The Attack Of The Wastrel

Chapter 410

“Time for me to show what I"m capable of!” Zi Zi popped its head out from Gu Lingzhi"s head and yelled at the second Female Worm. At the same time, the Fenlan Painting appeared.

Numerous streaks of light illuminated the blue s.p.a.ce. In the next second, Gu Lingzhi and the two Female Worms disappeared from their spots and only a colorful painting hung in mid-air.

Within the Fenlan Painting, Gu Lingzhi arranged the Fenlan Trees in the painting in two circles surrounding the two Female Worms with her mind. Gu Lingzhi hid herself in one of the Fenlan Trees and peeked at the two Female Worms.

Startled by the sudden change in their surroundings, the two Female Worms screeched and called out for the other. Once they heard each other"s call, they appeared to leap for joy and they desperately waved their claws and dragged their bodies towards each other by crossing the Fenlan Trees. However, Gu Lingzhi would never allow the two to meet each other and she controlled the Fenlan Trees to constantly s.h.i.+ft their positions, forming a labyrinth that prevented the two from meeting each other.

Anxiousness overwhelmed the first Female Worm once it realized that there was no way out. It desperately crawled around the floor and sniffed the ground for traces of the other Female Worm. Yet, Gu Lingzhi had specifically separated the two such that their scents would disappear as well. Hence, after a few attempts, the first Female Worm gave up and started to form a plan to escape.

Gu Lingzhi"s eyes flashed as she observed the two. Picking up a stone on the ground, she threw it at the first Female Worm.


As the stone struck the first Female Worm, it shrieked and jumped in fright, pouncing towards the direction of the stone. To its surprise, it collided head first against a Fenlan Tree.

The first Female Worm paced around the Fenlan Tree that suddenly appeared in bewilderment. It did not understand why a tree was in the direction of where the stone was thrown from.

Gu Lingzhi stifled her laugh, having hid herself into another tree. Throwing another stone at the first Female Worm, the same thing happened. The Female Worm smashed against the next tree.

This happened a dozen more times and finally, the first Female Worm raised its head towards the sky and roared with anger. It slammed its claws against the ground continuously and trashed against the trees surrounding it.


The Fengwu Sword suddenly appeared in Gu Lingzhi"s hand and she swung it gracefully at the Female Worm.

It was too late when the first Female Worm raised its head. All it saw was the sharp glint in Gu Lingzhi"s eyes. Before it could keep its mental energy attack, it roared and rushed towards Gu Lingzhi. Ten s.h.i.+ny black claws were like sharp swords that swung at Gu Lingzhi.

“Ah! Be careful!” Zi Zi shrieked in terror as it shut its eyes in fear of what was about to happen.


A loud bang rang through the s.p.a.ce followed by a sharp scream. The Phoenix Sword made a clean cut through the middle of the first Female Worm"s head and the two parts of the Female Worm"s body fell lifelessly onto the ground. Among the ten claws of the Female Worm, two pierced through Gu Lingzhi"s chest causing blood to drip from her wounds.

“Cough!” Gu Lingzhi"s clothes turned red from the blood from her wounds but her eyes were fiery although a hint of exhaustion was hidden behind them.

Finally, one down! 

It was stupid of her to put herself directly in the field of attack of the Female Worm but it was the most effective way for her to deal with the two Female Worms. With her strength, it was impossible to face the two Female Worms who both had the powers of a DemiG.o.d. Furthermore, the Fenlan Painting could not hold them in for long and it was considered lucky for her to kill one of the Female Worms.

Sensing the strength of the Fenlan Painting and estimating how much time she had left to kill the second Female Worm, Gu Lingzhi retrieved a medicine and applied it on her wounds. After she gently bandaged her wounds, she ate a few more top quality Spiritual Medicines that she obtained from the Sacred Lands and prepared for the second battle.

Zi Zi"s heart ached as it stared at the pale-faced Gu Lingzhi. It exerted its all to control the labyrinth that trapped the second Female Worm, not giving the Female Worm any chance to escape.

Half an hour later, blood no longer flowed out of her wounds, indicating that she was on the road to recovery. The Fenlan Painting could barely hold the second Female Worm in by that point. After thanking Zi Zi for its help, Gu Lingzhi reappeared in the middle of the Heavenly Lands again. At that point, Rong Yuan had not finished his battle against the Female Worm.

Giving a rea.s.suring smile towards Rong Yuan, Gu Lingzhi pointed a finger towards the Fenlan Painting that hung in mid-air. Bright light flashed from the painting as specks of light pooled around Gu Lingzhi. The second Female Worm trapped within the Fenlan Painting was released. It blinked a few times as it adjusted its eyes to the surroundings. However, within that time, Gu Lingzhi attacked it.

“Tsk!” The second Female Worm roared with anger and it communicated with the Mother Worm what happened in the Fenlan Painting before it raised its ten claws at Gu Lingzhi.

After her first injury, Gu Lingzhi could no longer throw herself recklessly at the attack. She threw a seed onto the ground and used spiritual energy to spur its growth. A long, thick vine wrapped around the second Female Worm"s legs and body.

