The Beast’s Blood Boils

Chapter A – Bra Island

Volume 2 – Heaven’s Best Dragon Sacrifice

Chapter A – Bra Island

That night, Liu Zhenhan had a fond dream of several colors fluttering around.

In his dream, he was a bridegroom, riding a tall horse, triumphantly.

The next day, he was awakened by Hailun. She told him that he had been laughing and giggling in sleep all night. He was being very noisy and disturbed her sleep.

Liu Zhenhan discovered his own drool spread over the wolf skin mattress. And he also secretly discovered that something beneath the coconut sh.e.l.l was significantly wet.

It was bound to happen, after all, he dreamed about his wedding night where he was with Hailun in their bedroom. It was quite a vivid and heated dream with a lot of pa.s.sion and burning desires going wild.

Last night, Liu Zhenhan had to struggle a lot to perform well in his dream but now he needed to focus on building a raft. He was going to get very busy so there was no time to waste on replaying the dream in his mind, again and again. In the last few days, he spent a lot of time scouting the nearby forest area and found several species of plants and trees, but not one was good for making a raft. For example, coconut trees were too big and heavy so transporting them was an issue, palm trees were too short and tamarisk trees were too thin to serve the purpose.

Liu Zhenhan had to start scouting the entire island to find what he was looking for. At the same time, Hailun began to sing the psychic battle song and finally succeeded in summoning a big osprey bird from the sky.

Liu Zhenhan asked Hailun how to use psychic battle song to summon magical beasts and make pets, though, for now, he could sing that song properly, but did not quite know how to use it.

Hailun told him that the Psychic battle song he had learned so far was, in fact, just a fundamental battle song, the lowest level song known to sacred sacrifices. He could only learn the first half of the song for now, and later, he would be able to learn the second half but only after entering the bosom of war-G.o.d, being accepted by the souls of the dead and qualifying to obtain a token from the temple, thereby officially becoming a sacred sacrifice of Beamon Kingdom.

There were many incoherent syllables in Psychic battle song, which were basically based on wind language while also having a mixture of spirit language and some marvelous combinations of dragon language. Several wind language sacrifices usually required a lot of years to grasp the basics of this song that contained the essence of various languages. This mainly depended on an individual’s potential that varied from person to person.

Only after learning the entire Psychic battle song and then being promoted to the status of sacred sacrifice, one could learn ‘Fury battle song’, ‘Blessing battle song’, ‘Stone skin battle song’, ‘Brilliant battle song’ and other high-level battle songs. And only after becoming a sacred sacrifice, one could seek employment in the military. There were several examples of intelligent sacrifices that slightly lacked in potential and thus had to remain as wind language sacrifices throughout their lives.

Inborn soul singers did not need a long-term study to reach a level that ordinary sacrifices achieved only after studying diligently for a long time. Moreover, the speed of level promotion was also favorable for inborn soul singers, no wonder several inborn soul singers had been recorded in Beamon epic records, and all were Shaman cla.s.s heroes.

1000 years ago during Mt. Hyjal’s Battle, Beamon Kingdom only had one inborn soul singer who had just stepped into the battlefield as a sacred sacrifice. He also had a dragon as his magical pet. Although he was eventually encircled by ten dragon knights and died, but his heroic tale was still alive in the epic books of Beamon Kingdom. He had been used as a role model to educate generations of sacrifices.

This was one of the reasons why Hailun had a strong confidence in Liu Zhenhan who was also an inborn soul singer.

In addition to appeasing the souls of the dead, Psychic battle song also performed an important task of summoning a magic pet and bestowing upon it the favor of war-G.o.d Campas, forming an inseparable link between pet and sacrifice.

When singing battle songs, a soul singer was needed to pour out their feelings and emotions to express them through the song. Only by doing so, a magical beast pet would be able to understand the singer’s inner thoughts; each magical beast had a certain level of wisdom and high level and powerful magical beasts were wiser, so it was easy to form a contract with them. Only after accepting you as master, a magical beast would form a soul contract with you.

Also, the status of an inferior soul singer could increase considerably as a sacred sacrifice if he managed to subdue a high-level magical beast.

The rank and status of a sacrifice in the temple were largely dependent on the strength of their magical pet, not to mention Beamon Kingdom’s tradition had always put great emphasis on individual strength. In this case, even if a sacred sacrifice was profoundly knowledgeable and did not have a formidable pet then what would be his significance as a soldier on the battlefield?

