The Beast’s Blood Boils

Chapter II Hair like blood

Volume 3 – When he bravely forged ahead on the sea waves

Chapter II Hair like blood

One does not need a reason to live a valiant life – says Liu Zhenhan the tough guy.

Looking at the towering G.o.dlike stone statues on both sides of Kunlun angled strait, Liu Zhenhan was about to curse out loud but his shivering lips weave something else instead, a pledge! Until now, he still had a slight trace of hope left in the so-called G.o.ds of this world. He saw grand statues of G.o.ds holding swords in their hands. These statues were sculpted out of mountains. According to Hailun, they were the relics of ancient mythical wars between G.o.ds and devils. Liu Zhenhan had vaguely come to accept the active existence of G.o.ds in this world, and now that he saw these magnificent statues, he suddenly went silent and couldn’t help but silently pray in his heart for a miracle to happen and save his Hailun.

After pa.s.sing the Kunlun angled strait, the Andes mountain chain trade winds became clearer and stronger. The Qin Mainland was now in sight and the remote horizon was faintly spelling out a fine coastline but Hailun’s condition was getting worse day by day. In fact, her condition couldn’t get any worse than this; now she was even unable to drink the fresh water produced by melting the ice. All she did was to recite the name of her dear Li Cha all day.

At night, the Osprey bird became more and more restless and agitated, often flying around Hailun but not daring to approach her dying body.

Liu Zhenhan’s heart tightened. The bird’s restless behavior was enough to understand that Hailun was nearing her end.

“Hailun.” Liu Zhenhan made yet another futile effort to help her drink water from the mussel pot.

Hailun reluctantly opened her eyes, her eyes actually flashing with a trace of an unusual look while seeing the melted snow water in the mussel pot. She, then, shook her head with difficulty.

Liu Zhenhan endured the pain and did not allow the sad look to appear on his face. The freshwater in the mussel pot was gently greeted by ripples as if stirred by raindrops.

(TL Note: I think the symbolism in this paragraph implies Liu Zhenhan’s teardrops)

“Li Cha!” Hailun exhausted the strength of her body while shouting the name of Liu Zhenhan in a weak voice so dry, just like her dehydrated body.

“You first drink some water, at least take a sip!” Liu Zhenhan wiped the corners of his eyes and gently carried the mussel pot next to her face. Then he slowly poured the water onto her dry lips but the water once again flowed down the corners of her mouth, onto the raft. Also, she coughed out the meager amount of water that had managed to go inside her mouth.

“Li Cha, I am afraid I may not be able to speak anymore so please let me make my last wish now itself. Please…. sing a song for me……Will you do that for me, Li Cha?” Hailun said slowly in a weak voice as she affectionately looked at him.

The strange look in her eyes along with her pale complexion reminded him of the time he had rescued her from the sinking ship. Her bright red hair still looked as beautiful as the day he first saw her. The reflection of her hair looked even more beautiful in the sparkling water as if forcing him to recall the night he had pulled her out of the box; that bundle of bright red hair was like the burning flames of pa.s.sion. The only other red colored thing that had left such a huge impact on him was his own pair of blood-stained socks. Right now, his socks were attached to the mast and were gently fluttering in the wind, as if proclaiming an impending death.

The night wind suddenly came to haunt them, along with the sudden glow of luminous pearl as if casting a beautiful reflection on the mighty waves.

Liu Zhenhan looked at Hailun who, at this moment, seemed to have returned to consciousness right before dying. This filled his heart with an indescribable feeling of grief and regret. He looked at the vast sea, the vastness of the sky and couldn’t stop recalling each and every moment spent with her.

“Th.o.r.n.y month

That person so thin and pale

I raise a toast to the wind and snow

The one who overturns the former cabinet

Provokes the dust, wrong and just

Learning the tactics of a reasonable character

Requires several samsara (reincarnation cycles)

You lock the eyebrows

Crying cannot call back the dead

Even if the history has already become gray

I love immortality

To live forever like the 3000 rivers of the east

It only takes a scoop of love to understand

Only b.u.t.terflies love their new incarnation

Your hair like blood

The poignant parting

Makes me burn slowly like an incense

I invite the bright moonlight

That makes my memories bright

Love under the moonlight is perfect

Your hair like blood

Fluttering like my teardrops

For whom I waited for so long

For whom I want to grow old

My red drunken eyes cannot do justice to me

I love you with no regrets and will continue to love you forever”

Liu Zhenhan’s singing voice was finally replaced by the sound of waves. He noticed that the restless Osprey bird had calmed down and was obediently sitting next to Hailun and combing its feathers. Fruit’s eyes were wide open as he was curiously blinking at Liu Zhenhan.