Shrieking, the second Female Worm swung its claw behind it to escape the bind of the vine that bound it.

Gu Lingzhi did not expect the vines to bind the second Female Worm for long but she took the chance to release a few stones above the second Female Worm that dropped down on it. At the same time, she channelled as much energy as she could into her Fengwu Sword. Deep blue b.a.l.l.s of flame appeared and struck the second Female Worm.

The second Female Worm burst into an outrage and slammed two claws onto the ground. Using the repulsive force, it jumped out of the sea of flames. However, Gu Lingzhi was prepared. The moment this happened, she pierced the Phoenix Sword into the second Female Worm.

“Tsk!” The second Female Worm released a strong mental energy attack and Gu Lingzhi"s lost control of her body. She released her grip on the second Female Worm and the claw of the Female Worm swept under her feet, making her fall to the ground with a "slam".

The wound on Gu Lingzhi"s chest split open again and bright red blood stained her green skirt.

“Lingzhi!” Rong Yuan shouted in feat. Ignoring the Mother Worm, he swung a blow towards the Female Worm, defending Gu Lingzhi against the incoming attack from it. However, he was struck by the coc.o.o.n"s Spiritual Origin attack and his body flung backward. He barely managed to avoid his acupoints being ruptured apart by the turmoil of spiritual energy in his body. Only after Gu Lingzhi stood up and readied herself against the second Female Worm did he turn his attention back to the coc.o.o.n.

“This beast is strong.” Gu Lingzhi coughed bitterly as she held her hand towards her chest. She was lucky she settled one of the beasts already or she would really meet her demise if she was to battle against two at once.

With the second Female Worm heading towards her again, Gu Lingzhi did not hesitate to throw out a few more Spiritual Talismans. The moment these Spiritual Talismans struck the Female Worm, a downpour of attacks rained down on the Female Worm, causing the Female Worm to fall to its knees. Once the Spiritual Talisman attacks ended, the ground around the second Female Worm had been reduced to soil.


Gu Lingzhi"s eyes brightened. The ground around the Spiritual Origin did not allow plants to grow and living beings that lived here required fifty percent more spiritual energy than elsewhere. However, soil that would allow plants to be grown was different

As soon as she thought of this, Gu Lingzhi threw a bunch of seeds into the soil and used wood-based spiritual energy to encourage the seeds to grow. As she expected, the seeds grew quickly and they became as thick as her hand within a few breaths of time.

The second Female Worm was annoyed by the s.h.i.+fting of soil under its feet and it struggled to get up. Before it could move, a few dozen vines shot towards it and bound its limbs.

Gu Lingzhi observed the effect the soil had on the second Female Worm and took this opportunity. Every time the Female Worm tried to escape the vines, Gu Lingzhi would release new vines to hold it down. At the same time, she did not stop her onslaught of attacks from the Fengwu Sword on it.

Seeing the second Female Worm struggling, the Mother Worm let out an ear-piercing shriek that caused pangs of headache to flood Gu Lingzhi"s mind. She instinctively brought her hand up to her temples as blood flowed out of her nose, her mind threatened to crumble apart under the mental energy attack.

Rong Yuan"s heart ached and he yelled, “Lingzhi, go back into the Inheritance s.p.a.ce!”

“No…” Gu Lingzhi weakly shook her head. How could she hide in the Inheritance s.p.a.ce now and leave Rong Yuan alone?

“Don"t bother about me, focus on fighting the Mother Worm.”

With that delay, the second Female Worm managed to crawl out from the grasps of the vines. Gu Lingzhi did not hesitate to throw more Spiritual Talismans towards it and force the second Female Worm back into the soil. Ignoring her splitting headache, Gu Lingzhi flew into the sky with her Fengwu Sword while she mobilized the vines to hold the Female Worm down.

Although the second Female Worm was stronger than Gu Lingzhi, it could not use its full strength and it remained stuck in the soil for a long time. Frustration overwhelmed it and it unleashed an attack at Gu Lingzhi.

The bloodshot eyes of the Female Worm told Gu Lingzhi that things were not good and in a flash, Gu Lingzhi retreated into the Inheritance s.p.a.ce. The mental energy attack that tortured her just a second ago disappeared.

After estimating that the second Female Worm"s attack was over, Gu Lingzhi came out of the Inheritance s.p.a.ce. As soon as she arrived outside, she laughed to herself at the sight of the sprawled out second Female Worm on the ground. The mental energy attack it unleashed before had taken a toll on it. Without hesitation, Gu Lingzhi flew through the air and controlled the vines to wrap around the second Female Worm tighter. The long stream of flames behind the Fengwu Sword ended the second Female Worm"s life a second later.

The death of the Female Worm was met with a blood-curdling shriek from the Mother Worm and Gu Lingzhi retreated back into the Inheritance s.p.a.ce, barely escaping the next wave of mental energy attack from it.

It was not her place to fight against the Mother Worm. The two mental attacks from the Mother Worm had almost caused her her life.

Her mission was accomplished and it was all left up to Rong Yuan now.