The battle song bestowed upon them by war-G.o.d was meant to be expressed in good faith, and according to Hailun, one must show sincerity and express oneself through the song. If a magical beast was able to understand you and willing accepted to stand beside you in all your fights then rest of the steps would automatically become very easy.

Liu Zhenhan felt that he did not clearly understand the song by hearing it only once.

Singing was a method to express one’s sentiments and innermost feelings, he was aware of that. But using Psychic battle song to do the same was very complicated, and now, he needed to understand the lyrics of this song and the real meaning contained in it.

Beamon Psychic battle song:

When I hold

Hands with You and War-G.o.d Campas

And go forward

The winter stays behind

For years I have been carrying this burden

Oh generous war-G.o.d

There are countless times

When I seek your virtues

That fell from the heaven

As half a slice of Maple Leaf

That was the incarnation of my hot blood and courage


Glorious Campas

I implore you to help me succeed

Liu Zhenhan thought that the actual meaning of this song was specious, saying nothing meaningful. If used in terms of comforting the souls of the dead then it was certainly understandable, because anyway, the dead would not be able to understand anything no matter what you say to them. But the very thought of pouring his feelings and emotions into this battle song was quite hard for him to digest, especially when he was going to use it for subduing a magical beast. He felt a bit confused about this whole matter.

Liu Zhenhan had been saving up a lot of obscene songs in his stomach and only a few decent songs in comparison. If he wanted to express something then he would accordingly choose a song with suitable lyrics to do the job.

For example, he remembered several patriotic songs and they always had these exploding but heart-touching lyrics that could overwhelm hearts with excitement and feeling of patriotism. Just by listening to such patriotic songs, he would have always get this urge to protect his country, loved ones, and his friends. So, his question was quite simple – How was it possible to express one’s thoughts and emotions through such muddled lyrics?

My magical beast pet can understand what I am thinking? Liu Zhenhan did not believe this. He himself did not know what he wanted to do all day. He also did not know understand what was going on within his own mind then how would his pet come to know and understand all these things?

However, he changed his mind ever since he saw Hailun singing Psychic battle song and how she summoned an osprey and turned a flying type magical beast into her pet, his heart started to waver a bit.

Even after he heard Hailun say that her osprey was just a low-level magical pet and could only spit acid and nothing else, he was still tempted to get one for himself.

Liu Zhenhan was still curious to know about the secret meaning behind her strange hand gestures when she was singing. He asked her and she explained that it was only her self-developed style to give her ease while reciting a battle song. Using those gestures had become a habit for her and applying those hand gestures while singing a battle song was actually not at all necessary.

Although he lacked confidence in his ability, he was still eager to give it a try, after all, he had seen the terrifying power of a blue giant wolf and having such a powerful helper was really not a bad thing.

Liu Zhenhan decided to find leisure time and go catch a fat rabbit as their water arrows were least deadly. His plan was to try Psychic battle song on a fat rabbit and check whether he could actually make it work or not. If it did not work and the fat rabbit got angry then he would still be able to deal with it. However, this idea was dispelled by Hailun when she came to know that he was planning to try Psychic battle song so carelessly. She explained to him once again and emphasized on the seriousness of making a soul contract with a magic pet. Once the contract was agreed upon by both parties, none of the parties would be able to betray each other. And if a sacrifice was to abandon their magic pet then war-G.o.d Campas would deprive them of all their abilities as a sacrifice. At the same time, because of the relationship between their minds and souls, bound by the contract, once his magical pet would die, he would feel extremely sad in his heart as if he lost one of his loved ones.

Hailun also strongly advised him against making a contract with Fruit, although it became very easy to form a contract if there was an intimacy between the two parties, she did not want her Li Cha, an inborn soul singer, to form a contract with lowest ranked magical beast, and that too with a ‘doom beast’.”

It was well-known that inborn soul singers had a natural appeal and enjoyed 50% success rate when it came to befriending magical beasts. And if the conditions did permit then she would simply make him summon a giant deep-sea magical beast.

However, if he was unable to summon a magical beast to form a soul contract then it was not like he would lose his value. Hailun had already prepared a roadmap for her Li Cha to follow in order to become a successful sacrifice.

