The Beautiful Idol's Secret

Chapter 160

Feng Xiao Qing only knew that she got no solution from Ah Rang, but one thing that she got from their conversation was the fact that the man should kill her for taking advantage of him. The word "kill" kept echoing inside her mind. She knew how capable the man was and Feng Xiao Qing even imagined a few ways Lu Yi Feng would kill her with a pale face...

1. Lu Yi Feng would kill her when she was sleeping in the apartment by throttling her and disposing of her body after that.

2. Lu Yi Feng would cut off his help and kick her out from his apartment --- along with Xiao Xi Xi. Then, she would have no place to live and die due to hunger or cold on the street.

3. Even scarier, she could imagine that she was being fed to the shark in the middle of the night.

4. Or... Lu Yi Feng drowned her in the middle of a lake by pus.h.i.+ng her from an old boat.

There were so many crazy scenarios in her mind, but she tried to erase them away by shaking her head vigorously. She became paler due to her fear. Was he really that cruel? If she was the one who was being molested, she also had a lot of ways to make the molester live a painful life than death ah~! She didn"t remember that was because she was a gangster, on the other hand, Lu Yi Feng wasn"t...

"What to do? What to do?" She chanted inwardly, feeling suffocated by her own imagination.

Feng Xiao Qing felt really troubled and she was afraid of going home! She didn"t dare to ask Ah Rang what should her friend do if they actually cohabitated --- living together. She thought that it would make it awkward --- after all, they weren"t a married couple, so she should just keep it to herself.

Fortunately, she didn"t ask Ah Rang. Otherwise, Ah Rang"s eyes probably fell out of her sockets due to the surprise. She knew ah~ that it was about Feng Xiao Qing herself.

When Ah Rang went back to the dormitory, Feng Xiao Qing could only sit forlornly in the infirmary. How should she face Lu Yi Feng ah~? She didn"t dare to go home but she still had Xiao Xi Xi to think about ah~!

When she looked at the infirmary"s mirror, she looked at her own miserable state. Due to pulling her hair for a few times, her hair became messy and she honestly looked like a lunatic. She quickly tried to make it more presentable by combing it with her hands. Due to the fever, she became pale but there were a few red tints here and there due to her body"s hot temperature.

Her eyes were slightly watery and red, due to her lack of sleep and tiredness. Not to mention, the dark circles under her eyes. All in all, she looked so ugly!

Did Lu Yi Feng see her in this condition? She felt so ashamed when she realized that. He had seen her in her worst condition ah~!

Then... she realized something...

Lu Yi Feng... really saw her, right? He helped her drink medicine, so... he must have already forgiven her, right? If he wanted to kill her, he would just let her be and choose not to take care of her...

Feng Xiao Qing didn"t know that her own judgment was clouded by her fear towards Lu Yi Feng, otherwise, she would be able to see the good in him. Not only that... despite her feelings for him, she was still bound by employer and employee relations.h.i.+p...

If she just looked at it from different perspectives, she would know that Lu Yi Feng actually cared about her. What was the use of killing her ah~?!

Not only that, Feng Xiao Qing didn"t know that Lu Yi Feng had no time to tease her because he was currently dealing with her father"s matter. She was saved from his teasing for tonight. She was surprised when Lin San came to her in the infirmary along with Xiao Xi Xi. She took a peek behind them, but she didn"t find Lu Yi Feng"s figure.

"Why are you here?" She asked curiously.

"Boss" order. He wants me to take you home!" Lin San said with a smile.

Somehow, Feng Xiao Qing felt a bit disappointed. "Where is Boss?" She asked hesitantly.

Lin San sighed. "He"s busy dealing with a few things. He would probably come home late tonight. That"s why he ordered me to take both of you home first."

Before Feng Xiao Qing could ask more about it, Xiao Xi Xi asked worriedly, "Mommy, are you okay? I heard from Uncle Lin San that you are sick! I have never seen you get sick, Mommy..." The little girl furrowed her eyebrows cutely, making Feng Xiao Qing melt because of her care and cuteness.

"Mommy is fine..." She patted Xiao Xi Xi"s head, trying to calm her down. "Come! Feel Mommy"s forehead... See if Mommy"s fever has gone or not..."

Xiao Xi Xi obediently did it and she tried to compare it with her own forehead. "Oh, Mommy! It"s not hot anymore!" She grinned and blinked at Feng Xiao Qing innocently.

"Then, what do you think it means?" Feng Xiao Qing asked softly. She didn"t want the girl to be too worried about her.

"Mommy is fine!" Xiao Xi Xi answered cutely, then she added, "Mommy... I always feel a bit dizzy when I have a fever." After that, she kissed Feng Xiao Qing"s forehead and said, "Pain... pain... go away!"

When Feng Xiao Qing heard how thoughtful Xiao Xi Xi was, she felt like crying. The one who could calm her nerves was always her little daughter. She was too blessed for having such an understanding daughter!

Even Lin San who was still single looked at Xiao Xi Xi like she was a little angel!

"Thank you!" Feng Xiao Qing was choked with emotion and she could only hug her little angel tightly.

No... no... she couldn"t let herself be thrown away by Lu Yi Feng --- if she could, she would seduce the big boss just to let them stay in the fake relations.h.i.+p! Xiao Xi Xi"s future was at a stake.

Feng Xiao Qing might think that she only did it for Xiao Xi Xi"s sake, she didn"t realize that it was also because of her own feelings. A stubborn person like her... wouldn"t be able to put down her pride and seduce a man just for the sake of staying with the big boss for his wealth --- especially in a fake relations.h.i.+p. If it was the past her, she would just scrunch her nose and leave with dignity!

However... this time... she indeed made a sudden bold decision!