The Beautiful Idol's Secret

Chapter 248

Publishedat 14th of September 2019 10:20:10 AMChapter 248

It was fortunate that it was still at working time and the apartment complex was quite deserted, so no one would find out her whereabouts easily --- especially because she hid at the dark corner . If people didn"t especially try to look for her, people wouldn"t be able to see her squatting there .

They lived in an old and broken down apartment because the rent was cheap . The wall of each room was pretty thin --- everything could be heard clearly from the outside . She was able to hear the supposed-to-be kind caretaker yell loudly from where she squatted down . At first, she couldn"t hear clearly what she had said .

Feng Xiao Qing needed to get closer to be able to listen more clearly, thus, she could only crawl to get closer . Once she heard everything that the caretaker had said next clearly, her whole body was trembling in anger . Her face darkened and she almost erupted on the spot!

Lu Yi Feng asked while sucking his breath in, "What did she say?"

Lu Yi Feng decided to grab Feng Xiao Qing"s hand with his hand which was covered with his long sleeve once again . Feng Xiao Qing was brought back to reality because of that . She was surprised by his sudden gesture and she squeezed his hand, showing her appreciation .
She noticed that his cloth was getting on the way and asked jokingly, "Why don"t you touch me directly? You make it look like you are allergic to me!"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

Lu Yi Feng sweated when he heard that because she was. .h.i.tting the jackpot! Her guess was on spot ah~! However, Lu Yi Feng wasn"t ready to admit --- after all, the woman was still in the middle of telling him about Xiao Xi Xi"s past . It was just an excuse that he was gladly used .

He only brushed what Feng Xiao Qing off by distracting her with his next question, "You haven"t told me what that caretaker had said . . . "

Feng Xiao Qing"s mind was really distracted, thus, she didn"t see his uncomfortable expression ah~! Otherwise, she would feel suspicious of his behavior . Feng Xiao Qing continued on with the story . . . With Lu Yi Feng"s encouragement and gesture, she felt lighter when she told him the next part of the story .

Feng Xiao Qing took a deep breath and became calmer, but her voice turned chillier . She remembered the women"s words clearly even though this thing had happened a long time ago . There was a hint of hatred in her eyes which unlike her usual cheerful side --- Feng Xiao Qing momentarily forgot herself and she exuded the aura of her gangster side . She looked so unreachable with a hint of coldness .

Even though Lu Yi Feng was surprised by her cold aura, he didn"t think too much about it . After all, hatred could make people exuded the same aura . They didn"t realize that both people had more or less seen the other side of the others, it was just they didn"t really think too much about it . The more comfortable they were whenever they were in each other"s presence, the more they showed the other their real self .

They became more honest with each other through their behavior .

Feng Xiao Qing recited the woman"s words slowly to Lu Yi Feng while gritting her teeth, "What are you doing?! Why did you eat my precious son"s snack?! I already gave you foods! If your mother didn"t beg me to help taking care of you, do you think I will be willing to let your dirty self stay here?! You are really a dead girl!"

Even though Feng Xiao Qing repeated the words monotonously, Lu Yi Feng could hear the sarcasm behind it . He wasn"t there and yet, he felt so angry . What more Feng Xiao Qing who was there in the first place ah~?!

Those words were too ugly to be heard by a little girl, no wonder Xiao Xi Xi felt traumatized and it turned into a nightmare once in a while .

Feng Xiao Qing continued on with the story . She said that after that, Feng Xiao Qing heard a loud smacking voice . She knew that the woman must have been hitting Xiao Xi Xi --- after all, the anger was directed at her daughter!

"You don"t even deserve drinking milk! What more my son"s favorite snacks?!" The woman said once again after a few more loud smacking sounds . "Dead girl! You are really incarnate of the devil!" The woman didn"t hesitate to curse Xiao Xi Xi because of a mere snack! The snack that Feng Xiao Qing paid ah~! If Xiao Xi Xi didn"t eat anything, it must have been eaten by the woman"s children ah~!

Feng Xiao Qing couldn"t hold it back anymore . She stood up and used all her powers to kick the woman"s door open . The door was as ancient as the building and it wasn"t that st.u.r.dy, so it fell down in one swoop . It fell off from the hinge and directly fell down to the ground, scattering into a few big pieces . Feng Xiao Qing didn"t feel guilty at all and she didn"t plan to pay for the new one . The woman had taken her money and it should be enough . If she could, she would take everything back!

The people inside the house jumped up in surprise and their jaw dropped so wide after looking at the door"s condition . If the person who kicked it down didn"t use a lot of strength, the door wouldn"t be as sorry as that ah~!

The woman shuddered before she finally realized that she should get angry and ask for compensation from the culprit . She was elated because she would be able to get a new door --- the one that was st.u.r.dier and more beautiful than the old one .

The woman quickly yelled loudly, wanting to reprimand and take advantage of the culprit . However, when she saw Feng Xiao Qing, all her words were choked back inside her throat . She didn"t think that this would be a woman"s doing . . . Not only that, but she was currently in the middle of abusing Feng Xiao Qing"s daughter ah~!

The caretaker suddenly became scared . . . She didn"t want to be taken to the police . Then, she realized that Feng Xiao Qing had no proof to catch her and she became smug . The caretaker changed her expression in a flash .

At that time, her hand was still freezing in the air due to her surprise while Xiao Xi Xi was looking down in front of her . The latter didn"t even dare to look up even after listening to such a loud sound, showing how meek Xiao Xi Xi was in front of the woman . The usual Xiao Xi Xi would usually welcome her cheerfully . . .  Her heart felt hurt for the little girl .

Feng Xiao Qing could clearly see a red purplish mark on both Xiao Xi Xi"s frail little arms --- the proofs that she was being abused . She tried to find from her memories whether Xiao Xi Xi used to have those kinds of marks . It seemed that she had ah~! However, whenever she asked about it, Xiao Xi Xi said that she accidentally fell down .