The Beautiful Idol's Secret

Chapter 359

The place was so big and she needed to walk quite far to the designated place --- however, the more she walked, the more she felt that the place had become more desolate. They... didn"t want to take her to a secluded place and kill her, right?

She didn"t know why but her mind kept going to the negative side --- maybe because she was too nervous?!

"Are you sure that this is the right way? Why are there no other people here?" Feng Xiao Qing asked while furrowing her eyebrows nervously. After admiring for a little while, she started to get used to this beautiful place and the excitement had already gone.

The waitress explained everything to her.

Just like what Feng Xiao Qing had predicted, the whole place had been booked by that person and the other people were catering to his needs at this moment. Besides, the man didn"t want to have the waiters and waitresses loitering around so they went out of their sight. Even if someone would accidentally meet Feng Xiao Qing, the workers there would quickly hide themselves.

"Oh..." Feng Xiao Qing nodded in understanding.

She sighed. It seemed like it would be hard for her to get more information. The waitress didn"t know much about the VVIP guest as well... She could only follow the waitress while holding back her yawn --- she was still feeling tired ah~!

They finally arrived in front of a big door and Feng Xiao Qing asked, "Is he behind this door?"

The waitress shook her head. "No... it"s just the door to the back garden..."

Feng Xiao Qing, "..."

Then... what were they doing here ah~?!

Feng Xiao Qing frowned, feeling tired of all the suspense... but she couldn"t offend this main investor. An Ran Jie had reminded her over and over again...

"Then... what are we doing outside of there?! Is there another special place there?" Feng Xiao Qing asked in wonder.

However, she didn"t hear any answer. When she looked at the waitress, the latter seemed to be in deep contemplation.

"What now?" Feng Xiao Qing thought to herself.

The waitress felt a bit complicated, not feeling sure whether she should do the next step or not. After all, if it wasn"t being handled properly, she could be in big trouble. However, if she didn"t do so, there was a possibility that the big boss would fire her...

She decided to go with the big boss" order. If there was a problem, it would be her boss" responsibilities ah~! After that, the waitress looked apologetically at Feng Xiao Qing and said, "Miss, I need to do something a bit rude to you after this... Please pardon me!"

"Hmmm...? What do you mean?" Feng Xiao Qing asked curiously.

She had loosened her vigilance so she didn"t have any preparation for what coming next. The last thing that she had seen was the woman"s apologetic face and after that, her sight turned to black. She could see nothing at all.

Feng Xiao Qing was too surprised to move at this point. Why was it suddenly so dark all around her? Someone had covered her face with black cloth and the material of the cloth was quite breathable so it didn"t hinder her breathing.

But still... what kind of situation was this?!

After that, she felt that she was being pulled up and taken just like a sack of potatoes. She tried to wiggle around while yelling, "What are you doing? Who are you, people?!" She knew that there were some people around here from her senses.

She could deal with one pervert man, but with so many men... it was quite hard. She could use her gangster mode but her image would be ruined. She couldn"t afford that before her debut.

"d.a.m.n!" Feng Xiao Qing cursed inwardly.

She could only try to kick the man, bite whatever part that she could bite and didn"t forget to use her nails to scratch them. She needed to protect herself ah~!

Feng Xiao Qing felt that she should have read the almanac first before going out today...

The men who took her had been told that they needed to take care of the woman softly and they were not allowed to hurt her... However, they found that this task was quite difficult to do.

The woman wouldn"t stop moving around and they couldn"t even use their brute force to silent her! This was a really painful things for the bodyguards --- yes, they were Lu Yi Feng"s personal bodyguard... They were not allowed to talk as well by their boss because the latter wanted to make the woman feel the suspense before the happy ending.

When the men listened to the plan, they had shuddered because of the cheesiness. They were questioning the big boss" judgment though... Was he really sure that he was doing the right thing? Any woman would be angry if they were treated this way because of the fear. It would be lucky if the woman didn"t slap him right on his face later.

But... who dared to refute the big boss" decision?!

They couldn"t talk to appease the woman but they had to admit that this woman had a really great strength ah~! They couldn"t make a sound even though they were being kicked or scratched. It was only a ten minutes walk but it felt so long to them.

Zhang Li saw that those men were bringing something that being brought like a sack of potatoes. She was going to ask her men to see what the heck it was until she heard a woman"s loud shouting and cursing. Zhang Li squinted her eyes and realized that it was actually a woman --- not a sack of potatoes!

"Grandma, why do I seem to hear Mommy"s voice?" Xiao Xi Xi asked while looking around but she didn"t realize that the thing that had been treated like a sack of potatoes was actually her mommy...

Zhang Li, "..."

How should she answer the little girl?