The Beautiful Idol's Secret

Chapter 246

Publishedat 12th of September 2019 10:20:10 AMChapter 246

Feng Xiao Qing decided that she should just tell him everything and hoped that he would understand her .

"To pay for our living expenses, I need to search for a few jobs and a neighbor of mine offered her help to take care of Xiao Xi Xi with a low salary . Thus, I trusted Xiao Xi Xi to her because I could afford it while saving some money . Her children looked healthy and happy and I was in desperate of money . So . . . " Feng Xiao Qing trailed off at the last part .

Lu Yi Feng understood the point immediately --- she must have entrusted Xiao Xi Xi to that woman . "How old was Xiao Xi Xi at that time?" Lu Yi Feng asked curiously .

"She was around two . . . Almost three years old," Feng Xiao Qing answered while flinching . She was feeling guilty because Xiao Xi Xi was indeed too young at that time to be entrusted to another person . However, she didn"t have the money to sign her up in proper daycare . If she wasn"t forced by the condition at that time, she wouldn"t leave Xiao Xi Xi all alone just like that . She knew that she wasn"t a good mother even though she had tried so hard at that time .

Her expression made Lu Yi Feng felt nervous as well . Lu Yi Feng"s heart thumped for some reasons . . . he really dreaded Feng Xiao Qing"s next words . He didn"t think that it would be a good experience . "So . . . what? What happened next?" He asked in a hoa.r.s.e voice, after deciding that he wanted to know all the details because no matter what, he would be there for the mother-daughter pair .  
Lu Yi Feng cleared his throat and decided to drink water to calm his nerve as well . However, his eyes had never left Feng Xiao Qing .

"I didn"t know . . . I really didn"t know that something like that would happen . . . " Feng Xiao Qing stuttered while bursting into tears once again after reminiscing those times and Lu Yi Feng was feeling helpless because of it .

He patted her back softly, trying to comfort her . "There . . . there . . . I know that you didn"t know back then . . . " He said in a soothing voice .

In between her sobs, she finally told him the whole story . Even though she paused once in a while to take a breather due to her hiccup, Lu Yi Feng was patiently waiting for her to finish the story and Feng Xiao Qing really appreciated his gesture .

At first, Feng Xiao Qing didn"t find anything amiss because nothing had changed --- after all, Xiao Xi Xi was still as cheerful as usual and she was quite chubby . Xiao Xi Xi loved to drink milk and Feng Xiao Qing had given the money to buy milk before she went out to work each day . After all, she didn"t feel comfortable to take advantage of the so-called kind woman . With such a low salary, how could she afford the milk as well?

The woman happily received her money with a kind and amiable expression, making her feel convinced that she didn"t choose the wrong person for this job . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

A few weeks had pa.s.sed, she took notice that Xiao Xi Xi was getting slimmer . Whenever she asked, Xiao Xi Xi didn"t say anything about the kind neighbor --- she just said that she didn"t like drinking milk anymore because it made her vomit a few times . She discussed about it to the kind neighbor and she promised that she would change the milk with another healthy foods --- thus, Feng Xiao Qing sighed in relief .

She didn"t think that anything was fishy at that time . As time went by, she wasn"t only getting slimmer but also becoming quieter . The once cheery little girl had changed and Feng Xiao Qing felt like she was a stupid mother for not noticing this sooner . At that time, she took three jobs all at once and could only stay three to four hours at home --- for sleeping .

Xiao Xi Xi mostly had already fallen asleep at that time . When she woke, she needed to go to work in a hurry and after preparing Xiao Xi Xi, she quickly dropped the little girl off at her neighbor and ran to work .

Lu Yi Feng sighed, knowing that it was hard on her too . Doing three jobs at the same time with her low qualification, he knew that she wouldn"t be able to earn that much . Even though she worked hard, it wasn"t really enough due to the high living cost in this city .

He wanted to question why did she choose to have a baby at a young age if she wasn"t ready to take responsibilities but he didn"t want to add salt to her wounds . At this moment, he wasn"t in a good position to ask about such a private thing . "Soon . . . he will be in a good position to question her," Lu Yi Feng thought to herself .

Lu Yi Feng asked, "What did she do to her?" This all must have happened because of that "fake" kind neighbor, otherwise, Feng Xiao Qing wouldn"t have such a big reaction whenever she mentioned that woman .

"At first, she deprived Xiao Xi Xi of drinking milk and that was the reason she became slimmer . Not only that but she also deliberately gave Xiao Xi Xi expired milk so the latter would be afraid to drink milk again . She was slimmer because she kept vomiting and getting diarrhea . . . The sad thing was . . . Xiao Xi Xi had never told me once about it . . . " Feng Xiao Qing said while wiping her unstoppable tears .

This was the reason she felt that she was failed as a mother . Did her daughter not believe in her to handle that matter? That was the thoughts that kept rotating inside her mind at that time . Lu Yi Feng didn"t say anything, but his hands kept patting her back just to comfort her . He wanted her to let her grievance out so that she could feel better .

Feng Xiao Qing continued talking .

"However, she still gave her meals three times a day --- of course, it was only a small portion and Xiao Xi Xi wasn"t really full . It was just for the sake of appearance so Xiao Xi Xi wouldn"t tell me . The most hateful thing was that woman"s children were still as chubby as ever!" Feng Xiao Qing"s sadness turned into anger once she remembered what had happened back then once again .

She was only like that to Xiao Xi Xi! Then, why did that woman offer to help her in the first place? Even though it was for the money, it was still a hateful thing ah~! She abused her little girl!

"It mustn"t have been the only things that had happened, right?" Lu Yi Feng carefully asked because he could feel that Feng Xiao Qing was getting angrier by the second .

Feng Xiao Qing nodded her head .

"If only I had noticed it sooner . . . " She whimpered softly to herself, however, Lu Yi Feng could hear what she just said .

"It"s over now . . . it"s over now . . . Xiao Xi Xi is safe and sound now!" He tried to soothe her but it didn"t work .