaying Yulia proved to increase his so-called Defiance further.

And then the final act. One he didn"t fully understand but had a good guess for. After all, he effectively raised the dead in the form of true resurrection.

"She…died?" Kara asked in confusion. The party wasn"t currently sharing experience which meant she lacked the same experience gained and subsequently redacted message.

"Completely. Even if I healed her body to perfection, it would have been nothing more than a doll at that point. I needed to connect the Soul, and subsequently her Life energy back to the body. And just before I had finished and reset the connection, the Divine being acted. But unable to see me, its action was indirect. But still… it took a lot out of me to complete the spell."

"Oh… Rainer revived her?" Luna added, quite happy at her chosen mate"s increasing power. Her unwavering faith in him had been quite the relaxing prospect after a life lived in alternating fear and fake happiness. And his increases in power only served this trend further.

"Yeah," Rainer added, feeling himself getting sleepy again. Though this time, he fully intended on remaining conscious in [Sleep Learning]. Just like his interactions with the Divine in the past, this one had left an unintended gift. And he was most looking forward to taking advantage of it.

Starting with the overcoat, followed by the power consumed from the World Tree"s roots for Jor"s powerful growth, and now finally a perfect representation of a presence. One he could fully apply to his own [Arcane Presence] for improvement and take the concept even further.

Kara sighed, before brushing her hand in his hair. It was hard to take in what he had been resisting. Even worse, she knew Rainer would force his way to heal Quera"s mother like this. No matter what anyone else said. Laneth was a perfect example of how indebted Rainer could feel to people who helped him, even if indirectly or unintentionally.

"Go back to sleep then. We"ll talk more once you"ve fully rested."

In the white void of [Sleep Learning], an uproarious laughter echoed out. And when his breath finally left him, Rainer plopped backward onto the ground, a smile on his face.

Brushing a hand through his hair to remove it from his eyes, Rainer uttered out his sincerest grat.i.tude.

"To think you Divine would grant me yet another gift…"

The first Divinity he encountered not only gave him his incredibly strong overcoat but facilitated his learning of [Divine Resistance]. After all, its only goal was to teleport, not kill, making it quite safe to resist. Had he tried the same thing with his most recent encounter, Rainer imagined only death awaited.

The second, in the form of the World Tree, had empowered both his t.i.tle and Jor to new heights.

And the most recent third...the third paved the way for what might end up as his strongest magic yet.

Rainer had allowed himself to become unconscious the moment he saw the experience gained from killing Sasha redacted. And in that final moment between awareness and sleep, he had commanded his auto-piloted [Sleep Learning] to complete a very important task.

The complete and utter memorization of the Divine presence.

From every sense to every moment and feeling, the brief glimpse of that Divine presence was burned into his mind over and over again.

And the simple conclusion he came to was perfection. He had realized that the actual amount of power the Divine called forth was tiny, perhaps from some sort of Avatar or clone rather than its main body. And yet, it elicited such a mighty pressure, which Rainer could only a.s.sume it was the complete mastery of some ability. A complete overwrite of the world"s rules with one"s own will.

It was only Rainer"s own luck that whatever form it took relied entirely on Divine Sight. And so long as Rainer blocked that, he may as well have not existed.

The Divine power exerted by what Rainer now viewed as some sort of Reaper Divinity was similar to both his [Arcane Presence] as well as his Domain spells.

Rainer created a sheet of paper in front of him and hastily wrote down the formula for his [Arcane-Spatial Domain] and [Arcane Bolt Armament]. And without a moment of doubt, he purchased [Void Presence] from the skill store.

All around him the world tinted to a violet color as he absentmindedly spread out his [Arcane Presence], pushing it to the limit of what he could accomplish.

The rest of him focused on the new skill he had just gained and thoughts of his new spell. Having both this recent Divine experience and the knowledge of [Void Presence], it took only a few tries to now use [Mana Presence].

[Skill Gained: Mana Presence lvl 1/10]

The base of his planned spell was simple and yet infinitely complex; s.p.a.ce and time. The very fabric of reality. From there it was his mastery of Arcane and Void brought on to create a s.p.a.ce that was truly under his control. A dominion subjected purely to his will, just as the Divine had done. Each part would have to be pushed further before he could bring them together.

