The Beautiful Idol's Secret

Chapter 292

Publishedat 25th of October 2019 10:15:10 AMChapter 292

The condition of the van was so disgusting and dirty . There were a lot of trashes around her which made her almost vomit . The smell was quite bad, thus, she had to cover up her nose . Her whole body was s.h.i.+vering and the darkness inside the van made it even eerier for her . Even though it wasn"t a big van, for a little girl, it looked so big .

By this time, she already knew that this wasn"t her daddy"s arrangement . . . Her daddy wouldn"t let her suffer any grievance . When the darkness all around her was combined with the memory of her past abuse, it became a nightmare to her . Xiao Xi Xi had become so timid that her whole body started to sweat excessively and she felt chilly all at once .

Cold . . . She was feeling cold .

Not only that, but she was really scared . . .

"Mommy . . . Daddy . . . " She wanted to call them but she was afraid that the kidnappers would pay attention to her . The little girl was wondering what she should do next, but her mind was blank .
Xiao Xi Xi huddled herself in the corner while hugging her knees, after that, she put her face on her knee in fear . Her teeth were clattering while her eyes started to get teary . However, she didn"t dare to let out any sound just like when she was being abused back then . She was afraid if she alerted the bad guys, they would beat her just like the old woman who lied to her just now . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

She bit her lower lip while trying to hold back her sob . . . "Mommy . . . Daddy . . . Where are you? Save me please . . . !" She murmured to herself while praying nonstop .

When one of the kidnappers was looking back at her, she pretended to faint once more . He didn"t feel anything wrong when she s.h.i.+fted position, because his partner was driving madly so maybe her position was changed accidentally when they made a turn .

This was what Xiao Xi Xi had learned back then --- pretending to be invisible . Her sense of survival was quite sharp for such a young age . However, she still couldn"t cover up her scared expression and the tremor on her body, fortunately, the van was still moving steadily and the kidnapper didn"t pay close attention to her .

So far, she was still safe .

Although she closed her eyes, she could hear the surrounding sounds . While trying to hold back her urge to vomit, she listened to what the kidnapper had said carefully .

One of the kidnappers asked his boss once more, "Boss, what about the ransom? Will that be our job as well? If no one demands the ransom, where would we get the money ah~?!"

The boss shook his head . "No, it"s supposed to be the other side"s job . . . Our employer promised that he would be the one who gave us the money . He has a deep grudge to this child"s father so the ransom doesn"t really matter actually . . . "

"But . . . with the sudden change . . . what if something happens to us as well?" He asked in a low voice . Even though he felt sympathetic towards the little girl, he still needed to think of himself . He needed the money! If the little girl wanted to blame someone, she might as well blame her bad luck!

Why did his father offend their employer? If nothing like that happened, she wouldn"t be here!

The one who was called as the boss started to sweat as well, however, he didn"t dare to think of the consequences if that really happened . "No what if! Don"t worry! Both of them aren"t our employers . There"s another person behind this . He has given me a secret number to contact him if something goes awry . It seems like he doesn"t really trust those two, to begin with . "

The other kidnapper sighed in relief . At least, they have a backup plan .

"Should we call him now, Boss?" He politely asked, after all, the other was still the one who called the shot .

"No . . . Don"t! We are still fine at the moment . We will see once we reach the destination," The boss answered . "We can only get one chance to call him before he will burn the SIM card . "

The kidnapper sighed . "Why is this kidnapping so complicated ah~?! It"s usually pretty easy . "

The boss said, "We can demand more because of this . "

Knowing that there would be more money, the other kidnapper quickly shut his mouth . Then, he asked curiously, "Boss . . . what"s the employer"s name that you save in your phone?"

"Why?" The boss asked him in suspicion . They were only partners and their level of trust was quite low .

The other kidnapper rolled his eyes, "You are still driving . If we need to make the call, it will be hard to do so . Wouldn"t you still need my help?"

The boss thought and it made sense . They were already in this together so it should be fine to tell him the nickname of that person .

"His nickname is . . . "