The Attack Of The Wastrel

Chapter 349

Capture the strongest Glaze Cla.s.s Warrior to battle with Gu Lingzhi? Everyone thought they had heard wrongly. Who would think of such a thing?

However, Rong Yuan had been completely serious about it and everyone a.s.sumed that he did not know the true strength of a Glaze Cla.s.s Warrior. Nonetheless, the Langya Troop members did not think that Gu Lingzhi and Rong Yuan would be ordinary people even after their spiritual energy was used up.

“Brother Rong…” Lu Yuan could not help frowning, “I did not know that you two are not only strong Martial Artists but also possess strong physical bodies. I have underestimated the two of you.”

“It is alright. Martial Artists do not typically train physical bodies either and it is only natural that you thought that way.” Rong Yuan laughed.

This was the truth. Rong Yuan demanded much from himself as the most outstanding prince of Xia Kingdom. He had trained both his spiritual cultivation as well as his physical body. Ever since Gu Lingzhi awoken her Spiritual Roots, she did not neglect her physical body too. For Spirit Tribe members, the physical body and spiritual energy were the foundation for their strength. Hence, the couple were strong in terms of their physical body and spiritual cultivation.

The Langya Troop members did not know that and they nodded at Rong Yuan"s reply, forming the impression that he was a humble man. However, they could not help scorning at the ordinary Martial Artists. If Martial Artists were so strong even without training their physical bodies, how strong would they be if they trained them?

Once the men were settled on the Dragon Horse carriage again, Gu Lingzhi began to flip through the "Physical Body Cultivation Manual". Lu Heng peeked over her shoulder and looked at her with envy.

He had given Gu Lingzhi the newest edition of "Physical Body Cultivation Manual" and it could guide a warrior to become a Gold Cla.s.s Warrior. With the two of their strengths, there was no need for them to train their physical bodies. However, Gu Lingzhi read the book carefully and Rong Yuan would occasionally give out pointers to her to take note. He finally said, “Rong- Lady Rong. This book is not suitable for you anymore. Once we return to the Forgotten City, I will pick out a more advanced manual for you.”

“Thank you very much.” Gu Lingzhi raised her head at him and smiled warmly. “However, please don"t call me "Lady Rong" in the future. You can just call me Lingzhi.” She felt uncomfortable being called in that way.

On the other hand, Rong Yuan beamed brightly and he added, “I like it when you are called that way. Why must you change it?”

When Gu Lingzhi was called by his surname, Rong Yuan felt like she belonged wholeheartedly to him. It was sweet and he did not want it to change.

Gu Lingzhi rolled her eyes at him, knowing exactly what he was thinking. She turned towards Lu Heng and confirmed, “Don"t bother about him, you can call me by my name.”

Rong Yuan narrowed his eyes but kept silent.

Among the two of them…could Gu Lingzhi be the stronger one? Lu Heng thought to himself.

A cold shudder pa.s.sed through his back as Lu Heng thought of this and he grew even more fearful of the outside world. It seemed like the rumors were true. Tianyuan Continent was terrifying with Martial Sages flooding the streets.

Gu Lingzhi"s performance scared the Tanlang Troop members away and they did not attack them again in the next few days. However, a few random attackers appeared but they were easily taken down by Lu Heng.

Half a month later, the group finally reached their destination, the Forgotten City.

This city, like many others, had a rich history where old and valuable architecture lined the streets. Numerous people walked in and out of the city gates, showing the vast amount of activity and the popularity of the city.

Without spiritual energy, no one in the Lost Lands could be a Martial Artist and hence many people were curious about the outside world.

After so many years, the population of Lost Lands had grown to half that of the Tianyuan Continent. Gu Lingzhi estimated that their population would surpa.s.s Tianyuan Continent given a few more thousand years.

The Langya Troop was famous in the Forgotten City and without needing to queue at the city gates like the rest of the commoners, they were allowed into the city by the guards at the city gates.

Forgotten City was not as advanced as the cities in Tianyuan Continent but the layout of the city was the same. Merchant shops stood on opposite ends of the wide streets that lay throughout the Forgotten City as numerous men proceeded with their day to day activities. The Langya Troop"s main headquarters was in the southern area of the city.

Gu Lingzhi only understood why the Langya Troop was considered an Expedition Troop instead of a gang like Tanlang Troop after she saw their headquarters. The rules that governed the Langya Troop"s headquarters were rather complicated.

The headquarters of the club stood over an area more than a kilometre wide and it had various departments for application, training, managerial and the fighting grounds. This was comparable to the average family clan in the Tianyuan Continent.

As Gu Lingzhi and Rong Yuan got down from the Dragon Horse carriage and entered the main hall of the Langya Troop"s headquarters, many people were already gathered there waiting for them. The members of the troop greeted Lu Yuan before they turned their attention to Gu Lingzhi and Rong Yuan. Excitement and curiosity filled their eyes.