The first part being pa.s.sive, or rather armed versions of [Arcane Presence] and [Void Presence]. In fact, he had this as the initial part in the first place because he needed it to heal Quera"s mother without dealing with that Divine again. If he could use it at the same time as any other spell, its usefulness went up by an unimaginable factor.

The second part was merging these presences into the [Arcane-Spatial Domain] and possibly [Void Domain], giving him a greater control.

The third part was to use this linking to actively multiply the power of the spell through a closer connection to both the Void and the Beyond that Arcane energy was drawn from.

And finally, to bring them together. All parts of the fabric of reality under his control, and then responding to his will. Giving him the ability to easily use his numerous Void Skills and Magic in concert with Arcane, gravity and time ones.

Before this, he had only a smattering of thoughts…

But having the Divine presence as a permanent example in his mind, he was sure of his success. He already knew how to improve both his own Presence skills in preparation to make them a spell.

However, the most important thing the Divine presence provided was the idea and example which wasn"t just to leverage his own personal power, but the power of the omnipresent Void and the Beyond itself. The Divine presence leveraged the power of whatever realm it appeared from, that much Rainer was sure of. So now, he planned to do the same.

And create something entirely new.

An absolute spell. Something more than just a common Domain.

An Absolute Dominion.

Finished with his musing, Rainer now opted to put his entire focus on leveling his new [Void Presence] skill and [Arcane Presence] as well.

As Rainer went back to sleep, Kara left the room, now ready to speak with Maya as she requested earlier. The Fairy was now more than happy to offer up all the information she had held back before, Kara thought as she looked at the stack of spell formulae beside Rainer"s bed.

"How is he?" Maya asked as Kara entered the room. Sasha sat to the red-haired Fae"s left. The fact that the two essentially reunited lovers weren"t in each other"s arms showed Kara a glimpse of the difference between the Fae and everyone else.

"He just needs to rest," Kara said.

The wolfkin was surprised by the genuine smile that was on Maya"s face after that. Kara realized that perhaps they all had underestimated just what curing this sickness meant for the mind magic using Fairy. Though, Kara thought, their original plan was for Rainer to heal Sasha but he ended up saving her instead.

"I suppose now is as good as time as any then. I have several things you might be interested in. The first is a stash of Yulia"s she prepared as a backup plan for fleeing to the Dragon Isles. I imagined given your travel plans, you"d be interested in such a thing. The miser had numerous plans for every case, even if her mind was set to the point of insanity on gaining the Sacred Faerie Fire."

"The Dragon Isles?" Kara asked, wondering why there of all places.

"It would be hard to reach her given the lack of Fairy Rings there, She-wolf. It would give her more than enough time to hide and prepare herself," Gunthar answered.

"As for what else, I can help you raid the Blood Soul guild. Even if you know the location, entering…is a bit troublesome."

In the room were Theodore, Elru, Furtak, and Amer as well. Rainer had invited them all here for the healing because he expected to be put out for quite some time. Though, Kara doubted he expected that to happen. No one did. And everyone here seemed to be apt to forget about whatever the h.e.l.l that equal parts oppressive and vile existence was.

Different from Rainer with his back turned, they all saw the source of what happened.

And it disturbed them deeply.

Rainer woke up a few hours later. Luna now lay curled up on his chest.

Still elated from his recent discovery, he awoke with a grin. Both [Arcane Presence] and [Void Presence] easily reached level 9, though he guessed the final step was leveraging pressure from the Omnipresent Void and the Beyond. The previous levels were just increasing the efficiency of using his pools of energy.

Where [Arcane Presence] affected magic and could both elicit fear of the greater or protection of such, [Void Presence] seemed more apt to cause extreme distress from the simulated claustrophobia of the entire world closing in on you and consuming all that"s left. He still needed to explore what else it could do.

Opting not to get up just yet, he lightly scratched Luna"s scalp as he thought over his plans for the next few days.

