The Beautiful Idol's Secret

Chapter 276

Publishedat 10th of October 2019 10:05:10 AMChapter 276

When they arrived at school, the quickly brought them to his office in a hurry . It was better if they were talking in private . He was sweating profusely, after all, he needed to explain the matter clearly to the angry Lu Yi Feng . His gaze made him feel in a pinch, but this was indeed their mistake because their security, that they had been proud of all the time, was breached just like that . They had the best security --- better than most schools, but something like "kidnapping" could happen under his watch . . . This was truly disgracing ah~!

The worst thing was . . . it happened to their VIP student . The school wouldn"t be able to cover it up .

If this news was being leaked out, it would certainly smear their school"s name and the current students" parents would certainly question their abilities to guarantee the safety of their students . This really made the feel a headache ah~!

He also saw how shaken Xiao Xi Xi"s mother was and with Lu Yi Feng"s glare, he knew that it made Lu Yi Feng even angrier when he saw how distressed Xiao Xi Xi"s mother was . He knew that it wouldn"t end up well . The cleared his throat, trying to calm himself before . However, his composure was ruined by Lu Yi Feng in a flash .

Lu Yi Feng slapped the table with all of his strength and it created a loud bang sound, which made the jump in surprise . The former wanted to show that he was really angry and the shouldn"t take this matter lightly .

The"s words choked inside his throat and could only gulp in fear .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntHe looked at his table"s condition and there was a big dent in the middle which made him sweat even more . The was afraid that his fate would end up the same as that table . He s.h.i.+vered when he thought of that .

"You . . . Young Master Lu . . . " The called him helplessly . He wanted to say "please don"t ruin my office", but he didn"t dare to .

"Tell me everything in details!" Lu Yi Feng said coldly . He didn"t give the a chance to appease him .

On the way here, he had looked at the bustling bazaar which made him feel annoyed . It didn"t seem to affect the others that his daughter was gone --- they continued on with the event . He understood that the school must have wanted to cover this up, but he still felt indignant about it! In his mind, he didn"t feel that the took this matter seriously even though he could see from the corner of his eyes that there were a few security personnel who kept searching the parameter secretly .

The explained that they were busy preparing the bazaar and Xiao Xi Xi was still there at lunch . The homeroom teachers were having a meeting back then and the cla.s.s was monitored by the a.s.sistant teacher . Xiao Xi Xi went to the toilet and didn"t come back . The a.s.sistant teacher was too busy tending the other kids and she didn"t realize any anomaly until Teacher Xiang came back and checked out the students one by one .

He decided to show Lu Yi Feng the CCTV recording and they could see what was going on inside the cla.s.sroom after Xiao Xi Xi went to the toilet .

"Where is Xiao Xi Xi?" Teacher Xiang asked the a.s.sistant teacher when the former couldn"t find Xiao Xi Xi in the cla.s.sroom .

"Ah . . . she went to the toilet," the a.s.sistant teacher explained with a smile .

Teacher Xiang nodded her head . They wanted the student to be more independent, thus, it was usual for them to go to the toilet by themselves . There was a staff in front of each cla.s.sroom that would follow them until they went into the toilet and if they needed help, that staff would be the one who helped them .

Besides, there were surveillance cameras everywhere .

When five minutes had pa.s.sed, Teacher Xiang asked once again, "How long has she been gone?"

The a.s.sistant teacher looked at the time and answered, "It is almost half an hour . "

"That long and you don"t even try to search for her?!" Teacher Xiang felt that something wasn"t right .

The a.s.sistant teacher looked down guiltily, "Sorry, I was too busy!" After that, she added in a low voice to herself, "It"s only such a short time, besides, this school is safe ah~! Why is she being so paranoid?"

The people who looked at the recording could understand what the a.s.sistant teacher said through her mouth"s movement and they were getting angrier . The was baffled, after all, he didn"t pay attention when he looked at the video the first time --- he only attempted to find Xiao Xi Xi .

Lu Yi Feng glared at him and asked, "Who is she?"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

"She"s our new a.s.sistant teacher . She has just started working for two weeks," the answered . The a.s.sistant teacher was still an intern and usually, she was clever, but he didn"t think that she was actually so selfish and careless .

"Fire her!" Lu Yi Feng spoke without beating around the bush .

Feng Xiao Qing would usually try to stop Lu Yi Feng, but in her opinion, this a.s.sistant teacher wasn"t suitable for this job . Her carelessness made people take her daughter away, so why should she show her any pity?

They continued to watch the recording . . .

One of the students raised his hand, "Teacher, I already reminded you before that Xiao Xi Xi took too long but you said nothing would happen!"

Indeed, that student was Xiao Xi Xi"s admirer so he noticed when she had gone to the toilet for too long . Hearing the student"s statement, the a.s.sistant teacher"s face turned even redder and she could only look down guiltily . "This school has the best security, so I feel that she should be fine," she tried to find an excuse so that she could escape the blame .

She believed that Xiao Xi Xi would come back soon anyway, after all, she only made one simple mistake .

Teacher Xiang shook her head in disappointment, "You should be more careful . There are so many possibilities that something has happened to the student if it takes too long . For example, fainted in there . After all, the students are around four to five years old . Besides, most of the students here are the children of wealthy people . " Teacher Xiang reminded the a.s.sistant teacher . She emphasized the last part so the a.s.sistant teacher wouldn"t underestimate the students anymore .

The a.s.sistant teacher nodded her head even though she felt indignant .

"Go and find her!" Teacher Xiang ordered . She still needed to take the students to their stalls and a.s.signed some a.s.sistant teachers to them as well .

The a.s.sistant teacher could only follow Teacher Xiang"s order unwillingly .