The Beast’s Blood Boils

Chapter V (Part 2) Mysterious oriental beastman

Chapter V (Part 2) Mysterious oriental beastman

A fair combination of black and white hair could be seen growing all over the sailor’s face, all the way down to his chest region. There was a circular growth of black hair on both sides of his eyes, making him look more ferocious.

Black bear! This was Liu Zhenhan’s first thought after he saw that sailor’s face.

Hailun suddenly pulled Liu Zhenhan’s hands into her own trembling hands.

“Is he from bear clan?” Liu Zhenhan asked in a low voice.

“No.” said Hailun, quietly covering her mouth. “Our bearmen have long white hair growing on all over their bodies, not a combination of black and white hair.

“Hey ~~~~” The beastman sailor suddenly spoke in a commonly known authentic Qin language: “Two respectable travelers, you hit my ship, how can you be so careless?”

“Excuse us!” Liu Zhenhan replied: “We’ll leave immediately.”

“Wait!” The sailor’s eyes shone brightly.

Hailun sensed a ghastly darkness originating from the sailor’s strange gaze. She felt his eyes staring at her, as if trying to peek inside her being, like two firecrackers exploding into two groups of hot flames.

It was one type of greedy feeling, burning with an extreme sense of possession.

The sailor climbed up the rails and casually jumped down from the ship, landing on the raft, rolled once to neutralize the fall impact and then stood in front of the two sacrifices.

His body was like an iron tower, in fact, yesterday’s magic shark knight’s stature was smaller in comparison. He was wearing shorts, revealing his st.u.r.dy legs that appeared to be br.i.m.m.i.n.g with muscular power; judging by his physique and persona, there was a high chance that his ulterior goal was plundering.

“Where do you plan to go? If necessary, I can give you a ride in my ship.” The beastman sailor kindly said but this type of unexpected kindness made Hailun even more scared. She immediately shrank behind Liu Zhenhan, now only exposing her beautiful big eyes with an inexplicable look of fear in them.

“We are to a northeastern province of Beamon Kingdom, Witherspoon.” Liu Zhenhan smiled and thought that this bear dude better not do anything foolish, otherwise, he would not mind testing his favorite technique on a bear. Fruit also climbed from his shoulder to his head, grimacing and staring at the beastman sailor.

“Although it’s not on our planned route, we can deliver you there.” The beastman sailor spread his hands: “You do not need to be so hostile, I’m also a beastman, and to some extent, I’m like you.”

“Why haven’t I seen your kind before? I am a sacred sacrifice, it is impossible for me to not know about a beastman species. Are you from some extinct branch clan of Beamon Kingdom’s famous bear clan?” Hailun peeked from behind Liu Zhenhan and asked in a timid manner.

“Sacred sacrifice?” The beastman sailor was startled and once again carefully observed the two strangers he just met. The man had a big garlic nose and appeared strong from his stature, however, there was certainly not a small gap when compared with his own strong physique. Indeed, he was impressed by the look in the man’s eyes as they were exuding a fearless light as if prepared to wreak havoc any second now.

As far as the woman was concerned, he couldn’t see properly as her pet.i.te body was mostly hidden behind the man’s stout body.

“Is it that strange? I am an inborn soul singer too.” Liu Zhenhan frowned slightly with a surging killing intention in his eyes.

“I never expected to into two n.o.ble sacrifices like this. I am deeply sorry for being disrespectful!” The beastman sailor was absolutely terrified by Liu Zhenhan when he felt that this man, who looked just like a pigman, was looking at him like a butcher, sizing up a lamp before butchering it.

The beastman sailor had never seen such a pair of calm and composed eyes but with intense killing intent flashing in them. The sailor could tell with just one glance that this man was deliberately concealing his true nature in front of the lady.

“Why did you say?” Hailun felt that the other party really seemed to have no hostility toward them. This made her feel slightly relaxed as she came out from behind Liu Zhenhan and stood next to him.

The beastman sailor didn’t believe his eyes as he saw her appearance in full. She was wearing a red robe, and although it was little ragged, it still clearly had the complex symbol and patterns of the temple, along with the war-G.o.d badge that certainly didn’t appear forged.

“Please forgive me for my rudeness.” said the beastman sailor with an utmost respect: “Although I am beastman that hails from the remote eastern continent, it is an honor for any beastman to be able to serve the sacred sacrifices.”

“Eastern? You mean Silk continent? It is said to be more beautiful than the paradise and has more bountiful land than the fabled diamond valley!” Hailun could not conceal the excitement like that of a little girl as she jumped up with joy and asked a series of questions in a single breath.

“Yes, beautiful fox lady.” The oriental beastman bowed his head and replied. Hailun’s beauty had made him a little dizzy.

“You’re really a gentleman.” Liu Zhenhan also saw that this beastman did not have any malicious intentions or rather had restrained his own hostility, preferring the route of flattery.

“Not at all.” The oriental beastman replied modestly.

Several black and white heads popped out from the deck and started talking among themselves while excitedly pointing at the raft.

“Please, I welcome the two honorable sacred sacrifices on board. I would really feel honored if you two travel with us in our humble ship. It is really not good for the ident.i.ty of a fox lady of such high status to travel across the vast sea in a raft.” The oriental beastman sailor said.

“Thank you.” Hailun bent her knees a bit and returned the courtesy of an aristocrat.

“We would gladly take you up on that offer.” Liu Zhenhan replied very much like a gentleman and shook hands with that sailor.

The sailors, who were watching this scene from above, immediately put down a rope ladder and started cheering with joy.

“What going on?” Liu Zhenhan looked at the crowd of oriental beastmen happily waving at them. Was having a sacrifice on board really worth getting so much excited about?

Liu Zhenhan detached the big turtle sh.e.l.l from the remnants of the bamboo raft (mostly destroyed by a tiger shark) then put important items like the legendary luminous pearl, the bow and arrows etc., inside it. After that, he put the turtle sh.e.l.l on his own head and climbed up the rope ladder along with Hailun.

The oriental beastman tied the bamboo raft with a thick brown rope hanging down from the ship then climbed up the ship after Liu Zhenhan. After that, he started pulling the same rope and it took only 2-3 pulls to bring the bamboo raft on the ship.

A group of about a dozen oriental beastman sailors immediately encircled the broken bamboo raft and started demolishing it. As if removing the building blocks one after another, the bamboo raft was demolished into a pile of bamboo shoots. Liu Zhenhan and Hailun were standing on the side, trying to speculate what was happening.

“Sorry!” At this time, an oriental beastman squeezed out from the crowd, carrying a Buddhist stick in his hand and bells hanging from his clothes.

“In accordance with the convention of Qin Mainland, I must introduce myself first as your host. My name is Good Johanson (Gude Johansen), you can call me Good. I am both a sailor and the guard of this ship.” Good strangely stretched out his left hand and said.

His words were a little unclear because he was holding a bamboo in his other hand and chewing it as if it was sugarcane. The bamboo fiber was making a strange creaking sound while being chewed.

Right behind him stood a group of oriental beastmen who looked like his disciples, imitating him by chewing bamboo in a similarly exuberant fashion.

Liu Zhenhan and Hailun were dumbfounded.