First, but not foremost, was to arm [Arcane Presence] so that he could heal Quera without issue. From there he needed to raid the Blood Soul guild while all his companions were still together. No matter their level or skill, those with nothing to lose and knowledge of powerful sacrificial magic were never to be taken lightly. In fact, Rainer hoped a few destructive spells and liberal use of [Arcane Presence] would scare them off.

Even then, he planned on a frontal a.s.sault with no conditions for blocking retreat. He couldn"t imagine any such mages caring about the deaths of their guildmates after what he witnessed Raspard do. They likely weren"t the types to feel unified enough to plot revenge against an [Archon].

From there, he planned on seeing if Amer could teach him some Soul tracking magic before they left. The concept of being able to track and then Void-walk to anyone was too much to pa.s.s up. More importantly, to try and communicate over long distances. Something important given Theodore"s plans to leave the party with Elru.

Rainer"s musings were interrupted by a voice.

"You"re awake," Luna said simply, no real elation in her voice as she didn"t doubt him being alright in the slightest.

"And so are you," he added, before rolling over on top of her. Waking up to her and Kara kissing was still fresh on his mind.

Rested and healed, Rainer headed downstairs with Luna sleeping in his hair. He prepared himself for the eventual questions he"d face after recent events. Despite the readiness, Rainer nearly stumbled when a blue-haired little Fairy hugged him.

After a few seconds of squeezing as hard as she could muster, the fairy let go.

"Did I do it correctly?" Sasha asked.

"Do what correctly?"

"A hug. I am unfamiliar with such a thing. It seems quite silly, but Maya suggested it would be a proper way of demonstrating my grat.i.tude. Especially since it"s not something Fae often do. Did my feelings come across?" she asked with beaming eyes into the nearly foot taller Rainer.

Unsure of what was happening, Rainer at the very least didn"t want to disappoint those obscenely shining blue eyes.

"They got across very well."

"That"s good then," Sasha nodded before entering the room Rainer was just heading towards.

"Well, at least there"s another of the rare few Fae I have a good opinion of… Why are all the Fae I like so strange, Luna? Does it say something about me?" He asked the sleeping Fairy in his hair, and only got a light snore in response.

Entering the room filled with various couches and sofas around a central table, Rainer sat beside Kara. He soon realized that, added on to the complete lack of conversation, everyone was staring at him.


"Sorcerer, what was that thing?" Gunthar asked.

"Thing? You mean you could see whatever it was?" That was new. Perhaps he could get Kara to share her memories of it with him. The new spells Maya gifted certainly allowed for such a thing.

Hesitantly, most of those present nodded, though Amer did some strange wiggling with his beard tentacles. Tucking away that weird body language for later, Rainer continued.

"Well? What did it look like? I"m guessing it was behind me."

Rainer waited for answers and was instead met with silence.

"Ah well," Gunthar said moving a hand across the back of his skull, "I"m not sure. It was as if it was both there and not. A presence of death and darkness of the likes I have never seen." He turned serious, "For a brief moment I thought I was to fall to a true death."

"It was a Divine," Rainer answered, only adding to the silence of the room. Completely ignoring the mood however, he continued, "but I"ve already solved that problem. I just need to use my version of [Mana Presence] during the healing. Then the annoying meddling b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who keep bothering me won"t be able to see what I"m healing. Well, I don"t mind if they bother me on occasion. After all, this coat and being able to see a technique like that, I"d say it was worth it."

Most experienced with the shock of dealing with Rainer, Gunthar opted to move the conversation before anything else.

"We have begun planning our raid on the Blood Soul guild. I imagine you wish to do this with the issue of healing Akhor"s resolved."

Kara"s glare at Gunthar over how easily the whole topic was brushed aside was ignored.

Maya nodded before continuing, "The Guild itself is underground and hidden by some powerful illusion magic. Even if you know where it is, you"ll just get lost walking in circles unless you are keyed in to enter. I figured I could head in first, and sabotage the magic long enough for you all to rush in."

"I can"t say that"s a bad idea, but can"t I just drop the illusion the same way I do to your glamours?"

Maya looked at him before opting to test it herself. She disappeared in a Glamour. Her skill in mind magic meant hers was quite stronger than average.

"Count to 30 and give it a go," She added before silently moving elsewhere in the room. And then standing completely still, reinforced it with all her Mana and Magic. Even the powerful wasn"t this well-hidden. At least, while moving.