Since forming a soul contract was a kind of skill, available to only a few, and the only requirement was finding suitable magical beasts to become magical pets. In the Beamon Kingdom, some huge forces of Fox Clan would breed powerful magical beasts, and as soon as their egg hatched, they would actively partic.i.p.ate in taking care of the babies. Since childhood, these magical beasts would be domesticated and were made familiar with humans. So, whenever someone was unable to form a soul contract with wild magical beasts, these domesticated demon beasts were used as backups to support sacred sacrifices, just in case there was an emergency situation. Of course, these domesticated magical beasts were not as strong as the wild ones but they had a better success rate of responding to Psychic battle song and becoming magical pets, especially because of a higher level of intimacy between the two sides. This rate was extremely low for wild magical beasts and it got worse for high-level magical beasts.

Her mother’s family had an influence in Fox Clan and they had been raising a few lightning type legendary beasts.

Liu Zhenhan saw a sweet smile spreading across her face and kind of understood that she was planning something cruel for him. In any case, he thought that there was no need to make a contract with Fruit in the first place because the two of them were already like father and son. Forming a soul contract was not going to change anything.

Since subduing a magical pet was temporarily out of the question, he simply put all his heart into building a wooden raft. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he began to explore the island in an expectation to find suitable trees for building a small wooden raft.

After taking a thorough tour of the island, he discovered that this island’s topography was actually quite complex and mysterious in a way.

He walked in the northern direction for several miles and came across more than a dozen mounds of earth. He actually discovered that there were actually two small islands connected with each other through a naturally formed continental shelf that was submerged under seawater. The other small island looked very similar to the one he was on but there were no mounds on the other side because there was a huge crater that was covering a major part of that small island. Liu Zhenhan stood atop a tall mound and saw that this crater was covered with luxuriant trees. He also saw several bamboo plants jutting out of the crater. He did not know how these bamboo plants managed to survive tyrannical storms on this island, but then he realized that the hollow part of crater must have blocked the violent winds, thereby saving the bamboo plants from being blown away.

With this discovery, Liu Zhenhan shouted in his heart, it was really true that G.o.d never seals off all exits. Finding bamboo plants on this island had suddenly made things a lot easier for him. Now he could make a raft with twice the efficiency and half the effort. Bamboo plant was lightweight, unlike other trees which were heavy and it was also difficult to chop them.

This accidental discovery made Liu Zhenhan happy but did not confuse him the way it confused Hailun who seemed all prepared to swim to the other side, but he stopped her.

He had carefully scouted the entire island in the past several days but only came across fat rabbits and small squirrels like Fruit but never saw a single trace of giant wolves. He was confused, pondering about how he was attacked by a giant blue wolf. From where had it come back then?

Liu Zhenhan was worried that perhaps it had come from the other side of the island, so he must remain on his guard while exploring the other side of the island.

He visually estimated the distance between two islands to be about 300 meters, and after a full day of careful observation, he found out that at 2 and 3 o’clock in the morning and afternoon respectively, sea water drew back for a certain period of time, exposing the continental shelf that connected the two islands.

This finding confirmed his suspicion that the giant wolf must have crossed to this side during that period of time when the continental shelf was exposed.

Liu Zhenhan estimated the total strength of his team. Now, he had a good machete and it should be able to parry wind blades. When also considering Hailun’s osprey and Fruit, his team would have enough to strength to deal with a giant wolf.

Seeing the two small islands connected together like this, Liu Zhenhan suddenly felt that these two small islands were actually quite similar to each other in shape and size, and resembled something…..

Liu Zhenhan and Hailun were standing on a tall hilltop. He smiled while pointing toward the small island and asked her: “What does the shape of these two islands remind you of?”

Hailun immediately saw through his obscene smile but chose to stay calm while replying.

“I think, these two joined islands appear like the of a learned scholar.” She answered naively.

“Think again.” Liu Zhenhan leered at her chest with an obscene smile boldly spread on his face. Although she was 15 but her body had seen an excessive development for such a tender age, to an extent that even her s.p.a.cious robe could not cover the entire thing.

Hailun blushed deeply when she noticed his gaze and suddenly felt weak in front of his domineering presence.

“Also, it looks like….” Hailun carefully thought then said: “Right, it looks like those dumbbells used by our soldiers during exercise and bodybuilding purposes.”

Liu Zhenhan was a little disappointed and thought that the first time he had taken off her clothes, he should have checked out her two islands back then, but sadly, the bridge between the two islands didn’t exist in this world. Yes, Bra had not yet been designed in this world.

“Let’s drop the plan for today but we will go over to that small island for logging to procure bamboos for building our raft.” Liu Zhenhan said.