The Beautiful Idol's Secret

Chapter 274

Publishedat 8th of October 2019 10:05:10 AMChapter 274

After ending the call with his mother, Lu Yi Feng"s phone was ringing once again . The latter felt annoyed ah~! He wanted to enjoy his time with Feng Xiao Qing and Xiao Xi Xi in a good mood, but his mother"s call ruined it . He couldn"t believe that she believed in Sasha more than she believed in him!

Her mother knew that he was a bit of a clean freak, so how could he choose a prost.i.tute which had been played by a lot of men before?

He told Lin San to send the new article to his mother and it would be even better if it was the magazine itself, so that the proof would be more solid .

About Sasha . . . he would deal with her later . If he didn"t think of his mother, he would have already kicked her out before .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntWhen Lu Yi Feng saw the caller ID, he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion because it came from Xiao Xi Xi"s school . He was wondering why they called him --- they knew that they should not only call him unless it was about something important . Did Xiao Xi Xi need their help?

Lu Yi Feng showed the caller ID to Feng Xiao Qing before he picked up the phone .

Feng Xiao Qing was confused as well . She looked at her phone and didn"t find any call from Xiao Xi Xi"s school and the main contact that was listed on the registration form should be hers ah~! Then, why did they call Lu Yi Feng instead?

Feng Xiao Qing didn"t think much because probably it was about the school"s funding --- after all, Lu Yi Feng had mentioned once that he was one of the biggest donators at Xiao Xi Xi"s school . Thus, she thought that it must not have something to do with Xiao Xi Xi . She decided to just play around with her phone because she knew that Lu Yi Feng would tell her sooner or later .

Lu Yi Feng listened to the other side for a little while and his face turned paler . He asked in a stern voice, "Are you sure about that?! I will be there as soon as possible . "

His heard was beating faster due to fear and he couldn"t believe that someone dared to do that under his nose . He didn"t think that after the bullying episode, someone else dared to touch Xiao Xi Xi ah~!

Lu Yi Feng ended the phone call and quickly told Ah De to drive to Xiao Xi Xi"s school as soon as possible . Ah De noticed that his boss was a bit paler than usual when he looked back from the mirror, even though the latter looked quite calm . "Something bad must have going on," Ah De guessed and he quickly did as what he was told to do .

Feng Xiao Qing jumped up in surprise due to the sudden fast speed . "What happened?" She furrowed her eyes, feeling confused . She looked at her watch and they still had quite some time, so why were they suddenly in a hurry?

She asked in confusion, "Does something important happen?"

When she saw how bad Lu Yi Feng"s face was, she couldn"t help but ask, "It doesn"t have something to do with Xiao Xi Xi, right?!"

Lu Yi Feng ma.s.saged his forehead and felt like today was a really bad day for him --- and Feng Xiao Qing as well . He looked at Feng Xiao Qing and sighed, "It . . . I t has something to do with Xiao Xi Xi . . . " Lu Yi Feng didn"t know how to explain it nicely to Feng Xiao Qing because the matter was quite worrying and urgent .

Feng Xiao Qing"s heart thumped and she suddenly remembered her twitching left eye for the past few days . It seemed like her bad feeling was indeed true . But . . . But . . . what? What really happened to Xiao Xi Xi?

Lu Yi Feng had always been a calm person, and yet, he looked so rattled at the moment . Once she noticed that, she knew that it was bad!

She turned paler in a second and quickly asked Lu Yi Feng in a hurry, "What . . . ?! Tell me what"s going on with Xiao Xi Xi?! Quick!" Her heart was beating faster and she felt anxious ah~!

Feng Xiao Qing was afraid of listening to Lu Yi Feng"s answer, however, she still needed to know . Was . . . Was it her father? Did he do something to Xiao Xi Xi? Or . . . was it only a simple matter? But, if it was only a simple one, why should Lu Yi Feng ask Ah De to drive faster?Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

Lu Yi Feng knew that this news would probably make Feng Xiao Qing fainted, but she also needed to know ah~! He bit his lower lip and decided to answer her with the truth . . .

"Someone kidnapped Xiao Xi Xi . . . " Lu Yi Feng answered in a hoa.r.s.e voice, somehow he was feeling guilty .

He didn"t protect Xiao Xi Xi well .