The Beautiful Idol's Secret

Chapter 249

Publishedat 15th of September 2019 10:40:11 AMChapter 249

It didn"t happen every day and that was the reason why she wasn"t feeling suspicious at all . The more she thought about it, the guiltier she was . There were some signs that she had ignored --- even though she was busy, it wasn"t a reason for her not to pay attention to Xiao Xi Xi ah~!

This was a lesson that she learned the hard way .

Feng Xiao Qing glared at the caretaker with a murderous aura which made the latter feel scared! She always thought that Feng Xiao Qing was a kind and softhearted woman . She would never think that Feng Xiao Qing would be able to retaliate back or make such a scary expression .

"How could she do that to her Xiao Xi Xi?!" Feng Xiao Qing thought to herself bitterly . It was fortunate that she listened to the lady boss" advice, or else, Xiao Xi Xi would continue being abused by this evil woman .

That evil woman really dared to beat her daughter up . Feng Xiao Qing always treated Xiao Xi Xi as her precious daughter, how could she not feel angry when she saw the scene? The caretaker treated her precious daughter as a speck of dirt . The proof had been there --- she wanted to see what the woman would say when she confronted her after this .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntFeng Xiao Qing asked, "I should be the one who asks you! What did you do to my daughter?!"

The evil woman laughed awkwardly, "Xiao Qing ah~! It"s just a misunderstanding . . . I"m only taking care of her on your behalf . I love her just like my own children ah~!"

Feng Xiao Qing gaped at her blatant lie . What a hypocrite! She really wanted to throttle that evil woman! If she didn"t like children, why should she offer her help in the first place?! Feng Xiao Qing saw Xiao Xi Xi"s pitiful appearance and she quickly went to her . Even though the evil woman already put her hand down, she was afraid that she would attack Xiao Xi Xi once more .

Feng Xiao Qing quickly hid Xiao Xi Xi behind her and when she touched her body, she was struck with guilt once more . The little girl was actually sobbing quietly through all this --- she didn"t dare to make any sound . "Oh my G.o.d! What has she done?! She is the one who made her go through such an ugly experience," Feng Xiao Qing thought to herself .

Feng Xiao Qing continued holding Xiao Xi Xi"s hand because she didn"t want the latter to feel abandoned anymore . When Xiao Xi Xi felt her mother"s warm hand, her trembling body finally ceased . Feng Xiao Qing sighed in relief when she found that Xiao Xi Xi was feeling better because of her presence .

She quickly asked the evil woman with a frown, "Then, what about the mark on her hands?! Not only that, but I also saw you raise your hand at her just now! Don"t you dare say that it"s just a part of my imagination! I"m not that blind . " Feng Xiao Qing said a piece of her mind before the woman tried to evade her question and find some ridiculous reasons to justify her disgusting behavior .

The woman quickly changed her face and her tune arrogantly when she knew that fawning over Feng Xiao Qing didn"t work, "Hmpf! If it isn"t because you raise a good daughter, huh?! She dared to take my son"s snack . She"s just a little thief . " She looked at Feng Xiao Qing accusingly --- she more or less said that Feng Xiao Qing was the one who taught her to be a thief .

Feng Xiao Qing squinted her eyes while yelling in anger, "It"s just because of a mere snack?! Didn"t I already pay you the milk money? She has stopped drinking milk when she"s under your care, so the milk money can be used to buy a snack, right?!"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

"Hmph! But it didn"t justify how she stole a snack from my son! She should be asking for permission if you bring her up with good manners!" The evil woman said while squinting her eyes in displeasure and she didn"t forget to attack Feng Xiao Qing verbally because she knew she would not win physically, after seeing how Feng Xiao Qing kicked the door just now .

Suddenly, Feng Xiao Qing heard a loud cry from behind her . She quickly squatted down, trying to appease Xiao Xi Xi and then hugged her --- after that, she stood up while embracing Xiao Xi Xi . She tried to listen what Xiao Xi Xi had just said, "Mother . . . not stealing . . . really . . . not stealing . Xi Xi is good . . . Mommy is good . . . Hungry . . . Mother . . . Hungry . . . Hungry . . . "

At that time, Xiao Xi Xi wasn"t eloquent with words yet . She understood what people said but she only knew a few vocabularies . However, Feng Xiao Qing knew what Xiao Xi Xi meant . . . When she heard Xiao Xi Xi"s words, Feng Xiao Qing"s eyes started to get teary .

Feng Xiao Qing felt like her heart was being pierced and twisted with a knife . Feng Xiao Qing glared at the evil woman which made the latter flinch due to the intense gaze --- the evil woman sweated, feeling afraid of Feng Xiao Qing"s dangerous piercing gaze . "Wh . . . What?" She asked in a low voice . The evil woman couldn"t hear what Xiao Xi Xi said clearly, but she was able to hear the word "hungry" .

Indeed, she had tried to starve the little girl to save some money for her own family . It wasn"t much but she could buy more nutritious foods for her own children .

"Why do you starve my daughter?!" Feng Xiao Qing asked menacingly .

How could the evil woman dare to answer her with the real reason? She lied, "I"m not starving her!"

"Do you think I"m stupid?! You are trying to escape for taking responsibilities! Fine! Give me back my money!" Feng Xiao Qing demanded .

She had planned not to take the money at first because she had ruined the door, however, she changed her mind . There was no use to give pity to this kind of person!

The evil woman still had the gut to lie to her at this point!

"What?! That"s the money for your daughter"s living expenses here! How dare you want to take it all back?! I already said that I"m not starving her!" After that, the evil woman glared at Xiao Xi Xi who didn"t dare to look at her and said in a threatening voice, "Tell your mother the truth! Or else . . . " She still tried to threaten her with her last sentence . The woman really had no shame!

Feng Xiao Qing couldn"t bear to listen to her nonsense anymore!

She could feel Xiao Xi Xi"s body was trembling once more . The evil woman must have scared her so Xiao Xi Xi was traumatized and became so meek . She quickly patted her back and rocked her back and forth, trying to calm Xiao Xi Xi down . "Mom is here! Mom is here! She can"t do anything to you!" She whispered comforting words .

"She never gave me enough foods . . . " Xiao Xi Xi answered in between her sobs . "She also pinched and sometimes slapped me . . . "