A casual [Arcane Presence] appeared across the room for only a brief moment as Maya was revealed.

Perhaps underestimating the skill"s new strength, Rainer was left with the sight of both Fae"s pale faces and the renewed silence that was present when he first entered the room. And having just experienced a similar pressuring force, the group was far more susceptible than usual.

And soon the stunned silence turned to glares, apart from Kara, who looked she wanted to drag him back upstairs.


"What do you mean you don"t know how to track a Soul?" Amer asked, "You have told me you knew [Soul Detection]."

"And?" Rainer questioned, not seeing the relation between the two.

After grumbling something that sounded like "irritating [Archon]," Amer spoke again.

"The first thing I taught my students after they learned the [Devil"s Soul Language] and eventually the [Faraan Runic Language] was Soul Tracking. The spell itself isn"t particularly difficult, and it primes someone to later learn [Soul Detection], something all but required to make true progress with [Devil"s Soul Language]. It is quite difficult to attack something you can"t even tell exists."

Rainer nodded as the Devil continued to explain the spell itself and write its formula for all the people in the room. Furtak and Theodore sought to learn this spell so that when they separated, they could call for Rainer to appear at will and communicate otherwise if needed, which was another spell of a similar variety.

Sending actual messages over a link between Souls, however, was impossible without the [Devil"s Soul Language] or a similar medium, as far as Amer was concerned. Which meant Furtak and Theodore were only learning simpler ones, such as "help".

As the communication, Rainer and Theodore had set up using Luna as a medium? Theodore had decided, with Elru"s help, to become her undead rendering that prior method with Luna as a medium moot.

While not a user of magic, she was old enough to have once thought to learn not only Body Enchantment but also magic. Which meant she already knew the [Faraan Runic Language].

The pair planned to practice it until she could bind Theodore to her. The end result would mean he"d have full access to his Mana, and they"d no longer be as vulnerable without the rest around.

They had split up soon after confirming the plan to raid the Blood Soul Guild. Rainer would crack apart the illusion with his [Arcane Presence], and at the same time issue a warning to flee. And then Amer, Furtak and Rainer would bombard randomly for a few seconds before finally hitting the actual Guild.

From there they"d casually charge in with the hope that anyone truly smart or dangerous chose to flee. They had little doubt that a guild of dark mages would have escape tunnels. And that Rainer"s recently obtained [Arcane Revelation] on top of Theodore"s and Amer"s expertise would deal with any traps left.

"Looks easy enough," Rainer remarked seeing the simple formula. Amer had mentioned he used this spell to teach.

And so, the group went to practicing the otherwise harmless spell.

In the dark of night, a group of eight flew to the doom of others. Rainer led the group, carrying everyone with [Eldritch Flight]. Amer, Furtak, Theodore, Maya, Gunthar, Kara, and finally Luna, who was hiding in his jacket. Lilia stayed back with Laneth and Elru on guard with stronger members of Laneth"s family. No reason to risk her being used as a hostage.

It also helped that Rainer had applied the tier 1 Mana-type spell, [Soul Trace] on her. Though in a surprising move, she was able to not only feel the connection but communicate through it. He knew he"d have to see just what she was capable of with that Soul Affinity of hers sometime soon.

It left Rainer little concern for her safety as he could Void-walk across the connection.

Once they learned of his success with healing Akhor"s sickness, Prince Laneth"s father had been over-accommodating with any request, even when he found out the spell was useless for anyone other than Rainer.

Rainer imagined no longer having the fear of catching such a deadly disease, or seeing your loved ones fall to it, was a huge weight off his back. And Yulia"s claims of the Courts having a method to heal it? Completely false, at least as a whole. They simply hid away members of their courts afflicted by it, or in other words, exiled them.

Matheus" treatment at having been born without Mana was more than enough to show what the Fae thought of those afflicted with Akhor"s sickness.

They arrived on top of rolling hills in a wide open plain. A few trees were scattered about, but otherwise there was nothing of note for miles in every direction.

"It"s here," Maya said.

Wordlessly affirming their plans, Rainer stepped forward. Careful not to include his party members in the skill, a world of violet erupted out over the quiet plain.

