The Attack Of The Wastrel

Chapter 402

“Quickly stand up, what are you doing?” Gu Lingzhi hurriedly held onto Qi Mengjia, wanting to pull her up. But Qi Mengjia continued to kneel on the ground.

Not only that, Chen Dong and the others behind him also knelt down on the ground and cried repeatedly, “Little Chancellor, please save us!”

Upon seeing Gu Lingzhi heading towards Chen Dong and the others to pull them up, Rong Yuan frowned and held onto Gu Lingzhi, “What exactly happened?”

Chen Dong and the rest looked at each other. Finally, it was Qi Mengjia who stood up and spoke, “Little Chancellor, this was what happened. We did not say the truth when you rescued us. Actually, we did not flee from the Burnt City after it was invaded. We were used by our Chancellor as baits to lure the beasts and had escaped from there!”

After saying this, Qi Mengjia could not help but to cover her face and wept bitterly, “The Chancellor is practically inhuman. He resented us for having little fighting strength and deliberately lied to us by promising to take us away. In reality, he used us as baits to divert the attention of the beasts. When we encountered the beasts, he pushed us out while he quietly escaped with his confidants. Our family were eaten by the beasts when they were thrown out as baits!”

Gu Lingzhi"s face turned ugly after hearing this. She could tell for a long time that Le Yan was calculative and was not really a good person, but she did not expect that he would be so utterly heartless and deceit others to push them out as bait. He was simply more abominable than the beasts!

At least it was the beasts" animal instincts for them to attack humans. But for humans to do such a thing, it was unforgivable.

Qi Mengjia"s words have opened the gates of narration. Soon after, Chen Dong and the rest began to talk about their encounters. They were almost the same as Qi Mengjia. The group of them were from the same batch of people being sent out by Le Yan as baits. They were fortunate enough to escape from the beasts. After several life and death experiences, they were then found by Gu Lingzhi.

When they had seen Gu Lingzhi and found out that Le Yan and the others had already arrived at the Spirit City, they were afraid that Gu Lingzhi would have the same thinking as Le Yan and did not care about those at the bottom. If they were to hastily reveal about their previous encounters, it would only bring misfortune to themselves. They decided to conceal the truth and lied that they had escaped from the chaos in the Burnt City.

However, just two days ago, Le Yan had somehow recognised one of them. Knowing that they were part of those he had used as baits, he was afraid that these people would expose his doings. In the past few days, he was actually planning on pus.h.i.+ng them out to death during the next beasts" attack.

Thankfully, one of Le Yan"s confidants were friends with Chen Dong and secretly exposed Le Yan"s plans to them as he could not bear to watch him die. When the beasts attack the city, they might really fall for his trap once again unknowingly.

Rong Yuan lowered his head and looked at Chen Dong who was kneeling at his feet with a face full of tears and snot. He asked, “Since none of you revealed the truth then, why are you telling us this now? Aren"t you afraid that we will look on without lifting a finger so as to maintain our relations.h.i.+p with Le Yan? Or even harm the person who has quietly divulged this secret information to you?”

“Both of you wouldn"t do such a thing!” Chen Dong immediately raised his head and looked at Rong Yuan fixedly. “After this period of observation, we can tell that you and Little Chancellor are good people. You will definitely not be as inhuman as Le Yan, not treating the low-level Warriors as humans. You will definitely help us, right?”

Rong Yuan remained silent, seemingly considering whether to help them. Gu Lingzhi knew that he had wanted her to take on the role as the good person and helped Qi Mengjia, who was in front of her, to get on her feet before saying gently, “Alright, don"t cry anymore. Rong Yuan and I are aware of this matter now and will not let you all die in vain. I will go and inform Qiao Yeshu later and make you all his subordinates. In the future, your actions in the Spirit City will be under his command and will not be dragged out as cannon fodders to die.”

Upon hearing this, Qi Mengjia looked at her with astonishment. With a face full of snot and tears, she could not help but to cheer.

“Thank you, thank you Little Chancellor! I will remember your kindness and virtue for the rest of my life!”

Chen Dong and the others also cried with joy and hugged each other. They thanked Gu Lingzhi and Rong Yuan profusely.

The news of Chen Dong and the others being added to Qiao Yeshu"s team had reached Le Yan"s ears before nightfall. While listening to the report from his subordinate, Le Yan broke the pen he was using and said sullenly, “Then how did the Little Chancellor and Rong Yuan react?”

“They did not react much.” Ding Jiule disdained, “The group of people must not have the courage to reveal the earlier incidents. It is estimated that they have heard the news from elsewhere and had boot-licked the Little Chancellor during their journey here.”

