The Beautiful Idol's Secret

Chapter 214

When Little Dream gave the OK that she already had enough pictures, both of them left with another car --- the pink car that they rode beforehand was driven by Ah Du to send Xiao Xi Xi home first, thus, they had no choice but to take Lin San"s car.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

When they were in the car, they sat side by side but tried to maintain a respectable distance because they were still awkward around each other after the kiss. Somehow, both of them felt at a loss after that. They didn"t have a specific relations.h.i.+p even after the kiss, thus, they could only hold themselves back.

This was actually plain torture ah~!

Lu Yi Feng was still busy trying to feel the change in his body --- whether he would still feel the aftereffect or not. His hand even gripped the medicine inside his pocket tightly, just in case he needed to drink it as soon as possible. He waited for a little while, but nothing happened...

He really wanted to jump up and down happily.

Lu Yi Feng decided to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Hence, he dropped Feng Xiao Qing at their apartment and quickly made an appointment with Tang Yi Jun. He did everything in a hurry and made Feng Xiao Qing feel baffled because he left her in front of the apartment and was gone with the wind in a flash.

He only said goodbye without explaining where he wanted to go.

Feng Xiao Qing blinked at the car who went away with crazy speed. What the heck happened to the man ah~?! Why did it look like he was running away from her?

Feng Xiao Qing sighed... it seemed like they still had a long way to go. She turned around and went inside the apartment. It was better if she calmed herself down and spent more time with Xiao Xi Xi --- at least, her mind wouldn"t go to a negative direction this way. The matter laid in Lu Yi Feng, so she could only wait for him to solve his problems. If he didn"t want to tell her, then there was nothing she could do to help him.

Lu Yi Feng also knew this point and that was the reason why he needed to have a talk with Tang Yi Jun --- he wanted to be cured as soon as possible!

It could be said that previously he had lost hope, thus, he didn"t have the heart to try to cure himself. However, it was different at the moment.

He had found Feng Xiao Qing --- his new hope!

Tang Yi Jun welcomed him with a smile. "What can I help you?" He could see that even though Lu Yi Feng"s face was as aloof as always, there was a hopeful glint in his eyes that was never there before. His expression seemed happier and his face became much gentler than before.

"I want to ask whether after drinking the meds that you prescribed for me if a woman touches me, will I still be allergic to her touch?" Lu Yi Feng asked carefully.

"What happened?" Tang Yi Jun asked him back before answering the question.

"Answer me first!" Lu Yi Feng demanded in a stern voice. If he could, he didn"t want to tell anything to Tang Yi Jun about what happened just now --- after all, it was a private thing and it was better if he kept it as a secret.

Their little secret.

Tang Yi Jun shook his head. "I"ve never heard that happened before. Besides, I don"t want you to be addicted to the meds, thus, I never want to test it on you," Tang Yi Jun explained. Not only that, the reaction of medicine between different people could produce a different result --- it depended on how severe the allergy and the patient"s body condition.

That was why he couldn"t give Lu Yi Feng a definite answer.

"What happened? Even if you lose hope, don"t ever try that method! It will be dangerous for the long term," Tang Yi Jun asked worriedly. He didn"t want his best friend to be reckless.

Lu Yi Feng sighed and whether he liked it or not, he had to explain everything to Tang Yi Jun.

Tang Yi Jun could only gape at Lu Yi Feng after he heard everything. Did he just hear him right? He kissed Feng Xiao Qing just now and nothing happened? Lu Yi Feng was fine without any allergic reaction?

This was really a first!

Previously, Tang Yi Jun didn"t even know whether his best friend had an "urge" like a normal man or not --- especially with the way he usually treated women and this wasn"t only because of his allergy thingy ah~! Lu Yi Feng hated women! Tang Yi Jun was very certain about it.

"What happened after the kiss and your interaction?" Tang Yi Jun asked curiously while taking notes once in a while.

"That"s the magical thing! Nothing happened after that... Look! Even now, I"m still fine, right?" Lu Yi Feng asked excitedly. He didn"t hesitate to let Tang Yi Jun see his smooth skin --- no rash whatsoever!

"So... do you know why?" Lu Yi Feng was hoping that Tang Yi Jun would be able to answer his question.

Tang Yi Jun sighed. Although he was happy for Lu Yi Feng, he couldn"t give him a definite answer --- unless they were doing an experiment. "Do you want to know the answer?" Tang Yi Jun asked slowly. He didn"t know whether telling him this would make him angry or not.

Lu Yi Feng nodded his head. "Of course! Do you still need to ask?" That was why he was here, right? Searching for an answer...

"If you want to know the real reason whether it happened because of the medicine or not, you should try to touch Feng Xiao Qing without drinking the meds," Tang Yi Jun gave a suggestion.

Lu Yi Feng, "..."

Lu Yi feng was speechless...

"d.a.m.n!" He cursed inwardly.

If that was Tang Yi Jun"s answer, Lu Yi Feng didn"t need to come here because he already thought of that ah~! He just wanted to know whether there was an explanation about this in science theory or medical knowledge or not.

"Just like that?" Lu Yi Feng asked while raising one of his eyebrows. "No more explanation or theory?"

Tang Yi Jun nodded his head. "Yes... just like that..."

"Stupid doctor! If it"s like that, I also know ah~!" Lu Yi Feng chided him in mock anger.

Tang Yi Jun didn"t know whether he should laugh or cry. This thing was hard to be explained clearly because this was a rare case and there weren"t many records about it! However, if he said directly that they should do an experiment, he knew that Lu Yi Feng would get angry ah~!

Lu Yi Feng hated becoming a guinea pig!

However, they had no other choice.

Tang Yi Jun explained his view and tried to convince Lu Yi Feng to try it until the latter finally relented. If something went wrong, Tang Yi Jun told him to drink the medicine when the allergy flared up --- as simple as that.