With a large fluctuation of magic, the illusion over the entrance of the guild shattered as if a giant screen of gla.s.s breaking. All that was left was a simple tower leading to the ma.s.sive underground base. And all that was left for Rainer to do was to put a righteous fear into its inhabitants.

"Judgement comes for you!" A booming voice laced with Arcane echoed out, "Be returned to the wretched shadows from whence you came."

And with a wave of his hand, the trio of mages brought forth destruction. The once peaceful plain of gra.s.s and its solitary tower falling to a storm of Arcane and Fire.

"They all really ran?" Rainer questioned. After all but obliterating the entrance and then using [Terra Manipulation] to clear it out, they carefully entered the underground base.

"There are dark mage hunters in the north, you know. And not every Mage Guild is as bad as the Skyborne to facilitate Dark Guilds in their territories. Most mages hate them. After all, one of the best sacrifices involves stealing the talent of young children to improve one"s own. During youth they aren"t as... attached, to their magic," Maya added. Being Yulia"s liaison with this guild she had overheard much over the years.

Rainer nodded, understanding how easy such a group was to hate. Though the pragmatic side of him believed those in power only cared that talent they could have added to their own forces was stolen. Growing up studying well-detailed history that spanned millennia took away a lot of faith in the goodness of any government if one paid enough attention. And with [Sleep Learning], Rainer"s memories were more permanent.

Any traps or enchantments were easily destroyed either through a direct [Arcane Energy Manipulation] or an application of [Arcane Presence].

The group finally came across a strongly enchanted vault. Noting with [Arcane Revelation] the numerous enchantments, some of which gave off a dangerous feel, he imagined that perhaps they hadn"t had time to open and empty the vault in their hasty retreat.

With but a push of Arcane energy, the steel door"s enchantments crumbled.

Amer behind him couldn"t help but let out a surprised whistle at the filled vault.

"Already I have no regrets for taking this journey with you,"

Rainer snorted, "You had no regrets the moment you went home with a Fairy after the festival."

Amer merely ignored him as he went to divest centuries of knowledge from the vault. The [Archon] wasn"t wrong, but he wouldn"t confirm it for him.

Rainer himself left soon after, wanting to make sure the place was completely safe before he continued to explore the vault.

Though what he soon came across disturbed him deeply.

Kara walked in shortly after only to see Rainer moving bodies. What appeared to be a family were now lined side by side as Rainer hovered over them. Their necks had been cut and divested of blood for some ritual, though it seemed their coming had interrupted it.

Seeing Rainer in silent thought, she merely stood next to him.

"What are the traditions to bury them?" Rainer asked Kara.

"Most of the north has a moderate belief in the World Tree as their Divinity. Graveyards often have a tree in the center surrounded by graves."

"We can use the one we saw in the plain," Rainer said, taking them one at a time before Void-walking out of the room. It took only a few minutes with a manipulation of the earth to bury them at the largest tree in the area.

Rainer returned to find Kara in the same spot as before.

"A part of me wonders if I"m at fault for waiting so long to raid the guild…but yet another remarks that with all the worlds out there such a line of thinking is pointless. So then should I not bother with anyone because there are trillions of souls suffering just the same?"

"Isn"t Lilia proof of what you should do?" Kara asked.

"I suppose she is…"

It was self-satisfaction, he mused, to only save those you happened upon. To only help when it"s easy because you couldn"t bear the guilt of watching it happen and doing nothing. The fact that you could stay callous to the suffering of others so long as you didn"t see them. But if being self-serving could help at least one person like Lillia, Rainer didn"t care how it seemed.

Wasn"t it the privilege of the powerful to be as selfish as they wanted?

He wouldn"t drive himself to madness believing he had to use his power to save people. Void-walking allowed him to reach too many to remain sane.

"Let"s finish searching then," Kara added as the two left the blood-stained room.

Returning to the Fae Realm after the tiring search of the Blood Soul Guild, the mood changed to a more joyous one.

Everyone joined together for the last night before they split. The only thing truly left to do was monitor the situation when Rainer used tracking magic to check in on his family again and heal Quera"s Mother.