On their way back, Lu Yuan had sent a messenger to notify the rest of the troop about the two"s arrival. As such, many were curious about the two who managed to defeat Gold Cla.s.s Warriors easily. They also had high expectations about the Spiritual Medicines and Weapons that the two possessed.

A big, burly, tanned young man excitedly asked, “These two must be the new members our captain brought back right? They are so handsome and pretty and they look like idols!”

“That"s right. Look at our sister here, you can tell that she is different from us.” A girl dressed in a bright red s.h.i.+rt smiled and her eyes curved like a crescent moon that held a seductive gaze. She must be the Fifth Sister that Lu Heng mentioned earlier, Xing Mei"er.

Lu Heng chuckled as he addressed the crowd, “Alright, Fifth Sister, don"t scare away Seventh Brother and Eighth Sister.”

Turning towards Rong Yuan and Gu Lingzhi, Lu Heng pointed towards the crowd and introduced, “This bearded, intimidating young man is our Third Brother, w.a.n.g Kuan, a Gold Cla.s.s Warrior. Beside him is Xing Mei"er, our Fifth Sister. This is our Fourth Brother, Quan Kun and our Sixth Brother, Jiang Xinghai.”

Once Lu Heng introduced everyone in the hall, Lu Heng pointed to Rong Yuan and Gu Lingzhi and introduced, “This is Seventh Brother and Eighth Sister from the Tianyuan Continent. Don"t underestimate them because they are from the outside world, their physical body strengths are on par with us. Bao Wenhao from the Tanlang Troop was easily taken down by Eighth Sister here in just one blow.” Lu Heng proudly announced Gu Lingzhi"s achievements as though he was the one who defeated Bao Wenhao.

Meanwhile, Gu Lingzhi smiled shyly to the crowd as she slowly checked them out.

Ever since she showed her strength, Lu Heng treated her like one of the elders of the troop.

The rules of the Lost Lands were similar to the outside world, aside from the captain and vice-captain of each club, the elders were the next most respected group of men. As long as one was a Yellow-gold fighter, he would become an elder of Wolf Teeth Club. Gu Lingzhi and Rong Yuan were both treated like elders because of their strength and they were addressed as Seventh Brother and Eighth Sister because of their seniority in the troop. However, they were used to it by then because Lu Yuan and Lu Heng addressed them by these names as they made their way to Forgotten City.

“I used to think that the Martial Artists in the outside world became strong only because their natural environment suited their cultivation. However, now I see that you guys also train your physical bodies.” Jiang Xinghai sighed as he scanned Rong Yuan"s body with a strong ambition in his eyes. This expression was all too familiar to Gu Lingzhi, it was the same look Tianfeng Jin gave when she challenged her.

As she expected, Jiang Xinghai asked in the next instant, “Is Seventh Brother willing to spar with me? I have never fought against a Martial Artist before.”

The mostly silent Lu Yuan cut in, “If you want to spar, you can fight against Third Brother. Seventh Brother just arrived and needs to rest. You can spar with him another time.”

Jiang Xinghai only stared at Rong Yuan with greater intensity. This made Rong Yuan"s battling intent rise and he smiled, “It"s fine. If Sixth Brother is interested, we can fight anytime.”

Jiang Xinghai excitedly jumped out of his seat at Rong Yuan"s reply. “Seventh Brother is easygoing, come, let"s not waste any time and start now.” As he spoke, his eyes swept past Rong Yuan.

With a light laugh, Rong Yuan rea.s.sured Lu Yuan and followed Jiang Xinghai out of the hall.

Gu Lingzhi lightly bounced as she followed the two. The rest of the members in the hall stood up and tagged along to watch the sparring as well. Although Lu Heng had spoken highly of the two, they wanted to see for themselves just how strong the new members were.

Jiang Xinghai and Rong Yuan were going to spar on a wide area just in front of the hall.

Everyone in the club knew that their captain had brought back two Martial Artists and they buzzed among themselves with excitement. They were all curious about how Martial Artists would fight.

“I heard that Martial Artists use spiritual energy to fight and each blow and move is accompanied by colors. I wonder if the new elder would fight like that as well?” Someone excitedly commented.

“But spiritual energy is so valuable, wouldn"t it be wasted if he used it for sparring? If he drains his spiritual energy, would he not be able to use it in the future?” Another person asked with worry.

“What do you know?” The first man rolled his eyes, “Even if he doesn"t use his spiritual energy, it would gradually disappear with time. He might as well use it now and let us watch a good show.”

“Shh…stop talking among yourselves. It is about to begin!”Previous ChapterNext Chapter