Hailun was attracted to his song that was full of love and sadness. Her ocean-like blue eyes were staring at Liu Zhenhan, but at this time, her eyes were not just full of sadness but also full of attachment.

She wanted to love and to live with her beloved man.

After Liu Zhenhan finished singing the song, suddenly, Hailun’s body was enveloped by a flashing pattern of golden light and it began hovering around the raft. This golden pattern of light was pacing back and forth on the raft and abruptly pa.s.sed through the chests of the Osprey bird and Fruit before finally plunging into Liu Zhenhan’s chest, causing the legendary luminous pearl to shine gently. It seemed as if the entire raft was suddenly surrounded by golden colored silky vines.

It was hard to tell how long it took for her to open her eyes, but when she did, she asked excitedly: “Li Cha! What song was that?”

“The song’s called ’Hair like blood’. Your red hair has left a mark in the depths of my memories, one that simply cannot be erased.” Liu Zhenhan said honestly.

“Is it your own creation?” Hailun said, “My Li Cha is indeed an inborn soul singer! Even a human bard cannot write such an intriguing song. It’s so complex yet so peaceful to listen to.”

“Come on, it doesn’t matter anymore!” Liu Zhenhan tightly held her in his arms while hiding his moist eyes behind her back.

“War-G.o.d Campas!” Hailun heaved a long sigh and said: “Your servant will always remember your generosity!”

“Hailun.” Liu Zhenhan felt like a knife was twisting and turning inside his heart.

“Li Cha, maybe you won’t believe it but…..” Hailun struggled to lift her arm and gently held his big face: “The song that you just sang had exactly the same effect as the ‘soul chain battle song’.”

Liu Zhenhan immediately raised his head and looked at her.

Even if he didn’t know much about this world, he still knew enough to understand that the battle song of soul chain was a secret battle song known only to upper echelons of the sacrificial community. The function of this battle song was the mutual distribution of resources among at most four soldiers, including the equal distribution of injuries. Even after suffering life-threatening injuries, if a soldier was part of the soul chain then he wouldn’t die on the spot since the burden of his injuries would be equally supported by other members of the soul chain.

Considering the hierarchy of Beamon sacred sacrifices, the scepter sacrifices were already close to the top of the pyramid and belonged to one of the high-level sacrificial ranks, besides the Vian shamans, the 12 deacons and the Red priest. The sacrifices of these four ranks held the highest symbols of War-G.o.d Campas. In fact, each scepter sacrifice was granted a n.o.ble t.i.tle and held the same status as an outstanding magician in the human world.

TL Note: The hierarchy mentioned below has been taken from the context section of Chapter 18:–

The hierarchy of various sacrificial ranks in Beamon world (followed by Beastman race):-


1: Wind language sacrifice can use only the first half of psychic battle song to please the spirits of the dead.

2: Soul sacrifice, like Hailun, are capable of fully using the psychic battle song, in addition to knowing the battle song of tranquility that can soothe the heart and soul of the soldiers who get injured in battle. Not to mention, they can also summon magic pets.

3: War sacrifice, can use a majority of battle songs skillfully, for example ‘Battle song of stone skin’ or ‘Berserk battle song’ and so on. These battle songs are used to grant temporary blessings to beastman warriors. The War sacrifices are mostly employed in the Beamon army.

4: Scepter sacrifices can use high-level battle songs such as ‘Battle song of the soul chain’ etc. They usually serve in the temple and are scarce in quant.i.ty.

5: Vian great shaman is usually a powerful sacred sacrifice with enough authority to govern a big city temple.

6: The 12 deacons who act as imperial envoy in the temple and are responsible for inspection and maintaining law and order under the command of the Beamon King.

7: The mysterious Red Priest, whose human equivalent would be the Pope.