Amer had a.s.sured him there was nothing more on his Soul and that Agmar was a unique case being able to do what he did, but there was no reason to take a chance.

Suffering another month in some h.e.l.l hole wasn"t on his to do list.

Gunthar and Rainer sat side by side, the rest of the group more than mildly entertained by a drinking game Rainer invented. Theodore more than enjoying the sight of the incredibly serious white-haired Elru mumbling and swearing quietly whenever she lost, or yelling with far too much excitement whenever she got the ball into a cup, forcing either Kara or Luna to take a drink depending on what was in it.

"You say your goodbyes?" Rainer asked.

"Yes. I had been prepared for some time to separate from my Father, but I suppose circ.u.mstances put it off. Though in the first place, I had not thought I would see him, or anyone, ever again…" Gunthar added, his skull unreadable as always.

"Maybe it"ll be nice, traveling with just the four of us again, adding on our two new additions." Rainer mused.

"Yes, I would not mind it. I have, after all, gotten used to the shamelessness with which you act," Gunthar added with a laugh.

Rainer for once was a bit embarra.s.sed. His method of feeding Luna he later discovered was anything but appropriate for a public setting. But the [Archon] blamed the embarra.s.sment he felt on the alcohol.

"Luna is ready for launch!" The Fairy who suddenly shrunk yelled out and brought Rainer out of his thoughts.

Upset at the constant losing, the far too drunk Kara opted to throw a small Luna with the ball.

And with the guidance of the flying Fairy, the ball went straight into a cup of Arcane-Water.

"I suppose you all still have enough shamelessness left to surprise me..."

Rainer had nothing to say to that.

"I can shtand on my own," Kara complained while making absolutely no effort to stop leaning on Rainer.

"Of course, you can," Rainer said, his hand scratching her ears as they made their way back to their room.

"And another thing, Luna is mine too," Kara added.

"Yeah!" The Fairy echoed after a loud hiccup. She moved from her spot on top of Rainer"s head and instead woozily flew over to Kara"s.

"She-Wolf is Luna"s pet too," The Fairy proudly claimed, using Kara"s two ears to stay on top of her head.

Kara instead echoed the horribly offensive comment.

"Yeah, just because I"m your pet, doesn"t mean I can"t also be Luna"s. You need to learn to share Rainer."

Rainer smirked, opting to learn mind magic quicker so he could tease Kara with this memory.

"Onwards n.o.ble steed. Princess Luna demands her bed!" Luna suddenly pulled on Kara"s ears as they entered their room. Kara pushed off of Rainer and managed to stumble far enough to fall into the bed.

"It"s me and Luna"s night tonight," Kara mumbled as the Fairy returned to full size, and the wolfkin transformed her clothes to the silver bangles they became whenever she shifted.

But instead of anything like a night together, within just a few second Luna fell asleep with her head in Kara"s chest.

Chuckling, Rainer covered the tightly woven pair with a blanket and sat on the other side of the bed. Having not drunk as much as everyone else his thoughts instead turned to tomorrow. Not only would he check up on his sister again, something he tried to do back when Agmar had pulled him into the Abyssal Plane, but it also marked the end of one journey and the start of another.

The results of raiding the Blood Soul Guild had proven fruitful, as arming [Arcane Presence] took only a few tries, and roughly 30 of his Arcane Power and 40 of his Mana in reservation. Just like with [Arcane Bolt Armament], he could flip it on while focusing on other tasks.

Which meant healing Quera"s mother became a far easier task. Rainer now guessed Yarik had learned [Mana Presence] from the same tome he found in the vault of the Blood Soul Guild.

[Arcane Presence Armament lvl 1/10]

A tier 4 spell. Quite the surprising result, Rainer thought, given how simple the formula was. Though really, the formula itself only related to arming something Arcane, Rainer still had to use the skill prior to that. He opted to experiment later with his various Arcane skills to see. It was a shame it was so expensive though.

He twisted the golden Nalmar ring on his finger, a symbol of where everything really started. Where he was forced make such a dreaded choice. Where he grew to love the women he was with. Where he fought against the Divine for the first time and visited what he now knows was the edge of an Abyssal Plane.

