The Beautiful Idol's Secret

Chapter 128

Publishedat 30th of May 2019 04:45:13 PMChapter 128

"Why do you help me?" Feng Xiao Qing asked softly . Even though the coach had come, he hadn"t started the lesson yet, so they had time to talk to each other .

"I just hate those pretentious people," Ah Rang answered leisurely . "You are more pleasing to my eyes . "

Feng Xiao Qing was dumbfounded at her words . Er . . . she didn"t whether she should be flattered or not . She could only mutter, "Well . . . thank you for that . . . "

"Friends?" Ah Rang asked .

"What?" Feng Xiao Qing furrowed her eyebrows, not knowing what she meant .

"Let"s be friends?" Ah Rang made a full sentence to relay what she wanted to say . She usually talked in one or two words, but she realized that Feng Xiao Qing wouldn"t understand what she meant, unless she stated it clearly . This was the first time she took the initiative to make a friend, that was why she felt a bit awkward .

Feng Xiao Qing seemed to understand Ah Rang"s difficulty, so she laughed to ease the atmosphere . "Sure . . . I will be happy to have a friend here! But are you sure you want to be friends with me?" Feng Xiao Qing asked curiously .

"I"m sure . . . why?" Ah Rang asked .

"You know my position here . . . I"m not exactly in a good term with anyone here . . . If you become friends with me, don"t you think they will also talk badly about you?" Feng Xiao Qing explained .

"I have no friends, to begin with . Besides, I know they talk behind my back too . . . I don"t want those kinds of backstabbers as friends . . . "

"Don"t you feel afraid that I will backstab you?" Feng Xiao Qing felt bewildered by this woman"s sudden trust at her . Have they ever met before? She tried to remember . . . but she didn"t recall anything, so that shouldn"t be the case .

"Nah . . . I trust my own judgment," Ah Rang answered .

Feng Xiao Qing wanted to say something, but it was cut off by Ah Rang . "We can talk about this later . It"s time to start the lessons . "

After finished the training, Feng Xiao Qing felt that she was dead tired . Ah Rang was also at the same state . The coach was quite stern and truthfully, a monster! He wanted their body to become more flexible and they just went through an arduous gymnastic training . Feng Xiao Qing felt like her whole body was numb and broken . She knew that it would be tortuous when she woke up next day . They had no choice but pending their talk and Feng Xiao Qing dragged herself back home .

She was surprised when she realized that Lu Yi Feng and Xiao Xi Xi had gone home first . The big boss was usually very busy, so why was he going home a few hours earlier than usual? However, he didn"t forget about her and let Lin San wait on her .

"Lin San ah~ You make me get into a big trouble yesterday!" Feng Xiao Qing gave him a once over, thinking about what she should do to him to ease her grievance .

"What trouble?" Lin San asked curiously . He was the one who was talking nonsense, but the boss didn"t give him any trouble today . But instead, he gave him a bonus . So . . . yesterday . . . something good should have happened, right?

Feng Xiao Qing wanted to open her mouth, but she didn"t know what to say . How could she tell him that the big boss demanded a striptease session from her because of Lin San"s lousy mouth? It would be more embarra.s.sing ah~! She realized she could do nothing to Lin San without revealing last night"s event, thus, she could only glare daggers at him .

Lin San, who was confused, could only mutter to himself, "Women indeed are weird creatures . Did the boss" service not up to her expectation? Then, she blames me as a result?" Lin San shuddered at where his thought was going . He took a glance at Feng Xiao Qing and sighed in relief when he realized that she didn"t hear what he said .

If the boss accidentally heard that he was talking behind his back about his performance, he would be killed and fed to the shark ah~!

"What did you say?" Feng Xiao Qing squinted her eyes, feeling suspicious of Lin San"s behavior .

"No . . . nothing . . . " Lin San stuttered .

Feng Xiao Qing knew that Lin San must have talked something about her and the big boss . . . judging from yesterday"s talk, it was better if she didn"t listen to his nonsense seriously!

Feng Xiao Qing decided to change the conversation and asked, "Why did he go home so early?"

Lin San laughed . "Nothing really happened . However, Boss" friend called him and he said that he had sent his homework . . . " Lin San didn"t mention that the friend was actually the big boss" doctor too, because of the big boss" orders . Lu Yi Feng didn"t want Feng Xiao Qing to know anything about his condition, so Lin San could only answer vaguely .

"Homework?" Feng Xiao Qing furrowed her eyebrows in confusion . Was the big boss taking another course? What kind of homework it was?