Le Yan was still a little uneasy. He was not afraid that Gu Lingzhi would make use of this incident. He was afraid that it would tarnish his generous and virtue reputation he has been maintaining once the words got out. Although it was said that all the Chancellors of the five major cities were Glaze Cla.s.s Fighters, there was still a difference among them. His ability was at the bottom amongst the five of them. If not for covering his tracks well, why would anyone rely on him when there were so many other stronger ones out there? If this image he has been continuously maintaining were to collapse, it will inevitably cause a great damage to his reputation. It will also cause a lot of trouble when they were to rebuild the Burnt City.

After all, no one would be willing to follow a Chancellor who lets his people die for him.

Fortunately, the incident in which Le Yan was worried about did not occured. There were no rumors of him in the city. What he did not know was that Gu Lingzhi and Rong Yuan had already sentenced him to death in their hearts. They were not planning on letting him live until the day where the beast crisis was lifted. Thus, it was redundant for them to broadcast what he had done.

Just as the Spirit City relived its peace and quietness, the repelled beasts attacked once again.

This time, there were far more beasts than before. Rong Yuan routinely flew out of the city wall upon seeing the herd of beasts and went to search for the offspring.

What was unsuccessful was that the Female Worm seemed to be aware of Rong Yuan"s plan. Usually, the Female Worm would have launched an attack upon seeing him wreaking havoc in the herd of beasts. No matter how presumptuous Rong Yuan was acting this time, the Female Worm did not reveal its trace. This caused Rong Yuan"s performance to be in vain.

Upon seeing that the Spirit City was getting closer yet the Female Worm had no signs of emergence, Rong Yuan had no choice but to return to the city wall and inform Lin Chongyuan of the news such that he could prepare for the battle they were about to face.

“It"s fine that you cannot find it. Good boy, no one will blame you.” Lin Chongyuan consoled upon seeing that Rong Yuan"s mood was a little dispirited, “You have succeeded many times. The Female Worm would naturally notice something so it"s normal for them to be prepared. Go and rest with Lingzhi first and leave the rest to me.”

Rong Yuan left obediently and hugged Gu Lingzhi in his arms after seeing her. He said dully, “The Female Worm has become smarter. There"s no way to lure it out.”

Gu Lingzhi"s other hand clinged onto Rong Yuan"s shoulder before patting his head, “Don"t worry. It"s fine if you can"t find it. We are not afraid of having to face them head-on.”

The Spirit City was different from the other four cities. The surrounding four walls were specifically strengthened by people led by Gu Lingzhi and Rong Yuan. It was not easy for the beasts to push down the door and attack into the city. Regarding the flying beasts, they had enough people to seal off the sky such that they can never make a landing.

It could be said that the Spirit City was very stable now and could still fight even if they were not able to kill the Female Worm.

The tumultuous beasts were moving quickly to attack. The people stationed at the four respective city gates had been informed that Rong Yuan did not find the Female Wormand they had to prepare for a real battle. Wei Lingshu, who was in charge of the east city gate, laughed and yelled at those below the city wall, “Brothers, it"s time for us to show them what we got. The limelight has not been stolen by DemiG.o.d Rong!”

The people who heard Wei Lingshu"s cry could not help but to burst out laughing and agree with what he had said. They waved the Spiritual Weapons they were holding with exuberance. It was the same situation at the north and south gates. When facing the tumultuous herd of beasts, they were driven by the desire to fight.

The west city gate was not as exuberance as the east, south and north. The west city gate defended by Le Yan, Guan Yue, Yuan Sheng and Yun Zhu, the four Chancellors, was awfully quiet.

Those who were scarred by the fallen of the four cities were more fearful than anything else when faced with the beasts.

Seeing that the beasts were about to attack the city, Guan Yue cleared his throat and said in a low voice, “With the impending situation, it is futile to have excessive fear. What is important now is to be able to defend the city gate. The walls of the Spirit City were all strengthened by Spiritual Power and are not that easy to be broken through.”

“You said this so easily as you have not experienced having your city conquered by the beasts.” Le Yan rebuked as he could not help but to relive the nightmare as he watched the incoming beasts.

The Giant Insect Beasts brutally knocked down the city walls, letting numerous beasts burrow their way in. They bit anybody they saw and destroyed everything in their paths. If he had not been scared to death, why would he make those citizens bait so as to create an opportunity for him to escape? He was forced to make this decision!

“As a city"s Chancellor, how can you be so easily afraid?” Guan Yue had already learnt of Le Yan"s behaviour from Rong Yuan and reached a consensus with him to let Le Yan die “naturally” under the attack of the beasts. Needless to say, he could not stand his pretentious act and sneered, “I have not personally experienced the beasts invading the city, but on my way to the Spirit City, I have encountered numerous attacks by the beasts. The strongest wave was not much worse than this siege. It wasn"t that petrifying. ChancellorLe, don"t impede us later and let the beasts in from where you are defending.”

“You… Someone who isn"t aware, isn"t fearful!” Guan Yue"s words caused Le Yan"s face to be scorching red. His face looked better only when he saw fear in both Yun Zhu and Yuan Sheng"s eyes. He snorted and returned to the area he was responsible for defending.