And tomorrow they would be heading to the Dragon Isles to start on the path of making a real home here. A place not only of magic and learning but also, by definition, a powerful fortress.

And their traveling group would be returning to just how they started, with the addition of Lilia, Tiamat, and Jor. He had offered to let his apprentice stay in the Fae Realm with Laneth"s family, fully explaining how he could teleport back whenever he needed to. But the tears that nearly formed instantly had him backtracking that it was just an offer and he"d be more than happy to have her travel with him.

He wasn"t sure what caused that type of reaction. After all, he was almost positive she didn"t have any sort of crush on him, despite his far-too-high Charisma. And he couldn"t say they really interacted enough for a real attachment to form, apart from the fact that he had saved her. Though technically, Gunthar did more of the saving than he did.

Either way, he enjoyed the quiet and studious girl"s presence and wouldn"t mind her traveling with them. He had only offered because he imagined a month-long ship ride wouldn"t exactly be pleasant.

Perhaps in memory of home or lack of sleepiness, Rainer opted for the first time in years to sink into a far longer trance and attune his Affinity.

The morning came with hangovers and the preparation to track down Rainer"s sister.

"You ready," The [Archon] asked Amer.

The Devil nodded, annoyed by all the preparation for something that was harmless in his view.

And with a drop of blood, the spell activated. Rainer manipulated the Void as he stretched the connection to her. Already noting again that the distance was far shorter than the one between here and the Abyssal Planes, he was hopeful.

Feeling the spell"s connection snap into place, he awaited Amer"s approval before using [Void Seer].

And with an unreadable squiggle of tentacles, Rainer could only interpret that strange gesture as being equivalent to a nod. He went forth and reached his sight across the Void.

But he was not happy with what he saw.

"Laneth!" Rainer rushed up, everyone around him confused by the suddenly panicking [Archon].

"I need all the Fairy dust your family keeps."

Laneth was absolutely stunned by the request, but seeing the look on the [Archon]"s face he wasn"t sure if he was asking. After all, no matter how good-natured he was to his friends it was hard to forget how he destroyed one of the most powerful the Fae had.

"Please, I swear I will repay with all I can for this,"

Rainer"s further words snapped Laneth out of his thoughts as he ran to his father and then the vault.

"Rainer, what"s going on?" Kara asked worriedly.

"I don"t know. I have no f.u.c.king idea. I went to check in on her and the first thing I see is her injured and captured, surrounded by a dozen mages carrying her somewhere."

Rainer recognized them too. Another result of his restored memories. They were no doubt agents of the Mage Council. But he couldn"t for the life of him think why they would ignore his grandfather and try and take his sister. Their lack of using healing magic on some of her burns left him to believe they were not rescuing her.

Rainer shook his head as Laneth entered back in the room, a box in hand. He quickly put it away in his spatial ring.

"Thank you," Rainer added without preamble, a part of him still watching with [Void Seer]. Hoping with everything he had he didn"t have to actually go.

"After 20 doses the effectiveness of Fairy dust goes down pretty severely. Also, you should know I think if you end up using it my father will likely demand, as politely as possible, you make his choice King or Queen."

Rainer nodded, having no issue nor in the mood to care about the consequences.

A few tense hours pa.s.sed, as Rainer checked on her. But when he saw them bring her to a white room and begin strapping her to a table, he knew there was no more time to wait. The sheer panic on his little sister"s face as she awoke and saw several mages surrounding her gave him no other choice.

Rainer stood up with a start. No matter what, he had to go. He could only hope he"d still have the power to return. He hoped his ability to use [Void Seer] without issue meant his access to the system wouldn"t be affected.

Seeing his face, Kara knew there would be no stopping him.

"Come back to me, alright?"

Rainer smiled with a confidence that didn"t match what he truly felt. He had no idea how his newfound strength would display itself on the systemless Earth. He only tersely nodded as he disappeared from the room and through the Void.

Kara went to ask Luna about what she sensed through the bond, only to see that the Fairy was nowhere to be found.

"Luna…" Kara sighed, understanding that the Fairy had shrunk herself and snuck into Rainer"s coat just as he was leaving.

"Well, keep him safe then."